Jewish Jail bird "G=EMC^2" <> wrote:
Howard Brazee <> wrote:
I've always had problems with the Drake equation.
We don't know nearly enough to make any reasonable
assumptions with our sample size.
"In no part of the constitution is more wisdom to be found,
than in the clause which confides the question of war or peace
to the legislature, and not to the executive department."
- James Madison
Jail Bird Hebe Herbie lied AGAIN & wrote:
Bush & Cheney gave us the war to save the poppies.
hanson wrote:
Kike Glazier's lie above is his cover-up to white-wash
the <>
who are jerUSAlem cockroaches aka US kikes, whose
1st loyalty belongs to Israel instead of the US, and who
goaded Bush into attacking Saddam Hussein, who had
lobbed a few missiles into Israel, in his response to the
kikes' who bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor 20 years b4.
> ________
Jail bird "G=EMC^2" wrote:
All US gov. departments are run by the Mafia.
The Godfather is the power and the glory. People 0
America is a fascist govement TeBert
hanson wrote:
HebeHerbie, that only seems to you to be that way, cuz
you, <>.
and you miss those kikes who openly advocate "Death"
to the US Goyim.
Now listen up, Hebe Herbie, you lying kike.
The eminent Jewish scholar HR Rosenthal says in his
||R:|| History shows that all wars have been Goyim
||R:|| fighting Goyim in order that we Jews can
||R:|| maintain our control.
||R:|| We Jews do direct American foreign affairs.
||R:|| We Jews are the super government of the world.
||R:|| We Jews know that there are two distinct types of
||R:|| governments, one visible and the other invisible.
||R:|| The invisible one is composed of ALL JEWS, the
||R:|| (ZOG) the Zionist Occupied Goverment. There is
||R:|| no Presidential power in the USA. Jews rule over
||R:|| everything pertaining to the visible government from
||R:|| Tel Aviv from where all instructions now originate.
=== Ariel Sharon [AS] & Foreign Min. Shimon Peres, [SP]
|||SP||| "Israel's policies of continued violence might
|||SP||| "turn the US against us". --- Sharon retorted:
|||AS||| "Every time we do something, you, Peres, tell
|||AS||| me Americans will do this and will do that.
|||AS||| I, Sharon, want to tell you something very clear:
|||AS||| Don't worry about American pressure on Israel.
|||AS||| We, the Jewish people, control America. and
|||AS||| the Americans know it."
|||AS||| We are **Judeo-Nazis**.
|||AS||| We might use nuclear arms.
|||AS||| We might go wild and burn all the oil fields in the
|||AS||| Middle East! -- We might start World War Three.
||R:|| We Jews control every media including newspapers,
||R:|| magazines, radio and television. Even your music!
||R:|| We censor songs & before long we will have complete
||R:|| control of your thinking.
||R:|| Our Jewish beliefs are entirely different from yours.
||R:|| Our Talmud/Nedarim/Kol Nidre = "all vows" allows
||R:|| us Jews to lie, subvert and cheat the Goyim.
So, Hebe-Herbie, you racist and hate-filled kike...
"get the picture?"... ahahaha... ahahahanson