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Quickie from JMS

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Jms at B5

Jan 30, 2005, 5:23:30 PM1/30/05
I know I've been hunkered down a bit of late, and there have been very good
reasons for it...which someday I suspect I will be able to tell, perhaps in the
form of another fairy tale....

So in the interim, a quick roundup.

I'd say that the next two weeks are going to be critical for the future of
TMoS. There have been a variety of conversations about a variety of things and
people, and some offers are starting to go out to various we
shall see what we shall see.

On the subject of the Crusade DVD commentary...I see another fairy tale looming
in the future...WB has agreed, after quite a bit of noise, to remove the
commentary that I did from all future pressings of the set, since that was the
deal that we had made: use it all, including the explanation of what happened,
or use none of it. So those of you who have your DVDs now, and for the next
bit, will have that commentary. Those afterward won't. I don't know when the
next pressing will be, but whenever that is, is when the change takes place.

AOL as some have noted is closing down its newsgroup system, so I'm going to
have to retrench. Consequently, I may be offline for a bit...though I'll
likely be off regardless for the next bit while the dust settles on TMoS.

I've added a comics convention appearance in Canada this summer, but I'll let
the con in question do the announcing at the proper time rather than
pre-empting them.

In February at one point I'll also be in Toronto to co-direct my radio drama
series "The Adventures of Apocalypse Al" for CBC Radio. It should be a great
deal of fun. It's kind of Monty Python Meets The Maltese Falcon En Route To
the End of the World.

In relation to the comics first issue of Fantastic Four (entitled
"Distant Music") will be coming out in June, the same month that my graphic
novel Dream Police *finally* hits the stores. Mike Deodato has had to squeeze
in the artwork between issues of Amazing Spider-Man, but it's been worth the
wait. It's just gorgeous...very film noir but also very funny.

We've also found an artist finally for The Book of Lost Souls, which will be
debuting from Marvel in September. I can't reveal her name yet, because that
has to come through Marvel, but she's a very well known and popular artist.

Finally, for those of you who know Fiona Avery's work from Crusade, B5 and her
own comics, I'm informed that her first novel, "The Crown Rose," is due to come
out in hardcover from Prometheus Books. It's a historical fantasy set in
Medieval France and quite good. You can locate the book at:

It would be great if the B5 fans out there could give this book a great

More on other stuff when I can post it.


(all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)

Oron Port

Jan 30, 2005, 5:37:40 PM1/30/05
Jms at B5 wrote:

> I know I've been hunkered down a bit of late, and there have been very good
> reasons for it...which someday I suspect I will be able to tell, perhaps in the
> form of another fairy tale....
> So in the interim, a quick roundup.
> I'd say that the next two weeks are going to be critical for the future of
> TMoS. There have been a variety of conversations about a variety of things and
> people, and some offers are starting to go out to various we
> shall see what we shall see.

Great! Do what you do best and bring us TMoS (crossing fingers for
original cast).



Jan 30, 2005, 6:14:03 PM1/30/05
JMS wrote:

>I know I've been hunkered down a bit of late, and there have? been
very good
>reasons for it...which someday I suspect I will be able to t?ell,

perhaps in the
>form of another fairy tale....

Y'know, there's this great ending you should try: "...and they lived
happily ever after."

>I'd say that the next two weeks are going to be critical for? the
future of
>TMoS. There have been a variety of conversations about a va?riety of

things and
>people, and some offers are starting to go out to various

in? we

>shall see what we shall see.

That sounds like good news. Keeping various appendages crossed for
positive results.

>On the subject of the Crusade DVD commentary...I see another? fairy
tale looming
>in the future...WB has agreed, after quite a bit of noise, t?o remove
>commentary that I did from all future pressings of the set, ?since
that was the
>deal that we had made: use it all, including the explanation? of what

>or use none of it.

I'd've prefered they changed it so that your commentary was back as
originally recorded but as long as they're keeping one part of the

Thanks for checking in, JMS.



Jan 30, 2005, 6:58:01 PM1/30/05

"Jms at B5" <> wrote :

>I know I've been hunkered down a bit of late, and there have been very good
> reasons for it...which someday I suspect I will be able to tell, perhaps
> in the
> form of another fairy tale....

First off, keep up the good fight, Joe. We believe in you and your work.

Second, this reference to a fairy tale worries me. The only time JMS gave
us a fairy tale was when he told us the fairy tale about the sabotage of
Crusade by TNT executives, whose deliberate interference ultimately caused
the series to be cancelled before a single episode aired. It sounds to me
as if the rumors about a faction of WB suits interfering with TMOS are well
founded - but in what way I cannot even speculate. (It could be many

I can only only hope that rational voices within WB prevail, and they allow
B5: TMOS to continue as originally intended. That would achieve the twin
goal of excellent movie making with a good story, which is what all the B5
fans want, and also meet the goal of a fantastically profitable movie,
ensuring that WB, the actors and everyone else involved would be richly and
justly compensated for their hard work.

It would be a shame if JMS had to pull the plug on the project, and I would
be deeply disappointed if he did so. But in the end I would rather read his
works as he intends them to be written, then see a movie that merely has the
B5 title. I'll support whatever decision he makes.

Be seeing you,

Robert Kaiser

Stuart Lamble

Jan 30, 2005, 9:11:21 PM1/30/05
On 2005-01-30, JanMSchroeder <> wrote:
>> I'd say that the next two weeks are going to be critical for the

>> future of TMoS. There have been a variety of conversations about
>> a variety of things and people, and some offers are starting to go
>> out to various we shall see what we shall see.

> That sounds like good news. Keeping various appendages crossed for
> positive results.

This vaguely reminds me. Dearest, sweet, lovable, charming, delightful
Jan, it would seem that my date has been and gone. Would it be possible
for me to book in with you for the 14th of February, or the next working
day thereafter? (Valentine's Day, I believe... I'll bring the flowers if
you bring the chocolates...)

Stuart, filling the void in his romantic life by chatting up the ladies
halfway around the globe. ;)

Methuselah Jones

Jan 30, 2005, 9:20:55 PM1/30/05
Carved in mystic runes upon the very living rock, the last words of Jms
at B5 <> of make plain:

> So those of you who have your DVDs now, and for the next bit, will have
> that commentary. Those afterward won't.

Cue a torrent of mouse clicks as those fans who've been putting off their
purchase pop over to Amazon....

No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However a large number
of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.


Jan 30, 2005, 10:13:39 PM1/30/05
Jms at B5 wrote:

> AOL as some have noted is closing down its newsgroup system, so I'm going to
> have to retrench. Consequently, I may be offline for a bit...though I'll
> likely be off regardless for the next bit while the dust settles on TMoS. - free, as in lunch, well connected

I doubt you'll do anything they say you cannot.


Oron Port

Jan 30, 2005, 10:14:26 PM1/30/05
Stuart Lamble wrote:
> This vaguely reminds me. Dearest, sweet, lovable, charming, delightful
> Jan, it would seem that my date has been and gone. Would it be possible
> for me to book in with you for the 14th of February, or the next working
> day thereafter? (Valentine's Day, I believe... I'll bring the flowers if
> you bring the chocolates...)

You dare ask her for chocolates?! She already brings dates (type of
fruit which looks like chocolate).

> Stuart, filling the void in his romantic life by chatting up the ladies
> halfway around the globe. ;)

It beats chatting with the cat, cause my cat is too troubled with the
whole taking-over-the-world issues.


Joseph DeMartino

Jan 30, 2005, 10:15:40 PM1/30/05
> The only­ time JMS gave us a fairy tale was when he told us the
fairy tale about the­ sabotage of Crusade by TNT executives, whose
deliberate interference ult­imately caused the series to be cancelled

before a single episode aired. <

That's true, but you may be reading too *much* into it. The essence of
the Fairy Tale is that it is a way for JMS to say something that it
would be impolitic to say in plain language. He told the TNT Fairy
Tale at a time when the show had not yet aired, and when there was
*some* reason to think that even at that late date really great ratings
might make a difference. (He wouldn't learn the full story until a
long time later.) The Fairy Tale, in short, was a way of
communicating something to fans without upsetting the corporate apple
cart to the point where he (and his colleagues at Warner Bros.) could
never work with the parties who "aren't" represented by the Fairy Tale.

You're looking at the Fairy Tale as something JMS only tells us after
something horrible has happened. I'm looking at it as something he has
to tell us in place of the literal truth because to do otherwise would
create too many problems. A Fairy Tale is also a good way to satisfy
the curiosity of the fans (to the degree it can be satisfied and JMS is
free to satisfy it) after something *good* has happened, if you've just
won a bitter argument and don't want to publicly humiliate your
defeated opponent.

It *is* interesting that approaches are only *now* being made to some
actors. (Probably through the normal channels of established agents
rather than the internet "want ads" that some people curiously put such
faith in.) So much for "casting calls". Also interesting that JMS
hasn't told those of us who have suggested that Warner Bros. was up to
no good how absolutely wrong we were or asked us to kindly STFU. Which
he's had ample opportunity to do, both here and via private e-mail.


Matt Ion

Jan 30, 2005, 11:34:17 PM1/30/05
Jms at B5 wrote:
> I know I've been hunkered down a bit of late, and there have been very good
> reasons for it...which someday I suspect I will be able to tell, perhaps in the
> form of another fairy tale....

It would interesting if, someday, these various fairy tales were to be
re-told as stories in the B5 universe....

Thunder, Agent '005

Jan 30, 2005, 11:46:41 PM1/30/05
Got that one right... ;)


Dan Dassow

Jan 31, 2005, 12:06:12 AM1/31/05
Jms at B5 wrote:
> <text deleted>

> AOL as some have noted is closing down its newsgroup system, so I'm
going to
> have to retrench. Consequently, I may be offline for a bit...though
> likely be off regardless for the next bit while the dust settles on
> <text deleted>

> jms
> (
> (all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
> permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
> and don't send me story ideas)


Google Groups <>
works with any web browser and you can retain
your user ID.

Dan Dassow

Amy Guskin

Jan 31, 2005, 12:17:55 AM1/31/05
>>On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 18:14:03 -0500, JanMSchroeder wrote
(in article <>):

> JMS wrote:
>> I know I've been hunkered down a bit of late, and there have? been
> very good
>> reasons for it...which someday I suspect I will be able to t?ell,
> perhaps in the
>> form of another fairy tale....
> Y'know, there's this great ending you should try: "...and they lived
> happily ever after."<<

Actually, that's just the Disneyfied kind of ending that fairytales came to
have in more recent times. The originals, as collected by folklorists in
previous centuries, are really quite horrifying. One of my favorite editions
of Grimms is a Bantam publication we put out when I was working there,
translated and edited by a guy named Jack Zipes. Next time your
least-favorite niece or nephew comes over, and I mean the one who is a _real_
terror, read a couple of these beauties to him or her and I guarantee
sleepless nights and nightmares. :-)

I have a real fondness for the "authentic" versions of the tales (in fact
I've had a half-hearted album on hold for years, using some of the grittier
ones as source material for the lyrics) - which should tell you a great deal
about the sort of child I was. :-)


Free and legal downloads of fun, original songs
This week's zong: "Sana on D" by guest artist Mutha Disco Posse
This week's on Kids' Zong: "Counting to a Million"

Amy Guskin

Jan 31, 2005, 12:18:54 AM1/31/05
>>On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 17:23:30 -0500, Jms at B5 wrote
(in article <>):

> I know I've been hunkered down a bit of late, and there have been very good
> reasons for it...which someday I suspect I will be able to tell, perhaps in
> the
> form of another fairy tale....
> So in the interim, a quick roundup.
> I'd say that the next two weeks are going to be critical for the future of
> TMoS. There have been a variety of conversations about a variety of things
> and
> people, and some offers are starting to go out to various we
> shall see what we shall see. <<

Great! I'll cross what fingers I have available to cross. Here's hoping we
get the film _you_ want to make.

Thunder, Agent '005

Jan 31, 2005, 4:27:43 AM1/31/05
Great! Now I've got *another* trip I have to make somewhere... (but the
chance to see Joe in-person would be worth it :).

I can imagine getting a chance to say something to him and coming across
sounding like a complete idiot. (Walk up to him, imagining saying
something cool and memorable and end up with something like, "I really
liked Babylon 5. I like reading your stories." Then, as I leave and he
figures I'm functionally retarded, I guess I'll end up being emotionally
scarred for years to come). :)


Mac Breck

Jan 31, 2005, 5:52:20 AM1/31/05
"Jms at B5" <> wrote in message

> I know I've been hunkered down a bit of late, and there have been very
> reasons for it...which someday I suspect I will be able to tell,
perhaps in the
> form of another fairy tale....

Looking forward to reading it.

> So in the interim, a quick roundup.
> I'd say that the next two weeks are going to be critical for the
future of
> TMoS. There have been a variety of conversations about a variety of
things and
> people, and some offers are starting to go out to various we
> shall see what we shall see.

<fingers crossed>

> On the subject of the Crusade DVD commentary...I see another fairy
tale looming
> in the future...WB has agreed, after quite a bit of noise, to remove
> commentary that I did from all future pressings of the set, since that
was the
> deal that we had made: use it all, including the explanation of what
> or use none of it. So those of you who have your DVDs now, and for
the next
> bit, will have that commentary. Those afterward won't. I don't know
when the
> next pressing will be, but whenever that is, is when the change takes

Now they have to change the packaging as well. <rolleyes> Must be
scared to death of TNT-Atlanta.

> AOL as some have noted is closing down its newsgroup system, so I'm
going to
> have to retrench.

You could use ""...

News.Individual.NET » Registration

It's what I've been using since the week my ISP dumped newsgroups and
said to use Google Groups (sloooow compared to usenet). I've since
dumped that ISP.

*or* post at

JMSNews Forums Login Page

Babylon 5 Forum (moderated)

> Consequently, I may be offline for a bit...though I'll
> likely be off regardless for the next bit while the dust settles on

Wish we could have an indicator of whether fan support/campaign is
helping or hurting.

> jms
> (
> (all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
> permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
> and don't send me story ideas)

Mac Breck (KoshN) - from the desktop PC
"Babylon 5: Crusade" (1999)
Gideon: I thought you said you don't hold a grudge.
Galen: I don't. I have no surviving enemies... at all.

"Brimstone" (1998)
The Devil: Nobody beats the Devil. Are you listening? Did you hear what
I said, Mr. Stone? Nobody beats the Devil.
Ezekiel Stone: So you keep telling me. <enjoying his Reggie Bar> Go to
Hell...<smiles and pushes the Down button on the elevator> ...please.


Jan 31, 2005, 6:15:22 AM1/31/05
Amy wrote:

I wrote:

>> Y'know, there's this great ending you should try: "...and ­they
>> happily ever after."<<

>Actually, that's just the Disneyfied kind of ending that fai­rytales

came to
>have in more recent times. The originals, as collected by

f­olklorists in

>previous centuries, are really quite horrifying.

Yes, I know. I was referring to the little girl in 'In the Beginning',



Jan 31, 2005, 6:21:55 AM1/31/05
Mac wrote:

>*or* post at

>JMSNews Forums Login Page

>Babylon 5 Forum (moderated)

JMS is definitely always welcome there. We've kept it story-idea and
fan-fic free just in case he should even stop by to read.
moderator, forums.

Mac Breck

Jan 31, 2005, 6:22:00 AM1/31/05
"Dan Dassow" <> wrote in message

Real usenet...

News.Individual.NET » Registration sooo much nicer, and faster. Doesn't have any binary groups
though, just text.


Jan 31, 2005, 7:20:13 AM1/31/05
Stuart wheedled:

>This vaguely reminds me. Dearest, sweet, lovable, charming,
>Jan, it would seem that my date has been and gone. Would it ­be
>for me to book in with you for the 14th of February, or the ­next

>day thereafter? (Valentine's Day, I believe... I'll bring th­e flowers

>you bring the chocolates...)

Uh-huh...such an important date that you just remember 3 weeks later
that it's passed...hrmph. NOW, it's important, now that JMS has posted
information. Hrmph, I say *hrmph*! Just for that, you bring the
chocolates, too.

The 14th being taken, Feb. 17 is all yours!


Amy Guskin

Jan 31, 2005, 9:20:55 AM1/31/05
>>On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 06:15:22 -0500, JanMSchroeder wrote
(in article <>):

Oh, I figured you already knew all that - it was just late, and I felt like
holding forth. And, it gave me an idea of another book to bring to the
hospital, so thanks for that!

Stuart Lamble

Jan 31, 2005, 4:22:39 PM1/31/05
On 2005-01-31, JanMSchroeder <> wrote:
> Stuart wheedled:
>>This vaguely reminds me. Dearest, sweet, lovable, charming,
>>delightful Jan, it would seem that my date has been and gone.
>>Would it be possible for me to book in with you for the 14th of
>>February, or the next working day thereafter? (Valentine's Day,
>>I believe... I'll bring th?e flowers if you bring the

> Uh-huh...such an important date that you just remember 3 weeks later
> that it's passed...hrmph. NOW, it's important, now that JMS has posted
> information. Hrmph, I say *hrmph*! Just for that, you bring the
> chocolates, too.

*snuggles up to Jan* Has anybody said to you that you're the sweetest?
*looks more closely* Oi! Who put this wax figure in my lounge room? And
who cut the ropes to let her escape?

> The 14th being taken, Feb. 17 is all yours!

Merci beaucoup.

Jeffrey Kaplan

Jan 31, 2005, 5:27:57 PM1/31/05
Begin Jms at B5 quote:

; AOL as some have noted is closing down its newsgroup system, so I'm going to

; have to retrench. Consequently, I may be offline for a bit...though I'll

I'm told that is a quality, free, text-groups-only
news service. You will need an actual usenet client to use it, or any
other real usenet service.

Jeffrey Kaplan
The from userid is killfiled Send personal mail to gordol

"I may have said a word to someone here and there. Something about not
weakening our defenses by fighting trivial border wars." (Amb.
Mollari, B5 "Interludes and Examinations")

Andrew Swallow

Feb 1, 2005, 3:39:34 AM2/1/05
Joseph DeMartino wrote:

> It *is* interesting that approaches are only *now* being made to some
> actors. (Probably through the normal channels of established agents
> rather than the internet "want ads" that some people curiously put such
> faith in.) So much for "casting calls". Also interesting that JMS
> hasn't told those of us who have suggested that Warner Bros. was up to
> no good how absolutely wrong we were or asked us to kindly STFU. Which
> he's had ample opportunity to do, both here and via private e-mail.
> Regards,

The casting call was an accidental leak. This is also one of the
reasons we could trust it.

Once an organisation starts recruiting externally keeping something
secret is almost impossible. Not even governments with death sentences
for spies can do it. The absence of newspaper reports is only
politeness by the reporters. The fans do not carry paid adverts that
the studio can cancel.

Andrew Swallow

John Duncan Yoyo

Feb 1, 2005, 3:42:47 AM2/1/05
On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 12:20:13 +0000 (UTC), "JanMSchroeder"
<> wrote:

>Stuart wheedled:
>>This vaguely reminds me. Dearest, sweet, lovable, charming,

>>Jan, it would seem that my date has been and gone. Would it ?e
>>for me to book in with you for the 14th of February, or the ?ext
>>day thereafter? (Valentine's Day, I believe... I'll bring th? flowers

>>you bring the chocolates...)
>Uh-huh...such an important date that you just remember 3 weeks later
>that it's passed...hrmph. NOW, it's important, now that JMS has posted
>information. Hrmph, I say *hrmph*! Just for that, you bring the
>chocolates, too.
>The 14th being taken, Feb. 17 is all yours!

It is probably already taken but Groundhogs day (2 Feb) is starting to
look pretty good.
John Duncan Yoyo
Brought to you by the Binks for Senate campaign comittee.
Coruscant is far, far away from wesa on Naboo.


Feb 1, 2005, 3:44:09 AM2/1/05
What ever happened to that novel that was promised in early 2005 at the back of
the JMS Unplugged book? :)


Feb 1, 2005, 4:17:41 AM2/1/05
John Duncan Yoyo requested:

>It is probably already taken but Groundhogs day (2 Feb) is s­tarting
>look pretty good.

Yes, I'm afraid it was. 2/10 was the next available weekday so I
assigned it to yoy.


Richard Pertwee

Feb 1, 2005, 9:59:36 AM2/1/05
JanMSchroeder wrote:

>JMS is definitely always welcome there. We've kept it story-idea and
>fan-fic free just in case he should even stop by to read.
>moderator, forums.

It certainly would be great to have JMS there! This whole newsgroup
thing seems somewhat dated now...


Reginald Bautista

Feb 1, 2005, 11:53:41 PM2/1/05

"Jms at B5" <> wrote in message
> I know I've been hunkered down a bit of late, and there have been very
> reasons for it...which someday I suspect I will be able to tell, perhaps
in the
> form of another fairy tale....


> On the subject of the Crusade DVD commentary...I see another fairy tale
> in the future...WB has agreed, after quite a bit of noise, to remove the
> commentary that I did from all future pressings of the set, since that was
> deal that we had made: use it all, including the explanation of what
> or use none of it. So those of you who have your DVDs now, and for the
> bit, will have that commentary. Those afterward won't. I don't know when
> next pressing will be, but whenever that is, is when the change takes

And here I was hoping to get the complete Wonderfalls DVD set for
Valentine's Day, and wait until my birthday for Crusade. I'd better e-mail
my with with the switch...



Feb 1, 2005, 11:55:02 PM2/1/05

"Joseph DeMartino" <> wrote :

>That's true, but you may be reading too *much* into it. The essence of
>the Fairy Tale is that it is a way for JMS to say something that it
>would be impolitic to say in plain language. He told the TNT Fairy
>Tale at a time when the show had not yet aired, and when there was
>*some* reason to think that even at that late date really great ratings
>might make a difference. (He wouldn't learn the full story until a
>long time later.) The Fairy Tale, in short, was a way of
>communicating something to fans without upsetting the corporate apple
>cart to the point where he (and his colleagues at Warner Bros.) could
>never work with the parties who "aren't" represented by the Fairy Tale.....

Joseph, you've made my day! I didn't realize that it could be taken this



Yu Kai-lin

Feb 2, 2005, 3:07:29 AM2/2/05
Jms at B5 wrote:
> So in the interim, a quick roundup.
> I'd say that the next two weeks are going to be critical for the future of
> TMoS. There have been a variety of conversations about a variety of things and
> people, and some offers are starting to go out to various we
> shall see what we shall see.

Err, not sure what to make of this. Does not sound like a happy camper,
but I do so hope to hear bright, shiny comments on this soon. Crossing
fingers to that likelihood.

> On the subject of the Crusade DVD commentary...


Well, as someone else mentioned, I would have preferred your unedited
commentary, but at least they are fulfilling one part of the agreement.

> AOL as some have noted is closing down its newsgroup system, so I'm going to
> have to retrench. Consequently, I may be offline for a bit...though I'll

> likely be off regardless for the next bit while the dust settles on TMoS.

Or back online with at least an announcement, depending on how TMoS
falls about.

<<<<<much comics snippage>>>>>>

> We've also found an artist finally for The Book of Lost Souls, which will be
> debuting from Marvel in September. I can't reveal her name yet, because that
> has to come through Marvel, but she's a very well known and popular artist.

I know who it is, but I'll be quiet until Marvel or you say something
further. And yes, she's amazing, you'll love working with her. And I
only know because she was out visiting for a con recently and was super
tired when she checked into the hotel and the news sort of spilled out
as the migraine kicked in.

> Finally, for those of you who know Fiona Avery's work from Crusade, B5 and her
> own comics, I'm informed that her first novel, "The Crown Rose," is due to come
> out in hardcover from Prometheus Books. It's a historical fantasy set in
> Medieval France and quite good. You can locate the book at:

Oooh, Medieval France, you say, that sounds mighty promising. Can't say
I'm familiar with Prometheus Books, but looking them up shows them to be
a rather eclectic press. I'll have to look for them at BEA this year.
Oh, and the synopsis on The Crown Rose sounds quite cool indeed.

> =8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/102-9494767-9557725?v=glance&s=books&n=507846
> It would be great if the B5 fans out there could give this book a great
> send-off.
> More on other stuff when I can post it.


Feb 3, 2005, 8:08:41 AM2/3/05

"Jms at B5" <> wrote in message
> On the subject of the Crusade DVD commentary...I see another fairy tale
> in the future...WB has agreed, after quite a bit of noise, to remove the
> commentary that I did from all future pressings of the set, since that was
> deal that we had made: use it all, including the explanation of what
> or use none of it. So those of you who have your DVDs now, and for the
> bit, will have that commentary. Those afterward won't. I don't know when
> next pressing will be, but whenever that is, is when the change takes

Is there any other way of getting the unedited commentry, i.e. transcript or
audio file download?

I'm sure this has been answered before, but what DID happen and what IS the
explanation for Crusade being abandoned after only half a season?

Mac Breck

Feb 5, 2005, 9:44:09 AM2/5/05
"KAMAL" <> wrote in message

> I'm sure this has been answered before, but what DID happen and what
IS the
> explanation for Crusade being abandoned after only half a season?

Craig M. Bobchin

Feb 7, 2005, 9:21:16 PM2/7/05
Would you happen to have the link to the "original fairy tale" that JMS
posted a few years back that helped explain the whole "Crusade" debacle?
I'd love to re-read it.


In article <>,

Mac Breck

Feb 9, 2005, 12:37:00 AM2/9/05
"Craig M. Bobchin" <> wrote in message

Google Groups is your friend. Since, I'd lost my copy of it, I figured
I'd look.

Found this at :

...but have no time to track down the root.

"waxed Wroth" is just a search criteria that I used to get there.


The following is a transcribed acount of JMS's remarks at Mega Con. To
see a major spoiler of one of the Crusade eps shown go to .
Kat's report, shown below, is there too. Thanks again to my good friend
kat for doing me a huge favor that I will have to pay back at Dragon
Con. JMS' Fairy Tale Q: "I'd like to know how many episodes are sold and
what plans you have..."

JMS: "For?"

Q: "Crusade."

JMS: "Thank you. It's a very long story. There's stuff I can say, and
there's stuff that I can't say. So, I'll tell you what I can say and lie
about what I can't say. "We shot 13 episodes. And TNT will be airing
those on June 9 at 10:00, starting then and going straight through, more
or less. And we had... they had said they weren't going to do more
beyond that, beyond the 13. We tried at that point to take it to the
SciFi Channel, but it was so late in the game.... It takes a lot of
money to be able support an entire season of a show. The SciFi Channel
had already allocated their funds for the year, so they couldn't pick it
up. If the show does well, the first 13, then it will be considered for
a season, beginning with the second season, on the SciFi Channel. If the
show does well, it will go on. "As for more what happened... let me tell
you a fairy tale. And every fairy tale begins with Once Apon A Time...
"...There was writer of songs in a kingdom. And he wasn't the best
writer of songs on the entire planet. There were others who were as good
or better. And he had written 110 really good songs... and four or five
long odes. And they said, 'Do some more songs for us.' And he said,
'Sure.' And he began writing more songs. And those were for this little
kingdom which was great. As were the ministers, who had always before
worked with him. "Then the King heard about the new songs that were
being commissioned. Not the Emperor. Not the Emperor Theodore and his
wife Lady Jane. I ain't talking about them. I'm talking about the lower
king of a particular land, all right. I don't want the Emperor getting
pissed at me. And he (the King) said, 'Well, I should be involved
creatively.' "And thus there came... runners would come with scrolls,
which the singer/songwriter would look at and burn. "Now this is just a
fairy tale. Okay? This is nothing but a fairy tale. This is not about
Crusade. Okay? I'm just telling you a story here. "And the King became
wroth. He waxed Wroth, and Wroth wasn't very happy about it. Old joke,
I'm sorry. "So they called for a grand meeting at which, along one long
table were ministers, and emissaries, and ambassadors, and functionaries
and assistants, and programming - uh,... a whole lot of guys. Now on the
other side of the table was the writer of songs. And they had plenty of
these huge scrolls in front of them. And they began to open the first
one. "And the writer of songs said, 'no.' "And they brought someone in
with a book to explain to them what the word 'no' meant, because they
had never heard it before. And they said, 'no to what?' "I said... The
writer of songs said, in this imaginary story, 'no' to all of it. No to
all of it in all its parts and pieces, from page 1 to page 20. No to all
of it.' The writer of songs felt that what they wanted was, in modern
terms, for a moment, sort of Baywatch meets wrestling in space. Which
was not applicable, exactly, to our fairy tale scenario. (aside: If I
every work again, it'll be a miracle) "It became clear that if the
King's emissaries were not properly responded to, that they may say,
'you can only write 13 songs.' And the writer of songs said, 'better 13
songs that I can believe in than 22 that I do not. "So there were 13
songs, and the writer of songs has moved to a different kingdom knowing
that the 13 songs were songs that he wanted to hear. And in the 13th
song there was a sub-thread in the song about people who come in with
suggestions, which is rather similar to the King's situation.
Astonishingly, the King saw the 13th song and didn't realize what it
was. "And the writer of songs moved to another kingdom and lived happily
ever after. "And this has nothing to do with Crusade or your question,
but I thought I'd tell you that story because it amuses me."


Mac Breck (KoshN) - from the desktop PC
"Babylon 5: Crusade" (1999)
Gideon: I thought you said you don't hold a grudge.
Galen: I don't. I have no surviving enemies... at all.

"Brimstone" (1998)

Craig M. Bobchin

Feb 9, 2005, 5:45:16 PM2/9/05
Thanks, that is the one I was looking for. I could not remember where I
saw it posted which is why I did not use Google's groups. I did however
search to no avail.


In article <>,

Joseph DeMartino

Feb 9, 2005, 10:06:07 PM2/9/05
> Would you happen to have the link to the "original fairy tale" that
JMS posted a few years back that helped explain the whole "Crusade"
debacle? <

The "Fairy Tale" wasn't actually something that JMS posted, but
something he told (I suspect extemporaneously) at a convention
appearance. You'll find a transcript at the link below:



Joseph DeMartino

Feb 9, 2005, 10:06:07 PM2/9/05
> The casting call was an accidental leak. This is also one of the
reasons we could trust it. <

And your evidence for these statement is...?


Andrew Swallow

Feb 10, 2005, 9:59:09 PM2/10/05
Joseph DeMartino wrote:

* Deliberate leaks go out through people you know,
anything else is too dangerous. So things would
be based in LA or London.
* The author of the sides knows Babylon 5/Crusade,
that rules out most of Hollywood.
* The author knows how to write sides, that rules
out most of the fan community.
* After a month no one has said "April Fool", so it
would have to be a very patient practical joker.
* The article was not in a normal Babylon 5 magazine,
so the source was not using the normal spoiler
pathways - so this was unlikely to be a deliberate
leak by the producer. A crafty producer would have
to be trusting someone he does not know.
* The casting call/scripts for the star names were
published on an extras casting website based in Florida.
* A real casting agency was named. Pemrick Fronk
Casting did not react by disassociating itself
from the movie. If they are nothing to do with
the movie they would not want to have to deal
with hundreds of extras sending their resumes.

Sending star name scripts to an extras casting
website may not be very sensible but the secretary
may simply have followed normal procedure. A small
agency may never have cast an A List actor before.

Andrew Swallow


Feb 14, 2005, 9:49:44 PM2/14/05

"Andrew Swallow" <> wrote in message

We don't know that Pemrick Fronk didn't react by disassociating itself.
What would they have done, issued an press release saying we are not casting
this project? Even on a slow news news day I can't imagine that being
picked up in the trade press. And even small agencies that hadn't cast A
list actors before would know to contact the agents of A list actors, and
they would know how to get that information, it's what they are in business
to do.


Andrew Swallow

Feb 15, 2005, 8:04:46 PM2/15/05
grace wrote:

> We don't know that Pemrick Fronk didn't react by disassociating itself.
> What would they have done, issued an press release saying we are not casting
> this project? Even on a slow news news day I can't imagine that being
> picked up in the trade press. And even small agencies that hadn't cast A
> list actors before would know to contact the agents of A list actors, and
> they would know how to get that information, it's what they are in business
> to do.
> Grace

You email/phone the website carrying the false script. Since the extras
casting website is updated several times a week the incorrect report
would soon disappear.

Andrew Swallow

Amy Guskin

Feb 15, 2005, 9:15:21 PM2/15/05
>>On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 20:04:46 -0500, Andrew Swallow wrote
(in article <curp0i$o5j$>):

I'm guessing that the casting biz is probably nearly as understaffed as
publishing, and other so-called "glamour industries." If you think they have
the time and staff available to track down incorrect information on websites,
and to act on it, you obviously haven't worked in any glamour industry jobs

Mac Breck

Apr 1, 2005, 11:19:47 AM4/1/05
"Jms at B5" <> wrote in message


> On the subject of the Crusade DVD commentary...
> I see another fairy tale looming
> in the future...WB has agreed, after quite a bit of noise, to remove
> commentary that I did from all future pressings of the set, since that
was the
> deal that we had made: use it all, including the explanation of what
> or use none of it. So those of you who have your DVDs now, and for
the next
> bit, will have that commentary. Those afterward won't. I don't know
when the
> next pressing will be, but whenever that is, is when the change takes


> jms
> (
> (all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
> permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
> and don't send me story ideas)

What are they going to delete from future pressings, just the "Racing
the Night" commentary, or everything in which you had a part, which
would include "The Making of Crusade" and "Forging Excalibur"? Which
DVD set feature *would have* contained your remarks about TNT *if* your
remarks had not been edited out? It'd be a real shame if "The Making of
Crusade" and "Forging Excalibur" were also deleted, partly because so
many other people (Janet Greek, John Copeland, Doug Netter, John
Iacovelli, Frederick V. Murphy II [DP], Stephen Furst, Peter Woowward,
Carrie Dobro, David Allen Brooks, Alex Mendoza, Marjean Holden, Tracy
Scoggins, and Randy Gardell [Costume Designer]) *also* contributed to

Mac Breck (KoshN)

"Babylon 5: Crusade" (1999)

Galen: "There is always hope, only because it's the one thing that no
one has figured out how to kill yet."
(Galen's obviously never met Warner Brothers, TNT-Atlanta or Sci-Fi.)

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