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Is a giant mosque at Ground Zero justified? / S D Rodrian

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May 21, 2010, 4:17:37 AM5/21/10
Is a giant mosque at Ground Zero justified?

The issues at stake affect the very heart of
American democracy. On the one hand it would be
the height of insensitivity, not to say an
outright provocation, for the Islamic community to
build a giant Islamic shrine at the resting place
of 3,000 innocent Americans who were murdered by
Islamic terrorists. On the other hand, America is
a tolerant country that allows for the free
worship of all its citizens and one bridles
against the idea of preventing any mosque from
being built.

I HAVE a simple, elegant, and deeply moral
solution. Let the Islamic cultural center be
built. Let the mosque be included. But, the Muslim
organizations building it should commit right now
to making the principal focus of the building a
museum depicting the rise of Islamic extremism,
its hate-based agenda and how it is an abomination
to Islam.

The museum would feature exhibits showing the
major fomenters of Islamic hatred worldwide ...

You mean like the Saudis, right? Why don't you
check out the schoolbooks of their
"educational" system and the unending stream
of poisonous hatred against non-Muslims they
foment (then see if there's any difference in
the schoolbooks of the "educational" systems
of ANY of all the other Muslim nations... and
whether they spew forth less or even more
venom/hatred than the Saudis'). --SDR

Would anyone fail to condemn Nazi Germany
for advocating the dehumanization of Jews and
other non-European minorities? How many times
have you heard any so-called Western leader
condemning the Islamic nations' unrepentant
and unrelenting dehumanization of non-Muslims
in their "educational" systems? Has President
Obama ever done so... ever? --SDR

... and the cultural and religious factors that
have gained them so wide a following. It would
have exhibitions on some of the terrible
atrocities committed by these Islamic
fundamentalists, focusing specifically on the
slaughter at Ground Zero on 9/11. The Islamic
center would have a major exhibition on the evil
of Osama bin Laden,

Why because bin Laden butchered a few thousand
Americans?!? This is peanuts in the more
general and still ongoing Islamic Genocide
that parallels and characterizes the sorry
entirety of Islamic history in this planet:
Compare bin Laden's crimes just to the 1.2
million Armenians slaughtered by pious Islamic
Turks on the religious sermons of their
mainstream imams in the 20th Century alone.
What, 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis?
Is that all? Put that in perspective to the
100-plus million of just only Hindus. Then add
millions & millions more to the unending toll.
Does human slavery annoy you? When was the
last time you heard anyone expressing any
annoyance at the human slavery that is STILL
practiced in some Islamic countries? Did you
ever hear African-American President Obama
ever express annoyance at this ... ever?

If Islam is not the greatest curse and tragedy
ever inflicted on mankind, I don't know what is.

... detailing his crimes against humanity and the
number of innocent people he has killed. Most
importantly, the museum would repudiate these
haters by showing how their actions are an
abomination to authentic Islamic teaching and how
every God-fearing Muslim has a responsibility to
spit them out.

Muslims must first repudiate the Koran, which
is the direct inspiration for all this
butchery --or read it yourself. When Muslims
become Christians or Buddhists, then and only
then will they abandon the insane/depraved
hatred/madness that now deludes them into
inhuman insanity and condemns their every step
in this world to a sad and tragic existence. --SDR

Who could possibly object to Muslims coming
together to create a museum condemning growing
Islamic intolerance and call Osama bin Laden,
Hamas and Hizbullah what they are – perversions of
Islam that are defiling and destroying a great
world religion.

Muslims, of course, or read the Koran
yourself: Most Muslims know this--It remains
for ALL non-Muslims to wise-up about it. That,
the Koran, is the putrid and utterly immoral
so-called "religion" of Islam's central core
--and it is nothing less than the roadmap &
marching orders for the complete and total
conquest and/or rape and utter destruction of
human civilization: the eventual damnation
of the whole of humanity to an unmitigated &
everlasting mind enslavement--nothing less
than the outright abolition of ALL human
civilization (for human civilization exists
ONLY as long as it progresses, and Islam seeks
to regress the human experience backwards to a
state of total mental enslavement wherein any
and all new ideas are viewed as inherently
contrary to the laws of God himself except
they be in agreement with the principles and
morality of a 5th-century cutthroat and
notoriously inhuman sick bushwhacker).

There has NEVER been, there is not now, nor is
there EVER likely to EVER be an Islamic
country that practices modern democracy
(except as a sham) because Islam is the
antithesis and eternal nemesis of democracy.
Remember Turkish prime minister Ergolan's
telling pronouncement: "Democracy is like a
bus: Once you get there, you get off." --SDR

I repeat:

If Islam is not the greatest curse and tragedy
ever inflicted on mankind, I don't know what is.

S D Rodrian

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.



May 21, 2010, 7:51:10 AM5/21/10
On May 21, 4:17 am, Aardvark <> wrote:
> Is a giant mosque at Ground Zero justified?

I'd prefer a giant put-put golf course, with a
merry-go-round, cotton candy, and free hot dogs.



May 21, 2010, 9:40:55 AM5/21/10
On Fri, 21 May 2010 04:51:10 -0700 (PDT), Mark wrote:

> I'd prefer a giant put-put golf course,

Thats "PUTT-PUTT" you stoopid bifukknutzoid clown. *LOL*
Mark's webstuff -
My website


May 21, 2010, 10:35:22 AM5/21/10
On Fri, 21 May 2010 09:40:55 -0400, Mark wrote:

> On Fri, 21 May 2010 04:51:10 -0700 (PDT), Mark wrote:
>> I'd prefer a giant put-put golf course,
> Thats "PUTT-PUTT" you stoopid bifukknutzoid clown. *LOL*

"You can't stop people from liking me. And I like those people too."


Just Me

May 21, 2010, 3:37:01 PM5/21/10
On May 21, 3:17 am, Aardvark <> wrote:
> Is a giant mosque at Ground Zero justified?
> The issues at stake affect the very heart of
> American democracy. On the one hand it would be
> the height of insensitivity, not to say an
> outright provocation, for the Islamic community to
> build a giant Islamic shrine at the resting place
> of 3,000 innocent Americans who were murdered by
> Islamic terrorists. On the other hand, America is
> a tolerant country that allows for the free
> worship of all its citizens and one bridles
> against the idea of preventing any mosque from
> being built.


>   I repeat:
>    If Islam is not the greatest curse and tragedy
>    ever inflicted on mankind, I don't know what is.

In other words, building this mosque at Ground Zero is tantamount to
erecting over the graves of Sharon Tate, Wojciech Frykowski and
Abigail Folger, an equestrian statue of Charlie Manson, or say, Sadie
Mae Glutz, brandishing a butcher knife, and mounted on the rearing
back of Rosemary LaBianca.

There are a few of us who know that, but the city planners in NYC, and
a majority of people, don't. Again, observe these words . . .

>    If Islam is not the greatest curse and tragedy
>    ever inflicted on mankind, I don't know what is.

Yes, but you must read the Qur'an totally to know 'what is.' If some
people find the writings of the Talmud and the Holy Bible a heavily
taxing read, they should pick up a copy of the Qur'an sometime. If the
dull, dead weight of what's inside were the actual weight of the book,
you couldn't pick it up with a forklift. Who reads it? Not even most
Muslims. But those few of us who have tackled the terribly onerous
task, having taken the trouble to actually read the bloody damned
thing cover to cover, okay, those who have gone through the ordeal can
only come out of that tremendously depressing experience in total
accord with this opinion . . .

>    If Islam is not the greatest curse and tragedy
>    ever inflicted on mankind, I don't know what is.

Beside the Koran, I would place two other books as being, let us say,
the "Axis of Evil" when it comes to the Three Pillars of Tyranny in
the world:

1. The Communist Manifesto
2. Mein Kampf
3. The Holy Qur'an

And not necessarily in that order, or really NOT in that order, but
the exact reverse.

There are in the United States, laws on the books that make it a
federal offense, no less than sedition (nor more than treason), to
advocate violent overthrow of the government. But does the Koran do
that? Read it. Don't take my word for it. Read the damned thing! Yes,
yes, and again, yes. Over and over again, the directly stated aims of
Islam are to take the entire world by force. Nowhere in the pages of
Talmud, Torah or the New Testament can such advocacy be found.
Nowhere! Not by force, not by violence, "Not by might, nor by power,
but by my spirit, saith the Lord." Zechariah 4:6

Although a book, all by itself cannot physically attempt any such act,
persons holding to those books can, and often do, as they set forth to
make the aims, plans and agendas of those three books active and
real. You can't set a copy of Mein Kampf on the hot-seat, pull the
switch and expect any good to arise for the security of a democracy in
that way. No, but set that book on the lap of the condemned Jihadi,
Nazi or Commie convicted of the crime of actively advocating the
violent dictates from those pages, fry, cook, bake the two together as
a soufflé, and something has been served to the good of liberty and

But the city planners at NYC and most other people do not know how it
is that by permitting, and therefore advocating that the Ground Zero
Super Mosque plan should proceed, they are complicit not only in
sedition with the violent advocacy of Islam, but in treason as the
physical, furthering agents of it, even making themselves complicit in
the acts of the bin Laden sky-bombers of 9/11--by permitting that this
monument to it be erected. How? But how, do you ask? It should be
known without speaking, understood from the Ground Zero of any man's
soul. But since it isn't . . .

Most people simply do not understand that all Muslims who blithely
dedicate their lives to the teachings of the Koran, and who worship
the author of those teachings, are, if even unwittingly so, in
conspiracy and fully complicit with those who are fully in knowledge
of what is advocated by the Koran; those who do act violently
according to plan. But how can one man be guilty of the acts of
another, as an unwitting conspirator? Because of the law, the dictum
of jurisprudence that states, "Ignorance is no excuse."

A democracy depends for its very existence upon an end to ignorance in
a well informed public, a citizenry that is not ignorant of its rights
and duties with respect to maintaining that democracy in good stead.
In this day, as we are at WAR all around the world with the kind of
people who are NOT ignorant of the Koran and of its content for a
violent jihad against all the non-Muslim world, in this day IGNORANCE
IS NO EXCUSE for anyone, whether Muslim or Infidel, to be oblivious of
what is written upon the pages of the book which inspires such hatred,
bigotry and violence in the hearts of those who in that knowledge, go
forth to prosecute its bloody aims over the earth.

IN THIS DAY, the Holy Qur'an should be REQUIRED READING in every high
school and university, in classes that are open to full, unbridled
discussion of what is to be found on those pages. IF this were being
done, a great many Muslims presently residing in the free world, would
stop being Muslims; they would desert Islam for the house-a-fire that
it is. And those who are the Infidels described in that book, namely a
majority of Americans, would understand why, according to the letter
of the law it is illegal, even downright unconstitutional to build
that mosque at Ground Zero, same as it is a crime of sedition to allow
any mosque anywhere in the United States to stand, with its doors open
in continued violent violation of the laws, statutes and Constitution
of the United States of America, if not the statutes of the Alien and
Sedition Acts, then the Civil Rights Act of 1964 barring all forms of
segregation, whether by race or gender.

Oh yes, indeed. As every mosque continues its practice of segregated
worship for men and women, that dirty, smelly little hole of bigotry,
prejudice and discrimination is in contravention to all the highest
institutions of this nation! Oh, but then will you say what about
Holiness Christians and Hasidic Jews who practice the same form of
segregation? One difference: when Christians and Jews are forced by
law to stop the practice in their temples and churches, just as the
Mormons were forced to suffer for their crimes of bigamy and polygamy,
they shall be brought to full compliance with the laws and statutes of
the United States. Not so the mosques of Islam, with their manifesto
of violent overthrow of every government but their own, still
remaining as the cornerstone of their so-called "religion".


May 21, 2010, 4:52:43 PM5/21/10
On 5/21/2010 2:37 PM, Just Me wrote:

[Deleted in its entirety in the interest of not requiring anyone to have
to read trash, twice.]

You drug-addicted, drunken hillbilly, didn't I see you at Shrine Hall in
Joplin, 4th and Wall, cheering fer rasslers and stuffin' popcorn in yer
toothless maw? Hypocrite.

Just Me

May 21, 2010, 5:16:09 PM5/21/10

No. But were it otherwise, I would have seen you there, eh -- you
dirty little deviated pre-vert?
In any case, barring any entrance of Col. Bat Guano to deal with this
interruption like he deals with a Coke machine, I am happy to have
this opportunity to post the new and improved version of that post,
which has had its nuts of logic tightened up to a few more pounds of
torque, as follows . . .

In another Usenet group this morning, I came upon this . . .


task, having taken the trouble to actually read the bloody thing cover

to cover, okay, those who have gone through the ordeal can only come
out of that tremendously depressing experience in total accord with
this opinion . . .

>    If Islam is not the greatest curse and tragedy
>    ever inflicted on mankind, I don't know what is.

Beside the Koran, I would place two other books as being, let us say,
the "Axis of Evil" when it comes to the Three Pillars of Tyranny in

this world:

1. The Communist Manifesto
2. Mein Kampf
3. The Holy Qur'an

And not necessarily in that order, or really NOT in that order, but
the exact reverse.

There are in the United States, laws on the books that make it a
federal offense, no less than sedition (nor more than treason), to
advocate violent overthrow of the government. But does the Koran do

that? Read it. Don't take my word for it. Plug your nose and read it!

Yes, yes, and again, yes. Over and over again, the directly stated
aims of Islam are to take the entire world by force. Nowhere in the
pages of Talmud, Torah or the New Testament can such advocacy be
found. Nowhere! Not by force, not by violence, "Not by might, nor by
power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord." Zechariah 4:6

Although a book, all by itself cannot physically attempt any such act,
persons holding to those books can, and often do, as they set forth to
make the aims, plans and agendas of those three books active and
real. You can't set a copy of Mein Kampf on the hot-seat, pull the
switch and expect any good to arise for the security of a democracy in
that way. No, but set that book on the lap of the condemned Jihadi,
Nazi or Commie convicted of the crime of actively advocating the

violent dictates from those pages; fry, cook, bake the two together as

a soufflé, and something has been served to the good of liberty and

But the city planners at NYC and most other people do not know that by
permitting, and therefore advocating for the Ground Zero Super Mosque
plan to proceed, they are complicit not only in sedition with the

violent advocacy of Islam, but in treason as the physical, furthering
agents of it, even making themselves complicit in the acts of the bin
Laden sky-bombers of 9/11--by permitting that this monument to it be
erected. How? But how, do you ask? It should be known without
speaking, understood from the Ground Zero of any man's soul. But since
it isn't . . .

Most people simply do not understand that all Muslims who blithely
dedicate their lives to the teachings of the Koran, and who worship
the author of those teachings, are, if even unwittingly so, in
conspiracy and fully complicit with those who are fully in knowledge
of what is advocated by the Koran; those who do act violently
according to plan. But how can one man be guilty of the acts of
another, as an unwitting conspirator? Because of the law, the dictum
of jurisprudence that states, "Ignorance is no excuse."

A democracy depends for its very existence upon an end to ignorance in
a well informed public, a citizenry that is not ignorant of its rights
and duties with respect to maintaining that democracy in good stead.
In this day, as we are at WAR all around the world with the kind of
people who are NOT ignorant of the Koran and of its content for a

violent jihad against all the non-Muslim world; in this day IGNORANCE
IS NO EXCUSE for anyone, whether Muslim or Infidel. To remain

oblivious of what is written upon the pages of the book which inspires
such hatred, bigotry and violence in the hearts of those who in that

knowledge, go forth to prosecute its bloody aims over the earth--is
without excuse.

IN THIS DAY, the Holy Qur'an should be REQUIRED READING in every high
school and university, in classes that are open to full, unbridled
discussion of what is to be found on those pages. IF this were being
done, a great many Muslims presently residing in the free world, would
stop being Muslims; they would desert Islam for the house-a-fire that
it is. And those who are the Infidels described in that book,

particularly a majority of Americans, we would understand why,

according to the letter of the law it is illegal, even downright
unconstitutional to build that mosque at Ground Zero, same as it is a
crime of sedition to allow any mosque anywhere in the United States to
stand, with its doors open in continued violent violation of the laws,

statutes and Constitution of the United States of America--if not the

statutes of the Alien and Sedition Acts, then the Civil Rights Act of
1964 barring all forms of segregation, whether by race or gender.

Oh yes, indeed. Enforced segregation is violent, as any force taken
against the will or dignity of another is violence. And as every
mosque continues its practice of segregated worship for men and women;

that dirty, smelly little hole of bigotry, prejudice and
discrimination is in contravention to all the highest institutions of

this nation! Oh, but then will you say, what about Holiness Christians

and Hasidic Jews who practice the same form of segregation? One
difference: when Christians and Jews are forced by law to stop the

practice in their places of worship, just as Mormons were forced to

suffer for their crimes of bigamy and polygamy, they shall be brought
to full compliance with the laws and statutes of the United States.

Not so the mosques of Islam, with their manifesto of violent overthrow

for every government but their own. And with that still standing on
their books, namely, their "holy" Koran; there is the cornerstone, and
at once, the whole citadel and sanctuary of their so-called
"religion". They are, in the mainstream, as is obvious by their
flaming desire to build that Super Mosque, where it shall overshadow
the graves of our dead, not loyal citizens to these United States of
America, but the heartless advocates of an alien ideology which is at
its foundation dedicated in hatred against all that we hold sacred and

Alien they are to the sensibilities of all who grieve for the dead, so
proud as they are to be Islam, to be Muslim and to say by the building
of that mosque, "We had nothing to do with it." Truly? But if this
were so, wouldn't they have the sensibility to say, "But some of those
who pray from the same book as we, did, and knowing that this was done
in the name of Islam, truly we should step back from that ground which
they hallow, and let them have their grave, that it may BE their
grave, their monument and not our boast."

But they cannot do that, you see. And the reason for it, though it may
be quite obvious to some, will not be so for others who have not read
their "holy" Qur'an. Not that I would wish such an ordeal upon anyone.


May 22, 2010, 9:01:26 AM5/22/10
On May 21, 3:37 pm, Just Me <> wrote:

> There are in the United States, laws on the books that make it a
> federal offense, no less than sedition (nor more than treason), to
> advocate violent overthrow of the government. But does the Koran do
> that? Read it. Don't take my word for it. Read the damned thing! Yes,
> yes, and again, yes. Over and over again, the directly stated aims of
> Islam are to take the entire world by force. Nowhere in the pages of
> Talmud, Torah or the New Testament can such advocacy be found.
> Nowhere! Not by force, not by violence, "Not by might, nor by power,
> but by my spirit, saith the Lord." Zechariah 4:6

The critical point is that, no matter what evils
the Bible might advocate, the Judeo-Christians
have learned to live the good in the Bible,,,
while Muslims, on the other hand, seem only
to live the evils in the Koran.

Turban Joe Balasootoe

May 23, 2010, 6:11:54 PM5/23/10
> S D Rodrianhttp://sdrodrian.comhttp://physics.sdrodrian.comhttp://mp3.sdrodrian.com

> All religions are local.
> Only science is universal.
> .

OT, NT, Kor-anne teach and preach violence but you already
knew that, mang. They teach, preach and live it but if you can't
find any examples, will be glad to help you find them, mang.

But you already know where they are.


May 23, 2010, 9:47:37 PM5/23/10
On May 22, 9:01 am, Aardvark <> wrote:
> S D Rodrianhttp://sdrodrian.comhttp://physics.sdrodrian.comhttp://mp3.sdrodrian.com

> All religions are local.
> Only science is universal.
> .

".....the Judeo-Christians have learned to live the good in the

What a relief! From now on everything's comin' up roses.

But first please define "Judeo-Christians", "learned", "live" and last
but not least "good".


May 26, 2010, 5:33:23 PM5/26/10
On May 23, 6:11 pm, Turban Joe Balasootoe

<> wrote:
> On May 22, 9:01 am, Aardvark
<> wrote:
> > The critical point is that, no matter what evils
> > the Bible might advocate, the Judeo-Christians
> > have learned to live the good in the Bible,,,
> > while Muslims, on the other hand, seem only
> > to live the evils in the Koran.
> > All religions are local.
> > Only science is universal.
> > .
> OT, NT, Kor-anne teach and
> preach violence but you already
> knew that, mang. They teach, preach
> and live it but if you can't
> find any examples, will be glad to
> help you find them, mang.
> But you already know where they are.

No. I don't. People here would appreciate
any assistance you can provide. Thank you.

AND do Re-read my post (note above): I can't
imagine it's impossible some Judeo-Christians
have failed to commit really gruesome crimes.
The point is: When is the last time you heard
any of them proclaim their crimes as dictated
and/or demanded by their holy scriptures? (I'm
sure there MUST be SOME such handful of nuts
(Christians and/or Jews)... after all, we ARE
talking about 2/3rds of the human race). But
I've never heard of any bank robber breaking
into a bank screaming: "Jesus rules, mang!!!"
On the other hand, mang, go thou to:

or read a newspaper, and find out that most (if
not all, at the present time) terrorist acts are being
carried out by Muslims as dictated/demanded by
THEIR holy scriptures. The distinction is, I'm sure
even to you, mang, quite pronounced!

Check it out dude:

Dudemong S D Rodrian


May 26, 2010, 5:45:30 PM5/26/10
On May 23, 9:47 pm, adamlynn <> wrote:
> > On May 21, 3:37 pm, Just Me <> wrote:
> > > There are in the United States, laws on the books that make it a
> > > federal offense, no less than sedition (nor more than treason), to
> > > advocate violent overthrow of the government. But does the Koran do
> > > that? Read it. Don't take my word for it. Read the damned thing! Yes,
> > > yes, and again, yes. Over and over again, the directly stated aims of
> > > Islam are to take the entire world by force. Nowhere in the pages of
> > > Talmud, Torah or the New Testament can such advocacy be found.
> > > Nowhere! Not by force, not by violence, "Not by might, nor by power,
> > > but by my spirit, saith the Lord." Zechariah 4:6
> > The critical point is that, no matter what evils
> > the Bible might advocate, the Judeo-Christians
> > have learned to live the good in the Bible,,,
> > while Muslims, on the other hand, seem only
> > to live the evils in the Koran.
> > All religions are local.
> > Only science is universal.
> > .
> ".....the Judeo-Christians have learned to live the good in the
> Bible...."
> What a relief! From now on everything's comin' up roses.

Ain't that the case, dude! Man, I mean, imagine
if yo you-Deo-Cris-tea-Anne Momma were to
behave like Muslim Mommas and chop yo head off
on account o' you do'n that Many-Gee-Juana you
do in the basement every late afternoon. Yo!
Wake up!

> But first please define "Judeo-Christians",

Yo Momma & yo little sista too

> "learned"

Shit you ain't done yet

> "live"

watching Jay Leno nights on yo TV
(it's taped, dude). In fact, your whole life
might be taped and nobody's told you...

> and last but not least "good"

if you gotta ask: the MofKer selling you yo
shit is doing you, man. Find another store.
You no why I'm talk'n about! Wake up!

Dudemong S D Rodrian

Just Me

May 27, 2010, 5:17:42 AM5/27/10

Yeah, the difference between the Qur'an and the Bible when it comes,
as the man says, to "teaching and preaching" violence is this: The
Old Testament of the Bible records violence in the history of the
Israelites but does not "teach" or "preach" it. The NT in every case
abhors it as committed by the hand of man.

In both the Qur'an and Bible, violence has always a reason behind it,
and therein lies the Big Difference. In the Qur'an the reasons given
are two-fold, for a necessity of defense against violence (of forced
exile, for example), and as a way to deal with "unbelievers" who will
not submit to the rule of Islam.

For the Hebrews there was no interest in "Unbelievers" because
questions of "belief" rarely appear in the pages of Torah, whether it
would respect themselves or others. In the Book of Genesis, the word
comes up totally NOT in the sense of believing "in" God, as to his
existence, for this is never in doubt. There were too many things in
their experience for which there could be no other perceived cause or
explanation. The only question for a Hebrew was whether he could
believe in God's good intentions toward his "children", Israel. Was he
on their side, or not?

When it says that Abraham "believed God" as per what his sacrifices
told him were God's promises--it was judged "righteous" that he should
so believe, and remain faithful to that belief. So it is a sense of
the word "belief" which implies *fidelity* to God, and *obedience* to
his will. Will God be taken at his word? Will God be trusted?

But as to any question of being a "believer", as opposed to an
"unbeliever" in the sense of accepting, as a choice some supposed
"religion" of God, as opposed to another, this formed no part of the
Hebrew mindset. They did not even so much as want the
"Nations" (Goyim) to believe in the Hebrew God, because they had no
interest in sharing his presumed might, power and favor with other
nations. So long as "idolators" and worshipers of "false gods" kept
their idols and superstitions to themselves, the Children of Israel
could care less about those people and their "gods".

Not so Islam. For Mohammad there totally was such a thing as
"religion" or i.e. a body of ideas that had to be chosen over others
and then maintained by "belief". It is very much like Christianity in
that sense, and very evangelical, very conversion minded in the same
way. The children of Israel have never cared anything for that--even
to this day. And the only occasion for violence with regard to other
people's religion would come when salesmen for those religions came to
the Israelite door, in any attempt to steal the Jews away from
fidelity to their own God. Such people who were so beguiled were seen
as no different than adulterers and dead men.

As it would pertain to the Children of Israel, there are NO instances
of violence perpetrated against other nations and tribes by Abraham or
any of his progeny all the way up to the time of Moses--or this is to
say, violence as would appear to have been ordered by God. In one
instance, when neighboring Canaanite tribes came to Abraham for
assistance in a war against some foreign invading kings, he did the
neighborly thing and brought his forces into the alliance. After this,
upon victory, Abraham was honored and blessed by the King of Salem for

From that time, until the day that Moses rose up against the Egyptian
slave-master, there was no violence but what arose between the sons of
Jacob, as e.g. when they threw their brother Joseph into the pit,
leaving him to be taken captive by a troupe of passing slave-

Now, it was not God who ordered Moses to rise up against that slave-
driver and slay him, and the Bible objectively records it as a
regrettable and hot-tempered act on the part of Moses. From that time
until the day that Moses began to lead his people out of Egypt, all
any any violence that was done to the enemies of the children of
Israel was committed by the hand of God himself, with plagues of
disease, natural calamity, ONLY to put an end to the violence and
abuse that was being done to his Hebrew children.

After this, it was not until Moses had led his people over the Red
Sea, and had been long on their journey back to the land of their
father, Abraham when for the first time they came to be prevented in
the way by another tribe, namely "Amalek" which made war upon Moses
and the children of Israel. Moses had no choice but to act in defense
of his people's right to pass, and in refusal to let anybody to turn
them around, on their journey back home. And so they fought.

This is just as it was for them all the rest of the way along their
journey back to Judea. Whether they were ambushed and attacked in the
way, or being refused passage over the borders and through the land of
other tribes, it was ordered by God that there should be war--but only
after Moses had been at pains to give the adversary his oath that
Israel's intention was no more than to pass through their land to the
other side in peace.

The closer they came to Jordan and the lands of their father Abraham
beyond, the fiercer was the resistance they met, as word of their
advance had gone before them. It was now clear that there was no
option other than to battle their way through with no further fooling
around with such niceties of promises as before. They went forward
into the land with swords drawn, slashing to bloody ribbons any living
thing that appeared in their way--and the fierceness of their mien and
mettle was now gone far before them to often effect of clearing the
way of much further trouble.

There came a time when God determined that Moses was far too gentle-
hearted for the gory business that now lay ahead beyond Jordan. So
appointed Joshua for his war chief, and kept Moses back in the land of
Moab. Now, in order to insure that once the Israelites were to become
re-settled in the land, the fear of them should be broadcast in
trembling to the hearts of men all around, in order that God's
Children might live, at least for a time, in peace, without
challenge. All this was now being done upon orders of God, which
orders were to attack without mercy: No prisoners! No spoil! It was
to be war full bore, all the way back home.

Once the children of Israel were again settled in their homeland of
the Judean hills, it had been made plain to the Canaaanite kings that
the Hebrews were back, and back to stay, it was back once again to the
Hebrew penchant for tending their flocks and living in peace within
their own borders. And what's more there was absolutely no will to
take unto themselves any more living space than God had anciently
given to Abraham by his promise--not one hectare more than had been
apportioned to them.

The violence of Islam, after the initial fight for their return home
to Mecca did not stop there. There was seen to be no limit for Islamic
ambition. Altogether unlike the Jews, for whom violence was to be used
for nothing other than defense, Islam went on the offense, committing
their bloody mayhem with no consideration of a justification in a
defense or a return to an original homeland. They raised their bloody
sword to the face of the entire world, and came very near to
conquering it.

You better believe the Children of Israel were bloody and violent, and
ruthless as any people can get, when it came to being blocked in their
return home, on their escape from slavery. And in that day, you had
to be, or one might even ask as to this day, "Who wouldn't be?" Have
a look at the Palestinians, who will stop at nothing, finding no
tactic of violence too atrocious to stoop to.

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