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AGA S11E04 The Gods of Skaro

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Mar 3, 2016, 8:36:11 PM3/3/16
The fanatics have kidnapped the Doctor and his two female companions
accusing them of being government agents and intend to auction the girls
in a slave market. The girls face being raped by the highest bidder. The
Doctor is to be beheaded and the video posted on social media to
reinforce the climate of fear.

The prisoners are taken to a ruined city around the outskirts of which
which the pass through is a landing strip on which are parked what look
like bi-planes, spitfires, and messerschmitts equipped with modern laser

Because of the conflict most of Skaro consists of abandoned cities and
rebel groups equipped with weapons improvised with hardware from
different eras sometimes taken out of museums.

While the girls, Lara and Rani are held captive inside an building in
the main square of the abandoned city the Doctor is taken for an
audience with Sec to plead for his life.

Sec's HQ is inside the town hall and once the Doctor and his guards
reach the audience chamber he is forced to turn to face away from the
doors. The guards have told the Doctor that Sec and the ruling council
are their gods and mortals are forbidden to look at them or depict their
image in any way.

Once the doors are opened the Doctor is forced to crawl in backwards
with the guards holding him down and going in backwards as well. He must
not see the face of Sec unless he is called on by him.

The Doctor puts up a resistance and eventually manages to stand up and
turn round to face Sec who is screaming to the guards to hold him down
at the top of his distorted voice which echoes and bellows though the
chamber. The Doctor is shocked and horrified at the sight that beholds
him. Sec and the entire ruling council are disfigured mutants. Attending
them are over a dozen young nubile women who have been made their sex

Sec expresses his anger at the Doctor's resistance and orders his guards
to be boiled alive in oil in front of the people in the arena at the
next games.

The Doctor expresses his contempt for these so-called gods of Skaro
condemning their destruction of Skaro's cultural heritage. Sec screams
out that all false gods will be destroyed and that the council are the
true living gods of Skaro. The Doctor tells him that his cult will not
get away with impersonating Skaro's ancient divinities. Sec screeches
out that he is the one original god Sec that has lived for generations,
and the others including Caan, Thay, Jast reiterate the same claim for

Sec tells the Doctor that seeing his resistance against his guards has
pleased him and he will be made an example of to the people by making
him fight in the gladiatorial games in the arena after which his former
guards will be boiled alive in shame.

Meanwhile the Doctor is returned to the building he was originally
confined in and tells his companions what his fate is and hatches a plan
of escape. The two companions are then taken to the auction in the
public market and have been bought by agents of Thay and taken to his
harem. Close to one hundred other women are already there. The two girls
attempt to get the women to fight back. There is resistance since the
women say that it is good to be chosen by the gods since they do not
abuse their women. If they had been bought by a ordinary man he would
have raped them. The gods get their pleasure by watching others being

Back in the Kaled city Davros is dispatching a squad of robot soldiers
into Thal territory on a special mission.

The time for the gladiatorial games has arrived. The Doctor is stripped
to the waist and given a short sword and awaits his turn in the arena.
His time has come and he meets his opponent, another prisoner. They
begin to spar and after the fight goes this way and that the Doctor
catches his opponent and drops him to the ground in front of all the
spectators who include the gods of Skaro covered in dark hoods with
their attendant harems and the cult followers.

Sec demands that the Doctor dispatch his defeated opponent but he
refuses to do so and helps him up. The Doctor beckons to the other
gladiators and they force their way into the arena and charge in the
direction of the false gods and at the guards who are in front of the
main exit below the balcony they are seated on. The Doctor's former
guards are about to be boiled alive and the Doctor cuts their bonds with
his weapon and calls them to help him. They all join forces. The women
too begin to attack their abusers and jump down into the arena grabbing
weapons from the defeated guards and everyone makes for the main exit
eventually forcing their way through to the outside. They see what look
like native Skaro horses tethered nearby and make for them, using them
for their get away.

The Doctor is joined by his companions and they ride for the outskirts
of the city perused by cult fanatics who have been ordered to first go
after the women.

At the outskirts of the city a group of robot soldiers emerges from
cover and screeches out the words halt, do not move, with the grating
voice sounding as if it is coming from single side-band modulated SW
radio. The horses come to a sudden stop. Rani calls out Daleks. The
Doctor whispers no! The robots fire. The cult fanatics behind the Doctor
and Rani fall down. More fanatics fall down either side of them. The
robots fire at the ground and it explodes. Then they screech, now you
may move forward. The Doctor, Rani and those around them cross the
minefield and join the robots on the other side.

On an observation screen in the Kaled city Davros is watching then
events unfold. His is the voice on the SW radio. He appears to have
spotted someone he recognises.

Lara is seized from behind along with the girl beside her and they do
not make it to safety. Rani shouts we must save them. The robots fire
across her path and force her and the Doctor to retreat with them.

Those prisoners who managed to escape the cult city are now taken to the
Kaled city. Davros and his scientists are there when they arrive and
they check the condition of the robots. Sounds of banging can be heard
inside one of the parabolic cones. The case is opened and a man with a
prosthetic leg is seen inside it with wires attached to his head. He
begins to complain about the casing overheating. The scientists begin to
inspect it.

Meanwhile the Doctor recognises Davros, but Davros does not recognise
him since he has regenerated. The Doctor introduces himself as Professor
Smith and his assistant Rani. The names are heard as their equivalents
in the Kaled language. Professor Smith tells Davros that his other
assistant has been recaptured by the cult and Davros must help him
rescue her. Rani adds that there are other girls too including Nyda who
helped her escape. Davros looks shocked and asks Rani to describe her.
Davros is now ecstatic. Rani has given the description of Davros'
missing girlfriend.

Davros agrees to mount a rescue mission with what he calls Ddal's robots.

Davros explains that Ddalon has promised the mutant gods of the cult of
Skaro that he will transplant their brains into new undisfigured bodies
if they help him conquer the Thals. This has made Davros an enemy of
Ddalon and the Ddal faction of the Republicans. Davros knows that the
bodies that the gods of Skaro along with their followers will be given
are to be Ddal robot casings and Ddalon will use them to conquer the
Thals, but when that happens Davros predicts they will turn on Ddalon
and the whole Kaled race brining it into slavery.

The rescue mission is launched with human and robot forces attacking the
cult stronghold, Davros describing it to the Ddalon as a training mission.

Suddenly as the Ddal robots approach the enemy territory a Thal
taskforce appears over the horizon and engages the Kaled troops. A
fierce battle ensues. It turns out that Ddalon has notified the Thal
forces of the attack because he wants to save the cult.

Sec, Caan, Thay, Jast have now been transferred into Ddal robot casings
along with many of their wounded followers, by a team of Kaled
scientists loyal to Ddalon. They have been promised that after they have
gained victory over the Thals they will be returned to human from.

The Doctor negotiates an alliance with the Thals and both sides join
forces to annihilate the cult of Skaro.

Lara and Nyda are rescued and reunited with the Doctor and Davros. The
other women are rescued too.

Ddalon inwardly furious appears at the laboratory and shakes everyone's
hands. Nyda looks uncomfortable when he shakes hers. Davros pretends to
be pre-occupied with work so as to avoid Ddalon.

The Doctor and his companions say their goodbyes and make their way to
the TARDIS which takes them on to new adventures.

In the deserted Kaled laboratory Davros and Nyda embrace. A older model
of a Ddal robot suddenly becomes active and scratches out in a
computerised voice, danger, explosives detected, radio receiver
identified. Davros lets go of Nyda and enquires of the robot where? The
robot turns to Nyda and projects and image on a 3D screen. Nyda
explodes. A powerful miniature bomb had been implanted inside of her
when she shook hands with Ddalon.

Davros barely clinging on to life squeezes a button on a device in his
hand. A Ddal robot enters Ddalon's office, screeches exterminate and
Ddalon is disintegrated.

>>>THE END<<<


Mar 3, 2016, 9:28:49 PM3/3/16
On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 5:36:11 PM UTC-8, Agamemnon wrote:

> Meanwhile the Doctor recognises Davros, but Davros does not recognise
> him since he has regenerated. The Doctor introduces himself as Professor
> Smith and his assistant Rani. The names are heard as their equivalents
> in the Kaled language.

What do they soumd like in Kaled?
This after the Thals show up to save them from Davros' forces? How ungrateful!

> In the deserted Kaled laboratory Davros and Nyda embrace. A older model
> of a Ddal robot suddenly becomes active and scratches out in a
> computerised voice, danger, explosives detected, radio receiver
> identified. Davros lets go of Nyda and enquires of the robot where? The
> robot turns to Nyda and projects and image on a 3D screen. Nyda
> explodes. A powerful miniature bomb had been implanted inside of her
> when she shook hands with Ddalon.
> Davros barely clinging on to life squeezes a button on a device in his
> hand. A Ddal robot enters Ddalon's office, screeches exterminate and
> Ddalon is disintegrated.

And the Doctor feels the Universe waver as Davros approaches death. He must return in order to get Davros into a Ddal robot body so that he can survive, for if he dies now, Dalek history, and therefore the histories of the Universe and of the Doctor may be significantly altered or even erased!

What foresight by Davros to program a robot as an assassin!

Does the Kaled word for "robot" sound like "Lek"?

The Doctor

Mar 3, 2016, 9:57:08 PM3/3/16
In article <>,
Submit to BBC.
Member - Liberal International This is Ici
God,Queen and country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
Manitoba and Saskatchewan! Save your provinces in April! Vote Liberal!!


Mar 3, 2016, 10:03:13 PM3/3/16
How would Aggy submit his stories to the BBC?


Mar 3, 2016, 10:05:33 PM3/3/16
On 04/03/2016 02:28, TB wrote:
> On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 5:36:11 PM UTC-8, Agamemnon wrote:
>> Meanwhile the Doctor recognises Davros, but Davros does not
>> recognise him since he has regenerated. The Doctor introduces
>> himself as Professor Smith and his assistant Rani. The names are
>> heard as their equivalents in the Kaled language.
> What do they soumd like in Kaled?

How do I know. I don't speak Kaled.
The Thals didn't show up to save them. They showed up to attack Davros'

>> In the deserted Kaled laboratory Davros and Nyda embrace. A older
>> model of a Ddal robot suddenly becomes active and scratches out in
>> a computerised voice, danger, explosives detected, radio receiver
>> identified. Davros lets go of Nyda and enquires of the robot where?
>> The robot turns to Nyda and projects and image on a 3D screen.
>> Nyda explodes. A powerful miniature bomb had been implanted inside
>> of her when she shook hands with Ddalon.
>> Davros barely clinging on to life squeezes a button on a device in
>> his hand. A Ddal robot enters Ddalon's office, screeches
>> exterminate and Ddalon is disintegrated.
> And the Doctor feels the Universe waver as Davros approaches death.
> He must return in order to get Davros into a Ddal robot body so that
> he can survive, for if he dies now, Dalek history, and therefore the
> histories of the Universe and of the Doctor may be significantly
> altered or even erased!

No. Davros obviously survives. The Doctor need do nothing.

> What foresight by Davros to program a robot as an assassin!

He knew Ddalon was up to something.

> Does the Kaled word for "robot" sound like "Lek"?

Dakek is what the Kaled word for Dalek sounds like in English through
the TARDIS translator.


Mar 3, 2016, 10:07:22 PM3/3/16
On 04/03/2016 02:57, The Doctor wrote:

> Submit to BBC.

The BBC wouldn't even dare read it because if they did they'd be accused
of plagiarism.

Timothy Bruening

Mar 3, 2016, 10:27:53 PM3/3/16
Maybe The Doctor just wants you to bow down in worship to Steve Moffat, God of Doctor Who!


Mar 4, 2016, 1:28:01 AM3/4/16
On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 7:05:33 PM UTC-8, Agamemnon wrote:
> On 04/03/2016 02:28, TB wrote:
> > On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 5:36:11 PM UTC-8, Agamemnon wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Meanwhile the Doctor recognises Davros, but Davros does not
> >> recognise him since he has regenerated. The Doctor introduces
> >> himself as Professor Smith and his assistant Rani. The names are
> >> heard as their equivalents in the Kaled language.
> >
> > What do they soumd like in Kaled?
> How do I know. I don't speak Kaled.

Why do you specify that "Professor Smith", and "Rani" get converted to their Kaled equivalents?


Mar 4, 2016, 1:33:43 AM3/4/16
On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 5:36:11 PM UTC-8, Agamemnon wrote:
> At the outskirts of the city a group of robot soldiers emerges from
> cover and screeches out the words halt, do not move, with the grating
> voice sounding as if it is coming from single side-band modulated SW
> radio. The horses come to a sudden stop. Rani calls out Daleks. The
> Doctor whispers no! The robots fire. The cult fanatics behind the Doctor
> and Rani fall down. More fanatics fall down either side of them. The
> robots fire at the ground and it explodes. Then they screech, now you
> may move forward. The Doctor, Rani and those around them cross the
> minefield and join the robots on the other side.
> On an observation screen in the Kaled city Davros is watching then
> events unfold. His is the voice on the SW radio. He appears to have
> spotted someone he recognises.

Did Davros HEAR Rani call the robots "Daleks"? Is THAT where he got the idea for the term "Dalek"?

The Other Doctor

Mar 4, 2016, 5:51:26 AM3/4/16

"TB" <> wrote in message
>> >
>> >Davros barely clinging on to life squeezes a button on a device in his
>> >hand. A Ddal robot enters Ddalon's office, screeches exterminate and
>> >Ddalon is disintegrated.
>> >
>> >
>> > >>>THE END<<<
>> Submit to BBC.
> How would Aggy submit his stories to the BBC?

As you've already been told - he wouldn't.

The Other Doctor

Mar 4, 2016, 5:57:19 AM3/4/16

"Agamemnon" <> wrote in message
The BBC couldn't read it. The BBC is an organisation, not a person.

A person in the BBC is unlikely to bother to read any fanfic because there's
a lot of it out there and the vast majority of it isn't any good.

And I'm afraid your story is no better than the vast majority that is
already out there.


Mar 4, 2016, 10:15:16 AM3/4/16
Otherwise the Kaleds would think them to be foreign names and therefore
consider them to be their enemies.


Mar 4, 2016, 10:16:17 AM3/4/16
That is up to the reader to decide.


Mar 4, 2016, 10:25:14 AM3/4/16
But The Doctor TOLD Aggy to submit his story to the BBC, which to me implies that its POSSIBLE for him to do so! I assume that The Doctor wouldn't tell Aggy to do something impossible!


Mar 4, 2016, 10:33:46 AM3/4/16
On 04/03/2016 10:58, The Other Doctor wrote:
> "Agamemnon" <> wrote in message
>> On 04/03/2016 02:57, The Doctor wrote:
>>> Submit to BBC.
>> The BBC wouldn't even dare read it because if they did they'd be accused
>> of plagiarism.
> The BBC couldn't read it. The BBC is an organisation, not a person.
> A person in the BBC is unlikely to bother to read any fanfic because there's
> a lot of it out there and the vast majority of it isn't any good.

They won't know it's fanfic unless they read it first. The Doctor Who
production team don't read any unsolicited scripts or stories period.

They're afraid of being accused of stealing other people's ideas so they
give you a story brief to follow, and it's almost always the same one
used over and over again, or a title as the brief. Then again that's
what TB did when he posted the brief "Turn real life events into Doctor
Who episodes." But TB isn't show runner and his brief is broader than
anything Moffat would give any of his writers.

Maybe everything will change under Chibnall, but how many series of
Trochwood were we waiting for that to happen and nothing ever did?

> And I'm afraid your story is no better than the vast majority that is
> already out there.

So basically it's no worse than and anything in Series 9 then.

The Other Doctor

Mar 4, 2016, 10:50:32 AM3/4/16

"TB" <> wrote in message
Why would you assume that? "The Doctor" says several things that are
unlikely, many things that are completely untrue and frequently expects and
believes things that are quite impossible.

OK Tim - yes, it is possible for Aggy to submit his story to the BBC. Upon
receiving his submission, it would be returned to him, unread. At best they
would include a form letter thanking him for his submission and explaining
why they are unable to accept it.

The Other Doctor

Mar 4, 2016, 10:52:29 AM3/4/16

"Agamemnon" <> wrote in message
I'm not saying series 9 was great. But it wasn't entirely bad and I'm not
pretentious enough to even pretend I could do any better myself.


Mar 4, 2016, 11:17:08 AM3/4/16

They're only looking for original scripts, so anything based on Doctor
Who won't be considered.

Since Daleks are not expressly used and I could replace Davros with
someone else and set it on a different planet I could still submit the
story as a stand-alone script, though there sill might be problems with

The original version of the story which I came up with last year would
have featured the Cybermen but they wouldn't have been introduced
properly until the end and I never got past outlining episode 1 of an
old style 4 parter when the idea of aliens recruiting humans over the
internet to fight a war on a distant planet for them became too
ridiculous. Why would they go to all the expense of transporting humans
to another solar system and not recruit their own people instead?


Mar 4, 2016, 11:27:43 AM3/4/16
On 04/03/2016 15:51, The Other Doctor wrote:
> "TB" <> wrote in message
>> On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 2:51:26 AM UTC-8, The Other Doctor wrote:
>>> "TB" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> Davros barely clinging on to life squeezes a button on a device in
>>>>>> his
>>>>>> hand. A Ddal robot enters Ddalon's office, screeches exterminate and
>>>>>> Ddalon is disintegrated.
>>>>>>>>> THE END<<<
>>>>> Submit to BBC.
>>>> How would Aggy submit his stories to the BBC?
>>> As you've already been told - he wouldn't.
>> But The Doctor TOLD Aggy to submit his story to the BBC, which to me
>> implies that its POSSIBLE for him to do so! I assume that The Doctor
>> wouldn't tell Aggy to do something impossible!
> Why would you assume that? "The Doctor" says several things that are
> unlikely, many things that are completely untrue and frequently expects and
> believes things that are quite impossible.
> OK Tim - yes, it is possible for Aggy to submit his story to the BBC. Upon
> receiving his submission, it would be returned to him, unread. At best they
> would include a form letter thanking him for his submission and explaining
> why they are unable to accept it.

Maybe Big Finish might be a better idea. Just listened to the trailer of
the Tenth Doctor adventures with Donna and it sounds really good.


" Can I send my story idea/script to Big Finish?

"Big Finish is not currently accepting any unsolicited scripts or
storylines for any of our ranges. Please do not send these to us, as
they will be deleted without being read.

"From time to time we may invite submissions as part of a story
competition, which will be announced in our news section, via social
media on Facebook and Twitter, and in the Big Finish Podcast. "


Mar 4, 2016, 12:25:57 PM3/4/16
On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 7:50:32 AM UTC-8, The Other Doctor wrote:
> "TB" <> wrote in message
> > On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 2:51:26 AM UTC-8, The Other Doctor wrote:
> >> "TB" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> >> >
> >> >> >Davros barely clinging on to life squeezes a button on a device in
> >> >> >his
> >> >> >hand. A Ddal robot enters Ddalon's office, screeches exterminate and
> >> >> >Ddalon is disintegrated.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > >>>THE END<<<
> >> >>
> >> >> Submit to BBC.
> >> >
> >> > How would Aggy submit his stories to the BBC?
> >>
> >> As you've already been told - he wouldn't.
> >
> > But The Doctor TOLD Aggy to submit his story to the BBC, which to me
> > implies that its POSSIBLE for him to do so! I assume that The Doctor
> > wouldn't tell Aggy to do something impossible!
> Why would you assume that? "The Doctor" says several things that are
> unlikely, many things that are completely untrue and frequently expects and
> believes things that are quite impossible.

The other things you are referring to are not commands or recommendations. The Doctor's message to Aggy to "Submit to the BBC" strikes me as a friendly recommendation. I was figuring that The Doctor would not be recommending to Aggy something that's impossible.


Mar 4, 2016, 12:34:07 PM3/4/16
On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 8:17:08 AM UTC-8, Agamemnon wrote:

> They're only looking for original scripts, so anything based on Doctor
> Who won't be considered.
> Since Daleks are not expressly used and I could replace Davros with
> someone else and set it on a different planet I could still submit the
> story as a stand-alone script, though there sill might be problems with
> copyright.
> The original version of the story which I came up with last year would
> have featured the Cybermen but they wouldn't have been introduced
> properly until the end and I never got past outlining episode 1 of an
> old style 4 parter when the idea of aliens recruiting humans over the
> internet to fight a war on a distant planet for them became too
> ridiculous. Why would they go to all the expense of transporting humans
> to another solar system and not recruit their own people instead?

I have read novels in which aliens recruit humans to fight their wars for them. One is "Their Master's War".

Doctor Who: The War Games: Aliens had kidnapped millions of soldiers from throughout Earth's history for the eventual purpose of using them as warriors to conquer the galaxy.

The Last Starfighter: Aliens use videogames to recruit humans to fight for them.

Your aliens could be incapable of war, or be unable to function in terrestrial environments, or have a low birth rate.


Mar 4, 2016, 12:54:57 PM3/4/16
If they were unable to function in a certain environment then why fight
a war over it? It would be far cheaper and easier to recruit soldiers
from the enemy side or local villages by paying them higher wages or
promising them 200 nubile virgins and a place in paradise. The problem
is that that transporting millions of humans across the galaxy is not
exactly the same or as easy as them running off to join the French
Foreign Legion. You'd have to pay Richard Branson $200,000 to get him to
send you up into space, and that doesn't even get you into orbit, and to
do it properly like the Russians it would cost something like
$20,000,000, and that's before you even start thinking of visiting other
planets let alone other solar systems.

It would be far cheaper and far simpler just to clone or genetically
modify your own population or clone humans if only humans could fight in
a specific environment.

Timothy Bruening

Mar 4, 2016, 1:10:22 PM3/4/16
Your figures apply to current Earth technology. I expect that aliens would have more advanced space travel technology, so be able to transport humans much more cheaply than we currently can!

Why have I read SF novels in which aliens recruit humans to do their fighting for them?


Mar 4, 2016, 1:31:00 PM3/4/16
It would still be far cheaper for them to recruit from their own planet.
Just calculate the energy involved in transporting 100kg from one solar
system to another and compare that to flying someone from New York to
Beijing. And then there's the problem of doing this in a reasonable
amount of time. How do you propose defying the laws of Physics?

> Why have I read SF novels in which aliens recruit humans to do their
> fighting for them?

Exactly. They should not have been published. What makes humans so
superior when the aliens have evolved technology far beyond anything
humans could conceive.

The Doctor

Mar 4, 2016, 3:08:33 PM3/4/16
In article <>,
That makes sense.

The Doctor

Mar 4, 2016, 3:54:33 PM3/4/16

The Doctor

Mar 4, 2016, 3:58:54 PM3/4/16
Hopefully Chibnall can open up a bit.


Mar 5, 2016, 12:49:04 AM3/5/16
On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 5:36:11 PM UTC-8, Agamemnon wrote:
> The Doctor and his companions say their goodbyes and make their way to
> the TARDIS which takes them on to new adventures.

Shouldn't they hang around a little longer to make certain that Ddalon is no longer a threat?

> In the deserted Kaled laboratory Davros and Nyda embrace. A older model
> of a Ddal robot suddenly becomes active and scratches out in a
> computerised voice, danger, explosives detected, radio receiver
> identified. Davros lets go of Nyda and enquires of the robot where? The
> robot turns to Nyda and projects and image on a 3D screen. Nyda
> explodes. A powerful miniature bomb had been implanted inside of her
> when she shook hands with Ddalon.
> Davros barely clinging on to life squeezes a button on a device in his
> hand. A Ddal robot enters Ddalon's office, screeches exterminate and
> Ddalon is disintegrated.

Who takes over for Ddalon?

How will the phrase "Ddal robot" morph into "Dalek"?


Mar 5, 2016, 8:09:51 AM3/5/16
On 05/03/2016 05:49, TB wrote:
> On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 5:36:11 PM UTC-8, Agamemnon wrote:
>> The Doctor and his companions say their goodbyes and make their way to
>> the TARDIS which takes them on to new adventures.
> Shouldn't they hang around a little longer to make certain that Ddalon is no longer a threat?

When did the Doctor ever hang around?

>> In the deserted Kaled laboratory Davros and Nyda embrace. A older model
>> of a Ddal robot suddenly becomes active and scratches out in a
>> computerised voice, danger, explosives detected, radio receiver
>> identified. Davros lets go of Nyda and enquires of the robot where? The
>> robot turns to Nyda and projects and image on a 3D screen. Nyda
>> explodes. A powerful miniature bomb had been implanted inside of her
>> when she shook hands with Ddalon.
>> Davros barely clinging on to life squeezes a button on a device in his
>> hand. A Ddal robot enters Ddalon's office, screeches exterminate and
>> Ddalon is disintegrated.
> Who takes over for Ddalon?
> How will the phrase "Ddal robot" morph into "Dalek"?

Originally the Daleks were supposed to have evolved from the Dals.

Keith Cunningham

Mar 6, 2016, 4:42:20 AM3/6/16


Mar 6, 2016, 7:01:30 AM3/6/16
On 5/03/2016 5:30 AM, Agamemnon wrote:
> On 04/03/2016 18:10, Timothy Bruening wrote:


>> Why have I read SF novels in which aliens recruit humans to do their
>> fighting for them?
> Exactly. They should not have been published. What makes humans so
> superior when the aliens have evolved technology far beyond anything
> humans could conceive.
"Galaxy Quest!!" Tongue stuffed very firmly in cheek ... to stop it
spiting with laughter!! Need I type more??


Tim Bruening

Dec 11, 2016, 10:00:01 PM12/11/16
What is the difference between a Ddal robot and a Dalek?


Dec 11, 2016, 10:02:47 PM12/11/16
On 12/12/2016 03:00, Tim Bruening wrote:
> What is the difference between a Ddal robot and a Dalek?

It's on a Dalek after Davros takes full control of the programme. It's a
Ddal robot while Ddalon is directing it.

Tim Bruening

Dec 11, 2016, 10:03:00 PM12/11/16
On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 5:36:11 PM UTC-8, Agamemnon wrote:

> In the deserted Kaled laboratory Davros and Nyda embrace. A older model
> of a Ddal robot suddenly becomes active and scratches out in a
> computerised voice, danger, explosives detected, radio receiver
> identified. Davros lets go of Nyda and enquires of the robot where? The
> robot turns to Nyda and projects and image on a 3D screen. Nyda
> explodes. A powerful miniature bomb had been implanted inside of her
> when she shook hands with Ddalon.
> Davros barely clinging on to life squeezes a button on a device in his
> hand. A Ddal robot enters Ddalon's office, screeches exterminate and
> Ddalon is disintegrated.

How did Davros survive that incident?

Tim Bruening

Dec 11, 2016, 10:04:29 PM12/11/16
Long enough to be put in that travel chair?

Tim Bruening

Dec 11, 2016, 10:05:56 PM12/11/16
What changes did Davros make to turn the Ddal robot into a Dalek?


Dec 11, 2016, 10:06:03 PM12/11/16
That's another story.


Dec 11, 2016, 10:08:14 PM12/11/16
Watch Genesis of the Daleks. Either episode 1 or 2. I can't remember
which preciously, but that's where he names them. Before that they're
called travel machines.

The Doctor

Dec 11, 2016, 10:21:27 PM12/11/16
In article <>,
Tim Bruening <> wrote:
>What is the difference between a Ddal robot and a Dalek?

Trump is no Dalek.
Member - Liberal International This is Ici
God,Queen and country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
Merry Christmas 2016 and Happy New Year 2017

The Doctor

Dec 11, 2016, 10:26:13 PM12/11/16
In article <>,
Episode 2

The Doctor

Dec 11, 2016, 10:26:58 PM12/11/16
In article <>,
His backup kicked in.

Tim Bruening

Dec 11, 2016, 10:44:24 PM12/11/16
On Sunday, December 11, 2016 at 7:26:58 PM UTC-8, The Doctor wrote:
> In article <>,
> Tim Bruening <> wrote:
> >On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 5:36:11 PM UTC-8, Agamemnon wrote:
> >
> >> In the deserted Kaled laboratory Davros and Nyda embrace. A older model
> >> of a Ddal robot suddenly becomes active and scratches out in a
> >> computerised voice, danger, explosives detected, radio receiver
> >> identified. Davros lets go of Nyda and enquires of the robot where? The
> >> robot turns to Nyda and projects and image on a 3D screen. Nyda
> >> explodes. A powerful miniature bomb had been implanted inside of her
> >> when she shook hands with Ddalon.
> >>
> >> Davros barely clinging on to life squeezes a button on a device in his
> >> hand. A Ddal robot enters Ddalon's office, screeches exterminate and
> >> Ddalon is disintegrated.
> >
> >How did Davros survive that incident?
> His backup kicked in.

Davros was still a normal humanoid with two legs and two arms. He would not have been hooked up to life support machinery, so wouldn't have a backup.

The Doctor

Dec 12, 2016, 10:16:21 AM12/12/16
In article <>,
Life support backup.

Tim Bruening

Dec 12, 2016, 1:30:48 PM12/12/16
On Monday, December 12, 2016 at 7:16:21 AM UTC-8, The Doctor wrote:
> In article <>,
> Tim Bruening <> wrote:
> >On Sunday, December 11, 2016 at 7:26:58 PM UTC-8, The Doctor wrote:
> >> In article <>,
> >> Tim Bruening <> wrote:
> >> >On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 5:36:11 PM UTC-8, Agamemnon wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> In the deserted Kaled laboratory Davros and Nyda embrace. A older model
> >> >> of a Ddal robot suddenly becomes active and scratches out in a
> >> >> computerised voice, danger, explosives detected, radio receiver
> >> >> identified. Davros lets go of Nyda and enquires of the robot where? The
> >> >> robot turns to Nyda and projects and image on a 3D screen. Nyda
> >> >> explodes. A powerful miniature bomb had been implanted inside of her
> >> >> when she shook hands with Ddalon.
> >> >>
> >> >> Davros barely clinging on to life squeezes a button on a device in his
> >> >> hand. A Ddal robot enters Ddalon's office, screeches exterminate and
> >> >> Ddalon is disintegrated.
> >> >
> >> >How did Davros survive that incident?
> >>
> >> His backup kicked in.
> >
> >Davros was still a normal humanoid with two legs and two arms. He would
> >not have been hooked up to life support machinery, so wouldn't have a
> >backup.
> Life support backup.

Are you saying that Davros was already crippled and ALREADY needed life support machinery BEFORE being bombed by his girlfriend?

Tim Bruening

Dec 12, 2016, 1:48:52 PM12/12/16
On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 5:36:11 PM UTC-8, Agamemnon wrote:

> Davros barely clinging on to life squeezes a button on a device in his
> hand. A Ddal robot enters Ddalon's office, screeches exterminate and
> Ddalon is disintegrated.

To be replaced by Mkei?


Dec 12, 2016, 2:18:42 PM12/12/16
He wasn't bombed by his girlfriend. He was bombed by Ddalon and his
girlfriend killed.

Tim Bruening

Dec 12, 2016, 5:58:40 PM12/12/16
But was Davros already crippled before being bombed by Ddalon?


Dec 12, 2016, 7:42:54 PM12/12/16

Tim Bruening

Dec 13, 2016, 11:49:01 AM12/13/16
Then why would he have had a life support system backup?


Dec 13, 2016, 12:10:07 PM12/13/16
Who said anything about that?

He's just been blown up. His girlfriend was killed. He wasn't.

Tim Bruening

Dec 13, 2016, 3:56:31 PM12/13/16
When I asked "How did Davros survive that incident?" (The incident of the bomb exploding inside Davro's girlfriend), someone answered "His backup kicked in.". To me, that answer implied that Davros already HAD a life support system backup at the time of this incident?

Tim Bruening

Dec 13, 2016, 4:00:47 PM12/13/16
That's because the bomb was INSIDE his girlfriend! As it was, Davro was barely clinging to life when he pressed the button that sent in the robot to kill the President. I would like to know how he survived long enough for someone to put him in that travel chair.


Dec 13, 2016, 4:28:33 PM12/13/16
Who said that? Not me.

> HAD a life support system backup at the time of this incident?

No he didn't. He's a normal Kalad until he's maimed in the explosion.



Dec 13, 2016, 4:30:31 PM12/13/16
He hadn't lost enough blood to die yet. He was saved before he did.

Timothy Bruening

Feb 7, 2018, 3:56:24 AM2/7/18
On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 5:36:11 PM UTC-8, Agamemnon wrote:

> Davros explains that Ddalon has promised the mutant gods of the cult of
> Skaro that he will transplant their brains into new undisfigured bodies
> if they help him conquer the Thals. This has made Davros an enemy of
> Ddalon and the Ddal faction of the Republicans. Davros knows that the
> bodies that the gods of Skaro along with their followers will be given
> are to be Ddal robot casings and Ddalon will use them to conquer the
> Thals, but when that happens Davros predicts they will turn on Ddalon
> and the whole Kaled race brining it into slavery.

So this is what gave Davros the idea of putting Kaleds into robot bodies to create the Daleks!

Timothy Bruening

Feb 7, 2018, 4:00:13 AM2/7/18
On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 5:36:11 PM UTC-8, Agamemnon wrote:

> At the outskirts of the city a group of robot soldiers emerges from
> cover and screeches out the words halt, do not move, with the grating
> voice sounding as if it is coming from single side-band modulated SW
> radio. The horses come to a sudden stop. Rani calls out Daleks.

Giving the name "Dalek"?

The Doctor

Feb 7, 2018, 8:55:46 AM2/7/18
In article <>,
These are not robot bodies! Those are transports with weapons!!
Member - Liberal International This is Ici
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
Practice, The Master of all Things. - Augustus Octavius

The Doctor

Feb 7, 2018, 8:56:14 AM2/7/18
In article <>,

Timothy Bruening

Mar 9, 2020, 4:50:58 AM3/9/20
On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 5:36:11 PM UTC-8, Agamemnon wrote:

> In the deserted Kaled laboratory Davros and Nyda embrace. A older model
> of a Ddal robot suddenly becomes active and scratches out in a
> computerised voice, danger, explosives detected, radio receiver
> identified. Davros lets go of Nyda and enquires of the robot where? The
> robot turns to Nyda and projects and image on a 3D screen. Nyda
> explodes. A powerful miniature bomb had been implanted inside of her
> when she shook hands with Ddalon.
> Davros barely clinging on to life squeezes a button on a device in his
> hand. A Ddal robot enters Ddalon's office, screeches exterminate and
> Ddalon is disintegrated.

Does Kemi take over?

The Doctor

Mar 9, 2020, 11:02:38 AM3/9/20
In article <>,
Member - Liberal International This is Ici
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
An enlightened soul would not demand of another to believe lies. -unknown

Timothy Bruening

Mar 9, 2020, 1:51:11 PM3/9/20
Ddalon'a VP.

The Doctor

Mar 9, 2020, 5:47:59 PM3/9/20
In article <>,
Timothy Bruening <> wrote:
>Ddalon'a VP.

Timbot Bruening is like a child abuser!
Timbot Bruening is the spam blogger of rec.arts.drwho. Timbot Bruening is
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