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Kent Montana origins

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Jul 7, 1994, 7:39:23 PM7/7/94
Hello, I'm Kent Montana. I've been here awhile and thought it was time to let
you guys know a bit about me. Kent Montana is, obviously, an alias created in
honor of my wonderful home state and one of my favorite series of books.
My real name is Andrew(Drew) Kallen. I'm 21 years old and a Junior in
Media and Theatre Arts at Montana State University. I am mostly involved in
film and theatre work within my major. I've been reading X-books for many
years. I vaugely remember starting somewhere around the Mutant Massacre. I
actually started collecting right after Inferno, with a two year gap about the
time of the new X-Men book starting. This was becaquse of lack of funds and the
fact that my mother didn't care much for me reading things involving scantily
clad women. THe fact that this was the last thing I read the book for didn't
really matter. THey were there, so out they went. I restaqrted my collection
during Fatal Attractions and have been filling in the gaps ever since.
Likes: Sci-Fi(Star Trek, Starbridge, Sector General, Shannarra, etc.)
Christian Music(DC Talk, Jon Gibson, Charlie Peacock, Susan
Jazz, Mostly Harry Connick, Jr.
Kenneth Branagh films; also Emma Thompson, Harrison Ford, AND
Dislikes: Heavy Metal, excess foul language, and morons.

There's alot more to me, but thats enough for a start. Thanks for listening.

From the files of Kent Montana

David R. Henry

Jul 8, 1994, 2:08:08 PM7/8/94
>Hello, I'm Kent Montana. I've been here awhile and thought it was time to let
>you guys know a bit about me. Kent Montana is, obviously, an alias created in
>honor of my wonderful home state and one of my favorite series of books.

Oh, is it this time of the year again? Ah, well. Since Kent started so well
and so polite, I'm finding myself irrestibly attracted to responding. Maybe
it will keep me away from making more Lancashire puns with Charlie...

Hello, I'm David R. Henry. I've been here awhile and I thought it was
time to do something typically silly. David Henry is my real name, my father
being a bit at a lack for imagination, and what the R stands for is a
subject of long-time research and question.

I'm closer to 50 than 0 in age, I look like Morpheus from Sandman on
a bad hair day, I make a living -- HA! sorry, just made a funny there :-)
-- I earn scant torn tidbits of money by dint of my journalistic efforts
and unusual ability to deliver pizzas on time, and I really, really want
a black cat. I started reading the X-Men with the Spider-Man/X-Men team-up
in the first Marvel Team-Up Annual (they fight the Gods of the Pit!),
after having given up the Legion of Super Heroes as being too confusing
for my mind. Yes, I live in North Dakota, and while it's tough to be proud
of that fact, I do the best I can. At least we get a proper eight months
of winter, unlike some states I have lived in.

My favorite books are written in English (I have a large collection of
nineteenth century horror, philosophy texts, electrical engineering
handbooks, and mysteries), I listen to any music that makes noise (current
CDs that Are Not Removed from my changer: Richard and Linda Thompson, "Shoot
Out the Lights;" Einsturzende Neubauten, "Tabula Rasa;" Joan Jett, varies;
Sonic Youth, "EVOL;" Rebecca Coupe Franks, "Suit of Armor;" Kate Bush, of
course, can not be allowed to leave the machine lest I bring down a curse
upon myself and family), and, aside from David Letterman, my three TVs
are only used to watch movies on.

I dislike icky people, my sister's cooties, and wasting diseases. I think
McDonald's should be ashamed as a multimillion dollar company to panhandle
for money to keep its McDonald Houses open -- if you're going to do charity,
folks, then do it right. I think Oswald acted alone, all you need is love,
Cecil Adams is the root of all knowledge, a good imported Scotch is all
you need for a head cold, Crazy Jane is the greatest superheroine of all
time (but I found Rogue first), Carol Dawn Lee is the greatest, and a
pizza a day keeps your problems away.


David R. Henry - Rogue Fan Club // Dinotopia is a state of mind. Grwwwwrr?
"All you of Earth are IDIOTS!"-P9fOS / What was the question? -- Kate Bush * Evolution: Give it some time, it'll grow on ya.

Kate the Short

Jul 10, 1994, 10:59:25 AM7/10/94
Ah, what the hell...

I'm Kate the Short. And my moniker is the truth. I'm five feet tall and
half an inch, I've got brown hair and deep brown eyes (swoon factor +2),
and I had jaw surgery four years ago which changed how my face looked, so
that I can now be considered mildly attractive, instead of merely
quirky. Oh, and Glamour Shots can make me look drop-dead gorgeous in
about an hour.

My favorite X-Women have been Shadowcat, because Katherine Pryde has a
really cool name and is/was at one time my age, and Psylocke, because I
love the name and have a liking for purple hair, which I would do myself
if I had the courage and the time to do it. I was/am in favor of Havok
and Polaris living happily ever after, a huge New Mutants fan, wishing
that Doug had lived so that Rahne and he could have a sweet romance and
live somewhat normally, and desiring to see Dazzler give birth to
Longshot's child, so that we can see them both again.

I collect all of the Xbooks, even restarting my Wolverine collection
about a year back. Excalibur was at one time my favorite; now it's
pretty even. I was destined to collect comic books because it runs in my
family-- my dad's father's sister is technically the basis for Lois Lane,
as she eventually settled down with her childhood sweetheart, Jerry
Siegel. Due to this and a really great boyfriend, I began collecting
Superman. Nice tradeoff-- he is now very much into X:TAS and read all
of my xbooks with me when we were in the same time zone. Oh, I also
collect Spawn, and read the occasional issue of Cerebus (the
aforementioned boyfriend loves All kinds of Aardvarks, so if you have
any, let me know). Favorite artists include Art Adams, Jim Lee on a good
day, Scott Bachalo's Death:tHCoL mini, Alan Davis, and Bill Sienkewitz.

I'm an only child, possessor of a dog named Daisy who is a beagle-terrier
mix and looks like a cockapoo, and a fan of fettuccini alfredo. I am a
Taco Bell goddess, having worked there on breaks and summers for four
years. I am going to be a college senior next year. I've been to
Canada, Jamaica, Great Britain incluyding Scotland and Wales but not
Ireland, and France. I'll be in Cambridge England next semester on
study-abroad, and so will visit France and Gremany during break. Send
Travel Tips as applicable. I am on the staff of the Literary magazine at
Valparaiso University (Valparaiso Indiana 46383), where I am an English
Major, Theatre and Humanities minors, and dabble in theatre both onstage
and off. I'm in a sorority (local), and have a great relationship with
the aforementioned X-baptised boyfriend. I can dance somewhat and am
trying to learn how to sing, with miraculous success.

I like Pink Floyd as my favorite band, having just come down from a Floyd
concert high at RFK stadium in Washington DC.

And I turn 21 on July 31st. This July 31st. Feel free to send e-mail.
Or money. :)


| -Kate the Short- |
| Exclamation Points are the Spice of Life, and the Sorrow of the Reader |

Charlie Ball

Jul 10, 1994, 12:59:48 PM7/10/94
My ego and I have just had a long and, to be honest, quite unpleasant argument.
It descended quite swiftly into petty name-calling, I can tell you. But my ego
won by promising not to interfere next time I'm getting given advice by people
who are more experienced at work than I am, and by not embarrassing me when
I get drunk. As an unfortunate side-effect, I am compelled to go down the
same sordid path that more illustrious types before have trodden.

Behold a specimen of manhood desirable in every degree. Good. I'm probably
standing next to him. It usually happens that way.

My name is at the bottom of the post : go and read it. I'm a Wiganer born and
raised which means I have a variety of odd genetic habits which are
more-or-less unique outside the degenerate Inuit tribes of Western Greenland,
and generally involve pies. I am a rare InterNet beast indeed :
I have no interest or ability whatsoever in computers, using them solely for
newsgroups and e-mail, since it's cheaper than the phone.

I'm 23 years of age, but not for much longer, and I'm 5'10, dark hair, fair
(as in: sunburns before you can say "Factor 40") skin, green eyes, and, to
my immense joy, I have dimples *and* cheekbones. They work. But then I'm an
appalling fibber and drama queen, so take all of this with a large pinch
of salt. My friends are in a state of constant gossip about me, which
means I must be doing something right.
Got into comics through my younger brother - as an insatiable reader, I'd
read anything with words in it, so I quickly became hooked, and have been
ever since. About 10 years, I'd say. Collect a large variety of things, so
I shan't bore you with the details, but you can probably guess anyway -
although I must confess to a shameful liking for mindless superheroics.
But then I also like cider, so I can't be considered in any way at the
cutting edge of radical cool. Musically, I'm what can only be described as
"unerringly tasteful" - er, sorry, "Indie Kid". But don't mention the
WonderStuff. I'm glad they're splitting up.

Professionally (this word doesn't generally apply), I'm now a doctorate chemist
after an....unconventional career path that has embraced aromatherapist,
man-who-destroys-fitted-kitchens, releaser-of-gas-built-up-in-rubbish-tips and
nude model, amongst other jobs. If anyone cares, I'm studying the mechanism
of metal toxicity. See, I know you didn't. I move house, on average, about
every two months, which is odd, as I hate moving more than anything.
I can cook, which makes me an extraordinary man amongst most of my
acquaintances, and I have no artistic ability at all. I have hobbies, but
I like to spend most of my spare time engaging in the more entertaining
of the Deadly Sins, preferably simultaneously. Where appropriate.
As has been remarked, I have a strong liking for the following things :
Lancashire, beer, chocolate, my job (alarming, eh?), certain radio programmes,
comedy (I've actually done stand-up. I was ok. Didn't get bottled off, anyhow.
God, was it scary, though.), contacting alien species (no, not really. They
usually phone me.), odd music, talking (a lot), and several other things which
are probably best left unmentioned. I'm attached, so stem the inevitable floods
of e-mail, boys and girls. I know the value of my own skin. I can't be bothered
writing any more, and I can't imagine why I've done this in the first place.
Oh well, after doing all that, I'm not going to just let it vanish.

Charlie Ball - As expected!

"Better late than before anyone has invited you." - Ambrose Bierce.


Jul 10, 1994, 8:34:12 PM7/10/94
As you all know, I'm all for wasting bandwidth, so I'll participate
in this interesting, albeit somewhat silly, thread.

No, my real name is not Thrasher, it's Craig H. Rettig. Don't
ask about the H., 'cause I won't tell you. My X-book experiences
started with Wolverine, not reading the others until....brace
yourselves....the X-Tinction Agenda. Since that time, I've gotten
all the Classic X-Men/X-Men Classic to date, being supremely
impressed with the "good ol' days" so to speak.

As you can guess by my .sig, I'm into heavy metal music (Yes, I bought
the Entombed: Wolverine Blues album for Entombed and not the Wolvie
comic in the CD booklet). I tend to get into music that sounds bad to
most normal people. Some favorite groups of mine: METALLICA, Sacred
Reich, Entombed, Ministry, Death, Deicide, Danzig, Slayer, J.S. Bach,
Steve Vai, Danny Elfman, Gwar, and W.A. Mozart. (Interesting selection,
yes I know.)

My other interests: Role-playing games, Fantasy novels (Terry Prachett),
Sci-Fi (Piers Anthony, Larry Niven and Douglas Adams), Horror (Clive
Barker), Sacrificing small animals to Satan (just kidding, I prefer large
water mammals. Okay, back on the beaten track...)

I'm 5'11" with dark brown hair, short on top and about 10 inches long in
the back. Wierd-colored eyes (green in the middle moving to brown on the
outside.) Favorite dress: Black T-shirts with skulls, jeans or denimn
shorts and black tennis shoes or my black jungle boots.

I also dabble in writing, receiving a good response over on rac.creative
with my OPEN MIND story, and just finished the script for a Superboy
story I plan on submitting to DC.

Anyway, I've written too much already. If you want to know more, just
mail me.

________ __ + "Adrenaline starts to flow. You're
/_ __/ / _______ ____ / / ___ ____ + thrashing all around. Acting like
/ / / _ \/ __/ _ `(_-</ _ \/ -_) __/ + maniac. Whiplash!" --Metallica
/_/ /_//_/_/ \_,_/___/_//_/\__/_/ + Craig

Kay Green

Jul 10, 1994, 11:36:03 PM7/10/94
What the hey, I'll go next.

Hi-O, I'm Kay Green. I've been here awhile and I thought it was time for
lunch, but forgot that I _already_ had lunch, and decided to write this
instead. Kay Green is a slight alteration of my real name, and should be
used with reverance (and a dash of salt). My real name changes with the
type of person trying to say (or write) it, although almost all people can
say "Green" (I credit the public education system for this).

I'm old enough to know better, but too young to start talking like my parents.
I'm told I'm a splitting image of one of the actors from the film Dead
Poet's Society, but it's been a while since I saw that film, so I don't
know which one (but it's NOT Robin Williams). I am viewed as just one of
the many faceless automatons here in the Political Science (if you can
call it a science) program at the University of Manitoba, so that means I
like screwing with the destiny of our country for fun. My main handicap in
life is hailing from the province of Manitoba, which has got to have the
greatest percentage of whiners and self-righteous preachers as compared to
the general population anywhere in Canada. Sorry, that should have gone
under pet peeves :). My X-collection began to materialize a few months after
Rob Liefeld began pencilling for New Mutants, so I guess I'll had to credit
him with being one of my influences in comics. I _believe_ my first
X-comic was...oh yes, it was Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn, so I guess I
got a good start in xbooks. Before that, I only had bits and pieces of
Marvel stuff, mostly some Spider-man (early 100's), and, of course, Alpha

I like wine, women, and song; hockey, football, legal precedents, pretty
colors, BBS (British Broadcasting Corp.), the sound of falling rain,
Afganistan, chess, colored mints, DOOM, Patrick Stewart, club-hopping, and
the theatre. My favorite books are mostly biographies of the great leaders
of our time (Roosevelt, Churchill, MacDonald, Stalin), and How To Properly
Dispose of a Dead Body, by John Imjustmakingthisupyouknow.

I dislike crude flames, DOS, the public education system, and months without
statuatory holidays (except February :)). I think fascism is not for us,
helium has got to be the coolest element on earth, and world government is
the only way to go in the 21st century. I think "Ich bin ein Berliner"
was the greatest social gaffe of the twentieth century, and that religion
really IS the opium of the masses. Finally, I believe that there are
certain recurring numbers that appear in all aspects of our life, and these
numbers mean something (but I don't know what), and it scares the HELL out
of me. But that's just me.

That's not the end. But it'll do.

L. K. ("Kay") Green // Internet address: /
Kay'el of the Klingon High Command // "I thought I had a great idea, but it
never really took off. In fact, it didn't even get on the runway. I guess
you could say it exploded in the hangar." -- Calvin // FUBAR, big time.

Paul O'Brien

Jul 11, 1994, 8:31:53 AM7/11/94

I can just see the 80,000 odd readers of racx being completely rapt
by this discussion, can't you?

Anyway, I'm Paul O'Brien, and I'm a 19-year-old law student from
Edinburgh. Yes, Paul O'Brien is my real name. I'm not even going
to try and tell you what I look like. I started buying the X-books
with New Mutants #50, which was a great issue but a bloody stupid
place to start, since Chris Claremont left the series one issue later.
I filled in most of the rest of the series from the Official Handbook
and Classic X-Men. And back issues. Lots of back issues.

I'm probably one of the few people on this newsgroup who still buys
every single X-Book (apart from X-Men Adventures). Which is weird,
because I gave up on virtually everything else Marvel publish about
two years ago and decamped to Vertigo, Cerebus and Hate.

I listen to the KLF, A House, the Pet Shop Boys and various bands
who nobody's ever heard of apart from me. I'm one of a small number
of people to own a copy of Simon Groom's diabolical version of
"I Can't Help Falling In Love With You." I do shows on our student
radio station when it's on air (and if anyone can think of a good
name for this autumn's show, I'd love to hear from you).

Paul O'Brien,

Wide Eyed And Ignorant.

Dwayne MacKinnon

Jul 11, 1994, 12:03:38 PM7/11/94
There's probably absolutely *NOBODY* who wants to see this, but that's
never stopped me before, has it?
My name is Dwayne Allan MacKinnon and I hail from a tiny place in Nova
Scotia by name of Whycocomagh. I'm a 21 year old computer science major at
Acadia University, and I'm currently working for the summer for Bell-
Northern Research (BNR).
I've been reading comics since about the age of 5, but the first comic
I remember buying was Alpha Flight #1 at the tender age of ten. I was buying
reading material for a trip to El Paso, Texas, and it was one of the books I
picked up. I remember thinking that the guy in the maple leaf costume on the
cover looked pretty neat. I also remember being incredibly frustrated because
my mother wouldn't let me *READ* the comic until we actually went on the trip,
something like a week later.
As for the things I like, I enjoy all kinds of music with the exceptions
of country, rap and most dance tunes. I listen to everything from Enya to the
Barra MacNeils to Lawrence Gowan to INXS. As far as comics go, my favorite
writers are John Byrne, Jeff Smith, Fabien Nicieza and Mark Gruenwald.
I currently read the New Warriors titles, X-Force, Bone, Static, Damage and
the Ray. I used to read far more, but I dropped quite a few titles when I
first went to college. I manage to keep up with quite a few titles using the
internet and by fliping through books in comic shops.
As far as things I *DON'T* like..... try Bill Mantlo's run on Alpha
Flight, Louise Simonson's run on New Mutants, the cancellation of JSA and Peter
Cannon-Thunderbolt, the X-Cutioner's Song, "enhanced" covers, retcons, poor
writing, artists who write without writing skills, the loss of Chris
Claremont from X-Men, and of course, *THE CANCELLATION OF ALPHA FLIGHT*!!!!!
I also don't like flames, particularly flames of Canada. :-) I also don't
like Tom DeFalco's writing of late, and the fact that I have to wait a year
inbetween each novel of the series of fantasy novels I'm currently reading.
All in all, I just enjoy hanging around on the net and giving opinions
on things. It's a lot more fun though if those opionions create a thread. :-)

DMK - Keeper of the Alpha Flight flame.

"Captain Logan? Are you going to come quietly, or will I have to get rough?" -
Sasquatch to Wolverine as Sas is swinging Wolvie into some convenient brick

Dwayne MacKinnon My opinions are my own, never those of my employer.

William B. May

Jul 11, 1994, 4:12:22 PM7/11/94
to (Paul O'Brien) writes:
>I can just see the 80,000 odd readers of racx being completely rapt
>by this discussion, can't you?

Yup, and since I'm compiling and doing other maintenance stuff today,
I thought I'd add to the madness.

I'm Bill May, a 29 year-old, 6'2", 180 lbs. programmer originally
from New Jersey, now located in the heart of Silicon Valley, Sunnyvale,
California. I've lived here for 5 1/2 years, long enough to know
that once you start to drive a convertible, you never want to go back,
and long enough to lose most of my original Jersey accent.

I work for Cisco Systems, in the WAN development group. Cisco
makes routers, which help keep the controlled chaos of the Internet
together. Its my 4th job since graduating RPI in 1986.

I've been reading comics since I was about 5 - my first comic was
a 20 cent Superboy comic. I stopped when I was about 14, then
restarted in college, with Secret Wars (Hey, stop that snickering -
it was better than the Xtinction Agenda), which is about Xmen 183,
New Mutants #9 timeframe. I've been able to fill my collection
from Xmen #120 and NM #1.

I still collect all the Xbooks (except for Xmen Adventures and the
reprints), but now get them through my mail-order, so I get them
about a month late (and thus don't have much to say on this group).
My current pull list is mostly DC, with a couple of Marvels
(Xtitles, Hulk, Avengers) and a few independents (Bone and
Soulsearchers), and my favorites are Bone, Flash, Guy Gardner, Hulk (just
got issue 420, and was amazed). I got my youngest brother first into
collecting comics, then into reading these newsgroups (Hi, Chuck).

My music taste runs from alternative/modern rock to classic rock,
with a particular fondess for Dire Straits and the Beatles. I'm not
that fond of death-metal or whatever they call it, but can tolerate it.
I listen to KFOG 104.5 while at work.

I coach AYSO girl's soccer (14-17 years old), and find myself sounding
a lot like my parents some of the time, which is sort of scary. I also
just bought a house, and am upset because none of my closets will
fit the darn long comic boxes, so most of my comics are in the garage.
I think that Sweden is the team to watch in the World Cup, that
the Yankees will return eventually to their former greatness.

Any questions ?


Norah Hogoboom

Jul 11, 1994, 5:35:37 PM7/11/94
Hello my name is Andrew Herington and I am a long time lurker on the net.
I was born in Anaconda, Montana (and can still be proud of the fact) but
moved to the facinatingly weird town of Olympia Washington. Thankfully I
left that hellhole for the Seattle environs. My first X-book is X-men #88
(Now Factor Three THEY were villians :)) which I guess makes me somewhat
of an old fogey around these parts. My friends are constantly amazed by
both my ability to spout obscure facts gleamed from comic books and have
an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the Marvel Universe yet still manage
to forget what I did yesterday. In what seems to be a lifetime of
purgatory I have managed to be a homeless street kid, a fastfood worker,
a movie projectionist, a comic book store employee, typesetter for
Fantagraphics, assitant editor of Amazing Heroes (for a week then we were
cancelled) and finally a wage slave of the Mighty Morphin Microsoft Rangers!

My Music tastes are distinctly alternative with the Smiths, 10,000
Maniacs and Talking Heads toping the list and yes I do like grunge and am
proud of it. I am also part Native American (Ojibwa & Cherokee) and find
that this is the only political subject that is important to me. Other
than comics I am a confirmed RPGer and have been reciently lured to the
Darkside by Magic: The Addiction. I also still by every X-Title allthough
then again I though 'Mazing Man was great!

Finally for those of you keeping score at home I am 26 with a birthday
coming the 18th of this month, 5'11&1/4 (a fact! I was sonared!) with
dark skin very long brown hair, glasses, and a distinct preference for
cowboy boots and leather jackets.


Ellen L. Contini-Morava

Jul 11, 1994, 11:53:08 PM7/11/94
Hi, I'm Aili... My full name is Aili G. Contini-Morava, I'm turning
14 on July 20th, and by God I hope I don't have a Virginia accent.
I've lived in Charlottesville, "Thomas Jefferson is God" Virginia
for almost all my life, and I'm entering C'ville High School this year.
I'm 5'4", I have long red hair (what you might call wavy and I call
frizzy) and blue eyes, and I use SPF 30 and still get sunburnt.
I play the clarinet and I like to draw and read fantasy and sci-fi
[insert Robert Jordan plug here] I've been practically living
at the swimming pool these past few weeks 'cos it's too darn hot.
My dad and mom are both professors (Calculus and Linguistics,
respectively) and I have one little brother who is 11 and likes to take
out my comics, read them, and then feed them to the slavering monster
that is his closet. I have one dog, part Chihuahua mutt (no, she does
not have a squished- in nose) who is looking very cute right now sleeping
on the new couch where she is not supposed to be.
The first comics I read were Donald Duck and Moebious that my dad
would bring home randomly (an interesting combination). I started
reading X-Men with the Soul-Skinner storyline, and I read X-Men, Uncanny,
Excalibur, and every Elfquest title that WaRP puts out.
I do not like the colors hot pink and yellow, I do like Animaniacs,
and I wish I knew how to play Magic: The Gathering. There. Make of
that what you will, xbookers.

--oh, and I hate vi editors.

David R. Henry

Jul 12, 1994, 1:08:56 AM7/12/94
Aili wrote:

> I do not like the colors hot pink and yellow, I do like Animaniacs,
>and I wish I knew how to play Magic: The Gathering. There. Make of
>that what you will, xbookers.

Magic is deceptively easy to play. There are only two main rules:

1. Buy a deck.

2. Buy more decks.

Once you have mastered the subtle nuances of those difficult strictures,
you'll see why Magic is such the popular game that it is.

> --oh, and I hate vi editors.

I use jove, a bastardization of emacs, m'self. Feel happy -- you could
be using ed.

Tom Galloway

Jul 12, 1994, 7:06:22 AM7/12/94
The following, with updates to make it on topic at the end, was done a couple
of years ago with tongue firmly in cheek. Everything in it is true but, like
a good resume, is written in the best possible light.

"An exceptional individual." "A wonderful, sweet guy" --Harlan Ellison
"You're one of the smart ones" --Neil Gaiman

Tom Galloway is an internationally known bon vivant, raconteur, and
sophisticated man about town (at least in the same sense for the last as
the monster in Young Frankenstein). He has been educated at and worked for
some of the finest universities in both the United States and Europe, including
Yale, MIT, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne among
others, having escaped from a small town in Western North Carolina where until
his senior year in high school the nearest McDonald's was 30 miles away. There
is still discussion about whether that state was a good one or not, but given
that there were no compensating benefits, it is generally considered to
illustrate what a hick town it was.

A frequent traveller, Mr. Galloway has visited 45 of the contiguous 48 states
as well as seven countries outside of the United States, including residing
in Switzerland for a year. He still maintains his Swiss bank account, while
continuing to work on his other two main childhood fantasies of writing
a comic book and being on Jeopardy!. Towards the latter, he has passed the
written tryout test six times, and is torn between going for the record of
eight or just getting on the show and getting it over with.

Mr. Galloway's written work has appeared in sources as diverse as Chess Life &
Review (his first paid article), Comics Buyer's Guide, The Daily Tar Heel,
Daily Pennsylvanian, Michigan Daily, the rec.humor.funny Jokebooks, Carolina
Gambit, the proceedings of the American Association for Artificial
Intelligence annual conference, Internet World, and the Wall Street
Journal. For the latter, he is one of the relatively few people to have one of
his jokes printed on its front page. He was also invited to attend a writers'
meeting for the Fox TV show Parker Lewis. He has been interviewed by the
Transylvania Times, Asheville Citizen, Winston-Salem Journal, Charlotte
Observer, Chapel Hill Newspaper, and numerous college papers.

His comedy writing has been performed before live audiences of up to 70,000
people and seen on regional ABC telecasts. His most prominent comedic work
was performed in Cambridge in November, 1982 and written about internationally
with prominent coverage in sources ranging from the Boston Globe to Sports
Illustrated. In 1980 he appeared for a two second close-up on the CBS Evening
News with Walter Cronkite.

In the past, Mr. Galloway was quite active in chess organization and was
Editor, Secretary-Treasurer, and eventually President of the North Carolina
Chess Association, all before the age of 20. He was also a two term President
of the Intercollegiate Chess League of America and has drawn a grandmaster
in simultaneous play.

Mr. Galloway has been asked for his autograph both by science fiction author
Roger McBride Allen and by the Michigan State University library on a work
in their collection. He has also appeared as an Admiral in the Star Trek
comic book.

He is 6'0", a straight haired brunet, with moustache and beard, reads
entirely too many comics (and has for 30 years since age 3), and has eclectic
musical tastes ranging from the Capitol Steps to Christine Lavin to the
Smithereens to Tori Amos to Ella Fitzgerald (and others, having close to
500 CDs) and is currently enjoying the onslaught of late 70s/early 80s New
Wave collections. He is also responsible for the intercontinental fashion
craze of Suicide Squid shirts and is three time running winner of the
Favorite Squiddy.

He also has an ego the size of a complete set of X-Men, including mini-series
and spinoffs. :-)

"I felt it was time the Bible was put into its proper context. It's a good
book, in fact it's *The* Good Book, but it was only a biography, and an
*unauthorized* one at that. I didn't even write it." --God, the Ultimate


Jul 12, 1994, 10:54:36 AM7/12/94
to (David R. Henry) writes:

>Aili wrote:
>> I do not like the colors hot pink and yellow, I do like Animaniacs,
>>and I wish I knew how to play Magic: The Gathering. There. Make of
>>that what you will, xbookers.
>Magic is deceptively easy to play. There are only two main rules:
>1. Buy a deck.
>2. Buy more decks.

Of course, after a while you will master these intricate strategies, and
go on to advanced and arcane ones, like

Buy more decks

Skip classes to buy decks

"Death before dishonor. | "We're just sugar mice in the rain..."
Drugs before lunch. " | -Marillion
-Aspen Gun and Drug Club |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Jul 12, 1994, 1:46:19 PM7/12/94
Oh well, I guess it's my turn...

My name is Jonathan Vincent Calindas (JVC...a source of unending teasing as
a child). My older brother's name is John, so don't call me Jon. My parents
and relatives call me Jayvee(JV) which I guess is better than Jaybot. All
my friends insist on calling me Jon. I'm turning 19 on Kate the Short's
birthday, July 31. I also have a cousin born the same day as me(I) so it's
sort of like having a twin sister(sort of). I now currently reside in
Elizabeth, New Jersey, but have lived in New Haven, CT, and a good part of
my childhood in Pankshin, Plateau St, Nigeria, Africa, Eastern Hemisphere...etc

My first issue of the x-men was an x-men classic where that Garok person
falls into a pit, but I guess the issue that made me start collecting was
Uxmen 280, the last issue of the Muir Island Saga. With the mutant genesis
thing, I guess that was a pretty good place to start. Due to the price of
back issues, I resolved not to get anything before Uxmen 270.
I used to collect a lot of other titles, and at that time, collectibility and
price affected my buying habits. I got a lot of useless comics(some of which
I think is rather valuable) but I finally resolved to stick to all of the
X-titles and nothing else after the excitement wore off.

I have a black husky/labrador named Nikki. I am second of four(rather the
worst place to be in a limited series :) ). I'm a computer science major
at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. I graduated Valedictorian from
the largest high school in NJ. I play the Sax, tho not rather well. I'm
part of the theatre club. I'm starting my Sophomore year in College. I'm
a budding writer.
I like Counting Crows, Wilson Phillips, Kenny G(a lot), The original Cast
recording of Phantom of the Opera, the Cast recording of West Side Story,
Mariah Carey, and for those in the New York area, I listen to Z100.
I also like Star Trek and all it's branches.

I guess I've bored you all enough for now...

* Jonathan Calindas "Jonathaner" <> **********
* Computer and Information Science <Yes, one of those> *******
* New Jersey Institute of Technology <The cool IT> *****

Cyke!!! |)

Dwayne MacKinnon

Jul 12, 1994, 4:01:18 PM7/12/94
to (darkelf) writes:

> (David R. Henry) writes:

>>Aili wrote:
>>> I do not like the colors hot pink and yellow, I do like Animaniacs,
>>>and I wish I knew how to play Magic: The Gathering. There. Make of
>>>that what you will, xbookers.

Despite the fact that you brought up "As Canadian as can be under the
circumstances" or something similar :-) you *ARE* only 14 (I have to take your
word on that :-) and therefore you bring out the protective (and a bit
patronizing) side of me. :-)
DRH is quite correct about Magic: the only strategy is that you have
to buy decks. And the thing is, they're constantly putting out more cards.
It's a never-ending cycle: once you get in, it's tough to get out. Magic is
a money pit, far worse than comics ever have been, or ever will be. I have
friends who have spent over $500.00 on Magic cards, and they're the amateurs!!
So do yourself a favour: don't bother with it. Remember: JUST SAY NO!! :-)
By the way: for those of you wondering, I am *NOT* a Magic junkie. I
can't afford it. (Poor university student.)

DMK - Keeper of the Alpha Flight flame.

"Surrender? To Alpha Flight? You *ARE* new to this group.... I'd rather
surrender to Power Pack!" - Diablo, Alpha Flight #103.

Heath Alexander

Jul 12, 1994, 5:12:08 PM7/12/94

"Give up, try again, give up, try again. Ain't life fun?
Happiness. Sad but true, sad but true.
Self-indulgence. Inconsiderate bitch."- Lisa Germano

Heath Alexander

Jul 12, 1994, 5:20:27 PM7/12/94
Greeting from Texas!!!!
Heath here. I thought I'd take the plunge and contribute to the thread.

My name is Heath Alexander. I'm a 21 year-old native Houstonian.
I attend Southern Methodist University here in Dallas. I'm a senior Computer
Engineering major. I could have gone to one of those fancy Northern or West
Coast schools, but then they're not in Texas, now are they.

The X-Books are the only Superhero books I buy anymore, and I really have
no idea why I still buy the things. That's not true, it has something to
do with my pure hard-headedness and a completist mentality, oh, and a desire
to see the X-books returned to their former glory. Hope springs eternal.

Aside from the X-stuff, I read a lot of Vertigo, Cerebus, and assorted indies.
Right now I really recommend the Anne Rice comics from .... ?Innovation?.

Beautiful books.

I have a wide variety of interests. I love comics, computers, music, and
any permutation of the previous three. I'm currently employed under a grant
through SMU to do research on the implementation of a Prototype Database. I
enjoy playing computer games and programming in my spare time. It's really
kind of scary how I'm able to sit at a work-station for 6-7 hours a day and
then go home and be on my PC for hours on end. I'm sure that my eyes will
be burned out by the time I'm 30 from all the radiation from the computer
screens. That's ok because I'll also be deaf from the inordinate amounts of
Industrial music I listen to. I've got an Industrial radio show here on
campus where I introduce the upper-class snobs that pass as students
to real music. I'm a big fan of Skinny Puppy (look for the new album
soon!), NIN, Meat Beat Manifesto, Ministry, Young Gods, KMFDM, and Dallas's
own Reverend Horton Heat( go killbilly!!!!!). The thing I like most about
the station is all the free stuff. I get free CD's and tickets out the Wazoo,
and occassionally I even get the interview bands.

As far as my physical appearance, I'm a 6' blue-eyed blond. I wear my hair
pretty long and I've got long, skinny side-burns. Currently I've got the
sides and back of my head shaved and the rest in a pony tail. I'm also
slightly balding :-<... I'm not in great physical shape......yet.
I started working out pretty hard core at the beginning of the summer
(3-4 times a week) and it's finally starting to show. Maybe I'll look
decent for my vacation in August, anything's possible.

I tend to lean toward the more extreme styles of dress. No tattoos or
piercings yet, but I'm still considering. I usually wear my combat boots
or vans with jean shorts, some offensive t-shirt, and a cap.

Well, that's about it for me. I hope I didn't put too many of you to sleep.
BTW, is there anyone out there in my neck of the woods??????


Nick E Demmon

Jul 12, 1994, 11:17:48 PM7/12/94
Oh well, here I go.

Nick Demmon was born in a small town in Wisconsin, where he stayed until
he escaped to Madison, last bastion of free thought in the midwest (as
long as you ignore the communists...). he jsut now realized that he's talking
about himself in the third person, so he'll stop now.

I started collecting comics about a year and a half ago (just barely before
TAS came out), and has sense been buying up the old stuff via classics, back
issues (got 1-24 of excalliber last summer for $25, and loved the Cross Time
Caper), TPB, etc. And now consider myself somewhat well versed...

I'm 6'2", and jsut recently shaved off my beard, so now i have tan lines on
my face. I'm also one of the two or three americans who have actually
visited North Dakota, so I can sympathize with DRH's mad ramblings about
teh miles and miles of nothing.

Musically, I'm into "stuff that's done well" and "stuff that makes me think"
so thumbs up to Metalica, early david Bowie (although someone should "Crush
his sweet hands"), Queen, and am open to jsut about anything.

Books are cool, especially ones that make me think...Kurt Vonnegut, Larry
Niven, Robert Heinlein, "Catch-22",Frederic Brown, et. al. Watch my .sigs
for favorite quotes...

Oh, and I have this roommate, Stephen Engler, who came up with something
really profound the other day.

But enough about me...

Nick Demmon "It's a long way to nowhere, but I'll get there
eventually," Stephen Engler. "The problem with stupid bastards is that they are
too dumb to believe there is such a thing as being smart," Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

William Hudspeth

Jul 12, 1994, 4:03:28 PM7/12/94
Subject: Magic: The Gathering (Was: Xbooker Origins

Rogue FanMan David R Henry wrote:

>Aili wrote:

>> I do not like the colors hot pink and yellow, I do like Animaniacs

>>and I wish I knew how to play Magic: The Gathering. There. Make of
>>that what you will, xbookers.

>Magic is deceptively easy to play. There are only two main rules:

>1. Buy a deck.

>2. Buy more decks.

I'll probably live to regret this, but; I bought a Magic deck
out of curiousity and thought it looks like fun. However, I don't
have anyone to play with since all my ol D&D buddies have moved away.
Rather than let it go to waste, the first person to EMAIL me with
a good (or humorous) explanation as to what Beast's "Oh My Stars and
Garters" is supposed to mean (or where it originates), will get the
deck FREE. (I'll even cover the postage). Please respond only if you'd
really like to use it and are short on funds. I realize this is sort
of off RACX topic, but this group seems to have the politest and most
deserving group of posters. Good Luck!

Wild Bill


Jul 13, 1994, 1:38:01 AM7/13/94
el...@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU (Ellen L. Contini-Morava) said:

> Aili

> --oh, and I hate vi editors.

Oh come now, vi is the editor of choice. That is, if you know how
to use it. (I admit, if you don't it sucks donkey...)

ObX-BookReference: Was Madelyne Pryor the "Goblin Queen" or the "Goblyn
Queen"? X-Men Classic isn't that far yet....

David R. Henry

Jul 13, 1994, 3:13:07 AM7/13/94
>> Aili
>> --oh, and I hate vi editors.
>Oh come now, vi is the editor of choice. That is, if you know how
>to use it. (I admit, if you don't it sucks donkey...)

I started my netting career teaching myself how to use CMS on a original
3270 terminal. How I, a certified non-tech, survived still amazes me.

>ObX-BookReference: Was Madelyne Pryor the "Goblin Queen" or the "Goblyn
> Queen"? X-Men Classic isn't that far yet....

Claremont is never one to turn down the Olde English Spelling; editors
had to take out his use of "colour" and "armour" to the Americanized
versions with some frequency, I've heard. In any case, it was Goblyn Queen.

Jul 12, 1994, 1:05:18 PM7/12/94

>Hello, I'm Kent Montana. I've been here awhile and thought it was time to let

Hello, I'm Taleweaver. It's a nickname derived from one of my own storys.
(C'mon, Drew be creative!) My real name is (SURPRISE!!) Rick Kallen, otherwise
known as Kent's arch-enemy, Younger Sibling!

> My real name is Andrew(Drew) Kallen. I'm 21 years old and a Junior in
>Media and Theatre Arts at Montana State University.

I'm 19, and am a freshman at that self-same University. I am 6'2", Weighing in
at 250 lbs., in the purple-and-red pokadotted trunks...sorry...have brown hair
with a golden glimmer when the light hits it just so, and an attractive white
smile. Ladys, if this sounds good, and you live with in three states, Good God,
I'll come to you!!!

>I've been reading X-books for many years.

I've been reading sinse my brother started collecting. My favorite book is...
all of them!

>This was becaquse of lack of funds and the
>fact that my mother didn't care much for me reading things involving scantily
>clad women. THe fact that this was the last thing I read the book for didn't
>really matter.

Funny, that's exactly why I read them.

> Likes: Sci-Fi(Star Trek, Starbridge, Sector General, Shannarra, etc.)
> Christian Music(DC Talk, Jon Gibson, Charlie Peacock, Susan
> Jazz, Mostly Harry Connick, Jr.
> Kenneth Branagh films; also Emma Thompson, Harrison Ford, AND
> Dislikes: Heavy Metal, excess foul language, and morons.

So do I, but note that I _like_ Heavy Metal, Blues Rock, (Especally George
'Goody and the Destroyers) and saying "Bite Me!" alot.

>There's alot more to me, but thats enough for a start. Thanks for listening.

Yah, you didn't tell them about the $20 you owe me.

To the public at large, I'm sorry for disturbing you. But HE started it.

Rick (Taleweaver) Kallen

There is no god but Xavier, and Cyclops is his prophet. Wolvie kicks butt now
and forever.
"I think, therefore, a sweet-potato!" ME

David Goldfarb

Jul 13, 1994, 5:26:30 AM7/13/94
Well, I'm mostly just a lurker around these parts, but what the heck.

My name is David Goldfarb. I'm 26 years old and that rare thing,
a native-born Californian. I'm 5' 8"; my weight fluctuates around 190 lb.,
which makes me rather fat, but I lack the inclination to do anything about
that. So there. I have black hair, hazel eyes, glasses, and recently
grew a beard.

My first xbook was _Uncanny X-Men_ #110. I quickly noticed that
Claremont/Byrne X-Men was something special, and continued buying up
until 3 issues after Claremont left, then dropped it. I've also bought
at one time or another the PAD _X-Factor_, Claremont _New Mutants_,
Claremont _Excalibur_, and Davis _Excalibur_. (Yes, I do consider the
writing to be the primary element in comics. Why do you ask?) (And, yes,
I realize this makes me one of the old farts. I can live with that.)

The astute reader will have noted that none of these creators
are currently doing any xbooks, and may wonder which xbooks I currently
buy. None of them. I read this group to see what smart remarks drh'll
come up with next; for Mike Ellis's reminiscences, and the occasional
opportunity to tease him (I've known him since we were in UC Berkeley
together); for Tom Galloway, Ken Arromdee, Dave van Domelen, and for
the geography flame wars. There's a community here. It can be fun to watch.

Let's seems to be customary to talk about musical tastes
at this point. Unlike most of you, I listen to little or no rock. I've
got all of They Might Be Giants' albums, but that's about it. My tastes
tend to run more towards classical and "New Age" -- or at least certain
artists shelved under "New Age": Jean-Michel Jarre, Enya. I just got
Mike Oldfield's "Tubular Bells" and have been listening to that a lot.
A fair amount of film music, John Williams especially. Also the Flash
Girls CD and the odd bit of Latin American folk.

I play chess face to face and bridge over the net, and have so
far managed to resist getting sucked into "Magic: the Gathering". I
read addictively, mostly SF and fantasy, and used to work in an SF
specialty bookstore.

Gosh, that page filled up quickly...I think that's enough rambling
for now.

David Goldfarb |"I'm reconsidering my desire to go to college, as | from what I've seen on this group it drives one
gold...@UCBOCF.BITNET | immediately and incurably insane." | -- Aili Contini-Morava, on rec.arts.comics.xbooks

Jul 13, 1994, 1:28:19 PM7/13/94
Hidey Ho, Campers (slap!),

My turn. My full name is "Michael Thomas AuBendorf Phelps of the Beautiful
Lake Minnetonka". You can call me Mike for short. I live in Minnetonka,
MN which is approximatly a half an hour west of downtown Minneapolis. I am
rounding the corner to 14 yrs and hope to arrive by August 10. Although I
live in the Twin Cities, I spent a good part of my life in Oak Park, IL (an
inner suburb of Chicago. I will be a Freshman attending Minnetonka High
waiting to get my ass kicked.

I'm mostly a lurker around these parts but have left my name (signed
"Meatball") hear and there. I have collected Uncanny since #281, just
before Bishop appeared. UX is the only comic I have been serious in but I
used to dable in FF a bit.

I enjoy comics (of course), computers, biking, horseback riding (you can't
get _that_ in Chicago!), music, and reading.

Music: I love Metallica, Aerosmith, RHCP, Collective Soul, and Les
Miserables. I enjoy GnR, The Breeders, Smashing Pumpkins, and They Might
Be Giants.

Books: I mostly read fantasy and SF. My favorites are Piers Anthony,
Robert N. Charrette, and Susan Cooper. I also read some Anne McCaffrey
(it's your fault Aili!).

I'm 5'2", 110 lbs blonde hair, and blue eyed. I always wear black and
have an ear cuff on my left ear. I love pasta and hate fudge. I have two
Gerbils, two dogs, two cats, a horse, and a brother (19, Freshman in
theater at IC). Call me what you will.

Mike (Meatball)

Birth-School-Metallica-Death -Black album T-shirt

David B Newell

Jul 13, 1994, 2:06:48 PM7/13/94
Well, since everyone else replied to this, I might as well do the same.

I'm Dave Newell, a sophmore at MIT majoring in Media Arts and Sciences (Comp.
Sci+ Elec. Eng for wusses). I have resided in Cleveland, Ohio for most of
my life (GO Tribe!).

My first venture into comic books was Secret Wars I. After that, I had my
parents get me a subscription to G. I. Joe, (I was in the 4th grade). After
forty issues of Snake Eyes, I got bored and got Transformers for 30 or
so issues. Now as luck would have it, I managed to trade my G.I.Joes and
Transformer Comic Books, for an even swap on 80 issues of X-Men 137-217. With
X-Men classics, I was able to catch all the back issues up. My favorite
X-Story would have to be the Dark Phoenix Saga, followed by X-Men 196-201
the conversion of Magneto. My favorite X-Character would be Doug Ramsey,
simply because I imagined myself as useless in a fight as he was.

My music tastes are wide and varied; I love both modern musicals and movie
soundtracks: Les Miserables and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade being my
favorites. My favorite book series are The Trilogy (If you have to ask you're
beyond hope) and Terry Brooks' Landover series.

I have run the Boston Marathon, love to play frisbee, but mostly just lie
around all day, and pointlessly change my sig. :) I enjoy role-playing from
time to time and my favorite food is frozen uncooked chocolate chip-cookie
dough. Star Trek The Next Generation is one of the few watchable shows on
television, and I have yet to see a better movie than the Blues Brothers.

Dave Newell
Comments and Criticisms Appreciated

Chia-Hua Siao

Jul 13, 1994, 2:25:15 PM7/13/94
Hi, y'all,

The Subject Line sort of says it all; this is in response, purely for
defensive purposes, to all those personals that I've been reading (not
that I dislike reading them, mind you) 8-). BTW, I tried this earlier,
but I had to kill it (when a professor calls, you gotta listen). If it
got through by mistake, please excuse the wasted bandwidth. Anyway, on
with the show!

My name is Lynn (short for Lysander; nobody uses THAT for some obscure
reason :-) ) Siao, and I'm a 19 yrs old bioengineering student in
Columbia University, transplanted here from Houston (mainly because of a
severe case of wanderlust). Currently, I'm just kicking back, fooling
around with the workstations here, and collecting an OK salary to boot;
all in all, a halfway decent summer. Lookswise, I'm pretty normal, sort
of between Bruce Lee and Fu Man Chu (leaning, I hope, towards the former
and not the latter, though on a bad day ...).

I'm generally pretty interested in most anything, the crazier the better
(luckily though, the idea doesn't last very long). I enjoy reading
(fantasy - Eddings, Anthony, etc.; sf - Stirling, Drake, Weber), fooling
around with the computer, 'blading (there's nothing like the feeling
of going around New York at 3:00 AM, other than wiping out at 40 mph;
fun, fun, fun), and others.

As to my first comic book, I really don't remember off the top of my
head; the only thing that I DO remember is that my dad threw all of my
old collection away 8-(. Now I'm just trying to start over again.
Sigh... I mainly am just reading the x-books (with the exception of
X-Force and Excalibur) but am considering some of the Indies. Later

Oh yeah, almost forgot the obligatory note about my taste in music... I
don't have one. I'll pretty much listen to anything with the exceptions
of rap, country stuff, and heavy metal (sorry guys!). Other than that,
whatever goes.

Hope that paints a somewhat clear picture of yours truly. Thanks for
your undivided attention 8-), and back to lurking I go.

With regards,

.sig file still under construction

Tim Serpas

Jul 13, 1994, 3:50:45 PM7/13/94
Just in case anyone is still reading this thread...

My name is Timothy Larsen Serpas and I was born on September 24, 1972, in
New Orleans. To enter the geography debate, I assert that I am from New
Orleans, and not from Louisiana. A subtle yet crucial distinction. I lived
in New Orleans until I came here to UT in 1990 to start my Physics degree.

I could love nothing more than physics and pure science, but after the
lousy modern physics classes I had, I want to stay quite far away from the
topic. Barring further complications, I will graduate at the end of the
Summer and then work until I remember just how much I liked going to school
and then do whatever it takes to get back into school.

On May 3, 1992, I tested to First Degree Black Belt in Taekwon-do and I
should test to Second Dan in Sept. I have been an assistant instructor
for the UT TKD club since then, and I was one of the founding members in'90.
I think it's kinda neat that I can kill most people without much effort
using my hands and feet. Of course, physical violence is only justifiable
for defending yourself and loved ones or for fighting injustice.

I listen to KLBJ FM, a classic rock/new rock station and I also like a lot
of the alternative stuff coming out, my roommates CDs being my main source.
Ones I especially liked: Alice in Chains, Jane's Adiction, Tool, White Zombie.
Of older stuff, I like Aerosmith, Neil Young, Jimi Hendrix, Yes. I also like
the Bangles.

I'm 5'9", 135 lbs., tan in some parts since I go everywhere on my bike, I have
green eyes and brown hair which has not been cut since March of 1987! Not
even a trim. I say, why bother when split ends keep my hair at a resonable
length. Pert Plus, Shampoo and Conditioner is the best thing that ever
happened to me.

I role-play every week, Shadowrun being our main passion. I got started,
like everyone else, with D&D when I was seven. I never really played
anything else until college. Now I've played GURPS, SR, Earthdawn, and
a smidgen of White-wolf.

Philosophy: in accord with my utter devotion to science, I have been an
atheist my entire life, and that ain't no retcon! I definitely have
socialist leanings, but objectively, I'm a capitalist. I've read _Atlas_
_Shrugged_, _Tao_te_ching_, _Sidhartha_, _Genesis_, _Job_, _Art_of_War_,
_The_Book_of_Five_Rings_, the _Foundation_ and _Robot_ novels, _The_Lord_
_of_the_Rings_, _The_Silmarillion_, _Starship_Trooper_, the _Dune_ novels,
the _Amber_ novels and others.

All that's left is comic books! The first book I bought was a double-
sized Micronauts book. Something like issue 53. Later, I started buying
G.I.Joe since I was getting the action figures. I have nearly every
issue of G.I.Joe from 1 to seventy something. Of the first 26, lots are
reprints or digest format, but I really just want my own copies of the
stories. I think Larry Hama was the best thing that could have happened
to Wolverine. Around '85 or '86, I first started reading my friends'
X-men comics. I also got to read original TMNT issues. Blew my little
mind. I was treated to Byrne era books, Brood books, and then I read
the Mutant Massacre books: wow. The first issue of X-men that I bought
was 222 and the only issues of Uncanny and Adjectiveless that I have missed
are the ones from that Avengers cross over. There are a few more that
I wish I had missed.... I have every issue of Wolverine. I have New
Mutants from the Fall of the Mutants until just after Xcutioner's Song.
Similarly, X-factor. I have every issue of Excalibur until that stupid
Cerise story which retconed her into a Shi'ar. I have just about all the
Limited Series and One Shots that came out in this period. I have the first
six issues of Cable.

Everyone must know: the Animated Series has Nothing to do with the real
series. Thank you.

Current comic interests: Vertigo and 2099 stuff.

And the Tick! Yessss! I am a Cog in the Mystic Order of Arachnid Vigilance.

And I've completed every X-wing mission, flying with a mouse. My favourite
ship is the B-wing.

Ug. I'm done.

Tim Serpas
"Arrr. I'm fuckin' a porpoise."

Sonja E. Mendoza

Jul 13, 1994, 12:59:56 AM7/13/94
William B. May ( wrote:

: I'm Bill May, a 29 year-old, 6'2", 180 lbs. programmer originally

my turn! Hey, I'm older than Bill! Probably older than just about
everyone here (except Zombie). Paul's only 19??!

: I work for Cisco Systems, in the WAN development group. Cisco

: makes routers, which help keep the controlled chaos of the Internet

I'm a network and systems administrator out at White Sands Missile Range,
in Beautiful, Sunny (and currently burning, literally) New Mexico. We
use lots of your routers here, Bill.

Bought my first comic book about a year and 1 month ago, which makes
me a newcomer to the comics scene. The first thing I bought was UX-Men #300.
Read all the X-titles except Excalibur, X-Force, and X-Men Adventures, plus
lots of DC/Milestone stuff, and almost anything that PAD writes. Typical
superhero stuff, except I went off the deep end last week and picked up the
Hothead Paisan TPB (holy cow!).

My first name is really Sonja, I do not have red hair (which means I'll
never qualify as a Vodling :(, and I'm a whole inch and a half taller than

Music: Headbanger in general (mainstream thrash and what I call traditional
heavy metal). However, I have a fondness for Irish and Scottish music, esp.
bagpipes (kids, this drives parents more nuts than Megadeth :), Rush, and
classical music. Starting to get into Ministry and NIN. Not really into
"alternative" music (not sure what that is, sort of like alternative comic
books =), don't care for country with few exceptions (Patsy Cline has a
great voice), and don't understand rap. The only the music I truly detest
is Cajun.

I also play guitar, both acoustic and electric, and am trying to start
a band with a friend. We are pretty awful, but we were even more awful
a year ago. Other hobbies include stamp collecting, trying to learn
Scottish Gaelic and collecting any video or photos of tornados, severe
thunderstorms, and hurricanes. My greatest unfufilled wish is to see
a tornado (at a safe distance, of course!). I can't believe I lived
seven years in southwest Oklahoma and never saw one.....


Mike Ellis

Jul 13, 1994, 11:48:28 PM7/13/94

All right. All right. Since *everyone* else seems to be posting their
biography to the net...

Unfortunately, mine's neither so extensive nor so well written as tyg's.
Then again, I haven't managed to freak out ABC Sports either, so give
tyg credit where credit's due.

My name, for those of you who don't read the end of my posts, is
Michael K. Ellis. Which leads to the initials MKE. Which, with the
insertion of a small 'i' gives you MiKE and gives me a near recursive

I'm currently 24, although I expect this to change soon, and I've just
finished moving from Boulder, Colorado, to Hoboken, New Jersey. (OK,
I haven't quite finished moving.) While this may seem like something
of a downer, and it is, Paine Webber is making it worth my while to come
play UNIX Sysadmin for them in Weehawken, NJ. BTW, for those of you who
only know Hoboken from Daniel Pinkwater novels, it's really more
interesting than that. And I manage to have found an apartment in a
converted church (well, more like a mini-cathedral, actually) which
reminds me of something out of a movie set. It's also approximately
two blocks from Stephens University, so maybe I'll go back for another

I'm that rarest of things (even rarer than native Californians)
a native Coloradoan, and as such, I like to do things such as skiing
down mountains that most folks would rather rappell down. Perhaps I'll
join that fellow who likes to blade around NYC at 3:00 am, as I don't
imagine I'll find much good skiing here in NJ.

I miss thin air.

In the music category, I tend to listen to what's now known as 'alternative'
bands, although that category's gone just as commercial as any by now.
At least most of the bands on alternative stations seem to remember what
melody is. I also like indigo girls and the soundtracks to obscure
Japanese movies.

I have a B.A. in Japanese Political Science from Cal Berkeley (where
I got to know David Goldfarb, giving him the apparent infinte right
to tease me), which explains perfectly why I'm working as a sysadmin
for PaineWebber. My main career goal is to earn enough to buy that
apartment I'm about to move into and to get back to Japan for a couple
of years at some point.

Oh, yeah. Comics.

I admit it. I'm a 'dino'. Unlike some dinos, I find virtually nothing
redeeming about the current crop of X-Books. Give me Claremont. Give me
Byrne. Give me Davis and Adams and even PAD. Just don't give me what
Marvel seems to think is the X-Books. Nope. No way.

One of these days, I swear Magneto will step out of the shower, see
Lee Forester in bed, and realize that we're all back around Uncanny
X-Men #209.

My favorite series of all time is New Mutants #1-50. (OK, Watchmen
was pretty good.) These days I read Milestone titles, particularly
Static and Blood Syndicate, when I want to read good superhero
books. Milestone is required reading for dinos and fanboys alike. Go
pick up a few titles. This means you.

I buy no Marvel comics at this time, aside from the odd issue of Hulk.
This means no X-Books. This means I tend to spend most of my time on
r.a.c.xbooks talking about events that happened between 8 and 14 years
ago. Yes, I do get a certain twisted pleasure out of this.

Aside from the obligatory science fiction, RPGs and whatnot, that about
covers it. I don't do Magic: The Gathering, and have no intention of
getting addicted. If I want to blow money out the window, I'll spend it
on upgrading my Probe GT to outrace Camaros.

I've been on the 'net' since '89, which makes me one of the older
netters around here (scary thought) and I keep getting nostalgic for
things like the Proposal Wars, Jayembee, and regular postings from
Moriarty. I suppose I'm starting to get grouchy, but so long as tyg
and Ken Arromdee are around, I'll manage to feel like a rank novice.

My current hobbies are working, moving in, and trying to find
a good Irish bar in Hoboken. Anyone in the Tri-State area or in
town for a short visit is always welcome to drop me email and we'll
go out for a beer.

Oh yeah, and one last thing. I hang out on IRC a lot on #comics.
My 'nick' there is Kallen (as it is on the muds), and I use this
little program called 'screen' to stay online for hours, sometimes days
at a time without having to log off. Yes, this means I'm idle. I'm
not ignoring you. (Mostly.) Needless to say, since we now have
TWO r.a.c.xbooks denizens with the last name of 'Kallen', they're
causing me no end of trouble when they get onto IRC and I get a nick
collision. In cases like that, you can find me under the nick
Kallen_. The best way to get my attention (if I'm even dialed in)
is to beep me. Once. The next best way is to be the Vodkinator but
since most of you aren't, don't worry about it.

Michael K. Ellis <-- Still valid until I get a NJ account.


Jul 13, 1994, 10:39:55 PM7/13/94
> I do not like the colors hot pink and yellow, I do like Animaniacs,
> and I wish I knew how to play Magic: The Gathering. There. Make of

Keep away from Magic the Gathering. It is a drug that is far more
addictive than heroin. I know people , formerly of strong will, who are
now pack-a week Magic junkies. It is spreading like a virus. Whoever
thought up the idea, is now making lots of money.
Only halfway joking


Jul 14, 1994, 3:40:54 PM7/14/94
In article <302cid$r...@lace.Colorado.EDU>, mke...@hoshi.Colorado.EDU (Mike Ellis) writes:
> My name, for those of you who don't read the end of my posts, is
> Michael K. Ellis. Which leads to the initials MKE. Which, with the
> insertion of a small 'i' gives you MiKE and gives me a near recursive
> name.
> I'm currently 24, although I expect this to change soon, and I've just
> finished moving from Boulder, Colorado, to Hoboken, New Jersey. (OK,
> I haven't quite finished moving.)

Welcome to the neighborhood

> While this may seem like something
> of a downer, and it is, Paine Webber is making it worth my while to come
> play UNIX Sysadmin for them in Weehawken, NJ. BTW, for those of you who
> only know Hoboken from Daniel Pinkwater novels, it's really more
> interesting than that. And I manage to have found an apartment in a
> converted church (well, more like a mini-cathedral, actually) which
> reminds me of something out of a movie set.

Remember to stay away from that circle window. (never mind, I saw
"the Crow", never mind)

> It's also approximately
> two blocks from Stephens University, so maybe I'll go back for another
> degree.

That's Stevens and it's an Institute of Tech... :) But what do I care
I hate Stevens...NJIT rules.

> I'm that rarest of things (even rarer than native Californians)
> a native Coloradoan, and as such, I like to do things such as skiing
> down mountains that most folks would rather rappell down. Perhaps I'll
> join that fellow who likes to blade around NYC at 3:00 am, as I don't
> imagine I'll find much good skiing here in NJ.

Oh there are so much more fun things to do here.
> I miss thin air.

Well then you'll be perfectly happy with the smog. :)

> Michael K. Ellis
> <-- Still valid until I get a NJ account.

I'll take you up on the beer offer, but I'm not old enough...but then
when did that ever stop anyone?

Rosalind Horn

Jul 14, 1994, 1:43:31 PM7/14/94
Okay, I'm on lunch, I'll bite:

Although I'm billed variously as Reaux, Roxanne, Rox, and Rose (my
mundane nickname), I'm listed on my birth certificate as Rosalind Horn.
5' 6" plus just enough height to top my mom. I never have and never
will look like any female currently gracing the pages of the Xbooks.
Yeah, brown hair and glasses and really really dark eyes. No tan. Ever.

22 and still haunting Harvard University (medieval history) in
Cambridge, Mass., writing fiction and designing clothes I can't sew
and listening to lots of early 80s music when not watching soap operas.
I gave up cheesy fantasy for fairy tale retellings. I also witnessed
the first known game of Magic: the Gathering in Cambridge, played a
round, and said, "well, the cards are pretty, but it's not my thing."
Now one of those players is designing an edition for 1995.
I am no longer dating him.

You can blame, of all things, Cable and X-cutioner's Song for my
X-interest. I tend to prefer graphic novels, and a friend lent me
_Cable and the New Mutants_. I wanted to know what happened to Sam
and Tabitha, and he obliged by walking me through every major event
and every character background, since they were all crossing over
everywhere in the _Song_. So much for my walking past a comic store
again. I buy nothing, surviving by my wits, er, by borrowing comics
and by in-store browsing and this newsgroup. Okay, I buy _Elfquest_.
But that's another newsgroup (alt.comics.elfquest, for those who
don't mind a shameless plug). My first comics ever were a suitcase
of DC stuff (Batman and Supes and the Legionnaires, mostly) that
belonged to my dad and date back to the 50s and 60s. Speaking of Dad,
he likes the odd Wolverine report now and again. He's disappointed
that the Wolvie's lost his "snikt."

This is getting too long for the quick browse. So I'll just say,
"References available upon request" and sign off (to look for
references, among other things).

--Reaux (

Steve Rodolfich

Jul 14, 1994, 6:59:01 PM7/14/94
Here it goes....

I am Steve Rodolfich and a resident of Hawaii. Steve Rodolfich was my
father's name and his father's name and his father's name. (Any bets on
the name of my son?) I have black hair, black eyes, and probably a bit
more tan then the average racx'er.

I am a graduate of the University of Hawaii and have a degree in Management
Information Systems. I am working as a Technical Coordinator for a State
project by the Kellogg Foundation. I will accepting a position soon as a
programmer/analyst for a local health center before the end of summer.

I have been reading comics since the age of 12. My first comics were
Marvel Fanfare #3 and Wolverine #1 (Limited Series). I did take some breaks
from comics during the 1986-1992 period. When I first started out, I
collected everything that looked good (Classic FanBoy). I even remember
shelling out major bucks for copies of "Shatter". (Anybody remember that
gem? The first computer comic book. Sucked BIG time) I always loved
the X-Stuff. I admit I get disappointed from time to time however I can't
give it up. I have spent my free time recently trying to pick up back issues
of X-titles, including Uncanny, New Mutants, X-Factor, Wolverine(Would he
issues of Alpha Flight. That's right Alpha Flight. I remember when AF#1
came out. (I was still a young kid) I was stoked. Blew my whole allowance
on multiple copies (Another financial plot, similiar to that Shatter one).
Anyway I still like Alpha Flight and I am secretly hoping they make a return
in a few years and kick Cable's ass. (Help me out here DMK!)

I once had this great idea of naming all my pets after X-Force members, but
decided against it when the book started to suck.

My most prized comic is "Santa Claus vs the Martians." Mint condition,
complete with record. I was also a big John Byrne fan and even use to follow
his Fantastic Four stuff. I really thought Bill Slwuohflahgfh (The guy who
did the New Mutants) SUCKED and probably was one of the reasons I stopped
collecting, but now I miss ole Bill.

Did I mention I was 25 years old. Maybe someone can collect some stats on
the average racx poster. You know average age, average height, stuff like
that. I would do it, but I do enough of that stuff at work.

A few short bits before I leave for the comic store

I love Rush Limbaugh, but I don't agree with everything he says.

I am a Republician, but not scared of change.

I only collect X-stuff, because that's all I can afford.

and finally
Did you guys know Uncanny X-Men #280 is nearly impossible to get here in


Jul 14, 1994, 6:10:34 PM7/14/94
>Oh yeah, and one last thing. I hang out on IRC a lot on #comics.
>My 'nick' there is Kallen (as it is on the muds), and I use this
>little program called 'screen' to stay online for hours, sometimes days
>at a time without having to log off. Yes, this means I'm idle. I'm
>not ignoring you. (Mostly.) Needless to say, since we now have
>TWO r.a.c.xbooks denizens with the last name of 'Kallen', they're
>causing me no end of trouble when they get onto IRC and I get a nick
>collision. In cases like that, you can find me under the nick
>Kallen_. The best way to get my attention (if I'm even dialed in)
>is to beep me. Once. The next best way is to be the Vodkinator but
>since most of you aren't, don't worry about it.

THis is Kent Montana. To those of you who might be wondering,(Which is probably
no one, but I'll tell you anyway), I am not a split personality. Taleweaver,
a.k.a. Richard Kallen, is my younger brother, and, obviously, a much better
writer than I am. Sorry if our names screw with your nick,Mike, but we were born
with ours( just courious, why the nick "Kallen"?). I will try to stick with
"Kent Montana" from now on, so as not to confuse all of us. I am pleased to see
the response to my initial post. I, for one, tend to have better conversations
if I have at least a small idea of who my audience is. And I also am surprised
to find that Paul is younger than I. I imagined him older. Well, doesn't
matter, he seems to be more informed than I and I look forward to his posts.
Well, time to go back to vacuuming floors. Sayonara (YANARA!!!) BYE

"Have you killed anyone?"
"Yes, but they were all bad." TRUE LIES

From the files of Kent Montana

Colleen Keller

Jul 15, 1994, 12:21:21 PM7/15/94
I thought I would just lurk through these origin posts, but
I feel compelled to give my origin as well. My name is Colleen
Keller. I'm 30 soon to be 31. I live in Falls Church VA.
If I were to exercise a bit (alright a little more than that I may, just
possibly look as good as an Xgirl. Wait, I'm only 5'5" and there's
no way I could wear one of those out fits. I'm far to modest. I have
blonde hair (don't listen to my family, they say brown) and blue eyes.
I'd say typical Irish/German heritage.

I've just started reading comics, I'd say about six months ago and
I'm still trying to figure out what's going on. Yes, the animated
series turned me onto the X-books.

When I go to a comic book store, (weekly it seems), while waiting for t
the receipt, which is pretty long I also read the Malibu comics (Prime,
Mantra, Hardcase, and Firearm), I think to myself "If I were a kid
I wouldn't be able to aford this. I can barely aford this now." But it
doesn't stop me from buying. I'm slowly buying back issues just so I
can know what went on previously. Barely an issue goes by without some
reference to what happened in the past.

I read sf/fantasy and Elizabeth Peters/Barbara Michaels fiction, when I
read or mostly I just work. My department provides employees a gateway
to the Internet as well as bb with company information on it. I
register employees when the want access. With over 26,000 employees
world-wide this job keeps me busy. music. No special interest there.

I'm very interested in the paranormal and space.

Joe Helfrich

Jul 15, 1994, 1:23:43 PM7/15/94
OK, it's obviously summertime. The great State War has taken over three
seperate threads, and the rest of us are writing bio's. Oh well...

My name's Joe Helfrich, and I'm a student at Rutgers University in New
Brunswick, NJ, alma mater of Fabian Nicezia and home of Copycat. I was
a senior this year, will be a senior next year, and will probably continue to
be a senior into next summer, as a result of the Great Engineering Accident--
enroling in it, that is. I'm now a journalism major, specializing in
broadcast production at a school that has a whopping two classes in
production, one of which I pre-requued out of. Go figure.

I'm the content editor of the Rutgers Review, the weekly paper of Rutgers
College. (Just for fun, hit your equivalent of the "Go" command and type
"rutgers-review" to see if your site's picked up our newsgroup.) I'm the
House Crew manager at the Rutgers Student Center, a wonderful, anal-retentive
place where if a staff member saves our ass by coming in to work an extra
shift or two _in the middle of the summer when she's not enrolled in any
classes_ miscounts her hours and works 50.8 hrs in a two week period
when she's only supposed to work 50, I have to fire her. Purely hypothetical
situation, let me assure you. And no, boss, I'm not upset at all about
losing my best projectionist.

I'm a member of the Society for Creative Anachronisim, also known as the
Strange Clothing Association, and if any of you are going to make it to
Pennsic, let's hook up (hmm, that may be a poor choice of phrases for
Pennsic...:) ) while we're there. Assuming, of course, I can afford the trip.

In my spare time, I'm a student.

I like to read, finishing a book or two a week, and write, finishing almost
nothing, which makes it awful hard to get published. Round these parts,
I'm a fairly new addition, but I'm as stalwart a defender of Scott Lobdell as
just about anyone (i.e. not very, but at least I'm not hostile) except
Paul O'Brien. I play Hank McCoy in the XMen email game. I joined the Stripe
cause I was tired of not getting mail,and now find myself fully converted to
Her Greenness. I keep the Excalibur danglers list, and I'm not sure if I
should be upset that I didn't get my plots in, which led to that awful
Richard Ashford period, or glad that I didn't, since we're now getting Warren
Ellis, or even more pissed, since there's no way I could ever get the book
away from him. My next excuse for ignoring next project, rather,
is to update the Excalibur summary files, which lapse at issue 20. Expect
them sometime in the next century. I think I'll call them the Story in the

Dire Straits rule, The Beatles are great, the Elton John/Billy Joel concert
was the best show I've ever seen, and Elvis is the Court Jester of Rock.

Well, since I'm writing this at home, and off line to boot, I'm off to play
Wing Commander II. Two Sabers against 4 Jalthi and a destroyer. I'm never
going to get pass this mission.


Dwayne MacKinnon

Jul 15, 1994, 1:46:56 PM7/15/94
rodo...@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Steve Rodolfich) writes:

[Some biographical data deleted for space considerations.]
[Some comics collecting stuff deleted for the same reason.]

>issues of Alpha Flight. That's right Alpha Flight. I remember when AF#1
>came out. (I was still a young kid) I was stoked. Blew my whole allowance
>on multiple copies (Another financial plot, similiar to that Shatter one).
>Anyway I still like Alpha Flight and I am secretly hoping they make a return
>in a few years and kick Cable's ass. (Help me out here DMK!)

Hmnn. Alpha Flight vs. Cable. Now, let's pretend that the writer isn't
subscribing to the fanboy notion that Cable can beat anything. (I know that'll
never happen, but hey, I can pretned, can't I? :-) What would likely happen?
Cable vs. Guardian or Vindicator: The question is, would the Hudsons'
force fields stand up to Cable's Really Big Guns (tm)? If so, electro-magnetic
blasts play havoc with high level electronics......
Cable vs. Sasquatch. *BLAST* "ouch, that stung." *PUNT* <Picture of
Cable flying......>
Cable vs. Puck: Interesting fight. Of course, there's always the
possibility that the two have run into each other in their mercenary days and
would just sit down and talk about old times.
Cable vs. Northstar: Punch times 100 in 1 second. Need I say more?
Cable vs. Aurora: <Picture of Cable with stupid grin on his face as
Aurora says "Now cherie, is there really a need to fight?" :-)>
Cable vs. Windshear: "Damn, it's aggravating fighting someone who turns
the air into invisible barricades....." -Cable
Cable vs. Wildheart: See New Mutants #94 or #95 (would be fairly similar
to the Cable vs. Wolverine fight, IMHO)
Cable vs. Shaman: Who would get the drop on who? I can't picture Cable
having many defences agains MAGIC.....
Cable vs. Talisman: Same thing, except even more so. (Talisman's power
level has been compared to Doctor Strange.....)
Cable vs. Manikin: "A Cro-Magnon man? You have *GOT* to be kidding..."
"Hey, that damn blob ate my gun!!!" "Professor, bodyslide by 1 please. I seem
to be on this island in the middle of the Atlantic...."
Cable vs. Goblyn: I have to pick Cable hands down on this one. Goblyn's
got spunk and ferocity, but not much else.....
Cable vs. Pathway: "Professor, I don't think we're in Kansa anymore...."
Cable vs. Feedback: Interesting one here too... Bioelectric energy vs.
a guy who uses a *LOT* of electronic equipment... strange.
Cable vs. Witchfire: Please see Cable vs. Shaman
Cable vs. Persuasion: "Mr. Cable, please put the gun down. Thank you.
Good mutant killing machine."
Cable vs. Wyre: "A fight of equals, basically."

If I've missed anyone it's because I'm in a rush. Let me know and I'll fix it
up later.

DMK - Keeper of the Alpha Flight flame.

"Surrender? To Alpha Flight? You *ARE* new to this group..... I'd rather
surrender to Power Pack!!!" - Diablo, Alpha Flight #103

Jul 15, 1994, 8:19:07 AM7/15/94

>THis is Kent Montana. To those of you who might be wondering,(Which is probably
>no one, but I'll tell you anyway), I am not a split personality. Taleweaver,
>a.k.a. Richard Kallen, is my younger brother, and, obviously, a much better
>writer than I am. Sorry if our names screw with your nick,Mike, but we were born
>with ours( just courious, why the nick "Kallen"?). I will try to stick with
>"Kent Montana" from now on, so as not to confuse all of us. I am pleased to see
>the response to my initial post.

He lies. HE LIEEES! (I'm sorry too, Mike. I'll stick to Taleweaver.)
Something I forgot in my Bio. I write sci-fi, fantisy, and sometimes both, all
globbed togeather in one big slimy goober. I hope to write for comics (I shot a
letter off to Dark Horse requesting submittal info, but they haven't shot back
yet.) someday, preferrably Marvel, and would even like to write one of the
X-books some day. (OH yah. I'd LOVE to get my hands on them.
Heya,heya,heya,he(SNIFF GURGLE)ya. You can see some of my stuff over on
And I love to talk, especally about my storys. I'm at:
Give me a holer. We can talk about what X-dudes and dudettes we love and

Love ya all! Really!

"And now, Proffessor Xavier for...The Hair Club For Men! Give him a big hand!"

H. Jameel al Khafiz

Jul 15, 1994, 11:47:28 PM7/15/94
Oh, what the heck? I'll join the fun.

My name is H. Jameel al Khafiz, and I live in Pittsburgh, PA, home of Iron City
beer. I'm 6'4.5" and I weigh somewhere around 210 pounds. The hair on the
top of my head is in plaits that hang down in my face, and the hair on the
sides of my head is non-existent. I'm one of those unusual Black men with
freckles, I wear glasses, and I'm constantly attempting to grow a goatee, with
varying degrees of success. I'm currently in graduate school at Carnegie
Mellon University in the Physics Ph.D. program. My taste in music is eclectic,
to say the least. My collection includes rap, metal, grunge, classical, R+B,
and alternative. The earliest comic-book memory I have is an issue of the Teen
Titans with Beast Boy and Harlequin in it. Unfortunately, I no longer have the
issue in question. I'm an avid gamer, and AD&D and Magic are two major drains
on my time and wallet. OH, and MUSHing, can't forget that. I write Kid Kirby
and Particle Man for the Legion of Net.heroes. I collect Transformers, too,
as well as write Transformers fanfiction. Most people that I meet think that
I'm weird. Anyone who hangs out with me doesn't think I'm weird. They KNOW
I'm weird! But hey! I was dropped on my head as a child ;-)

P.S. Oh, and I'm 23 years old (but I look 18 :-( )

/ /\
/ / \
/ / /
/ / / H. Jameel al Khafiz, Physicist-At-Large
/ / \
/___/ \ Kid Kirby, LNH
\ \ /\ \
\___\/ \ \ Venom@TransformersMUSH, Sade@LegionMUSH
\ \ \
\___\ \ Mystery Quote of the Hour: "Yeow!"
/ / /
/___/ /
\ \ /

Charlie Ball

Jul 16, 1994, 4:23:34 AM7/16/94
In article <>,
Professor of Alpha Flight Studies, Dwayne MacKinnon, writes :

>rodo...@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Steve Rodolfich) writes:
>[Some biographical data deleted for space considerations.]
>[Some comics collecting stuff deleted for the same reason.]
>>issues of Alpha Flight. That's right Alpha Flight. I remember when AF#1
>>came out. (I was still a young kid) I was stoked. Blew my whole allowance
>>on multiple copies (Another financial plot, similiar to that Shatter one).
>>Anyway I still like Alpha Flight and I am secretly hoping they make a return
>>in a few years and kick Cable's ass. (Help me out here DMK!)
>Hmnn. Alpha Flight vs. Cable. Now, let's pretend that the writer isn't
>subscribing to the fanboy notion that Cable can beat anything. (I know that'll
>never happen, but hey, I can pretned, can't I? :-) What would likely happen?

(Cable gets clobbered by each Alphan individually)

> Cable vs. Windshear: "Damn, it's aggravating fighting someone who turns
>the air into invisible barricades....." -Cable

Considering some of the offensive manoevres ascribed to Windshear in the
Infinity Crusade (I got the AF cross-overs, ok?), this could be an extremely
unpleasant fight for Cable - if Col decides to thicken and solidify all the
oxygen in his airways and bloodstream . Yuk.
Incidentally, I rather like Windshear. He should be seen more. I have a
feeling he wouldn't be out of place somewhere in the xbooks.....

>If I've missed anyone it's because I'm in a rush. Let me know and I'll fix it
>up later.

Oh yes indeedy! How about our two reservists........

Cable vs Diamond Lil - "Er, so let's get this straight. I can't hurt *you*..."
Poor Cable.

And, of course, one of the most one-sided fights in history :
Cable vs Madison Jeffries. - see "Jeffries vs Delphine Courtney", one of the
all-time villain comeuppances, for the deeply unpleasant details. Ok, so
not that bad, but I can see Cable having to explain why suddenly he's the
wrong shape......

>DMK - Keeper of the Alpha Flight flame.
>"Surrender? To Alpha Flight? You *ARE* new to this group..... I'd rather
>surrender to Power Pack!!!" - Diablo, Alpha Flight #103

Charlie Ball : Watch out for the strong and the silent.
"Colourful magnetic bees do head-to-head battle to collect the moist pollen
from the wobbly flower"

Andy May

Jul 14, 1994, 4:29:09 PM7/14/94
Good heavens, a chance to be totally self-indulgent in front of thousands
of people whom you have never met and are never likely to - how can I resist.

Andy is a six foot tall ape descendant and... (oops wrong newsgroup..)

Andy is, (by sheer coincidence) a 6 foot tall ape descendant who although
born in Somerset (England) and bought up in Devon (still England) managed
to escape from the West Country without too much of a prediliction for
drinking scrumpy and saying "Ooo Arr".

4 years at Oxford Polytechnic in the (eventually fruitful) pursuit of a
Business Studies degree eroded the last of the country bumpkin, but
re-inforced my view that living (if not in the country) at least out of town
is one of my great objectives.

My total inability to do anything about this however, is the reason that
I'm still living on the edge of Reading (getting there slowly !) In common
with several other posts, I'm also 29 (seems to be a higher constant around
here) and currently work for ICL as a peripatetic technical consultant. It
still amazes me that they are prepared to pay me good money for going around
talking to (on the whole) nice people and explaining to them how to use
computers in a meaningful way.

I read huge amounts of pretty much anything, but out of deference to my phone
bill (I'm a home .net-er) try to keep the number of newsgroups I subscribe to
to an acceptable level. Although I try to keep the mind open, I still seem to
buy an inordinately large amount of sf however.

My music tastes are somewhat eclectic, depending on my mood at the time but
the current CD stack includes Joni Mitchell, Crowded House, Dr John, Jethro
Tull, Stranglers and Seal. I also still like vinyl !

On the X-Books front I buy Uncanny, X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor and Excalibur
and am steadily collecting back issues in all of the above. I'm also involved
in co-writing the Excalibur FAQ with Paul O'B. (honest Paul - I'll get that
copy to you soon !!!) and desperately hoping for an Excalibur revival.

I spend what little leisure time I seem to posess walking, skiing, climbing
caving, swimming and reading Usenet News. I also am a great enthusiast (but
no expert) of good food, good wine and Real Ale.

I love going places I haven't been to before, and will eventually get to
take my year out and bum around the world seeing things and meeting people.
As one of the four active racx'ers in the UK I hope that when those of you
from foreign parts come this way you'll let us know so that when you get here
we can meet and buy you beers - remember in the UK you're never more than
about 6 hours from anywhere !


(and this may be self-indulgent, but I really enjoyed reading everyone else's
Bios - it helps flesh out the .sigs)
* * .sig file in for 30,000 *
* * message service. *

Andy May

Jul 14, 1994, 4:50:22 PM7/14/94
In article <> "David R. Henry" writes:

> Aili wrote:
> > I do not like the colors hot pink and yellow, I do like Animaniacs,
> >and I wish I knew how to play Magic: The Gathering. There. Make of

> >that what you will, xbookers.

There are some here (well me anyway) who do not even know what "Magic: The
Gathering" is.

But I'm sure someone is going to tell me...


David R. Henry

Jul 16, 1994, 1:30:18 PM7/16/94
Andy May wrote:

>There are some here (well me anyway) who do not even know what "Magic: The
>Gathering" is.
>But I'm sure someone is going to tell me...

Darn tootin'.

I don't know if your paragons of fascist gaming excellence, Games Workshop,
carries any of them over there in the British Isles, but I do know that
Magic has infected all known Western areas of the world, including North
Dakota. You should be able to find some somewhere. Maybe at a Virgin
games store.

It's a card game, with nifty-to-dull paintings on each card, which
represents a duel between two wizards. Each card is a spell, and the
spells can attack the other guy, defend you, summon a creature to attack
or defend, or otherwise confuse the playing field. The fact that you get
a random assortment of cards in each pack, ensuring most people will have
different decks (and thus strategies and cards) than you is supposed to
keep it interesting.

From "Top Ten Things Cthulhu Will Do when the Stars Are Right":

3. Become a hero in the eyes of billions of humans when he single-handedly
defeats Barney in a knife fight.
4. Chase after crooks in the Cthulhumobile, along with Howie, the boy wonder.
9. Win the Superbowl all by himself. When asked what he plans to do next,
will say, "I'm going to eat DisneyLand!"

David R. Henry - Rogue Fan Club / Buy Comet Insurance NOW! Inquire within.

Jul 16, 1994, 1:47:15 PM7/16/94
Some important things I left out of my bio (not that anyone cares, but I'm
going to tell you anyway.)

My first comic book that I remember was the first in the Star Wars series
that is now long since over.

I play the Alto and Saprano Saxaphones alone and the acoustic guitar in a
band call the "Spinning Quartars."

I love roleplaying games, especialy Shadowrun.

Oh' and my bro is a Sophmore nat a Freshman.

"Listen Buddy, you'd better become a Democracy by Thursday or we'll bomb
the shit out of you!" -Diplomacy in Action

Charlie Ball

Jul 16, 1994, 2:58:07 PM7/16/94
In article <>,
Andy quoth :

>There are some here (well me anyway) who do not even know what "Magic: The
>Gathering" is.

Me neither. But it sounds rather similar to heroin.

>But I'm sure someone is going to tell me...

Charlie Ball :

"Colourful magnetic bees do head-to-head battle to collect the moist pollen

from the wobbly flower" - product description, 1993 Argos catalogue.

Christopher Andrew Campbell

Jul 17, 1994, 2:08:28 AM7/17/94
In article <> writes:
>In article <>
> "David R. Henry" writes:
>> Aili wrote:
>> > I do not like the colors hot pink and yellow, I do like Animaniacs,
>> >and I wish I knew how to play Magic: The Gathering. There. Make of
>> >that what you will, xbookers.
>There are some here (well me anyway) who do not even know what "Magic: The
>Gathering" is.

Aw, man, don't ask...once you get sucked in, you're doomed...

RIVAL (who speaks from experience and will post a bio as soon as he works
up the nerve...)

"I and mine will not | RIVAL, aka Chris Campbell | Do not meddle in the
be led like lambs to| | affairs of dragons,
the slaughter...but | -------------------------------| for you are crunchy
like tigers!" Eric | "Yo. Shut the %&#$ up and get | and good with catsup.
Magnus Lehnsherr | me a Pina Colada." Dogg |

Eric Chastain/T-Rex

Jul 18, 1994, 4:47:08 AM7/18/94
One of the scariest things i've heard of yet regarding M:TG...

While at DragonCon this weekend, some fellow netters came back from the
costume contest with reports of somewhat-disreputable-looking men on the
street (the kind you often see scalping tickets or other <ahem> merchandise)
walking up to people and telling them "hey, you like Magic? I got your Magic
cards right here! What do you need? I got 'em right here!" and so on.
You know the game's pretty addictive when this kind of thing happens.
But hey, it's completely legal!

Eric / 'Rex
(he's back!)

| Eric E. Chastain-"T-Rex" || ___/ <0> \ ||
| Ask me about the Georgia Tech Comic Store! :-) || /, __ \||
|"...but when Disney goes haywire, the Pirates of || |_________/ / ||
| the Caribbean don't _eat_ the tourists!" || \^^^^^^^ /\ ||


Jul 18, 1994, 10:27:59 AM7/18/94
to (Charlie Ball) writes:

>>There are some here (well me anyway) who do not even know what "Magic: The
>>Gathering" is.
>Me neither. But it sounds rather similar to heroin.

Magic: the Gathering is a collectable card game. There are common, uncommon,
and rare cards, with varying frequencies of distribution, and are sold
in random assortments. Decks (the basic playing "unit") are built, with
individual choice over what cards and combinations of cards are put into
a deck, which tends to turn the game into more of a "He who has the gold"
type of affair. Now, there are people like me, who collect baseball cards
and the like, who buy mucho packs to fill out collections, and make the
occasional deck to play. And there are people that have turned me off to
M:tG as a way of life because they need boxes that are two to three times
the size of a shoebox to hold all of their cards, and live and die by what
they can throw into a deck. Unfortunately, most people are of the latter
variety, and so tend to give the game a bad rep.

Anyways, hope this gives a general view of the game. For specifics,
find someone with a copy of the rules, or buy a starter deck, and
toss it in the closet soon afterwards.

"Death before dishonor. | "We're just sugar mice in the rain..."
Drugs before lunch. " | -Marillion
-Aspen Gun and Drug Club |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Dwayne MacKinnon

Jul 18, 1994, 3:52:17 PM7/18/94
to (Charlie Ball) writes:

Thank you. Of course, even though Cable can't *HURT* Lil, he could cause her
pain. Which would tick her off even faster.... :-)

>And, of course, one of the most one-sided fights in history :
>Cable vs Madison Jeffries. - see "Jeffries vs Delphine Courtney", one of the
>all-time villain comeuppances, for the deeply unpleasant details. Ok, so
>not that bad, but I can see Cable having to explain why suddenly he's the
>wrong shape......

Be an interesting battle to see which is stronger.... Cable in controlling
his TO parts or Madison's metalcontrol.. Of course, Cable's ordinance would
*DEFINITELY* be toast.....
Thank you for bringing up Jeffries vs. Courtney.... one of my favorite
scenes *EVER* in a comic. i refer the curious to Alpha Flight #27 for details
(or is it early #28? Can't be positive. Man I wish I had my collection with

DMK - Keeper of the Alpha Flight flame.

"Surrender? To Alpha Flight? You *ARE* new to this group..... I'd rather
surrender to Power Pack!!!" - Diablo, Alpha Flight #103

Dwayne MacKinnon My opinions are my own,


Jul 18, 1994, 11:00:41 PM7/18/94
darkelf ( wrote:
> >Magic is deceptively easy to play. There are only two main rules:
> >
> >1. Buy a deck.
> >
> >2. Buy more decks.

> Of course, after a while you will master these intricate strategies, and
> go on to advanced and arcane ones, like

> Buy more decks

> And
> Skip classes to buy decks

Which, of course leads to high level skills and strategies, such as:

Buy more decks

Buy more booster packs

Skip class to play

Skip sleep to play

Oh yeah...did I mention buy more decks?

(And I used to think comic books and baseball cards were bad about
gobbling up money....)

CARDINAL Anarchists, unite!
"As Thoreau said, 'Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!'"
"Oh, yeah? Well if he wanted things so simple, why did he say it three times?"
--Diane and Coach from Cheers

David Carson

Jul 19, 1994, 10:02:32 AM7/19/94
What the hell, I might as well join in this cavalcade. Although, if the
lurkers from Marvel that we all know exist are reading this, I want
royalties if you rip off my character. ;-)

OK.. as you can gather from the message header, my name is David Carson.
I think 2 syllables is one too many for a name, so I prefer to be called
Dave. I live in Berowra, which has the distinction of being the most
northern suburb of Sydney, and have done so for all my life.

I'm 20 years old, 21 in September, and am currently in my 4th year
of a computer science degree. Yes, I was kind of young when I started.
I should have been kind of young when I finished, too, but I failed
a few things, so I'm still here, still living the high life on the
Internet at the expense of the university. :-)

I'm a bit of a comics newcomer like Sonja.. the first comic I bought
was X-Men Unlimited #1 ("first issue collectors' item!"), and I guess
you can figure out for yourselves when that was, 'cos I can't remember.
About April last year, I'd guess? Anyway, I was seduced into the world
of comics at the beginning of last year when one of my best friend's
flatmates lent me the Watchmen TPB. Pretty good introduction, hey? I
got hooked pretty quickly, and now regularly buy stuff ranging from
superhero fare, like the X-Men of course (I get 'em all except for
Cable & X-Force), Avengers (Avengers West Coast was my favourite title
when it got cancelled, and let me tell you I was peeved) and the Hulk,
through to Sandman (which I'm diligently buying the TPBs of) and
Hellstorm (which I think is every bit as good, and I'm again peeved
at it's imminent cancellation).

When I'm not reading comics, my main hobbies are computers and music.
On the computer side of things, I'm an ardent Amiga advocate and demo
coder. My handle is Storm, and has nothing to do with Storm of the
X-Men. I even made some money through demo coding, when my group at
the time, Digital Access, picked up first place and $170 at a demo
competition last easter.

Musically, I'm known as a bit-of-a-goth. My favourite bands are
Christian Death, Siouxsie & the Banshees, Sisters of Mercy, Fields
of the Nephilim, assorted other black noise, and also assorted
punk and general purpose indie, like Lush, the Smiths, and They
Might Be Giants. My idea of a fine night out is wearing my finest
black, spending an hour spraying my hair up to make myself 6 inches
taller, and going to a goth club for about 6 hours of dancing and
a fair few ciders. :-)

Usenetters can spot me in a number of places apart from the comics
newsgroups, including various comp.sys.amiga.* groups, alt.gothic, (ah, I have a weakness for Nethack. The only computer
game worth playing), and I also lurk and
occasionally post on, and must confess that a few
sigs from xbooks have felt the keen edge of my warlording. :-)

Anyway, I guess that's enough of a ramble. I'd just like to add
that I've really enjoyed reading these posts - Usenet can be such
an impersonal place, and it's nice to read a bit about some of the
netters who've posts I've been seeing for so long.

Live dull, think "why n | g David "Storm" Carson, student of
bother?", and leave a e -+- o philosophy ..and also computing :-(
note saying goodbye.. t | t EMail:
D:tHCoL . | h NOT !!!

Dexceus Archmage

Jul 19, 1994, 6:32:23 PM7/19/94
Well, hear it goes. My third attempt to get this posted. My real
name Is Craig Rolfes, but all my friends call me Dexceus or Dex. I hate
my real name so I'ld appreciate you using it. I haven't posted much, but
once I get more comfortable with what's going on you won't be able to
shut me up.:) I also have to figure out the problems I'm having using my
news program with my SLIP connection.

I'm 20 years old, and not in college. I hope to get there
sometime this lifetime, but the problem in the meantime is money. Right
now I'm just your regular working joe and I'm trying to start my own

I have 3 passions. Computers, comics, and my girlfreind ( Who
just gave birth to beutiful baby girl just 2 weeks ago). Almost all of my
time is spent between those three. Also in addtion I do write. My current
writing projects is a character history for all the X-Men (Which I'll be
posting here soon for comments and corrections) so my girlfriend can
understnad more of what she's starting to read, and a script for an
orignal comic.

I'm 6'2", 220lbs with long brown hair and brown eyes. The coment
I hear most from people when they first meet me is 'You are huge!' ;).
I've been told that I look a lot like Meatloaf and the lead singer from
The Crash Test Dummies.

My musical tastes are very eccletic. Anything from Metallica to
Lords Of Acid. Basicly I listen to any kind of music I happen to like. I
gave up trying to catagorize the type of music I listen to a looong time
ago. :)

The first issue of X-men that I read was Uncanny X-men #101. At
that time I didn't buy them, just read my friend's copies. We did sort of
a comic swap. He read mine, I read his. He stopped collecting right
before X-tinction that's where I started collecting. I started
picking up New Mutants and X-Factor as well. Later I started Wolverine
Cable, and Excalibur. And when New Mutants switched to X-Force I
continued with those. Besides the X tittles I currently collect Legion Of
Super Heroes, the Batman tittles, Avengers, Force Works, Tek World, and
just for laughs Beavis and Butthead (Though that one will probably be

Welp, I geuss I've rambled enough. I hope this one gets thru. Later!


BTW I know I've asked this before, but can some one send me teh xbooks
FAQ? Thanks in advance.

David R. Henry

Jul 20, 1994, 2:26:54 AM7/20/94
>BTW I know I've asked this before, but can some one send me teh xbooks
>FAQ? Thanks in advance.

The Xbooks FAQ, which is in a perpetual state of rewriting much like
certain importants are in a perpetual state of grace in the Church,
is actually being rewritten to (bear with me) enable the people in America
OnLine to be able to access it. Yes, I'm pathetic enough to even care
about the newsreading capabilities of AOL'ers -- it seems the 700 line
blocks or so it was originally in weren't capable of fitting through
the sieves AOL's installed on their gateway to Usenet. I'm trying to
resize the thing to 500 lines or less per part, and that's taking a bit
of creative juggling.

Charles May

Jul 20, 1994, 9:46:56 PM7/20/94
to (William B. May) writes:

> (Paul O'Brien) writes:
>>I can just see the 80,000 odd readers of racx being completely rapt
>>by this discussion, can't you?

>Yup, and since I'm compiling and doing other maintenance stuff today,
>I thought I'd add to the madness.

[stuff deleted]

>got issue 420, and was amazed). I got my youngest brother first into
>collecting comics, then into reading these newsgroups (Hi, Chuck).

Hi, Bill. How's work?

I guess since my brother signed in, I might as well, too. I'm an
almost-20 year-old (my birthday is August 6...send money),
6'2.5" 185 lbs. third-year student at Rutgers University in New
Brunswick, New Jersey, majoring in music education (I'm a
saxophonist). I've been buying comics all of my life - some of
my earliest memories were getting my $0.35 allowance and running
to a local store to buy whatever comic book looked coolest (this
was, like my brother, when I was about five-ish). I started
collecting comics when the Fantastic Four was at issue 263 (issue
260 was what got me into comics).

I read all of the X-titles except X-Men Adventures and the CLassic
X-Men stuff. I have all of the X-Factors, X=Men (unadjectived),
and X-Forces, and New Mutants back to 60-something (with a hole
from 70 to 75). In addition, Hulk, Iron Man, and Flash are my
three favorite titles, and I get about fourteen titles (give or
take) per month, with only two of them being DCs (the rest
Marvel, and maybe Bone when I can get it). I've been
frequenting Time Warp Comics and Games in Cedar Grove, New
Jersey fforsix or seven years.

Since I'm a musician, my taste in music is, literally, everything.
I possess - and listen to - music from Palestrina (a fifteenth
century Italian composer) to Rage Against the Machine and
Metallica. I exercise heavily six or seven days a week, and
lifeguard to make my money until I graduate college.
Baseball is one of the biggest passions in my life, and I firmly
believe that, barring a strike, the Yankees will win the World
Series (with Jimmy Key taking the Cy Young this year).

Oh, yeah, I live (when I'm not attending classes) in West Caldwell,
New Jersey, which is (for those of you out of the area) kinda
near Newark (not like Newark, but near).

-Chuck May, Go Yanks - no strike in '94!
"And don't you touch my cape. Ever. NOBODY touches my cape." -Batman

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