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FA: Dik Browne - HAGAR THE HORRIBLE - Censored Art! 1986

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Jan 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/27/00

Original Framed Art - June 27, 1986

This is the original artwork to a 1986 daily strip by the creator of Hagar the
Horrible, Dik Browne.

The strip was pulled from at least one newspaper (The Kansas City Tribune) back
in 1986 for being "vulgar."

It comes framed in black laminate, with a white, acid-free black-core mat. It
is in bright, MINT condition. No defects, no toning. Absolutely beautiful!


Mark Jackson

Jan 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/27/00
There have been a lot of these ads recently; they're off-charter, and
rac.marketplace exists precisely for such things. Are they getting on
anybody else's nerves, or should I just cut down on the caffeine?

Mark Jackson -
Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving
there is no need to do so, almost everybody gets busy on the proof.
- John Kenneth Galbraith


Jan 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/28/00
I'm "guilty" of posting a couple of these "FA" announcements here, letting
folks know about my comic strip art auctions on Ebay.

The problem with posting on rac.marketplace is that there are thousands of ads
there, and almost all have to do with comic BOOKS and comic BOOK artists. No
one I know that collects comic strips reads marketplace.

I have found items to buy via listings here and thought a couple of STRIP art
related announcements wouldn't be "off-topic" - in fact, of all the rac groups,
this seems the most "on topic" of all - charter notwithstanding, and I have
received many email messages from collectors and folks interested in the

Also, at least with my few posts, I've preceeded the message with "FA" - so
that anyone not wanting to read an Ebay thing can filter it out.

Hope that explains why I chose to post here.

nancy g.

Jan 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/28/00
Comicart2k wrote:

> Hope that explains why I chose to post here.

Yep. It does.

Doesn't make it right, though.



Jan 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/28/00
Nancy wrote,

<<> Hope that explains why I chose to post here.

Yep. It does.

Doesn't make it right, though.


Well, like I said, there is no other newsgroup that attracts collectors of
STRIP ART. The marketplace is 99 44/100% comic book and comic book art

So, if you can suggest a better place to announce **a few** comic strip
offerings, I'm all ears!!!! So far, all the email I have received here has
been positive and I've gotten quite a few bidders on pieces that they may not
have otherwise known about...

IMO, anyone can ignore the "FA" posts, just as they ignore the numerous "TEEN
SEX" and "GREAT JOB OPPORTUNITIES" posts that are not only in this, but in all
newsgroups. Why am I getting a hard time for offering up a few comic strips on
a comic strip newsgroup??? - when the alternative which has been suggested,
"post on marketplace" - is useless. No one buying/selling strips reads that.

Anyhow, after today I maybe have 5 pieces left to sell in the next few weeks,
so I hope you'll just ignore my posts if you find them irritating. And my
apologies - but as I said, there's no useful alternative on Usenet...


Jan 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/28/00
> > Hope that explains why I chose to post here.

> Yep. It does.
> Doesn't make it right, though.
> Sorry.

Which prompts the obvious question:

Is it more annoying to see a spam message, or thirty boneheads bitching
about it afterwards? In this case, the poster isn't even a
stereotypical spammer, but a person who doesn't have anywhere else to
pitch his wares and who is willing to speak on behalf of his actions.
Sounds like an all-around reasonable person to me, and hardly someone
that should be chastized. I personally find it more offensive to come
in here and see eight hundred posts about Luann.

* Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *
The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!

Mark Jackson

Jan 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/28/00
to (Comicart2k) writes:
> I'm "guilty" of posting a couple of these "FA" announcements here, letting
> folks know about my comic strip art auctions on Ebay.

Fifteen since January 12, some of which were *not* for comic strips or
strip-related items.

> The problem with posting on rac.marketplace is that there are thousands of ads
> there, and almost all have to do with comic BOOKS and comic BOOK artists. No
> one I know that collects comic strips reads marketplace.

You've *tried* posting to rac.marketplace? Not under your current name.

> I have found items to buy via listings here and thought a couple of STRIP art
> related announcements wouldn't be "off-topic" - in fact, of all the rac groups,
> this seems the most "on topic" of all - charter notwithstanding, and I have
> received many email messages from collectors and folks interested in the
> medium.

Nonetheless, you are off-charter here and it is becoming annoying. And
if this is such a perfect place for your wares, why did you offer this
same piece of *strip* art on rec.arts.animation?

I see you also peddle items in places like and
talk.politics.theory when you imagine a connection.

> Also, at least with my few posts, I've preceeded the message with "FA" - so
> that anyone not wanting to read an Ebay thing can filter it out.

> Hope that explains why I chose to post here.

Explains but does not (IMHO) excuse.

Scott Loving

Jan 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/28/00
Has anyone considered an offshoot of our little corner of the net?
rec.arts.comics.strips.marketplace has kind of a catchy little ring to
it... Also, for what it's worth, I've collected original comic and
animation art for years, and maybe if everyone had a place to go with it,
we might see a few more quality pieces like we have over the last few
weeks. I usually avoid eBay unless I have a good reason to go there...

Just my $.02,

Scott Loving

"Spex and Wally" - Can't we all just get along?


Jan 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/28/00
I wonder if it would be preferable -- and if you would consider doing so --
to start, say, a Onelist group for those who are so interested ... and post
your FA's to the folks on that list, with the occasional (monthly perhaps or
once every couple of months) short post to this ng referring folks
interested in such auctions to the Onelist group. (Or just put the contact
info in a one-line .sig at the bottom of your on-topic posts to this ng)

Would at least cut down on the "noise" a bit.

--Rosaleah, just trying to help

Comicart2k <> wrote in message

> I'm "guilty" of posting a couple of these "FA" announcements here, letting
> folks know about my comic strip art auctions on Ebay.

> The problem with posting on rac.marketplace is that there are thousands of
> there, and almost all have to do with comic BOOKS and comic BOOK artists.
> one I know that collects comic strips reads marketplace.

> I have found items to buy via listings here and thought a couple of STRIP
> related announcements wouldn't be "off-topic" - in fact, of all the rac
> this seems the most "on topic" of all - charter notwithstanding, and I
> received many email messages from collectors and folks interested in the
> medium.

Gavin Chafin

Jan 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/29/00
> I personally find it more offensive to come
>in here and see eight hundred posts about Luann.

Hahahahahahahahaha! I'm with you on that one.

Gavin Chafin
Down to Earth


Jan 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/29/00

Give me a break. "Cow droppings in your daisy patch?" Sheesh.

Did it occur to you that maybe some folks in this Comic Strip newsgroup would
WANT to see a censored Dik Brown strip? Art from a Hal Foster Christmas card? A
1958 Snoopy sketch?

I thought so, and so posted here. I've gotten good feedback too... aside from
yours, Nancy's and another couple of messages.

If you're going to get angry at spammers, why not vent on "TEEN PIX" or
"BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES" or other such stuff that appears here daily? Why are
you busting my chops for posting STRIP ART offerings that:

a. are easily be skipped if you aren't interested
b. are easily filtered
c. are being posted in what I feel is the most appropriate place on Usenet for
strip art collectors.

Like I said, I have a few more items I'd like to sell, more than a few bidders
have come from this NG, and I really dont think my few posts should generate
such hostility when there are actual *off topic* posts here every day.

Look how silly this is even getting - this is what, the 7th reply to my post on
the Hagar strip? If youre interested in the title, read it, if not, move on.
That's what Ive been doing in this newsgroup for years and I haven't felt the
slightest bit of anger toward anyone who posted something I thought was off
topic.. and the obvious spam stuff I just ignored.


Jan 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/29/00
In reply to Mark Jackson's note:

<<Fifteen since January 12, some of which were *not* for comic strips or
strip-related items.>>

Yes, I posted a couple of signed cel auctions - Rocky and Bullwinkle and Bugs
Bunny - both of which were also done as strips/comic books.

<<You've *tried* posting to rac.marketplace? Not under your current name.>>

Have you looked at rac.marketplace? There are hundreds and hundreds of comic
book offerings, virtually NO strip art, and consequently, no one that I am
aware of that collects strip art that reads the newsgroup. Let me turn the
question on you... if you wanted to sell a Pogo daily strip, where on Usenet do
you think you'd find the largest population of folks that might be interested?
Here, or in the marketplace which is essentially a comic book selling place??

<<Nonetheless, you are off-charter here and it is becoming annoying. And
if this is such a perfect place for your wares, why did you offer this
same piece of *strip* art on rec.arts.animation?>>

Because I thought that animation fans might also be interested in Hagar art.
Just as I thought that veterinarians might be interested in a
veterinarian-themed Snoopy daily strip. A veterinarian was the high bidder on
the piece.

<<I see you also peddle items in places like and
talk.politics.theory when you imagine a connection.>>

See above on "veterinary" stuff.. the "politics" post was for Herblock original
daily art... that sold too.

<<Explains but does not (IMHO) excuse.>>

Like I said before, I have a few original strip art items (and a couple others)
that I am selling to raise cash. It seems to me that this is the best place on
the net to let strip art fans know about strip art offerings. Even if someone
wasnt interested in participating in the auction, I would submit to you, that
seeing an original Hal Foster Christmas card, or a censored Dik Browne strip,
or a 1958 Snoopy sketch is *more* "on-topic" than any of the other posts in
this thread.

What exactly did your post have to do with strip art, for example?

Anyhow, why dont we let this argument die it's natural death? Whether or not I
post a few "FA:" messages here isnt going to make a difference at all - it wont
stop the "teen pix" people, it wont reduce the bandwith you use to read this
ng, wont stop you from filtering out my screenname or just ignoring my posts...

I dont mean to be argumentative, but this is *the place* in Usenet for strip
art, and I think your energy could be better directed at the "HOT YOUNG VIXENS"
posts, than at my few - and soon ending - strip art posts.


Jan 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/29/00
Nancy wrote:

"> Hope that explains why I chose to post here.

Yep. It does.

Doesn't make it right, though.


You know, at first I thought that maybe I really irked some folks here with a
few FA strip art posts... and tried to explain why I chose to post here to the
few of you that got upset about it.

I read your note above Nancy, and replied. I scrolled down a few notes and saw
that you started a whole new thread, referring to my old 1951 Peanuts strip
auction, and commenting that you were surprised at the price it fetched in the
auction. Your post generated a few replies. All about strip art, IMO, but how
bent out of shape can you possibly be at *my* posts, when you start your own
thread, discussing the result of my sale?


I'm done replying to criticism here. One guy complains that I'm wasting his
time "spamming" a comic strip NG with FA strip art sales, and then goes and
searches through all other newsgroups to see what other messages I'm posting -
I think you're wasting *your own* time.. I'm not the villain here. Guys that
say they're "fed up" with my 12 posts, continue reading this thread and
posting... this makes no sense, except if you're trying to argue for the sake
of arguing.

At the same time, no one has said ONE WORD about the "job opportunites" "Make
Money now" "teen pix" or other spam that is posted here EVERY day.

Anyhow, I will post a few more offerings here in the coming weeks. Feel free to
put my email address in your NG filter. I don't think I'm "off topic" - there
are plenty of folks here SELLING their own strips, encouraging people to write
to editors, to visit their startup strip websites - essentially COMMERCIAL
posts on strip art. I'm not doing anything different, and judging from the
email I have received as well as the "IT SOLD" thread Nancy herself started,
there are at least a few people here interested in the stuff I've posted.

Nuff said. If you want to argue, feel free to email me - you wouldnt want to
clutter the NG with off-topic posts, would you?


Peter Gullerud

Jan 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/29/00
<< From: "nancy g." >>

<< Comicart2k wrote:

> Hope that explains why I chose to post here.

Yep. It does.

Doesn't make it right, though.

Sorry. >>

Censored art thought "too vulgar" by the editors in reference to the more
or less ":tame" mind of Dik Browne 'off topic' or 'not right'? I'm curious,
for one.


Jan 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/29/00
Comicart2k wrote:

>At the same time, no one has said ONE WORD about the "job opportunites" "Make
>Money now" "teen pix" or other spam that is posted here EVERY day.

Not true. One-time spammers are usually asked via e-mail; frequent fliers like
yourself get a whole thread where it's explained to them why wer hate spammers.

>Anyhow, I will post a few more offerings here in the coming weeks. Feel free
>put my email address in your NG filter. I don't think I'm "off topic" - there
>are plenty of folks here SELLING their own strips, encouraging people to
>to editors, to visit their startup strip websites - essentially COMMERCIAL
>posts on strip art. I'm not doing anything different, and judging from the
>email I have received as well as the "IT SOLD" thread Nancy herself started,
>there are at least a few people here interested in the stuff I've posted.

Artists plugging their own work (and the websites that showcase it) are, even
at their crassest, disacussing comic strips and not asking me for money. The
ones I've seen selling their original strips and merchandise tend to put it in
their sig-- AFTER contributing to an actual discussion of their work. Sounds
like an arbitrary distinction, but you'd know about it if you used this
newsgroup for its intended purposes.

--Bob Kennedy Alexandria, VA
And for you spambots out there:


Jan 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/29/00
BobKinDC wrote,

"Artists plugging their own work (and the websites that showcase it) are, even
at their crassest, disacussing comic strips and not asking me for money. The
ones I've seen selling their original strips and merchandise tend to put it in
their sig-- AFTER contributing to an actual discussion of their work. Sounds
like an arbitrary distinction, but you'd know about it if you used this
newsgroup for its intended purposes. "

First, I'm not asking you for anything. If you dont want to look at an Ebay
strip ad, press "next" or just scroll down to the next message.

Second, your distinction is arbitrary. The intended purpose of the newsgroup is
to discuss comic strips. I'm pointing folks at comic strip art that I have on
Ebay. They can choose to look or not. At the same time, there are folks who
relentlessly plug their own comic strips, posting update notices constantly..
others asking us to support a comic strip by writing to editors, people
directing us to websites where they're selling their own merchandise...Or folks
pointing us at strip websites which have commercial sponsorship... which of
those is "off topic."????

I'm not saying I'm totally comfortable posting a few FA strip art messages here
- but it's the only place in Usenet where strip art fans congregate. And I
don't think I deserve the hostility a few of you are tossing my way. I've
posted what, a dozen messages here? I'm sure there have been more replies to my
posts, and simultaneously - more true SPAM posts on this NG that no one seems
to mind.

Your comment that "those one-time spammers are handled via e-mail" I don't buy.
EVERY day there are "job opportunity" and sex ads posted here. Yet I'm the
only one getting grief for posting a freaking Hagar The Horrible strip that I'm
selling on Ebay.

I guess I should have done it differently:

"Hey Gang!

I just saw a CENSORED Dik Browne original daily HAGAR THE HORRIBLE strip! Can
anyone think of any other times when a paper like the Kansas City Tribune
pulled a strip for being "vulgar?" Well, check this one out.. it's on Ebay: "

Over and out....

12-time poster and "frequent flier",



Jan 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/29/00
Forget the auction; let's discuss the art! I went to the site, and it shows
the dog preparing to "leave its mark." I'm surprised King Features allowed
that gag -- it's so conservative it runs MALLARD FILLMORE. It's so
conservative it waters down SPIDER-MAN.


Address all commentary to
Inclusion of this address on mailing lists is prohibited


Jan 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/29/00
In article <>,
(Comicart2k) writes:

>Anyhow, I will post a few more offerings here in the coming weeks. Feel free

>put my email address in your NG filter. I don't think I'm "off topic" -

The problem is not just being off-topic,
but that you are also in violation of the charter of RACS,
which (by the way) is a violation of AOL's terms of Service.

You ask why don't people complain about teen porn, etc.
I would suspect that people are complaining directly to those spammers
service providers. To You, people are trying to be nice ...

Steven Rowe

Don't forget to Delete "Unspam" if you wish to e- mail me.

join the FelixTheCat list at


Jan 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/29/00
>I'm not saying I'm totally comfortable posting a few FA strip art messages
>- but it's the only place in Usenet where strip art fans congregate. And I
>don't think I deserve the hostility a few of you are tossing my way. I've
>posted what, a dozen messages here? I'm sure there have been more replies to
>posts, and simultaneously - more true SPAM posts on this NG that no one
>to mind.

You're not being singled out for anything. Just because you don't see the
hostile replies to other spammers doesn't mean they don't get any (Most of
them, after some private e-mails, get the message that this NG isn't a
financial opportunity for them and go away). You're shitting where we're
eating. How can I make this any clearer?

Peter Gullerud

Jan 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/30/00
<< Subject: Re: FA: Dik Browne - HAGAR THE HORRIBLE - Censored Art! 1986
From: (Comicart2k) >>

<< "

Over and out....

12-time poster and "frequent flier",

Comicart2k >>

Just checking out the comic strip in question is worth a post. Can you believe
that strip was considered "vulgar" and hence "censored"? Who runs these
papers? Pat Robertson?

I'll let someone else buy it though.

Peter Gullerud

Jan 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/30/00
<< THE HORRIBLE - Censored Art! 1986
From: (Comicart2k) >>

<< I dont mean to be argumentative, but this is *the place* in Usenet for strip
art, and I think your energy could be better directed at the "HOT YOUNG VIXENS"
posts, than at my few - and soon ending - strip art posts. >>

I can't call them down yet; I keep hoping those posts will get on topic and the
posts will read: "Hot Young Vixens Love Nerdy Cartoonist types- Free Sex"

Gavin Chafin

Jan 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/30/00
>Can you believe that strip was considered "vulgar" and hence "censored"? Who
runs these papers? Pat Robertson?

Peter, Editor can be real prudes. I just had to edit a cartoon because it
contained the word "assaissination". The funny part was that I had previously
cleared it with the editor PRIOR to drawing it up. After she saw it, she
changed her mind. You never know what the editors are going to do.

Peter Gullerud

Jan 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/30/00
<< From: gavin...@cs.comnojunk (Gavin Chafin) >>

<< You never know what the editors are going to do.

Gavin Chafin
Down to Earth >>

New show with Art Linkletter:
"Editors: They Censor the Darndest Things"

Peter Gullerud

Jan 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/30/00
<< THE HORRIBLE - Censored Art! 1986
From: cyber...@aol.compostheap (John) >>

Forget the auction; let's discuss the art! I went to the site, and it shows
the dog preparing to "leave its mark." I'm surprised King Features allowed
that gag -- it's so conservative it runs MALLARD FILLMORE. It's so
conservative it waters down SPIDER-MAN. >>

Dog pee.

Dog raising its leg about to pee.

Isn't this =extremely= tame compared to much of the ---words- "Bloom County"

It's even more tame than saying 'hairy asshole' in refernce to =v=Jym=v= and
Tankman's posts.


Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
BobKinDC writes:

<< You're shitting where we're
eating. How can I make this any clearer?>>

I note first that your note has *absolutely no* "comic strip" content. Nor
did any of your other posts on this thread. If you had any REAL concern about
wasted bandwitdth, you'd have contacted me via email. I suspect you're one of
the three or four folks in this NG that love to be "right" and enjoy argument
for argument sake. Witness the number of my posts here... vs. the number of
replies this thread has received - EACH ONE you have apparently read. Bored?
Or just argumentative?

Second, my post on the HAGAR THE HORRIBLE daily does contain comic strip
content, has generated some intelligent discussion regarding censorship in
comics as well as a decent suggestion by one poster on where one might consider
posting strip-art specific FA messages.

I'm no NG saint, but I would submit to you that minimally, showing images of
Hal Foster, Charles Schulz, George Herriman and Elzie Segar art to folks here -
are infinitely more interesting than posts like yours: "You're shitting here
where we're eating" - who do you speak for?

EVERY email message I have received has been positive.


Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
Srowecanoe writes:

<<The problem is not just being off-topic,
but that you are also in violation of the charter of RACS,
which (by the way) is a violation of AOL's terms of Service. >>

First off, how is posting an image of a 1919 George Herriman KRAZY KAT Sunday
page... OFF TOPIC in this newsgroup? Because I happen to be auctioning it off
on Ebay? I would submit to you that a large percentage of the folks here
submitting their OWN URL's for their strips are interested in making money from
their creations. I made it clear in the message heading what my post
involved.. yet we're here at post number 17 and you're still reading and still
calling me "off topic"... What exactly is the standard? Commercial gain?
Potential commercial gain? Fine - If that's the bottom line, let me know and
I'll gladly post the subject headings of more than half of the posts in this

<<You ask why don't people complain about teen porn, etc.
I would suspect that people are complaining directly to those spammers
service providers. To You, people are trying to be nice .>>

Most people have been incredibly nice to me, and have bid on each item of
original STRIP ART which I've put up on Ebay. Not one HASNT sold. There are
only a few people who feel some need to sift through 20-some-odd posts on this
thread to tell me that I'm in violation of the NG's charter by telling folks in
a COMIC STRIP newsgroup that there is COMIC STRIP art for sale by a specific
artist on Ebay.

As mentioned earlier, I posted perhaps a dozen Ebay listings for original comic
strip art. They could have been rephrased, as was stated in a previous email
to "appear" on topic, but I think that would be bogus.
And so, in the absence of ANY kind of comic strip collector community anywhere
on the net, I dont think it's an incredible hardship to endure a dozen FA STRIP
ART posts here... I have been reading them for over two years from other folks
and this is the first time I have read ANY objection.

Why me?

If you have ANY concern about bandwidth or posting off-topic, feel free to
contact me via email. I will note that NOT ONE PERSON objecting to my few posts
here have bothered to contact me via email.. Folks like yourself and BOBKINDC
didnt hesitate to post to the NG. Dont you feel that a bit hypocritical??????


Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
to wrote:

>Why me?

Because you're persistent. The more persistent you become, the meaner I'll
get. I'm putting you on notice, sir: All future spamming you post in
newsgroups I read will be forwarded to AOL's Terms of Service desk and you can
explain to them why you think your embarrassing hucksterism in a newsgroup for
discussion is on-topic.


Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
BobKinDC writes:

<<>Why me?

Because you're persistent. The more persistent you become, the meaner I'll
get. I'm putting you on notice, sir: All future spamming you post in
newsgroups I read will be forwarded to AOL's Terms of Service desk and you can
explain to them why you think your embarrassing hucksterism in a newsgroup for
discussion is on-topic.>>

Oh god. You really need to take a pill.

As stated earlier, and which you conveniently ignore in your reply.. WHICH OF
YOUR MESSAGES IN THIS THREAD... of 28 posts now.. has *anything* to do with

Answer: nothing.

My posts included images of artwork by the masters of the medium. Your posts
threaten me. Bob... and I mean this without the hostility you display in your
notes.. but.. GET A LIFE.

I think youre the last person here that needs to call another's posts
"embarassing." Youre an angry guy, apparently and quite the hypocrite. If your
MISSION is to remain ON TOPIC, please show me ONE POST of yours in this thread
that has ANYTHING to do with COMIC STRIPS.

I'm sure if you choose to reply you'll only pick out one phrase and ignore the
rest as you just did.

Better yet, turn your computer off, have some tea and take a pill. Sounds like
that might be best for you.

"The meaner you'll get" - that certainly says a lot about you. Instead of
pressing NEXT, or just ignoring, youve proved my assessment of you from an
earlier post - a loser that simply likes to argue for argument's sake. A
rational person who didnt appreciate some thread ignores it; you take it upon
yourself to read each of the now 28-messages in this thread and to vent on me.

As stated before, you need to get a life.


Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
And another thing, BOBKINDC - the more I think of it, the more you're either
psychotic or simply hypocritical:

- you object to what you believe are "off-topic" posts in this newsgroup. It
follows that you would object to this because such posts would waste your time
and/or waste computer resources.

If this is the case, then how do you explain your three posts in this thread?
NOT ONE had to do with comic strips. As was pointed out earlier, had you
actually been concerned with NG clutter, you could have contacted me via email.
You havent. You have only posted messages in violation of the NG charter,
apparently, as I can find not one shred of COMIC STRIP information in any of
your posts, simply hostility and threats to report me to AOL.

- The posting of a dozen "FA" COMIC STRIP messages here bothered you. IMO,
a rational and logical person ignores messages that are irritating.I, for at
least one, don't read any messages with "Family Circus" or "Job Opportunities"
in the title.

You, on the other hand, have read each of the 28 messages posted here and have
become increasingly angry and hostile.

Who is wasting whose time here?

If you feel the need to report me to AOL for posting "FA" Comic Strip posts in
this newsgroup, please be sure to cut/paste each of your posts in this thread
to your own ISP, as I can find ZERO content pertaining to COMIC STRIP art in
any of them.

Hypocrite? It would be difficult to conclude otherwise...


Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
In article <>,
(Comicart2k) writes:

>who do you speak for?

A lot of people here, I suspect. I've kept my mouth shut because Bob and others
have been doing a good enough job of trying to let you know you're being a pain
in the ass.

As Roseleah suggested, you could set up your own website and occasionally post
here to direct people there. "Occasionally" means, oh, every six weeks or so.
We have also come down on artists who announce their strips too often, so you
shouldn't feel this is aimed at E-Bay or you.

If this is a popular and profitable venture for you, this solution will work
out fine for everyone. If it doesn't make enough money to justify setting up
the website, then give it up. Either way, leave us alone.

And stop arguing about it. We want you to stop posting commercial messages on
the newsgroup. What do we have to do, set off a "me too" chain to let you know
there are more than half a dozen of us who find this annoying?????

(However, I am also willing to begin forwarding your messages to if you don't knock it off.)

Mike Peterson
Glens Falls NY


Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
In article <>,
(Comicart2k) writes:

>First off, how is posting an image of a 1919 George Herriman KRAZY KAT Sunday
>page... OFF TOPIC in this newsgroup?

1)because when this group was set up, it was setup so that commerical postings
whould go to another newsgroup. See the FAQs, read the charter.

2) because images are off-topic in non-binary newsgroups

3) read AOL' s terms of service for improper newsgroup postings.

<<If you have ANY concern about bandwidth or posting off-topic, feel free to
contact me via email. I will note that NOT ONE PERSON objecting to my few posts
here have bothered to contact me via email.. Folks like yourself and BOBKINDC

didnt hesitate to post to the NG. Dont you feel that a bit hypocritical??????>.

No, I never feel hypocritical responding to apparent trolls.
I also feel that since you asked these questions in the newsgroup, that I
should respond to you in the newsgroup.


Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
to (Comicart2k) wrote:

>And another thing, BOBKINDC - the more I think of it, the more you're either
>psychotic or simply hypocritical:

I'm no hypocrite in this regard; I consistently try to weed the spammers out of
the discussion groups I subscribe to. Perhaps you could look up my postings on
DejaNews and find posts of me spamming? That would reveal me as a hypocrite, I
suppose. Good hunting. I can only assume you've never participated in a
newsgroup for discussions and had all the on-topic discussion pushed off by
excessive spamming. I have. Won't happen here.

As for my being psychotic, well... You know I've never agreed with that

nancy g.

Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
MEPeterson wrote:

> In article <>,
> (Comicart2k) writes:

>> who do you speak for?

> A lot of people here, I suspect.

It's more than just a suspicion. It's a fact.

> And stop arguing about it. We want you to stop posting commercial
> messages on the newsgroup. What do we have to do, set off a "me too"
> chain to let you know there are more than half a dozen of us who
> find this annoying?????

Annoying and against the specific charter of the newsgroup,
as he has been informed several times.

He claims we're opposed to his being "off topic".
Nope. We're opposed to his posting commercial messages
to a discussion group. Different story altogether.

Does anyone know a URL where the FAQ or the official charter
to this group can be found? I've never found the need to
look it up before, but now I'd like to, just so I'll have it
handy in case I need to quote parts of it to anyone's ISP.

nancy g.

Peter Gullerud

Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
<< From: bobk...@aol.comspamblok (BobKinDC) >>

<< Because you're persistent. The more persistent you become, the meaner I'll
get. I'm putting you on notice, sir: All future spamming you post in
newsgroups I read will be forwarded to AOL's Terms of Service desk and you can
explain to them why you think your embarrassing hucksterism in a newsgroup for
discussion is on-topic. >>

Why does this bug me? Because I know what it feels like to be unjustifiably
"singled out and DELETED." People need a bad guy to keep their day
interesting. These threats are getting out of hand. This type of AOL/Nazi
methodology is as irritating as the -few- ebay comic strip ads stuff this guy
has let people know about.

I was taken off my server once by aol because I posted too many posts about my
site. I was ignorant and don't do that anymore but still felt a WARNING
would have been in order; but this guy has only posted a few things now and
then. BobK and Mike Peterson: LIGHTEN UP! It's just a frickin' comic
strip newsgroup for pity's sake!

There are more important things in life to lose brain cels over than a

Peter Gullerud

Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
<< (However, I am also willing to begin forwarding your messages to if you don't knock it off.)

Mike Peterson
Glens Falls NY >>

Good grief.

Peter Gullerud

Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
<< From: "ronniecat" >>

<< The group will be unmoderated."

ronniecat >>

No comment.

Peter Gullerud

Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
<< From: (Comicart2k) >>

<< I will note that NOT ONE PERSON objecting to my few posts
here have bothered to contact me via email.. >>

Good point. This is drama king/queen week.

Peter Gullerud

Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
<< From: srowe...@aol.comUNSPAM (SRoweCanoe) >>

<< No, I never feel hypocritical responding to apparent trolls. >>

I think the new term "troll" is the new term for "bogeyman"; it's often
overblown and imaginary.

Not always, but often.

Paranoia: If you're right just once, it makes it all worthwhile.

Peter Gullerud

Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
<< From: "ronniecat" >>

<< Please stop posting unsolicited auction notices to rec.arts.comics.strips.


1. It is off-charter. To quote from the regular posting A GUIDE TO POSTING
ON REC.ARTS.COMICS.*: >> etc... . . . . . . .

Then, to be fair, we must come down on Mark O'Hare whenever he adverts a new
book Universal's put out on Citizen Dog ...or Wiley's direction to his Homer
Pay-per-View website or when Ted Rall mentions his wares and latest court

I've noticed a lot of star f***ing (excuse the crass language ; can't think of
a better term right now) here in this group... not directed at you ronniecat
specifically, but in general a lot of kissing up to anyone who's syndicated.
It's easy to be or seem ''nice'' when you have a steady paycheck, folks!
Bottom line: this comic strip art guy is getting majorly singled out; and also
because he's trying to defend himself from an onslaught of over-reacting

Another bottom line:
Lighten up OK? OK! let's all sing together now: "It's a friendly,
friendly world......" ;-)


Feb 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/1/00
to (Peter Gullerud) wrote:

>Why does this bug me? Because I know what it feels like to be unjustifiably
>"singled out and DELETED." People need a bad guy to keep their day
>interesting. These threats are getting out of hand. This type of AOL/Nazi
>methodology is as irritating as the -few- ebay comic strip ads stuff this guy
>has let people know about.
>I was taken off my server once by aol because I posted too many posts about
>site. I was ignorant and don't do that anymore but still felt a WARNING
>would have been in order; but this guy has only posted a few things now and
>then. BobK and Mike Peterson: LIGHTEN UP! It's just a frickin' comic
>strip newsgroup for pity's sake!
>There are more important things in life to lose brain cels over than a

It's not often that I disagree so strongly with someone whose work and postings
I respect so much, but you're mistaken.

I'm not singling out the FA poster; when there are too many spammers on one of
the newsgroups I participate in, I start complaining and netcopping. Not that
I want to hold them up as barometers of expression or anything, but have you
ever checked out There aren't a lot of stories on it. I
leave it up to someone else to come up with a classier example (I think Tom
Galloway used to cite one of the Star Trek newsgroups), but if this group
degenerates into something where 2/3rds of the posts are spam-- which happens--
it will be because we regulars who actually talk about comic strips here
dropped the ball and didn't complain enough about spammers. I'm not gonna let
that happen.

And Peter, your posts here consist of legit discussion with your strip's
website in the sig. That is exactly the correct way to plug your strip or
other products. If the FA spammer did something similar, he'd never hear
another complaint from me again.

"A WARNING would be in order"? I think we've given this guy an adequate number
of warnings and you've read his response to them.

Anthony Foglia

Feb 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/1/00
Peter Gullerud <> wrote:
> There are more important things in life to lose brain cels over than a
> mini-spammer.

I agree. I think a lot of people are making a mountain out of a molehill.
While ComicArt2K should not be posting FA messages here, he hasn't posted
that many, and rac.markeplace is not a viable (though appropriate) option.
But by the same token, he can improve things.

In particular, why post multiple messages on the same day about different
strips? How about you cut down to one message every so often (once a day
or less often) listing everything you have for sale? If you want to put
more information, post it in rac.marketplace and mention it in your

Now, if, as many people fear, too many people start posting sale/auction
messages, I'd be more than willing to support a racs.marketplace group, or
if there is little chance of drowning of the message, pushing those
messages back to rac.marketplace.

That's my suggestion... Ignore/Flame/Heed it as you wish...


Peter Gullerud

Feb 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/2/00
<< From: bobk...@aol.comspamblok (BobKinDC) >>

<< "A WARNING would be in order"? I think we've given this guy an adequate
of warnings and you've read his response to them. >>

True. In looking at old posts, I think the guy would be less unpopular if he
posted MANY of his for sale items under ONE posting. There are a lot within
the last few weeks. (Hint hint to the comic strip ebay guy: Accumulate a ton
of stuff, and make just ONE ANNOUNCEMENT! You'll come off less irritating that
way!) I still think he's new to this perhaps and we should cut him a little
slack. He has a point about the get rich quick assholes and porn
announcements, imo. Why can't anything be done about them? Folks here say
they DO, but I sure don't see these things lessen in frequency or variety. I
said this to the AOL representative on the phone (About email spam etc.) and
that's when he said he pulled my plug even as I was speaking w/ him; as I was
complaining about the real spammers, etc....and that he was wasting his time w/
guys like me that weren't real HE was a jerk (the aol
guy; I even tried to report him). You can see why this is a raw nerve to me,

Apologies to all for my Everett True outbursts.

I am human.

And unloved by editors.


Feb 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/2/00
In article <>,
(Peter Gullerud) writes:

>True. In looking at old posts, I think the guy would be less unpopular if
>posted MANY of his for sale items under ONE posting. There are a lot within
>the last few weeks. (Hint hint to the comic strip ebay guy: Accumulate a
>ton of stuff, and make just ONE ANNOUNCEMENT! You'll come off less irritating
>that way!) I still think he's new to this perhaps and we should cut him a

or if he had merely said, "oh, ok" and then came back 3 months later, who would
have even remembered him? Now of course, we all will remember him...

>He has a point about the get rich quick assholes and porn
>announcements, imo. Why can't anything be done about them?

It all depends on their ISPs; many of the porn people own their own servers,
and could care less if you complain to them. Many of the Pyramid Scam People
actually sign up just to spam, so if they get kicked off - what do they care?
Many spamers forge headers - so read the tiny print (I believe there are some
programs to make this easier?). I routinely turn in about 2-3 actuall fraud
attempts a day. I know of one newsgroup that takes great delight in turning in
every single spam (and I mean about 100s of complaints from 1 newsgroup).

Peter Gullerud

Feb 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/2/00
<< Dik Browne - HAGAR...)
From: "ronniecat" >>

<< (This also explains why the "there's worse stuff out there" argument isn't
washing well with those of us who don't have to put up with the so-called
"worse stuff" in the first place.) >>

Not to beat a dead horse, but I was glad I saw the Dik Browne comic.

Even if I wasn't interested in buying it. It seemed relevant to the group .
Porn and money money money isn't.


Peter Gullerud

Feb 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/2/00
<< From: "ronniecat" >>

<< I should correct myself. :Properly speaking, massive crossposts are referred
to as "Velveeta". Posts made separately to thousands of newsgroups are
"Spam". CancelMoose, bless his/her furry heart, makes both of them vanish
from my world with a wave of his/her magic cancelmessage. >>

Mmmmm....Spam with melted Velveeta and Mousse for dessert!

0 new messages