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Three words..."Spider...Clone....Saga"

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Feb 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/2/99
I had not read a Spiderman comic in years when I picked this series up. It was
rushed, incoherent, and , when I got to the ending, I was aghast with shock
about the manner in which Peter had been functionally "raped" as a character.
SHEESH! How many bloody Spider derivatives do we need?!?!

Now one series that I have love is the INFINITY GAUNTLET SAGA... that series
rocks!!! I just love it! I swear that Marvel has put out far grander epics,
for the most part, than DC. At present, I am REEEEEEEEALly enjoying the
AVENGERS FOREVER storyline. I think that it may be on the scale with
KREE-SKULL if things keep up.

B. Bachand

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

Danny Sichel

Feb 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/2/99
to wrote:

> I had not read a Spiderman comic in years when I picked this series up. It was
> rushed, incoherent, and , when I got to the ending, I was aghast with shock
> about the manner in which Peter had been functionally "raped" as a character.
> SHEESH! How many bloody Spider derivatives do we need?!?!

> Now one series that I have love is the INFINITY GAUNTLET SAGA...


If you feel that strongly about Spider-derivatives, how do you feel
about _Infinity War_, _Infinity Crusade_, and _Warlock and the Infinity


Feb 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/3/99
In article <796sn8$v58$>, wrote:
> I had not read a Spiderman comic in years when I picked this series up. It was
> rushed, incoherent, and , when I got to the ending, I was aghast with shock
> about the manner in which Peter had been functionally "raped" as a character.
> SHEESH! How many bloody Spider derivatives do we need?!?!

The totally wierd thing is... I enjoyed the "clone saga." True, I only
started reading about the same time Ben Reilly became Spider-Man, but
I read back issues and liked them. It was the first comic story I got
into, and it brought me into the Marvel fold. It was a lot better than
the directionless nonsense that the Spidey books have been since.

I liked it. I would love to see some of the characters and stories
started back then brought back. (Kurt, you deserve gifts of gold and
baked goods for bringing back Joystick.) Did anyone else like it, even
a little, or am I alone on this?

Matrix - New Update! Pics up! Check out LTF BookRanger in the
****7021 UNIVERSE****.... ||"You may have some pretty terrific toys--but I'm
"Morphinominal!" || a living action figure!" - Spider-Girl #6


Feb 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/3/99
i think youre alone on it my friend, give it to marvel though to give the title
back to the guy who ruined it in the first place, latest crap though id go with
captain america, the return of red skull issue STANK, i havemt read the latest
one yet, and the last iron man issue had nothing to do with the preceding
storyline (which was good)


Feb 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/3/99
to wrote:
> I had not read a Spiderman comic in years when I picked this series up. It was
> rushed, incoherent, and , when I got to the ending, I was aghast with shock
> about the manner in which Peter had been functionally "raped" as a character.
> SHEESH! How many bloody Spider derivatives do we need?!?!
> Now one series that I have love is the INFINITY GAUNTLET SAGA... that series
> rocks!!! I just love it! I swear that Marvel has put out far grander epics,
> for the most part, than DC. At present, I am REEEEEEEEALly enjoying the
> AVENGERS FOREVER storyline. I think that it may be on the scale with
> KREE-SKULL if things keep up.
> B. Bachand
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
> Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

'hokay, my comments are somewhat tangential, but I would like to point
out that I mentioned that DeFalco (IMHO) ruined Thor to start this
thread, and now someone is bringing up yet another "episode" in
DeFalco's "ouevre" of ruining titles. I've never really followed the
Spider-titles, but tried to keep up with the whole abomination which
eventually became the Clone Saga. One thing which I found (and continue
to find) alternately amusing and horrifying is the comments which
DeFalco made in a TPB which collected the Clone Saga.

To (really) roughly paraphrase, Mr. DeFalco opined that the Clone Saga
was the greatest thing to hit comics since the printing press, and that
if the stupid fans hadn't gotten involved and stopped buying the
friggin' comic because it was turning into utter gobshit thereby forcing
him and his fellow creators to hide their tails between their legs and
try to put Humpty together again, then the true genius of the Clone Saga
could have been seen. In other words, Tom blamed the fact that the
Clone Saga sucked on the fans (in other words, he was trying to defend
wiping out 30 years of comic book history and one of the most popular
fictional characters ever created, and replacing it with a big steaming
pile of horseshit). Nice.

One (final) thing: could someone *please* give me a short synopsis of
what the hell happened during the Infinity Gauntlet/War/Crusade?


Feb 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/3/99



Feb 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/3/99
ORhodes wrote:

IG: Thanos assembles the 5 infinity gems together, creating the Infinity Gauntlet
and becoming omnipotent. Well... more omnipotent than the other omnipotents. I never
did get issues 2-4 so I've no idea what happened after he killed off half the
universe and prior to his defeat.

IW:Shameless title borrowing off the popularity of the Gauntlet saga... Magus, Adam
Warlock's 'dark half' takes over earths heroes for reasons which still remain
obscure to this point (to me at least, I mean, why just Earth? o.0) while using
several cosmic cubes he's collected to play silly buggers with Warlock and
manipulate him into reassembling the Gauntlet. Of course, Magus is defeated, though
everyone is left with a sub standard crossover thing and horrid infinity war tie-in
issues everywhere.

IC: Horrible horrible mess. Goddess... Warlock's 'good half' gets her hands on
Magus's cosmic cubes and plots the end of the universe. Once again the heroes of
earth are subverted and bla bla bla... Goddess is defeated and all's well that ends
well. By this point the whole Infinity saga is a joke... Ron Lim's deteriorating
pencil work doesnt help either.

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Matthew J. Kuhn

Feb 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/3/99
You're not alone,
I enjoyed the clone saga for the most part. (That was the fisrt time I ran
into Joystick though.) I think that there was alot of stuff that was good
in there and it helped develop the character. I always knew that they were
going to say Ben was the real deal and then later renig on it. I don't
think it would have staye either way. Again I am outside of the fold in
liking the return of the original Green Goblin, although I wait for them to
nig on that too and prove him to be a replicant of some type.
I also hate how they have totally just force the whole era into a little
bottle and threw it out into the sea. There was a lot of things that could
be built off from in there. Not to mention after all of that MJ and Peter
have been through there is no way in hell that she would divorce him over
taking up the webs again, which seems to be the popular opinion of the next
big issue to hit the story. I know that ol' Petey
Boy has all of these real life problems for us to relate to but that is just
one that should never happen. And if it does I may very well drop the
titles all together.
I have to say that the teams on Spidey don't seem to know the term
middle-ground, they seem to do everything with the story in extream, but
what they are currently doing is just plain bad. I have to read some of my
back-ishs just to get some appreciation for the character. The stories just
seem so hollow. Anyway I seem to have worked my way up to rant level so
I'll stop now and get back to work.


Stick a fork in me, I'm done.
Matthew J. Kuhn
Milwaukee School of Engineering . . . SUCKS!!!!!

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