AGM Thing

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Matthew Daubney

Oct 11, 2012, 7:16:01 AM10/11/12
to reading-hackspace
In case Ryan forgets to post this.....

It's been decided that the AGM will be next Wednesday at the Space.
This will be instead of the scheduled "Open Hack" though people can
probably carry on hacking as well if they wish :)

If anyone has any items for the agenda please chuck them in this
thread and I'll get an agenda drawn up.

On Wednesday evening, as well as the AGM, there will be someone from
one of the local papers to come and have a mooch around so if anyone
has anytime between now and then, please help tidy the Space and try
and keep it tidy!

Please distribute this information far and wide and whoever owns the
Facebook group, could you create an event please!

-Matt Daubney

Ryan .

Oct 11, 2012, 8:17:50 AM10/11/12

You beat me to it :-) yep, there's a general meeting next Wednesday (the 17th) at the space. I'd like us to talk about the direction the space is headed, people's priorities in terms of what infrastructure we still need, and the usual membership numbers and money things. I'd like to start the external funding hunt again!

Please come, I'd love to see every member there as well as some new faces.  We'll need to assign a secretary and have someone on irc I think, so if anyone is up for that shout pls!

There will be a photographer attending from the wokingham standard (I think) to photograph us for a bit in the local rag, so I'm trying to get some clearing out dine at the space over the next few days. If you can help with this please let me know. We need to implement some more strict storage policies I think (guilty as charged) so any input on how we can do that is valuable.


Ps. You all kick ass! We've come a long way :-) still a long way to go, but yeah, we can has hackspace!

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