Using DefaultReactiveMongoApi instead of ReactiveMongoApi

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Jan 18, 2016, 3:40:23 AM1/18/16
to ReactiveMongo -
I have a problem with the ReactiveMongoApi being a singleton (

To my huge lack of surprise, this makes testing a nightmare. I am starting an in-memory instance of MongoDB for each unit test to keep tests separated and creating a new connection each time, however, 
I get the following errors:


[info] - should create any non-empty alphanumeric word from a form

[error] - reactivemongo.core.actors.MongoDBSystem - The entire node set is unreachable, is there a network problem?

[error] - reactivemongo.core.actors.MongoDBSystem - The entire node set is unreachable, is there a network problem?

[info] - should be able to serve a frontpage

[info] - should be able to create a user

[error] - reactivemongo.core.actors.MongoDBSystem - The entire node set is unreachable, is there a network problem?

[error] - reactivemongo.core.actors.MongoDBSystem - The entire node set is unreachable, is there a network problem?

[info] - should be able to log in a user

[error] - reactivemongo.core.actors.MongoDBSystem - The entire node set is unreachable, is there a network problem?

[error] - reactivemongo.core.actors.MongoDBSystem - The entire node set is unreachable, is there a network problem?

[info] MagicWordsSpec:

[info] createMagicWord

[info] - application - ReactiveMongoApi starting...

[info] - application - ReactiveMongoApi successfully started with DB 'clutchpower'! Servers:


[info] - should return the created word

[error] - reactivemongo.core.actors.MongoDBSystem - The entire node set is unreachable, is there a network problem?

[error] - reactivemongo.core.actors.MongoDBSystem - The entire node set is unreachable, is there a network problem?

[info] MagicWordsRepo

[info] - should have created words with no user available in the free-words list

[error] - reactivemongo.core.actors.MongoDBSystem - The entire node set is unreachable, is there a network problem?

[error] - reactivemongo.core.actors.MongoDBSystem - The entire node set is unreachable, is there a network problem?

[error] - reactivemongo.core.actors.MongoDBSystem - The entire node set is unreachable, is there a network problem?


When I try to change the module in application.conf from  play.modules.enabled += "play.modules.reactivemongo.ReactiveMongoModule"
to play.modules.enabled += "play.modules.reactivemongo.DefaultReactiveMongoModule" it simply fails to instantiate the API altogether. How do I use 
ReactiveMongoAPI as a transient type instead of a singleton?

Cédric Chantepie

Jan 18, 2016, 2:48:00 PM1/18/16
to ReactiveMongo -

There are several way to improve that.

Using the latest 0.11.9, you can use the function api.database, instead api.db. The new one clearly states the DB resolution is asynchronous (Future[DefaultDB]).

Instead of instantiating the ReactiveMongo API for each test scope using a FakeApplication, the driver for tests can be managed directly as in: (see SBT test cleanup: ).

Best regards

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