How to handle grouped by sentences

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Jordi Cabré

Apr 13, 2016, 3:58:34 AM4/13/16
to re-motion Users
I'm interested in handle grouped sentences like:

var fs = this.backend.DigitalInputs.GroupBy(di => di.Channel).Select(g => new { Channel = g.Key, Count = g.Count() });

As far I've been able to figure out, I'm guessing "group" information in embedded into main QueryModel creating another nested QueryModel into mainQueryModel's MainFromClause:

QueryModel ->
* MainFromClause: {from IGrouping`2 g in {value(Backend.Implementations.Lest.Linq.LivingQueryable`1[Backend.Domain.DigitalInput]) => GroupBy([di].Channel, [di])}}
* FromExpression: {{value(Backend.Implementations.Lest.Linq.LivingQueryable`1[Backend.Domain.DigitalInput]) => GroupBy([di].Channel, [di])}}
      * QueryModel:
        * MainFromClause: {from DigitalInput di in value(Backend.Implementations.Lest.Linq.LivingQueryable`
* ResultOperators: (1) -> {GroupBy([di].Channel, [di])}

My question is about which would be the best or common strategy for going through this kind of nested query models?

My first approuch was around handling GroupResultOperator, however, I realized it's never reached.

Currently, I've a Transformer and a Translafor QueryModel visitors.

In my Transformer's VisitMainFromClause is a dummy method:

public override void VisitMainFromClause(MainFromClause fromClause, QueryModel queryModel)
    // do nothing
    base.VisitMainFromClause(fromClause, queryModel);

And my Translator's VisitMainFromClause is a bit less dummy method.
Basiclly, checks out whether fromClause.ItemType is aknowledged.
However, with a groupby information in it, this fromClause.ItemType is like a Grouping`1...:

public override void VisitMainFromClause(MainFromClause fromClause, QueryModel queryModel)
.Expressions.Catalog.LQLEntityExpression entity = fromClause.ItemType.GetDomainEntity();
this.lqlQueryModel.Search = entity;


Gordon Watts

Apr 16, 2016, 7:33:11 PM4/16/16
to Jordi Cabré, re-motion Users


  My LINQ queries can get super-complex, so in order to solve this I ended up writing a recursive parsing system. So my query visitor would call an expression parser to parse an expression, and then the expression would be a SubQueryExpression, which would trigger a call back into the QueryModel.


  Now, for the group by operator – it is a ResultOperator – just like “Count()”, or “Sum()”. The difference is that it is a sequence ResultOperator. So I added extra code to deal with a type of result operator that was a sequence rather than just a single value.


  I hope this helps. You are more than welcome to look at my code, but my application is so specific. Trying to translate LINQ to procedural C++ in this conext means the final result strongly influenced the architecture I used (also, when I started this I was “hacking” and didn’t know what I was doing, so probably made some important decision without realizing it).


  The top level query processor. Note the code for parsing the result operators: (in particular the bit about a sequence result operator).


  The group by result operator:


It may well be understanding my code is more effort than just forging ahead with some test cases in your environment. 😉



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