Creating a "Add task to Trello" action

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Steve Walker

Nov 20, 2017, 10:12:34 PM11/20/17
to Quicksilver - Development
Hi there,

Hoping someone could give some advice.

The Quick Add that comes with Trello is clunky - and quick add plugins for Trello out there are not good.

Trello has an add action via email - so I have tested using the Mail plugin. It works, but you have to tell QS the email to send to, then afterwards it pops up the Mail window so you have to then send the email from Mail itself. Too many steps.

Ideally I'd like to create a custom plugin called Trello. The configuration option would just be "Email to send to" - here you add your Trello email address to add tasks. The flow would then be:

1. Type task into QS window
2. Tab, type Trello
3. Hit return - done

Could anyone tell me how I'd achieve this please?

Kind regards, Steve.

Rob McBroom

Nov 20, 2017, 10:23:34 PM11/20/17
to Quicksilver - Development

On 20 Nov 2017, at 21:12, Steve Walker wrote:

Ideally I'd like to create a custom plugin called Trello. The configuration
option would just be "Email to send to" - here you add your Trello email
address to add tasks. The flow would then be:

1. Type task into QS window
2. Tab, type Trello
3. Hit return - done

Could anyone tell me how I'd achieve this please?

Hopefully, I already have…

I haven’t tried to use the project template in Xcode 9, but I expect it to work.

I’m about to create a new plug-in myself and was going to record a video of the whole process, but I don’t have a lot of free time, so I wouldn’t wait around for that.

Two more things:

  1. Unfortunately for you, sending e-mail from your local computer is not a simple thing to do. Since you’re writing the code and have complete control over the process, I would see if Trello has an API you could use directly. That will probably be easier than figuring out the mail stuff.

    If you’re sure you want to use e-mail, you should be able to use QSMailMediator (part of the E-mail Support plugin) to get the server settings and send the message. Just be sure your plug-in requires it as a dependency.

  2. Feel free to ask more specific questions here once you get started.

Rob McBroom

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