HCL Lenovo Thinkpad X250 i3-5010U

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Pablo Di Noto

Mar 10, 2016, 10:45:50 PM3/10/16
to qubes-users

I have just installed Qubes R3.1 without any issue.
Just had to enable both VT-x and VT-d in BIOS (not enabled by default)
So far, everything works as expected:
  Wireless card, Ethernet, Graphics (not tested any graphics-intensive software yet).
  Trackpad worked fine, all hardware buttons. Suspend and resume works as expected.
  Both batteries have been detected. Sound works.

Great work!

PD: Sorry I made a typo on the subject. Corrected to allow proper search.

thinkpad user

Dec 24, 2016, 9:28:26 AM12/24/16
to qubes-users
On Friday, March 11, 2016 at 2:45:50 AM UTC+4, Pablo Di Noto wrote:
> So far, everything works as expected

Thanks for sharing info! Have you tested graphics software yet (especially 3d editing/games)? Webcam working?
Have any other issues?

Pablo Di Noto

Dec 24, 2016, 10:04:50 PM12/24/16
to thinkpad user, qubes-users
Never used with ganes.

Have been using a couple of 3D modelling software (FreeCAD and a proprietary, licensed version of another I cannot recall) without any noticeable issue (models worked on where quite simple, by the way, wood furniture)

Webcam works on any Linux I tried on the X250, and with Qubes and a "sys-usb" service machine properly configured, sending the webcam to a "skype-vm" or "webconf-vm" with chrome and audio-plugins worked fine (Google h hangouts, zoom, even pitiful webex works after fiddling with java)

I noticed that being a two-battery machine, almost all battery applets mess up their "remaining time" prediction, and cannot gracefully deal with a battery hot swap: you loose the status on the newly inserted battery, but that is only a status display problem. Switching batteries without actual disruption works fine and is the reason I love this model (a second 68+ battery gives me  a solid 12 hours total and I can decide when to take that extra weight it with me)

Using it with a dock is also supported.
The USB ports appear and stay on the controller that is already in the sys-usb vm, so docking and undocking is seamless. 

Hope it helps.

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