Bamqc is hanging, and pdf is damaged

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Nov 12, 2015, 12:58:04 PM11/12/15
to QualiMap
I am running the following command:

nohup qualimap_v2.1.2/qualimap bamqc -bam ../tophat_A04/accepted_hits.bam -gd HUMAN -ip -outdir A04/ -outfile A04.def.qualimap -sd &

This seems to be running ok, and I get the following output as it runs:
Java memory size is set to 1200M
Launching application...

QualiMap v.2.1.2
Built on 2015-09-23 14:22

Selected tool: bamqc
Available memory (Mb): 33
Max memory (Mb): 1118
Thu Nov 12 12:37:57 EST 2015            WARNING output folder already exists

Starting bam qc....
Loading sam header...
Loading locator...
Loading reference...
Number of windows: 400, effective number of windows: 483
Chunk of reads size: 1000
Number of threads: 96
Processed 50 out of 483 windows...
Processed 100 out of 483 windows...
Processed 150 out of 483 windows...
Processed 200 out of 483 windows...
Processed 250 out of 483 windows...
Processed 300 out of 483 windows...
Processed 350 out of 483 windows...
Processed 400 out of 483 windows...
Processed 450 out of 483 windows...
Total processed windows:483
Number of reads: 70445308
Number of valid reads: 2425398
Number of duplicated reads: 0
Number of correct strand reads:0
Number of reads with

Inside of regions...
Num mapped reads: 70445308
Num mapped first of pair: 36133389
Num mapped second of pair: 34275363
Num singletons: 27487234
Time taken to analyze reads: 181
Computing descriptors...
numberOfMappedBases: 275132705
referenceSize: 3101804741
numberOfSequencedBases: 144737865
numberOfAs: 42482798
Computing per chromosome statistics...
Computing histograms...
Overall analysis time: 182
end of bam qc
Computing report...

But, the program continues to show as running for a long time, and when I try to open the *pdf file, it complains that the PDF file is damaged.

Any help will be great.


Konstantin Okonechnikov

Nov 12, 2015, 3:35:33 PM11/12/15

thanks a lot for the report!

Did you try launch the latest version (v2.1.3) ?   Which OS and which Java version are applied? 
Does this issue occur only a specific file or on some others as well?

It would be great if you could share the problematic BAM file, so I can check it in detail.


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Daniel Sobral

Nov 24, 2015, 10:43:39 AM11/24/15
to QualiMap,
I also have that problem, usually with samples that have very little data or the reference is incorrect (so probably no alignments).
Qualimap seems to hang eternally for no reason at all...


Konstantin Okonechnikov

Nov 25, 2015, 3:49:28 AM11/25/15
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for info! 

Is it possible that you could share privately the datasets (along with applied commands) where Qualimap got stuck?

Then I'll be able to check the issue in detail. I got already some reports about hang, but I can not reproduce this issue.


Kim Warren

Dec 21, 2015, 10:45:29 AM12/21/15
to QualiMap,
I have also been encountering this problem, with the pdf creation at the end of bamqc hanging indefinitely. My input bam file is 6.5GB, though, so it's tricky to find a reasonable way to send it to you. 

The command I'm using from the command line: ../qualimap_v2.1.3/qualimap bamqc -bam Rhph_mix_BWA_Sorted.bam -outformat pdf -outfile Rhph_mix_BWA.pdf-bash-4.1
OS: Scientific Linux release 6.2 (Carbon)
Java version: 1.6.0_37

Java memory size is set to 1200M
Launching application...

Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G
QualiMap v.2.1.3
Built on 2015-10-29 09:46

Selected tool: bamqc
Available memory (Mb): 32
Max memory (Mb): 1908
Mon Dec 21 12:12:57 GMT 2015            WARNING Output folder already exists, the results will be saved there

Starting bam qc....
Loading sam header...
Loading locator...
Loading reference...
Number of windows: 400, effective number of windows: 89144
Chunk of reads size: 1000
Number of threads: 48
Processed 50 out of 89144 windows...
Processed 100 out of 89144 windows...
[Continues in increments of 50 for quite a while]
Processed 89050 out of 89144 windows...
Processed 89100 out of 89144 windows...
Total processed windows:89144
Number of reads: 71864022
Number of valid reads: 67787216
Number of duplicated reads: 0
Number of correct strand reads:0
Number of reads with

Inside of regions...
Num mapped reads: 67787216
Num mapped first of pair: 34332766
Num mapped second of pair: 33454450
Num singletons: 3760441
Time taken to analyze reads: 1991
Computing descriptors...
numberOfMappedBases: 9265630233
referenceSize: 2356967742
numberOfSequencedBases: 9209220250
numberOfAs: 2732062175
Computing per chromosome statistics...
Computing histograms...
Overall analysis time: 2051

Arumilli, Meharji

Dec 21, 2015, 10:50:39 AM12/21/15
Dear all,

I too have trouble with bamqc. Below is the command and error:

$/qualimap_v2.1.3/qualimap bamqc -bam TMD8_recalibrated.bam -gff hg19_coverage_summary.bed -outformat PDF -c --java-mem-size=12G
Java memory size is set to 12G
Launching application...

QualiMap v.2.1.3
Built on 2015-10-29 09:46

Selected tool: bamqc
Available memory (Mb): 33
Max memory (Mb): 11453

Starting bam qc....
Loading sam header...
Loading locator...
Loading reference...
Number of windows: 400, effective number of windows: 424

Chunk of reads size: 1000
Number of threads: 16
Initializing regions from hg19_coverage_summary.bed.....
Found 8260 regions
Filling region references...
Failed to run bamqc
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
    at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
    at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
    at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
    at org.bioinfo.ngs.qc.qualimap.common.GenomicFeatureStreamReader$2.parseFeatureRecord(
    at org.bioinfo.ngs.qc.qualimap.common.GenomicFeatureStreamReader.readNextRecord(
    at org.bioinfo.ngs.qc.qualimap.process.BamStatsAnalysis.loadSelectedRegions(
    at org.bioinfo.ngs.qc.qualimap.main.BamQcTool.execute(
    at org.bioinfo.ngs.qc.qualimap.main.NgsSmartMain.main(

Could someone offer help to fix this.


Konstantin Okonechnikov

Dec 21, 2015, 12:07:12 PM12/21/15
to QualiMap,

Thanks a lot for the reports! 

Actually, the first issue (report from Kim Warren) occurs most likely due to PDF format output. The problem is that there are too many covering windows and PDF output got stuck (there was a similar report previously: ). Fixing this problem currently is possible by performing output in HTML format.  Would be great if you could check this. 

The second issue (report from Meharji  Arumilli)  is completely different. This is a problem with annotation BED file. How was it generated? Could you perhaps share it, so I can check?


Laura Dijkhuizen

Jan 11, 2016, 7:36:00 AM1/11/16
to QualiMap,
Hello all,

I have run in to very similar problems as AT and Daniel. Both with pdf and with html output, bamqc hangs at 'Computing report' for at least two hours. Thus changing to HTML output was, in my situation, not a suitable fix. Also, this issue persisted for various combinations of reference genomes and sequencing data. 


Ubuntu 15.10  kernel 4.2.0-16
R 3.2.3
Java versiom 1.7.0_91 (7u91-2.6.3-0ubuntu0.15.10.1)
qualimap 2.1.3

Konstantin Okonechnikov

Jan 11, 2016, 10:00:42 AM1/11/16
to QualiMap,
Hi Laura,

thanks a lot for the report! 

The best way to figure out the issue is to share the data (BAM file, annotations), exact command that was applied and full log, so I can take look on it in detail. No data from Arti or Daniel was available and I could not reproduce the bug.


Laura Dijkhuizen

Jan 14, 2016, 3:16:14 AM1/14/16
to QualiMap,
Hi Konstantin, 

thanks for your rapid reply. I will gladly elaborate on my situation, the sequencing data however is not mine to share. Alternatively, I could perhaps process some illumina sequencing of your choosing and share results thereof. 

In all cases, I have mapped +/- 10 million reads (100 to 150bp PE) to various references using bowtie2 as such.
bowtie2 -x $dir/refgenomes/$rf/$rf.btindex \
                                -1 $reads/$s/*subset*.mreads_R1.fq \
                                -2 $reads/$s/*subset*.mreads_R2.fq \
                                --minins $minins        \
                                --maxins $maxins        \
                                --threads $CPU  \
                                --very-sensitive | \
                                        samtools view -@ 6 -bS -F 0x040  - | \
                                        samtools sort -@ 6 -m 4G - -f $rf.$s.bam

I then run qualimap bamqc on all bam files in a specific folder
../scripts/qualimap/qualimap bamqc -bam ./bowtie_results/$f -outdir ./bowtie_results/$name
As qualimap starts, all seems normal. However, at the 'computing report...' stage, the programme hangs for hours using one CPU core for a 100%.
Java memory size is set to 1200M
Launching application...

QualiMap v.2.1.3
Built on 2015-10-29 09:46

Selected tool: bamqc
Available memory (Mb): 33
Max memory (Mb): 1118
Starting bam qc....
Loading sam header...
Loading locator...
Loading reference...
Number of windows: 400, effective number of windows: 400
Chunk of reads size: 1000
Number of threads: 12
Processed 50 out of 400 windows...
Processed 100 out of 400 windows...
Processed 150 out of 400 windows...
Processed 200 out of 400 windows...
Processed 250 out of 400 windows...
Processed 300 out of 400 windows...
Processed 350 out of 400 windows...
Processed 400 out of 400 windows...
Total processed windows:400
Number of reads: 10000000
Number of valid reads: 299
Number of duplicated reads: 0
Number of correct strand reads:0
Number of reads with

Inside of regions...
Num mapped reads: 299
Num mapped first of pair: 0
Num mapped second of pair: 299
Num singletons: 291
Time taken to analyze reads: 18
Computing descriptors...
numberOfMappedBases: 32840
referenceSize: 4641652
numberOfSequencedBases: 32814
numberOfAs: 6678
Computing per chromosome statistics...
Computing histograms...
Overall analysis time: 18
end of bam qc
Computing report...

html pages, figures and a txt file are actually produced by qualimap. The only figures missing are the finel two in the html output: 'insert size across reference' and 'insert size histogram'

I encounter this error for various combinations of sequencing files and reference genomes. If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know. What logs specifically are you interested in?

kind regards, 

Konstantin Okonechnikov

Jan 14, 2016, 5:37:47 AM1/14/16
Hi Laura,

thanks a lot for the detailed report, I have several questions. 

From the log I see an interesting detail: only 299 reads from 10 000 000 are marked as mapped. Moreover, all of them are the second of a pair (which might introduce a problem in computing insert size plots). 

Are there any insert size statistics reported in the Summary?

Could you perhaps extract only a subsample with mapped reads from the BAM file (and make it smaller, i.e 10 or 20 alignments) and try Qualimap once again?

This SAMtools command might be helpful to extract only mapped reads:

samtools view -h -F 0x4 file.bam

If the issue happens for the small subsample as well, so maybe you can report how at least one alignment record looks like. Or maybe a small subsample can be shared privately. This was actually performed several times previously and bugs were fixed fast. 
Just in case, my e-mail address: k.okonechnikov[at]gmail[dot]com


Laura Dijkhuizen

Jan 14, 2016, 7:24:59 AM1/14/16
to QualiMap,,
Hi Konstantin,

you indirectly found a typo in my script, explaining why only the second pairs are represented. ( samtools view -F 0x040 vs samtools view -F 0x04 ) I am running the whole thing again, and both read pairs map now. However, the bug remains, qualimap gets stuck at the same point. (so no solution there) Indeed 299 is a small proportion, this specific reference is my negative control. I tried with some of my own data, which I will e-mail you shortly.

FYI, indeed 299 reads is a small proportion. The reference genome is the negative control so I expected it to be low. 

Kind regards, Laura

Konstantin Okonechnikov

Jan 14, 2016, 8:52:25 AM1/14/16
Hi Laura,

I received the BAM files and checking them, I'll reply to your message.



Jun 24, 2019, 3:22:56 AM6/24/19
to QualiMap
Hey Konstantin,
I'm having the same issue that qualimap got stuck and doesn't create the insert size histograms.
I would like to know if you could solve this issue?
I'm using qualimap v.2.2.1, Java 1.8.0_212


Am Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2016 14:52:25 UTC+1 schrieb Konstantin Okonechnikov:
Hi Laura,

I received the BAM files and checking them, I'll reply to your message.

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Konstantin Okonechnikov

Jun 24, 2019, 5:33:34 AM6/24/19
Hi Volker,

Did you try the latest build version 2.2.2-dev? Some of similar issues were fixed during development. Just in case, here's the link: 

Best regards, 

пн, 24 июн. 2019 г., 9:22 VAst <>:
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