PVS - latest version

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Mark Tarver

Jun 20, 2017, 6:36:36 AM6/20/17
to Shen
PVS (Program Verification in Shen) is the finalised name for the system which includes and Ll.   Both systems are available within the PVS plugin in SP.    The system works in conjunction with a file that gives the definitions of some of the Shen system functions taken from the Shen kernel.  These definitions are given in the file attached here. 

If you download the PVS plugin, you can run this file through (just click on render and choose kernel.shen).  You get a new fie with axioms in it and the message

(0-) 37 axioms produced in 7971 inferences
run time: 0.031000137329101563 secs

The axioms (the set KW) are as follows and are available for use in proofs.

 (all x : type (all y : x ((assoc y []) = [])))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) (all z : x (all x1 : (list (list x)) ((assoc z [[z | y] | x1]) = [z | y])))))

 (all x : type (all y : (list (list x)) (all z : x (all x1 : (list x) ((all y1 : (list (list x)) (all z1 : (list x) ((~ (x1 = [z | z1])) v (~ (y = y1))))) => ((assoc z [x1 | y]) = (assoc z y)))))))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) ((difference [] y) = [])))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) (all z : (list x) (all x1 : x ((difference [x1 | z] y) = (if (element? x1 y) (difference z y) [x1 | (difference z y)]))))))

 (all x : type (all y : type (all z : y (all x1 : x ((do x1 z) = z)))))

 (all x : type (all y : x ((element? y []) = false)))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) (all z : x ((element? z [z | y]) = true))))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) (all z : x (all x1 : x ((~ (z = x1)) => ((element? z [x1 | y]) = (element? z y)))))))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) (all z : x (((~ (y = [])) & ((all x1 : (list x) (~ (y = [z | x1]))) & (all y1 : (list x) (all z1 : x (~ (y = [z1 | y1])))))) => ((element? z y) = (simple-error "attempt to find an element in a non-list"))))))

 (all x : type (all y : type (all z : y (all x1 : (x --> x) (all y1 : x ((fix x1 y1) = (let z (x1 y1) (if (= y1 z) y1 (fix x1 z)))))))))

 (all x : type (all y : x (all z : (list x) ((head [y | z]) = y))))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) ((all z : (list x) (all x1 : x (~ (y = [x1 | z])))) => ((head y) = (simple-error "head expects a non-empty list")))))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) (all z : x ((tail [z | y]) = y))))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) ((all z : (list x) (all x1 : x (~ (y = [x1 | z])))) => ((tail y) = (simple-error "tail expects a non-empty list")))))

 ((reverse []) = [])

 (all x : type (all y : x (all z : (list x) ((reverse [y | z]) = (append (reverse z) [y])))))

 (all x : type (all y : type (all z : y (all x1 : x ((fst (@p z x1)) = z)))))

 (all x : type (all y : type (all z : y (all x1 : x ((snd (@p x1 z)) = z)))))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) ((union [] y) = y)))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) (all z : (list x) (all x1 : x ((union [x1 | z] y) = (if (element? x1 y) (union z y) [x1 | (union z y)]))))))

 (all x : type (all y : type (all z : (y --> x) ((map z []) = []))))

 (all x : type (all y : type (all z : (list x) (all x1 : (x --> y) (all y1 : x ((map x1 [y1 | z]) = [(x1 y1) | (map x1 z)]))))))

 ((length []) = 0)

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) (all z : x ((length [z | y]) = (+ 1 (length y))))))

 (all x : type (all y : x (all z : (list x) ((nth 1 [y | z]) = y))))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) (all z : number (all x1 : x ((~ (z = 1)) => ((nth z [x1 | y]) = (nth (- z 1) y)))))))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) (all z : number ((((~ (z = 1)) v (all x1 : (list x) (all y1 : x (~ (y = [y1 | x1]))))) & (all z1 : (list x) (all x2 : x (~ (y = [x2 | z1]))))) => ((nth z y) = (simple-error "attempt to find the nth element of a non-list"))))))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) ((append [] y) = y)))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) (all z : (list x) (all x1 : x ((append [x1 | z] y) = [x1 | (append z y)])))))

 (all x : type (all y : (list x) (all z : x ((adjoin z y) = (if (element? z y) y [z | y])))))

 (all x : type (all y : type (all z : (y --> (list x)) ((mapcan z []) = []))))

 (all x : type (all y : type (all z : (list x) (all x1 : (x --> (list y)) (all y1 : x ((mapcan x1 [y1 | z]) = (append (x1 y1) (mapcan x1 z))))))))

 (all x : number ((+ 0 x) = 0))

 (all x : natnum (all y : natnum ((~ (y = 0)) => ((+ y x) = (s (+ (p y) x))))))

 (all x : number ((* 0 x) = 0))

 (all x : natnum (all y : natnum ((~ (y = 0)) => ((* y x) = (+ x (* (p y) x))))))

If you want to repeat my proof of the associativity of append.

(pvs (introduce (@p []

                    [all A : type [all x : [list A]

                     [all y : [list A]

                          [all z : [list A]

                             [[append x [append y z]]

                               = [append [append x y] z]]]]]])))


starts the ball rolling.  For those courageous enough, the sequence of tactics needed to solve the problem is:

(omega append)   \\ draw in the axioms wrt 'append' in KW

(allr a)         \\ instantiate the conclusion by a

lind             \\ list induction

(thin 3)

(allr y)

 (allr z)

 (alll &&a)        \\ instantiate the lading assumption by &&a


 (alll &&y)


(l->r 1 0)          \\ use the idenityt in 1 to rewrite the 0th wff i.e. the conclusion

(thin 1)

(alll [append &&y &&z])

tr                  \\ invoke the type checker to solve the problem

(l->r 1 0)


(thin 2)

(allr y1)

(allr x)


(allr y)

(allr z)

(swap 1 7)        \\ exchange the positions of wff 1 and 7

(alll &&a)


(thin 2)

(alll [append &&y &&z])


(alll &&x)


(alll &&y1)


(l->r 1 0)

(thin 1)

(thin 1)

(thin 1)

(alll &&y)


(alll &&x)


(alll &&y1)


(l->r 1 0)

(thin 1)

(thin 1)

(thin 1)

(alll &&z)


(alll [append &&x &&y])


(alll &&y1)


(l->r 1 0)

(thin 1)

(thin 1)

(thin 1)

(thin 1)

(alll &&y)


(alll &&z)


(l->r 1 0)

=r              \\ prove x = x for all x

That's about as far as I'm going to take this for the while.  Back to the Ring this week.


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