SolverFactory and NEOS

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Jan Stampfli

Nov 10, 2018, 8:32:27 AM11/10/18
to Pyomo Forum
Hi all,

I have a problem with creating a solver in a script using NEOS. As on the NEOS webpage stated I used the following code to generate the solver:

instance = model.create('test_pyomo.dat')
opt = SolverFactory("cbc")
solver_manager = SolverManagerFactory('neos')
results = solver_manager.solve(instance, opt=opt)

This works perfectly fine for solvers as glpk, ipopt, cbc. But when I try to optimize a MINLP with couenne, bonmin, baron etc. there is an error which states that the solver is not recognized by neos:

pyomo.opt.parallel.manager.ActionManagerError: Solver 'couenne.exe' is not recognized by NEOS. Solver names recognized:
['bonmin', 'cbc', 'conopt', 'couenne', 'cplex', 'filmint', 'filter', 'ipopt', 'knitro', 'l-bfgs-b', 'lancelot', 'loqo', 'minlp', 'minos', 'minto', 'mosek', 'ooqp', 'path', 'snopt']

I guess the problem is, that the solver name is "name.exe" instead of "name". But how can I change this?

I have installed Python 3.6.6 and pyomo 5.5 on windows. Thus, I need the solvers also on my machine for submitting to NEOS I have installed the COIN-OR Suite  version 1.8.0.

Thanks and best regards,
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