pydicom performance

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Sep 18, 2009, 6:38:38 PM9/18/09
to pydicom
hi folks, I'm new here and with pydicom. Until now, I was using gdcm
for all my dicom work but, I don't really like it 'cause is not very
pythonic (
although it is faster) so, I start using pydicom since v0.9.2. Right
now, I'm using pydicom to index a large number of dicom files and
organize those files into series for posterior work (ej. display a
serie of dicom images). The problem I'm facing is the performance when
reading a dicom file, even with defer_size (I am using defer_size =
64). For example, I try to read 200 files and this process hurt. Any
suggestions, I'dont really wan't to quit pydicom?


import dicom, os

datasets = [dicom.read_file(file, defer_size = 64) for file in

Darcy Mason

Sep 23, 2009, 7:44:11 AM9/23/09
to pydicom

On Sep 18, 6:38 pm, jmrbcu <> wrote:
> ... I'm using pydicom to index a large number of dicom files and
> organize those files into series for posterior work (ej. display a
> serie of dicom images). The problem I'm facing is the performance when
> reading a dicom file, even with defer_size (I am using defer_size =
> 64). For example, I try to read 200 files and this process hurt. Any
> suggestions, I'dont really wan't to quit pydicom?

Using defer_size is really meant to avoid reading large objects into
memory, but it still reads past them in the file. So unfortunately it
saves memory, but probably not much time.

One option is to try something like in, attached as a file
to the pydicom google group [1]. This came from an answer to a
question some time ago [2]; the example in it allows you to specify a
list of tags to read, after which the reading of that file stops. It
could easily be modified to stop reading above a certain group number
or some other condition, thereby avoiding reading the large items like
pixel data.

I've reopened issue 28 to focus on getting something like this into
the pydicom code.



Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao

Sep 23, 2009, 11:04:08 AM9/23/09
very good, I would like to see pydicom at the level of gdcm + net
Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao
Centro de Biofisica Medica
Todos somos muy ignorantes, lo que ocurre es que no todos ignoramos lo mismo.

Recuerda: El arca de Noe fue construida por aficionados, el titanic
por profesionales

Naveen Garg

Dec 27, 2009, 6:22:39 PM12/27/09
to Darcy Mason,
>  did you mean to reply to the group? 
yes, sorry.  googlegroups doesn't seem to give me that option on the web...  Will just stick to email.

>  Tests on my machine show essentially no difference reading from file vs. to memory and then parsing. 
I am working on a pacs viewer using a mix of autohotkey(ahk), python, and octave: .
When I read a set of 80 ct images with ahk, it takes only 2 seconds. 
It takes >8 seconds for only 10(yes 10, not 100) images each with pydicom:

I know its not a fair comparison:  i am not parsing the header with ahk, which is why i looked at pydicom in the first place... 
But, the header can be parsed later... the only information needed earlier is the offset to the pixeldata... 

> Problem is, with DICOM files,...or most files you can only parse one data element at a time. 
> Even some of those have "unknown length" VRs and you have to read until a delimiter is found.
Its too bad, because for most purposes you don't need the entire header parsed, but just a few key tags.  

>  The images I used are freely available from,
I did not know about this site.  Thanks. 
I am a radiologist.  I will try to get irb approval to release an anonymized set of images for testing.

> new argument to read_file() called stop_before_pixels
Great !

>>> from dicom.filebase import DicomStringIO
>>> memory_file = DicomStringIO(open("dicom_file", 'rb').read(known_length))
>>> ds = dicom.read_file(memory_file)
This is fantastic.  

yes, thank you.

> I don't know pygame, but if you try this and get something working, I'd be happy to add it to the contrib folder,
> which recently has had several examples added using other graphics libraries.
I like the tkinter example.  I am currently using gdiplus as I am on windows. If and when I transition to sdl / pygame, I will post it to this group.  

Thanks for providing solutions, not just answers to my questions 

On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Darcy Mason <> wrote:

On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 1:52 PM, tinku99 <> wrote:
>> One option is to try something like
>There is a typo in the file: _ReadFileMetaInfo should be
>_read_file_meta_info in 2 places, but otherwise it seems to work

Hi Naveen,

It looks like you have replied to me personally -- did you mean to reply to the group? You have good questions and it would be nice for the discussion to be public.

I was about to post to the group about new code I recently pushed to the repository which incorporates the fileiter directly into pydicom file reading, and also provides a new argument to read_file() called stop_before_pixels which can simplify the partial file reading. I'll still post that message soon, but meanwhile I'll answer your questions here also

>I would prefer if the whole file or optionally the whole header, was
>read from disk all at once, and then parsed in memory.
>If you preallocate memory for the files, the whole process would be
>much faster.

It shouldn't be much faster -- operating systems cache disk reads anyway (and read ahead), so they probably read at least the non-pixel data before pydicom asks for it anyway. But it can be done ... keep reading.
You sparked my interest about this, so I wrote some timing code (file attached). Tests on my machine show essentially no difference reading from file vs. to memory and then parsing. Surprisingly, even reading the pixel data only costs about 10% extra time for images read from local disk (for the 'small' images I used -- just 512x512 CT and MR images). If read from a network disk, (in my case, a USB drive attached to an NSLU2 device), then skipping pixels dropped the time almost in half.
 The images I used are freely available from, by the way, so you could try the same set if you want. If you have a large number of big images, however, that would be a very useful test to run.

>This would also enable reading dicom file from memory from other
>sources such as an embedded storescp server.

You can read dicom files from memory using pydicom, but it hasn't been documented. There is a memory file object modeled after python's StringIO used for "deflate" files which need to be decompressed and then read. You could use it something like this:
>>> import dicom
>>> from dicom.filebase import DicomStringIO
>>> memory_file = DicomStringIO(open("dicom_file", 'rb').read(known_length))
>>> ds = dicom.read_file(memory_file)
Problem is, with DICOM files, I don't think you can predict (in a general way) how much to read in. My timing code used 4000 bytes, calculated based on the known image size. Dicom used to have the concept of "group length" tags but it seems to be deprecated now. So for most files you can only parse one data element at a time. Even some of those have "unknown length" VRs and you have to read until a delimiter is found.

>Also, it would be nice to be able to give filereader a pointer to
>where to put the pixel data, ie in a 3d numpy array.

I'm not clear on exactly what you are asking here, but I think you are asking something similar to this dicsussion?: The answer there is not a turn-key solution, but numpy does allow one to paste together different arrays, I believe. I also intend to write some code to make reading a complete series easier; it is a common request. I've just added this as an issue to the issue list.

>For displaying files, is there any problem with using / suggesting
>pygame which allows displaying from a numpy array (through
>surfarray, instead of
>matplotlib or pil, which seem to require writing to disk and are much

I don't know pygame, but if you try this and get something working, I'd be happy to add it to the contrib folder, which recently has had several examples added using other graphics libraries.


Darcy Mason

Dec 28, 2009, 3:20:26 PM12/28/09
to pydicom
Before addressing the previous discussion, I wanted to make sure
everyone on the list didn't miss the bit about partial file reading in
the fragments of the discussion -- the feature of reading only part of
a DICOM file (particularly to stop before reading pixel data) has
often been requested, and is now available in the latest repository
pushes. I'd appreciate it if interested people can use that and test
it, because I hope to soon put together a new pydicom package release
(0.9.4 version) with that and other fixes.

On Dec 27, 6:22 pm, Naveen Garg <> wrote:
> When I read a set of 80 ct images with ahk, it takes only 2 seconds.

> It takes >8 seconds for only 10(yes 10, not 100) images each with pydicom:

There must be something else going on -- with, my system
is reporting about 6.3 seconds to fully read and parse 100 CT images
from local disk. The new partial reading (no pixels) was about 5.7 sec/
100 CT files. I'm using the latest pydicom repository code but I doubt
there is anything in there that would be that much faster than
previous pydicom versions. I added another test to the,
to simply read (using usual python open, read) 100 CT files, which on
my system took about 3 seconds, consistent with your ahk time.

I've posted the new and two files capturing my computer's
stats to the latest repository push under source/dicom/test/

Timing things is notoriously difficult to do properly or consistently,
so I'd be happy for anyone to point out possible flaws in the methods.
My tests were done after restarting the computer -- repeated tests
were faster, presumably because the OS is caching reads in memory. On
the other hand, running the test under ipython took more than twice as
long (the first time, but then times dropped on each further run,
until an error about not having enough file handles). I also did the
tests on another computer (Win XP) and got similar results. The
profiling stats shows that there is no big time sink in any one part
of pydicom. If I pointed to a network disk instead of local disk, then
times went up dramatically (~42 seconds for full file read and parse
of 100 CTs) and file reading was the clear time sink.

I'd be happy for others to try the same tests on their systems and see
what the differences are. As I mentioned before, the image sets I
used are available at, you can tell which ones I used by
looking at the code in


Naveen Garg

Dec 28, 2009, 5:22:01 PM12/28/09
to, Darcy Mason
> It takes >8 seconds for only 10(yes 10, not 100) images each with pydicom:

There must be something else going on -- with, my system
is reporting about 6.3 seconds to fully read and parse 100 CT images
from local disk.

ok,  I don't know what was wrong.  I reran them, and I get similar results as you now: 10 seconds for 100 ct images with pydicom  I also get similar times in ahkpacs using pydicom...
I still think we should be able to go closer to the 3 second mark...  We only need about 5-10 key tags to get the pixel data format, offset, and width, and height. Should be able to skip the rest of the tags... Also, for most of the tags, you only need to process one image per series.  Anyway, its not a big deal, I should be able to do a combination of open/read and parsing to make things fast.

By the way, the 4th test in gives me an error:
  File "c:\python26\lib\site-packages\pydicom-0.9.4svn-py2.6.egg\dicom\filereade", line 223, in read_dataset
    logger.error(str(details) + " in file " + # XXX is this visible eno
ugh to user code?
AttributeError: 'DicomFileLike' object has no attribute 'name'
not sure what the problem is...  

Darcy Mason

Dec 28, 2009, 7:25:21 PM12/28/09
to pydicom

On Dec 28, 5:22 pm, Naveen Garg <> wrote:
> > ok,  I don't know what was wrong.  I reran them, and I get similar results
> as you now: 10 seconds for 100 ct images with pydicom  I also
> get similar times in ahkpacs using pydicom...
> I still think we should be able to go closer to the 3 second mark...  We
> only need about 5-10 key tags to get the pixel data format, offset, and
> width, and height. Should be able to skip the rest of the tags...

You could try the read_partial() function in the new code directly,
pass it a function which returns False until the tags you are
interested in have been read, then returns True. Another idea if the
files are accessed multiple time is to store the dataset (the no
pixels one) using python's pickle module or something -- it doesn't
help on the first read, but should be fast to read it rather than the
DICOM file on subsequent accesses to the same file (could check file
name and date/time stamp to make sure there have been no changes).
I'll certainly keep in mind trying to make the code faster, but python
is not known for its great speed, and as I mentioned, there are no
clear time sinks apparent in the tests I ran. If we doubled the speed
of the next highest time user (after file read), that would only
improve the read time by a few percent. Most speed gains would
probably come at the expense of code readability and ease of

> By the way, the 4th test in gives me an error:
>   File
> "c:\python26\lib\site-packages\pydicom-0.9.4svn-py2.6.egg\dicom\filereade
>", line 223, in read_dataset
>     logger.error(str(details) + " in file " + # XXX is this visible
> eno
> ugh to user code?
> AttributeError: 'DicomFileLike' object has no attribute 'name'
> not sure what the problem is...

That looks like an error in the error catching -- it's complaining
that the file object has no name attribute, which the DicomStringIO
wouldn't. I'll correct that error message in a future code -- instead
of, using getattr(fp, name, "<no filename>") should work. If
you replace that in your, and run again, you should see
the real error. My guess is it is running out of bytes on the partial
read, and the 4000 needs to be bumped up.


Matthew Brett

Dec 28, 2009, 8:03:03 PM12/28/09

> You could try the read_partial() function in the new code directly,
> pass it a function which returns False until the tags you are
> interested in have been read, then returns True. Another idea if the
> files are accessed multiple time is to store the dataset (the no
> pixels one) using python's pickle module or something -- it doesn't
> help on the first read, but should be fast to read it rather than the
> DICOM file on subsequent accesses to the same file (could check file
> name and date/time stamp to make sure there have been no changes).

I'm sorry if this is an ignorant question, but does it make sense (do
you already) cache tags on read? I mean, could you (do you) gain
speed by only reading the requested tags? Or allow an option to do

Again, sorry if that's silly,


Darcy Mason

Dec 28, 2009, 9:24:25 PM12/28/09
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Matthew Brett <> wrote:

I'm sorry if this is an ignorant question, but does it make sense (do
you already) cache tags on read?  I mean, could you (do you) gain
speed by only reading the requested tags?  Or allow an option to do
If anyone has any ideas on this, I'd be happy to hear them, but I don't think there is very much that can be done in that respect. There is no "table of contents" in a DICOM file which tells you where to jump to find a particular tag. Each data element specifies its own length, so you don't know where the next one starts until you read at least the beginning of the current one. I'm guessing this goes back to DICOM's history as a peer-to-peer communications protocol (still it's primary mechanism, really), where the transfer was negotiated (transfer syntax etc) and then a stream of bytes sent -- no ability to go forward or backward in them. And for file reading, skipping bytes takes almost as much time as reading them, as has come up in previous discussions about the defer_size option of read_file().

Even in a series where most of the information is probably the same, you couldn't guarantee that some entry wouldn't be a couple of bytes longer and throw the whole reading scheme out.

Probably the best that can be done for pydicom is to optimize the "inner loop" [1], i.e. convert loops to list comprehensions where possible, remove as many "if" statements etc from the checks done while reading each data element, reduce the number of function calls (costly in python), and replace global variable or "dotted" lookups with local variables.  One "if" that could go is the check of whether using explicit VR or not during the read of each data element. Once it is known, it is the same for the entire dataset, and so could be pulled out of the loop. 

Another option is to try something like psyco, which can compile some python codes and give significant performance boosts. I've never used it or others in that same space, so I don't know if that could work on pydicom code at all, or whether it would give good results.

Since I have timing code now, and this kind of detective work is sort of fun, I'll try to have a look in the next few days and see if there are any simple changes to pydicom code that give significant payback. As I mentioned from the timing tests, though, there doesn't seem to be one or two significant bottlenecks -- the time is spread all over the place.


Darcy Mason

Dec 28, 2009, 10:14:58 PM12/28/09
to pydicom

On Dec 28, 9:24 pm, Darcy Mason <> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Matthew Brett <>wrote:
> > I'm sorry if this is an ignorant question, but does it make sense (do
> > you already) cache tags on read?  I mean, could you (do you) gain
> > speed by only reading the requested tags?  Or allow an option to do
> > that?

Ok ... I'm a little slow sometimes. I thought about this a bit
more ... I'm not sure if this is what you or Naveen were saying, but a
really good answer is to _not_ parse the data element value on
reading, just get the VR, the length, and capture the raw bytes which
make up the value. Parsing those bytes into python types can happen
later, only when an item is requested by the user code. I think this
has been pointed out by a couple of people in the past, but I didn't
really pick up on it until now. It should bring the reading time down
close to the python limit. It will take some restructuring of the code
to make it happen, but I think this will be a very good change. I'll
post again when I have something working.


Matthew Brett

Dec 29, 2009, 6:02:01 AM12/29/09

> Ok ... I'm a little slow sometimes.  I thought about this a bit
> more ... I'm not sure if this is what you or Naveen were saying, but a
> really good answer is to _not_ parse the data element value on
> reading, just get the VR, the length, and capture the raw bytes which
> make up the value. Parsing those bytes into python types can happen
> later, only when an item is requested by the user code. I think this
> has been pointed out by a couple of people in the past, but I didn't
> really pick up on it until now. It should bring the reading time down
> close to the python limit. It will take some restructuring of the code
> to make it happen, but I think this will be a very good change. I'll
> post again when I have something working.

Ah - yes - that was the kind of thing I mean - but your earlier answer
also lightened the darkness of my ignorance.

Have you thought about Cython for optimization? I have found it
very good for taking me down to C-level speed while allowing me to
keep my code structured modular and readable. It's very well
supported too.



Darcy Mason

Dec 29, 2009, 6:05:08 PM12/29/09
On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 6:02 AM, Matthew Brett <> wrote:

Have you thought about Cython for optimization?    I have found it
very good for taking me down to C-level speed while allowing me to
keep my code structured modular and readable.   It's very well
supported too.

Other than having heard the name, I don't know anything about Cython either. After a quick look, though, it seems to be mainly about defining static types for a compiler to work on, to speed up e.g. repeated math operations in a loop. I'm not sure what parts of pydicom would be possibilities for it to work on.

For now I'll stick with the ideas on cleaning up the "inner loop" and delaying as much parsing of data until the data is actually interrogated, see what kind of time savings that can make. I've made a start on it already, turning data element reading into a generator such that some read operations are combined and most "if"s are pulled out of the loop. Fighting bugs of course at the moment... but hopefully will have some initial timing results before too long.


Matthew Brett

Dec 29, 2009, 6:18:59 PM12/29/09

>> Have you thought about Cython for optimization?    I have found it
>> very good for taking me down to C-level speed while allowing me to
>> keep my code structured modular and readable.   It's very well
>> supported too.
> Other than having heard the name, I don't know anything about Cython either.
> After a quick look, though, it seems to be mainly about defining static
> types for a compiler to work on, to speed up e.g. repeated math operations
> in a loop. I'm not sure what parts of pydicom would be possibilities for it
> to work on.

That's a good summary; the thing that made me thing of it though, was
when you mentioned python function call overhead. If you define your
input types for a function, you can call it within cython / pyrex file
at C speed, (this is the 'cdef' or 'cpdef' def statements) sometimes
vastly reducing python overhead. You can also define python / C
struct types that allow very fast object attribute access.

I recently did a large refactor of the scipy matlab reading routines
that increased speed by an order of magnitude to comparable or better
than matlab itself, and - importantly - the code remains fairly easy
to read and maintain. There's a large user community too and it's
heavily used in Sage (a very large mathematics project), and
increasingly in Scipy as well as other projects. I should say, I'm
not one of the developers, but I have been very impressed with it...



Darcy Mason

Dec 29, 2009, 9:14:24 PM12/29/09
On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 6:18 PM, Matthew Brett <> wrote:

That's a good summary; the thing that made me thing of it though, was
when you mentioned python function call overhead.   If you define your
input types for a function, you can call it within cython / pyrex file
at C speed, (this is the 'cdef' or 'cpdef' def statements) sometimes
vastly reducing python overhead.  You can also define python / C
struct types that allow very fast object attribute access.

I recently did a large refactor of the scipy matlab reading routines
that increased speed by an order of magnitude to comparable or better
than matlab itself, and - importantly - the code remains fairly easy
to read and maintain.  There's a large user community too and it's
heavily used in Sage (a very large mathematics project), and
increasingly in Scipy as well as other projects.   I should say, I'm
not one of the developers, but I have been very impressed with it...

It sounds very interesting, and you've certainly hit the key words with readable and maintainable -- two of the biggest reasons IMO why python is such a great language. Well, if you had any time to suggest some specific changes that would really boost pydicom speed, I'd be happy to entertain those. Even if you could point out a couple of examples of the matlab reading code before/after that led to those big performance gains, just to illustrate the concepts in a bit more depth, that would be very helpful. 

For now I'll continue on the mods I mentioned, as I think they will provide a gain on their own, which would still put the code in a better place for further optimization with Cython or other methods. For example, the changes I'm trying involve reading (at first) into simpler data structures (just python built-ins), which eliminates function calls, but perhaps is also easier to boost with Cython. Now that the idea of minimizing the initial parsing has latched in my brain, I'm fairly convinced it is the right thing to do just in terms of program logic, and I have to try it before I can let it go ;-) 


Matthew Brett

Dec 30, 2009, 6:58:20 AM12/30/09

>> I recently did a large refactor of the scipy matlab reading routines
>> that increased speed by an order of magnitude to comparable or better
>> than matlab itself, and - importantly - the code remains fairly easy
>> to read and maintain.  There's a large user community too and it's
>> heavily used in Sage (a very large mathematics project), and
>> increasingly in Scipy as well as other projects.   I should say, I'm
>> not one of the developers, but I have been very impressed with it...
> It sounds very interesting, and you've certainly hit the key words with
> readable and maintainable -- two of the biggest reasons IMO why python is
> such a great language.

Yes - right - and also why it's such a good idea to have a DICOM
reader, in particular, in Python.

> Well, if you had any time to suggest some specific
> changes that would really boost pydicom speed, I'd be happy to entertain
> those.

I would very much like to help, but we're coming up for a release, and
things are getting slow over the holidays, so, for the next few weeks
at least, I'm tied up, but I hope very much to be able to try and help
after that, if I can.

> Even if you could point out a couple of examples of the matlab
> reading code before/after that led to those big performance gains, just to
> illustrate the concepts in a bit more depth, that would be very helpful.

Sadly, sort of, when I rewrote the reader in Cython, I did a huge
refactor at the same time to simplify the code semantics, so it's
difficult to compare directly. I'm confident that the same code in
Python would be about 10 times slower, but I haven't tested it
directly. The kind of thing I mean, you can see here:

The basic unit of a matlab file read, is 'read_tag' (def
read_tag(...)). Of course I am calling this many many thousands of
times for a big complicated matlab file. The Cython rule is that if
your function or method is defined with the standard python 'def' then
it can be called from outside the module, in python, and has the
normal python function overhead. However, if defined with 'cdef' , it
is essentially a C function, cannot be called direct from Python (from
outside the module), and is very fast. However, in the Cython code,
it still looks like a python call, eg:

cdef int tag_res = self.cread_tag(mdtype_ptr,

There's also 'cpdef' which allows both python and C-like function calls.

You'll see in that file, that I've defined a C version of 'read_tag',
called 'cread_tag' that is very highly optimized, and yet, I think,
also readable. I call this routine often in the Cython file, but at
C function call overhead.

Other optimizations were doing the byte-swapping directly in C, and
minimizing the temporary python objects I was creating in order to set
up the array creations. For example, in the previous code, I was
first reading the information about the shape of the array into a
temporary numpy array object, then using that to create the returned
arrays. In the Cython code, I can often use C objects for the
temporary stuff, so that there is tiny overhead, and only use the call
into Python or Numpy APIs to make arrays that I will return to the

> For now I'll continue on the mods I mentioned, as I think they will provide
> a gain on their own, which would still put the code in a better place for
> further optimization with Cython or other methods. For example, the changes
> I'm trying involve reading (at first) into simpler data structures (just
> python built-ins), which eliminates function calls, but perhaps is also
> easier to boost with Cython. Now that the idea of minimizing the initial
> parsing has latched in my brain, I'm fairly convinced it is the right thing
> to do just in terms of program logic, and I have to try it before I can let
> it go ;-)

Good luck - sorry not to be of more practical use,



Darcy Mason

Dec 30, 2009, 11:02:09 AM12/30/09
On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 6:58 AM, Matthew Brett <> wrote:

> It sounds very interesting, and you've certainly hit the key words with
> readable and maintainable -- two of the biggest reasons IMO why python is
> such a great language.

Yes - right - and also why it's such a good idea to have a DICOM
reader, in particular, in Python.

Yes, back to the roots, so to speak, of pydicom. I don't want to stray too far from pure python, that's pydicom's niche. I've dabbled in C extensions in the past on other projects, I wouldn't have too much trouble to do that for pieces of pydicom, but then maintainability and ease of installation become much more difficult. The Cython sounds like it might be a reasonable alternate path for those who really need the speed.
> Well, if you had any time to suggest some specific
> changes that would really boost pydicom speed, I'd be happy to entertain
> those.

I would very much like to help, but we're coming up for a release, and
things are getting slow over the holidays, so, for the next few weeks
at least, I'm tied up, but I hope very much to be able to try and help
after that, if I can.

I understand. Whatever help you could give at any time would be great. Anyway, as I had mentioned, it might be best looked at after the simplifications I am still working on.

> Even if you could point out a couple of examples of the matlab
> reading code before/after that led to those big performance gains, just to
> illustrate the concepts in a bit more depth, that would be very helpful.

Sadly, sort of, when I rewrote the reader in Cython, I did a huge
refactor at the same time to simplify the code semantics, so it's
difficult to compare directly.  I'm confident that the same code in
Python would be about 10 times slower, but I haven't tested it
directly.   The kind of thing I mean, you can see here:

Thanks for this link. I took a quick look, but I will have to look over more carefully later...

The basic unit of a matlab file read, is 'read_tag' (def
read_tag(...)).   Of course I am calling this many many thousands of
times for a big complicated matlab file.  The Cython rule is that if
your function or method is defined with the standard python 'def' then
it can be called from outside the module, in python, and has the
normal python function overhead.  However, if defined with 'cdef' , it
is essentially a C function, cannot be called direct from Python (from
outside the module), and is very fast.  However, in the Cython code,
it still looks like a python call, eg:

       cdef int tag_res = self.cread_tag(mdtype_ptr,

There's also 'cpdef' which allows both python and C-like function calls.

You'll see in that file, that I've defined a C version of 'read_tag',
called 'cread_tag' that is very highly optimized, and yet, I think,
also readable.   I call this routine often in the Cython file, but at
C function call overhead.

After my code changes, I'll profile again for time bottlenecks.  I'll try to determine if function overhead is a significant component -- by moving to a generator, I'm hoping that issue will be reduced quite a bit. But what you've shown could be a fairly simple optimization to improve things even further in any case.

Other optimizations were doing the byte-swapping directly in C, and
minimizing the temporary python objects I was creating in order to set
up the array creations.

I'm byte swapping using python's struct.unpack -- I don't know how fast that module is. But it also needs to be done for each data element length as it is read in, to know how much to read next. So for reading, I don't think it can be done on an array all at once. The values themselves (when fully parsed) could be, but that can already be done at C speed using python's array module, or a numpy array.

> For now I'll continue on the mods I mentioned, as I think they will provide
> a gain on their own, which would still put the code in a better place for
> further optimization with Cython or other methods. For example, the changes
> I'm trying involve reading (at first) into simpler data structures (just
> python built-ins), which eliminates function calls, but perhaps is also
> easier to boost with Cython. Now that the idea of minimizing the initial
> parsing has latched in my brain, I'm fairly convinced it is the right thing
> to do just in terms of program logic, and I have to try it before I can let
> it go ;-)

Good luck - sorry not to be of more practical use,

Actually I think this discussion has been very useful, and I've learned a lot. I have no doubt something practical will follow at some point.


Matthew Brett

Dec 30, 2009, 11:10:25 AM12/30/09

> I'm byte swapping using python's struct.unpack -- I don't know how fast that
> module is. But it also needs to be done for each data element length as it
> is read in, to know how much to read next. So for reading, I don't think it
> can be done on an array all at once. The values themselves (when fully
> parsed) could be, but that can already be done at C speed using python's
> array module, or a numpy array.

Yes; in my case, I was creating temporary numpy arrays to take care of
the byte-swapping, and I believe this was causing lots of object
creation overhead - that may well not be the case for you. Still, I
think struct unpack is in python, and if you are calling it a lot, I
suspect you may be hitting some speed issues.

>> Good luck - sorry not to be of more practical use,
> Actually I think this discussion has been very useful, and I've learned a
> lot. I have no doubt something practical will follow at some point.

Likewise - I'm looking forward to the time I can help more. And thank
you for pydicom, I was very pleased to find it, and I'm sure it's the
way forward for an adaptable DICOM reader...



Darcy Mason

Jan 5, 2010, 8:28:50 PM1/5/10
to pydicom
On Dec 28 2009, 10:14 pm, Darcy Mason <> wrote:
> ...

> a really good answer is to _not_ parse the data element value on
> reading, just get the VR, the length, and capture the raw bytes which
> make up the value. Parsing those bytes into python types can happen
> later, only when an item is requested by the user code. I think this
> has been pointed out by a couple of people in the past, but I didn't
> really pick up on it until now. It should bring the reading time down
> close to the python limit. It will take some restructuring of the code
> to make it happen, but I think this will be a very good change. I'll
> post again when I have something working.

I've made the changes I had mentioned I was working on, although they
had a number of side-effects which I'm still working through. Some of
the standard unit tests are still failing, generally around reading
"undefined length" items and some sequences, it appears.

But the changes work on the test files I have been using, and have
made a signicant improvement in reading speed, according to the profiling. On my machine, reading the 100 CT files is
coming in at essentially the same time as simply reading all the bytes
in python with no parsing (about 2.6 seconds, or about 2.5 times
faster than previous code). Repeat runs appear to gain a lot from disk
caching, eventually coming in at 0.3 sec/100 files, as compared with
0.1 sec for python read.

I'm not sure what has made the most difference - it is not clear from
the profiler stats. I suspect it is a combination of reducing function
call overhead (through using a generator for data elements and
combining file reads/struct.unpack calls) and simplifying tag creation
and comparison. I'm not sure avoiding parsing the values themselves
had much of an impact, since for most VR types there isn't much

If anyone wants to try this out, the code is posted at an experimental
repository clone [1]. As I said, it is somewhat broken in that it
fails many unit tests. It may take a while to clear those up, or I may
instead try a couple of the simple changes applied to the main
repository code to see whether most of the speed improvements can be
gained without changing the code as much.



Darcy Mason

Jan 24, 2010, 9:00:51 PM1/24/10
to pydicom

On Jan 5, 8:28 pm, Darcy Mason <> wrote:
> On Dec 28 2009, 10:14 pm, Darcy Mason <> wrote:
> ...
> But the changes work on the test files I have been using, and have
> made a signicant improvement in reading speed, according to the
> profiling. On my machine, reading the 100 CT files is
> coming in at essentially the same time as simply reading all the bytes
> in python with no parsing (about 2.6 seconds, or about 2.5 times
> faster than previous code).
> ...

> If anyone wants to try this out, the code is posted at an experimental
> repository clone [1]. As I said, it is somewhat broken in that it
> fails many unit tests. ...

The speed improvements code has been cleaned up and merged into the
main pydicom repository. Getting all unit tests to pass required more
logic to be added, but the time tests show it is still as fast as
simple python reading with no parsing.

I'd encourage those who are interested to try it out [1] and report
any problems found.



Adit Panchal

Jan 30, 2010, 2:17:20 AM1/30/10
I rebuilt the current version of dicompyler with the latest checkout
of pydicom and reading files is orders of magnitudes faster. I have
not gotten a chance to benchmark it, but there is a significant
difference which users will appreciate very much.

Great work!


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Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao

Feb 1, 2010, 10:08:50 AM2/1/10
thanks all folks, I would like to see a new version of pydicom soon
because I can´t acces the source code from svn.

Darcy Mason

Feb 4, 2010, 6:12:10 PM2/4/10
to pydicom

On Feb 1, 10:08 am, Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao <>

> thanks all folks, I would like to see a new version of pydicom soon
> because I can´t acces the source code from svn.

I was about to start the new package, but the new code failed when
reading a different DICOM file I was working with, one that version
0.9.3 reads fine. I'm hoping to debug that before putting the package
together. But one way or another, I'll try to post something in the
next week.

Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao

Feb 5, 2010, 9:11:19 AM2/5/10
thanks, what is new from 0.9.3?

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Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao


Feb 5, 2010, 3:55:55 PM2/5/10
to pydicom
I've also had considerable performance increases with the latest
checkout of pydicom. With a script that opens 1000 MRI dicom images
serially (dicom.read_file), it takes ~7ms per image. Previously it was
closer to 50ms. I am getting an error that was not there in the
previous version, however, when I try to write the pixel_array from
each image into a larger numpy array:

File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/5.1.1/lib/
line 363, in _get_pixel_array
return self._getPixelArray()
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/5.1.1/lib/
line 358, in _getPixelArray
self._PixelArray = self._PixelDataNumpy()
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/5.1.1/lib/
line 317, in _PixelDataNumpy
need_byteswap = (self.isLittleEndian != sys_isLittleEndian)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/5.1.1/lib/
line 235, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError, "Dataset does not have attribute '%s'." %
dicom.dataset.PropertyError: AttributeError in pixel_array property:
Dataset does not have attribute 'isLittleEndian'.

Any ideas? Is the 'isLittleEndian' attribute something I could set
manually in the script?
Many Thanks,

Darcy Mason

Feb 5, 2010, 6:21:37 PM2/5/10
to pydicom

On Feb 5, 3:55 pm, Jeff <> wrote:
> ... I am getting an error that was not there in the

> previous version, however, when I try to write the pixel_array from
> each image into a larger numpy array:

> ...

> Dataset does not have attribute 'isLittleEndian'.
> Any ideas? Is the 'isLittleEndian' attribute something I could set
> manually in the script?

This is simply because I've been changing names to PEP-8 style and
have missed some spots that need to be changed to "is_little_endian".
I'll hunt down those incorrect names and fix them in the next (and
hopefully last before the release package) commit.

Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao

Feb 5, 2010, 6:26:09 PM2/5/10
what will be new in the next release and what have improved?

PS: sorry for my english!!!

Darcy Mason

Feb 5, 2010, 9:57:01 PM2/5/10
to pydicom
On Feb 5, 6:26 pm, Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao <>

> what will be new in the next release and what have improved?

The big change is the reorganization (and speed-up) of the reading
code. Other changes include the addition of contributed code for
viewing images, updates to the DICOM dictionary and private
dictionary, and many bug fixes.

I'll post release notes with more details on the pydicom wiki once the
package has been put together.


Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao

Feb 6, 2010, 10:44:22 AM2/6/10
and in this release we will have an example code of integration with vtk?

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Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao

Darcy Mason

Feb 6, 2010, 3:06:48 PM2/6/10
to pydicom
On Feb 6, 10:44 am, Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao <>

> and in this release we will have an example code of integration with vtk?

No, sorry, there is nothing new on vtk. The new contrib codes use wx,
PIL, and Tkinter.

I haven't used vtk or itk, so I don't know anything really about how
to put that together. [Suggestions/starting code/etc. are welcome].


Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao

Feb 6, 2010, 3:10:14 PM2/6/10
as soon as U release the new version I will start to write some code
to use pydicom together with vtk.

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Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao

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