RISE 5.0.0 is out!

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Damián Avila

Jun 13, 2017, 8:12:24 AM6/13/17
to python-ann...@python.org, jup...@googlegroups.com, pyd...@googlegroups.com
We're pleased to announce the release of RISE 5.0.0!

RISE let's you show your Jupyter notebook rendered as an executable Reveal.js-based slideshow. It is your very same notebook but in a slidy way!

This released was focused in updating Reveal.js to the latest (3.5.0) and fix several bugs in the config mechanism. We also re-did the scrolling feature and, finally, we built the python 3.6 conda packages.

For more information, check the ANN blog post at http://www.damian.oquanta.info/posts/rise-500-is-out.html

Have a great day!
Damián Avila
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