Education Summit Leadership

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Jessica Nickel

Oct 6, 2013, 1:52:47 PM10/6/13
Hello all,

I am have been using Python as the core language for my non-profit, Teach Computer Programming. I am no expert programmer by any stretch. I have been a software testing for around a year and half, and prior to that I spent 10 years teaching music in high-needs and urban public schools. I have a lot of experience dealing with various aspects of education, including curriculum development and compliance. I am defending my dissertation in education and assessment and will be (hopefully!) graduating in December. I would be interested in helping to develop the core group of leaders, but not sure what is needed or where to start, but I wanted to post this message to the group!

Thanks and looking forward to Montreal!


Oct 6, 2013, 3:22:48 PM10/6/13
Thanks Jessica! As I mentioned, the main areas are looking for a keynote, getting the word out, and planning the program of the day... so those are the things we would need help with. A person to own each of those areas and then some people to work with them are what we need.

Jessica Nickel

Oct 6, 2013, 3:31:24 PM10/6/13
I am best with getting the word out, marketing, etc. I can start organizing that area of things. I just need to know if there are pre-existing social media links, etc., that are used, or if I would also need to create social media accounts to get the word out to individuals. I am a part of NYC PyLadies, so I can work on connecting through different Python and education meetups as well. Let me know if this sounds like a good strategy, and I'll get to work setting things up.
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