HUP causes snort to segfault

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jason lytle

Apr 15, 2011, 3:25:36 PM4/15/11
I've been running snort with pulledpork 0.5.0 for a while and things were good - pulledpork was able to HUP the running snort processes ok.

I upgraded snort to and the HUP was working ok still with PP0.5.0

I have just upgrade PP to 0.6.0 and now when PP tries to HUP snort, I get a kernel segfault:
kernel: snort[415]: segfault at 10c48 ip 0000000000470350 sp 00007fff6759aff0 error 4 in snort[400000+eb000]

if I start snort myself after this, it starts up ok and is detecting traffic based on the alerts it wrote into snort.rules.

so i switched back to PP 0.5.0 and now the HUP also causes snort to segfault! Since I made no changes to PP0.5.0 I can't figure out why I segfault now...

anyone else hit this before? it must be something I'm missing...


Apr 15, 2011, 5:19:10 PM4/15/11
to, jason lytle
Are you using shared object rules, or did you just switch over to use them?


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jason lytle

Apr 15, 2011, 5:48:50 PM4/15/11
to, jason lytle
sorry, this is long...
I was using so_rules previously yes but I did make a change in snort.conf related to them (then changed it back):

I had this commented in snort.conf:
#dynamicdetection directory /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules

I forgot to comment it when I installed and snort would not start because the dir did not exist. Joel Esler form snort advised me to either create the dir empty or use pulledpork to manage so_rules. I tried creating the dir but I left it empty and snort did start ok.

I then realized that the pulledpork.conf setting was the same thing while I was upgrading to pulledpork 0.6.0:

thinking it is redundant (as well as working previously), so I again commented out the line from snort.conf:
#dynamicdetection directory /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules

maybe it's related?

another observation - I ran pulledpork with the -v:
HangUP Time....
        Sent kill signal to 9212 from /var/log/snort.eth0/ with result 1
        Sent kill signal to 9215 from /var/log/snort.eth1/ with result 1
        Sent kill signal to 19060 from /var/log/snort.eth0/ with result 1
        Sent kill signal to 19070 from /var/log/snort.eth1/ with result 1

so as far as pulledpork knows, the HUP was successful.
I am back now on PP0.5.0 and I still have the problem so I don't think it is PP directly but it only happens when PP tries to HUP.

another change i made to snort.conf:
I get inundated with these snort alerts:

to quiet this, I removed these lines from snort.conf http_inspect section:
extended_response_inspection \
inspect_gzip \
unlimited_decompress \

after I started to get the segfaults, it also seemed that snort stopped alerting when running. I added these lines back into snort.conf to confirm that I am still getting alerts and it starts just fine (and detects that alert about 100 times /sec) so it is working ok when I start it manually.
but now when I run PP0.5.0 with the -H, I don't get a segfault but rather:
>> http_inspect:  Changing decompress_depth requires a restart.
>> Reload via Signal HUP does not work if you aren't root or are chroot'ed.

why does PP think the config has changed? I restart snort manually and then try again but this error is thrown again every time. I think this error is superseding the segfault.

I tried to delete snort.rules and to have PP recreate them but it did not help.
I am now going to try deleting the files in the so_rules dir and have PP re-populate that dir.
if that doesn't work, I guess I am going to rebuild the whole box from scratch, I can't figure out what's screwed up but I know if I follow the build doc i created, everything works.

jason lytle

Apr 15, 2011, 5:51:59 PM4/15/11
to, jason lytle
i might not have been clear above:

I only get this when trying to HUP snort with PP currently:

http_inspect:  Changing decompress_depth requires a restart

when I start snort manually, the error does not appear.


Apr 15, 2011, 7:38:21 PM4/15/11
to pulledpork users
Hy !

The reload option of Snort is very strict and if you use so_rules it
don´t work. The information from Joel was correct. If you run Snort
the first time with the basic snort.conf you get the error about /usr/
local/lib/snort_dynamicrules and you have to out comment it in
snort.conf or create it with mkdir /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules.

If you build Snort from source you have to add the option --enable-
reload otherwise it don´t work. If you use a binary version it must be
enabled. See also the Snort documentation here (point 2.9 page 128 and

If you match the requirements the reload with SIGHUP shouldn´t be a
problem. Some people report also that it don´t work if you run Snort
by a dedicated user like snort and not by root (haven´t checked that -
I run it under root on Mac OS).

If you don´t match the requirements Snort restarts and don´t reload
the configuration. I can´t say more for now because I don´t know what
you change exactly - please see the doc for details and upgrade also


Christoph Roland Murauer

Apr 15, 2011, 7:11:41 PM4/15/11
Hy !

The reload option of Snort is very strict and if you use so_rules it don´t work. The information from Joel was correct. If you run Snort the first time with the basic snort.conf you get the error about /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules and you have to out comment it in snort.conf or create it with mkdir /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules. 

If you build Snort from source you have to add the option --enable-reload otherwise it don´t work. If you use a binary version it must be enabled. See also the Snort documentation here (point 2.9 page 128 and following). 

If you match the requirements the reload with SIGHUP shouldn´t be a problem. Some people report also that it don´t work if you run Snort by a dedicated user like snort and not by root (haven´t checked that - I run it under root on Mac OS).

If you don´t match the requirements Snort restarts and don´t reload the configuration. I can´t say more for now because I don´t know what you change exactly - please see the doc for details and upgrade also PP.


JJ Cummings

Apr 15, 2011, 11:23:57 PM4/15/11
to, pulledpork users
Part of the issue may also be with the way that snort handles SO rules, and ultimately the root of why I had originally asked if you were running them. The short of it is that any time you touch the SO binary files, snort must be stopped and started, a HUP signal will not work and will cause unexpected results. I will be building in a function to PP that will handle this case and restart Snort appropriately, in an upcoming release.

Make sense?

Sent from the iRoad

jason lytle

Apr 16, 2011, 4:49:51 PM4/16/11

It does make sense thanks

I did build snort from source and with the reload option- the hups have been working great until I played with snort.conf. what im confused about is why reversing my changes or deleting the files that PP generate doesn't fix it. Im confident that I can get it all working again if I start from a clean slate.

Always looking forward to the new releases, thanks for all the good work.

JJ Cummings

Apr 17, 2011, 9:29:09 AM4/17/11
The point is, unless you run PP with the -T flag, it touches the SO binary files, as such a HUP becomes unusable and snort must be stopped and started.  You should see the same results if you run PP without sending a HUP, then manually HUP snort (assuming you didnt use -T).

Sent from the iRoad

jason lytle

Apr 19, 2011, 3:27:33 PM4/19/11
yeah when I say 'confused', I mean that I am too much of a noob with this that I probably screwed it up inadvertently.
I'm sure you are right about the so_rules being the root cause but I don't understand it well enough to fix it.

however, I do run PP with the -T (runs from cron twice a month) and I don't believe I ever omitted that when running it manually:

/etc/snort/pulledpork/ -l -T -c /etc/snort/pulledpork/etc/pulledpork.conf -i /etc/snort/pulledpork/etc/disablesid.conf -H

I'll get it sorted one way or another but as always, thanks for the tips and info!


Apr 19, 2011, 3:40:02 PM4/19/11
If running with -T then it's not an so_rule problem... that forces to run only GID:1 rules...

jason lytle

Apr 19, 2011, 5:26:05 PM4/19/11
maybe I ran it once without the -T and it touched the so_stuff?

I just tried the following and I am still getting the snort segfaults only when PP tries to HUP - snort runs ok if I kick it off when it is not running:

- moved the entire snort dir and PP dir out of the way (renamed)
- built from source snort and put the conf files in /etc/snort
- created rules dirs: mkdir /etc/snort/rules -and- mkdir /etc/snort/so_rules
- untar'd PP 0.6.0 and moved it all to: /etc/snort/pulledpork
- edited pulledpork.conf for my setup (everything is the same from my PP0.5.0 conf)
- edited snort.conf for my setup (looks at snort.rules file that PP generates and all other rules commented)
- untar'd snort rules: snortrules-snapshot-2904.tar.gz
- copied extracted rules to snort dirs:
-- cp /rules/* /etc/snort/rules
-- cp -r /preproc_rules/ /etc/snort/
-- cp /so_rules/precompiled/Centos-5-4/i386/* /etc/snort/so_rules/
- so I am putting the precompiled so_rules in place before I run PP for the first time
- I then run PP without the HUP so that it can create the snort.rules file:
-- /etc/snort/pulledpork/ -l -T -c /etc/snort/pulledpork/etc/pulledpork.conf -i /etc/snort/pulledpork/etc/disablesid.conf
- I then start snort manually and everything is ok
- I then run PP with the -H and it causes snort to segfault

something must be left over from the previous installation either with snort or with PP - this should be a clean slate but apparently it is not.
I will do this again but will wipe the box completely first which will surely catch whatever it is I am missing.

otherwise, is there something obvious I am missing in order to have a fresh, new snort and PP? While I admit that I don't fully understand shared object rules, I thought I had a fairly good handle on installation - I've installed snort/barnyard/PP/Base on clean boxes quite a few times now and I've never had this problem.

jason lytle

Apr 19, 2011, 5:55:46 PM4/19/11
and to confirm your theory, if I send the HUP signal to snort process myself, it segfaults as well so it's nothing to do with PP as far as I can tell.
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