Free & Accepted Mason, Biblical Moderation. Drinking the Cup of Life too Quickly.

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Ui Neil Sandage

Jan 10, 2016, 4:48:33 PM1/10/16
to Google Public Data Explorer
Free & Accepted Mason, Biblical Moderation. Drinking the Cup of Life too Quickly.

Exponential Death by Invasive Species, we kill for them and they kill for us to create orgy and orgy of sex without responsibility or restriction or deference to Elah, YHWH, Talmud people, Iefus:Gesu:Jesus Own races, destruction of all plant genetic histories by GMO and CRSPER HIV retroviruses, except in Europe, ending all US history that supersedes or claims authority or primacy in any aspect of creation or invention. ~ Not good. I do not agree to this. We must spare every tan skin life and multiple them, europe is not honoring the belief in a higher being, and our baptist Free & Accepted Mason and specifically Scottish Rite teach a Black and White board with no other races between so that the entire planet might gang rape and destroy the largest continent.  In 200 years we have run out of resources here, starting with 4 million and growing to 12 million in 20 and 16 years.  Since the invention of the WhiteHouse in 1902 AD at 80 million in less than 120 years with a genocidal flattening for a decade or more this nation still increased by by a ratio of 8:2 in 120 years. in 120 years following the bible 4:2 should have been the highest number reaching 160 million in 2022, not 320 million. Quadrupling in 120 years no planet or globe would ever be big enough for two generations of white man or Vati Race to ever exist.  Don't each the Middle Race or Canus Africa, this is a Vati Race problem that will end the planet if it does not legislate to end its growth or select the fertility of only two kids from each new generation forward, that no Vati Race or White Race or pale or absent of pigmentation for farming and food producing outdoor in the sun life may continue. 

The Arabic and African are fine.  They have not been as irresponsible, as the Free & Accepted Mason, "Scottish Rite" of the Caribbean and "York Rite or Royal Arch" of the Roman VatiCanus Hill Catholic.

Population from 1902 to 2022 should be 4:2 ratio of reduction.
man decreasing when replacing nine:YHWH Oxen plows, not the observed and measured 2:8 growth ratio of 8 times growth to a woman every 120 years. How can this latin alphabet religions not believe their own religious texts and values? Is not the first rule of Free & Accept mason that all their secrets are in these texts? The belief in a higher power enforcing restrictions and accountability of more than a metal tithe to a denomination or latin text alphabet forming a responsible manageable leadership that does not need to flip tables and kill priests, because the priests can restrictict and shepherd the flock as long as they sacrifice those abitious enough to tell the priests that farm and nine:YHWH oxen or sheep for clothing are a better than a moni, monetary, metal "tithe" in place of 1 of 10 sheep every 4 year system? 2016-01-10 16-34-22.png

Ui Neil Sandage

Jan 10, 2016, 5:14:13 PM1/10/16
to Google Public Data Explorer
the leap of faith is that, an extra day exists, in 4 years, or 30 sheep for the priests per 120 years, of the 10 sheep the farmers direct bloodline maintains for 120 years. 30 degrees is a 2:4 ratio, forming 12 sectors in a circle. And the basis of the trinity mistake. The 1 of 10 sheep per 4 years is the leap of faith, it should never have been altered to 1 of 10 per 3 years.  From a single direct bloodlines maintaining 10 sheep. the priests were supposed to be able to education and provide honor to two other families and one of their own monks who shears breeds and improves the flocks for that the three families outside grown in sustainability. The increase of animals stock, not of people or numbers in families.

We have a chemical that might be injected as a shot of mixed into food that could end the fertility of every woman after two, or those bigger around the belly button that from the belly button to the ground before they have children or do this to their children before whatever genetic complex passes on this wasteful species to exist for decades of fecal and caloric wasted energy depriving more deserving species. who's body measurement is an upright creature and not an elongated farm animal as measures from the belly button. I would end the fertility of its offspring if that ever happens, except for where it is an external and not self driven event.  There are far too many physically ugly, fat, or mustached people in this species supposedly of the first command to tend the earth, if the earth is tended, then be fruitful in works or in bed, but not before the earth is tended and provisions for life and the continuation of the species established.  How can a pale race of Arctic regions and winter stores of food, travel a few degrees south, and forget its way of life and kill all other skin colors so that provisions are take rather than establish by its own hands in tending the earth it removed nine:YHWH Oxen from plowing to feed its own species, race, or people?

Ui Neil Sandage

Jan 10, 2016, 5:22:10 PM1/10/16
to Google Public Data Explorer
you have it in your capacity to legislate and never grow beyond equal, equals. equal. one man and woman produce two children. they produce food able to feed that number of children. or they do not have children.

Then after the children and born or fertility selected, those no longer fertile could have unlimited sex, without whomever they want or anywhere they want, without fear of passing it forward to their bloodlines. researching and building nations and countries that live longer than a missed termite treatment allows. all the rest of the planet before christianity arrived built temples and buildings that last more than 120 years, or 1,200 years or 2,400 years. What sort of species builds with wood sticks and does it at a elevation that is lower than the tops of uncut grass and plants around it?  The intention is to attract mold and rot, and termites, and guarantee the species it too busy with upkeep to notice the entire planet is being cannibalized by builders who do not build, but ply their lips and misquoted information to swindle nations of architecture and history that predates and lasts longer than their own solutions?
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Ui Neil Sandage

Jan 10, 2016, 6:01:17 PM1/10/16
to Google Public Data Explorer

Free & Accepted Mason, Biblical Moderation. Drinking the Cup of Life too Quickly.

1 post by 1 author






me (Ui Neil Sandage change

Free & Accepted Mason, Biblical Moderation. Drinking the Cup of Life too Quickly.

Exponential Death by Invasive Species, we kill for them and they kill for us to create orgy and orgy of sex without responsibility or restriction or deference to Elah, YHWH, Talmud people, Iefus:Gesu:Jesus Own races, destruction of all plant genetic histories by GMO and CRSPER HIV retroviruses, except in Europe, ending all US history that supersedes or claims authority or primacy in any aspect of creation or invention. ~ Not good. I do not agree to this. We must spare every tan skin life and multiple them, Europe is not honoring the belief in a higher being, and our Baptist Free & Accepted Mason and specifically Scottish Rite teach a Black and White board with no other races between so that the entire planet might gang rape and destroy the largest continent.  In 200 years we have run out of resources here, starting with 4 million and growing to 12 million in 20 and 16 years.  Since the invention of the WhiteHouse in 1902 AD at 80 million in less than 120 years with a genocidal flattening for a decade or more this nation still increased by by a ratio of 8:2 in 120 years. in 120 years following the bible 4:2 should have been the highest number reaching 160 million in 2022, not 320 million. Quadrupling in 120 years no planet or globe would ever be big enough for two generations of white man or Vati Race to ever exist.  Don't each the Middle Race or Canus Africa, this is a Vati Race problem that will end the planet if it does not legislate to end its growth or select the fertility of only two kids from each new generation forward, that no Vati Race or White Race or pale or absent of pigmentation for farming and food producing outdoor in the sun life may continue. 

The Arabic and African are fine.  They have not been as irresponsible, as the Free & Accepted Mason, "Scottish Rite" of the Caribbean and "York Rite or Royal Arch" of the Roman VatiCanus Hill Catholic.

Population from 1902 to 2022 should be 4:2 ratio of reduction.

man decreasing when replacing nine:YHWH Oxen plows, not the observed and measured 2:8 growth ratio of 8 times growth to a woman every 120 years. How can this latin alphabet religions not believe their own religious texts and values? Is not the first rule of Free & Accept mason that all their secrets are in these texts? The belief in a higher power enforcing restrictions and accountability of more than a metal tithe to a denomination or latin text alphabet forming a responsible manageable leadership that does not need to flip tables and kill priests, because the priests can restrict and shepherd the flock as long as they sacrifice those ambitious enough to tell the priests that farm and nine:YHWH oxen or sheep for clothing are a better than a moni, monetary, metal "tithe" in place of 1 of 10 sheep every 4 year system?

Attachments (1)



me (Ui Neil Sandage change

the leap of faith is that, an extra day exists, in 4 years, or 30 sheep for the priests per 120 years, of the 10 sheep the farmers direct bloodline maintains for 120 years. 30 degrees is a 2:4 ratio, forming 12 sectors in a circle. And the basis of the trinity mistake. The 1 of 10 sheep per 4 years is the leap of faith, it should never have been altered to 1 of 10 per 3 years.  From a single direct bloodlines maintaining 10 sheep. the priests were supposed to be able to education and provide honor to two other families and one of their own monks who shears breeds and improves the flocks for that the three families outside grown in sustainability. The increase of animals stock, not of people or numbers in families.

We have a chemical that might be injected as a shot of mixed into food that could end the fertility of every woman after two, or those bigger around the belly button that from the belly button to the ground before they have children or do this to their children before whatever genetic complex passes on this wasteful species to exist for decades of fecal and caloric wasted energy depriving more deserving species. who's body measurement is an upright creature and not an elongated farm animal as measures from the belly button. I would end the fertility of its offspring if that ever happens, except for where it is an external and not self driven event.  There are far too many physically ugly, fat, or mustached people in this species supposedly of the first command to tend the earth, if the earth is tended, then be fruitful in works or in bed, but not before the earth is tended and provisions for life and the continuation of the species established.  How can a pale race of Arctic regions and winter stores of food, travel a few degrees south, and forget its way of life and kill all other skin colors so that provisions are take rather than establish by its own hands in tending the earth it removed nine:YHWH Oxen from plowing to feed its own species, race, or people?



me (Ui Neil Sandage change

You have it in your capacity to legislate and never grow beyond equal, equals. equal. one man and woman produce two children. They produce food able to feed that number of children. or they do not have children.

Then after the children and born or fertility selected, those no longer fertile could have unlimited sex, with whom ever they want or anywhere they want, etc orgy that John Quincy Adams sought in his election plan for the species to have limitless sex, without fear of passing it forward to their bloodlines as once fertility is cut so is fear of damaging future DNA by not breaking the vow of marriage and monogamy, but those children beyond the two selected as the fertile continuation of the species, may work and have fun however they wish with the exception of those who have a penis home being off limits, you choose monogamy and arranged courtship or you choose infertility, only one sex partner in your life or as arranged for the advancement and mutual consent of the species to improve it but one where a 4 reduction allows a two step up for selected species survival to replace down syndrome or fat or extra toed, or etc dishonest or physically genetic phenomena and dental should be a method of image documenting and advice not one of filing and caps or whatever, feeding kids frozen candy bars to impact their teeth is just about the only excuse for braces, all other misalignment is to be studied and contributed to the open source guide of nutrition and living for a better and longer life.  To advance the species, not to tell it please let me destroy your natural gifts and fossil record with artificial often needles damage that never would have rotted if milk was chosen instead of black leaf or lemon tea, for a little pocket change for someone hunting and destroying all herbivore dental records by “root canals” and endless fictional cavities by a misunderstanding of enamel health, to cover up the crimes of the mental acumen of leadership or intellectual quotients as the false of genetic disposition for carnivores diets instead of blaming the corrupted and misguides reference and leadership or present of Latin alphabet religion that has them killing their only means of survival multiple times in the scripts but frased phrased to misled or mislead them into doing it anytime they read without a priest to fool them into avoiding the intentional sabotage of plagiarized scripts.

Researching and building nations and countries that live longer than a missed termite treatment allows. all the rest of the planet before Christianity arrived built temples and buildings that last more than 120 years, or 1,200 years or 2,400 years. What sort of species builds with wood sticks and does it at a elevation that is lower than the tops of uncut grass and plants around it?  The intention is to attract mold and rot, and termites, and guarantee the species it too busy with upkeep to notice the entire planet is being cannibalized by builders who do not build, but ply their lips and misquoted information to swindle nations of architecture and history that predates and lasts longer than their own solutions?


Ui Neil Sandage

Jan 10, 2016, 6:02:54 PM1/10/16
to Google Public Data Explorer

me (Ui Neil Sandage change

Free & Accepted Mason, Biblical Moderation. Drinking the Cup of Life too Quickly.

Exponential Death by Invasive Species, we kill for them and they kill for us to create orgy and orgy of sex without responsibility or restriction or deference to Elah, YHWH, Talmud people, Iefus:Gesu:Jesus Own races, destruction of all plant genetic histories by GMO and CRSPER HIV retroviruses, except in Europe, ending all US history that supersedes or claims authority or primacy in any aspect of creation or invention. ~ Not good. I do not agree to this. We must spare every tan skin life and multiple them, Europe is not honoring the belief in a higher being, and our Baptist Free & Accepted Mason and specifically Scottish Rite teach a Black and White board with no other races between so that the entire planet might gang rape and destroy the largest continent.  In 200 years we have run out of resources here, starting with 4 million and growing to 12 million in 20 and 16 years.  Since the invention of the WhiteHouse in 1902 AD at 80 million in less than 120 years with a genocidal flattening for a decade or more this nation still increased by by a ratio of 8:2 in 120 years. in 120 years following the bible 4:2 should have been the highest number reaching 160 million in 2022, not 320 million. Quadrupling in 120 years no planet or globe would ever be big enough for two generations of white man or Vati Race to ever exist.  Don't each the Middle Race or Canus Africa, this is a Vati Race problem that will end the planet if it does not legislate to end its growth or select the fertility of only two kids from each new generation forward, that no Vati Race or White Race or pale or absent of pigmentation for farming and food producing outdoor in the sun life may continue. 

The Arabic and African are fine.  They have not been as irresponsible, as the Free & Accepted Mason, "Scottish Rite" of the Caribbean and "York Rite or Royal Arch" of the Roman VatiCanus Hill Catholic.

Population from 1902 to 2022 should be 4:2 ratio of reduction.

man decreasing when replacing nine:YHWH Oxen plows, not the observed and measured 2:8 growth ratio of 8 times growth to a woman every 120 years. How can this latin alphabet religions not believe their own religious texts and values? Is not the first rule of Free & Accept mason that all their secrets are in these texts? The belief in a higher power enforcing restrictions and accountability of more than a metal tithe to a denomination or latin text alphabet forming a responsible manageable leadership that does not need to flip tables and kill priests, because the priests can restrict and shepherd the flock as long as they sacrifice those ambitious enough to tell the priests that farm and nine:YHWH oxen or sheep for clothing are a better than a moni, monetary, metal "tithe" in place of 1 of 10 sheep every 4 year system?

Attachments (1)

Ui Neil Sandage

Jan 10, 2016, 6:03:17 PM1/10/16
to Google Public Data Explorer

Ui Neil Sandage

Jan 10, 2016, 6:03:44 PM1/10/16
to Google Public Data Explorer
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