A Problem About Periodic Functions

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Phillip B

Jan 19, 2019, 5:03:40 PM1/19/19
to Project Fermat
Here's a nice problem. I already know the answer, unfortunately, but for the rest of you all it should make for a good icebreaker.

Find two periodic functions, f, g from R to R, such that their sum f+g is the identity function. You are allowed the axiom of choice.

Definition of a periodic function: A function, f, is periodic iff there exists p>0 s.t. for all x in R, f(x+p) = f(x).

I'm looking forward to meeting you guys!

Susam Pal

Jan 29, 2019, 10:08:27 PM1/29/19
to Project Fermat
Hi Phillip,

Thank you for posting this nice problem. It introduced me to the concept of R as a vector space over Q and Hamel basis.

Here is the solution I learnt while reading blog posts related to this subject: [PDF] [TEX]

I have included the links to the blog posts I read in the "References" section of the document.


Phillip B

Feb 3, 2019, 8:15:27 PM2/3/19
to Project Fermat
Very nice solution! It's quite interesting that this doesn't work for e^x. I wonder if there's any general way to tell for any function.
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