Components inside components ?

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Christophe Serafin

Jul 9, 2013, 9:38:47 AM7/9/13
Hi guys,

I am currently developing a web application using AngularJS which interface should be composed of various web components. 
Polymer looks really promising as you can create and use your own components !

As I also want to provide extensible interface, I would be very interesting in adding dynamic components to a custom component. Let's say you created your own component, you want to run another component inside to add a new feature, or a button that link to a new feature.

Does Polymer provide something that should be useful in these cases ? Maybe it would be interesting for someone else if it does not exists for the moment ?

Thanks for your feedback,


Alex Komoroske

Jul 9, 2013, 2:48:24 PM7/9/13
to Christophe Serafin,
On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 2:38 AM, Christophe Serafin <> wrote:
Hi guys,

I am currently developing a web application using AngularJS which interface should be composed of various web components. 
Polymer looks really promising as you can create and use your own components !


As I also want to provide extensible interface, I would be very interesting in adding dynamic components to a custom component. Let's say you created your own component, you want to run another component inside to add a new feature, or a button that link to a new feature.

Does Polymer provide something that should be useful in these cases ? Maybe it would be interesting for someone else if it does not exists for the moment ?

If I'm understanding you correctly, this should just work today. Custom elements are just normal elements--you can nest them as deep as you want. 

Thanks for your feedback,


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Christophe Serafin

Jul 10, 2013, 8:37:46 AM7/10/13
to, Christophe Serafin
Thanks for you quick reply. 

Watching your video introduction at Google IO and the answer was at 15' with your g-ratings element :-)
I will try to think about using Polymer in our modular interface architecture and will let you know...

Christophe Serafin

Jul 10, 2013, 12:24:14 PM7/10/13
to, Christophe Serafin

Creating components that contain other components is really easy but I would have a very tricky question :

Imagine you want your custom component behavior being controlled by an AngularJS controller ; in order to get information from a web server for instance. 

I would first try to write something like :

<element name="mouse-action">

<span ng-controller="MouseActionController">I'm <b>mouse-action</b>.
<!-- modules should come from MouseActionController scope -->
            Looging for modules {{modules}} :

AngularJS ng-controller directive is unknown and the controller is never called. I would say that it is a Shadow DOM side effect.
Have you already tried a such AngularJS / Polymer.js interaction ?

Eric Bidelman

Jul 11, 2013, 8:48:05 PM7/11/13
to Christophe Serafin, polymer-dev
Hey Chris,

I'm not an Angular expert. You might want ask this over in their group...

I've gotten Angular to work alongside web components, but using it inside will be tricky atm. You're likely correct that it's a Shadow DOM issue. The compiler can't see the ng-controller inside the element. 

One idea: can you move/share some of the logic of MouseActionController as methods on your element? 

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