Skip Safari when running web-component-tester

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Sam Carpenter

Jul 26, 2015, 5:04:03 PM7/26/15
to Polymer
I am trying to work around the known Safari issue in the Selenium Safari driver:

Until there is a new build of the Safari driver I would like to skip Safari when running web-component-tester. Is there a way to do that?

I am working with the polymer-starter-kit 1.0.3 and using gulp test:local to run the tests. I found some configuration information on the web-component-tester regarding plugins but I am not sure the information applies to Polymer 1.0.

I asked this same question on StackOverflow a few days ago but there has been no response:

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Daniel Freedman

Jul 27, 2015, 2:34:43 PM7/27/15
to Sam Carpenter, Polymer

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