it's fun to watch exceptional imperialist Americans tremble

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Mar 30, 2018, 10:32:19 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia

A new intercontinental ballistic missile hailed by Russian President Vladimir Putin as being able to fly over the North or South Poles and strike any target in the world reportedly was test-launched for the second time Friday.

Russia’s defense ministry released a video purportedly showing the Sarmat ICBM blasting off in spectacular fashion from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in its northern Arkhangelsk province, the move coming just hours after the Kremlin announced it would expel 60 American diplomats and close the U.S. consulate in St. Petersburg in retaliation for U.S. measures taken in response to the poisoning of an ex-Russian spy and his daughter in Britain.

The video shows the missile – dubbed “Satan 2” by NATO -- rising out of the ground and seemingly floating in the air for a brief moment before more flames erupt, kicking up massive clouds of smoke and snow.

На космодроме #Плесецк проведены очередные бросковые испытания новой жидкостной #МБР тяжёлого класса #Сармат, которая заменит ракеты #Воевода

"No defense systems will be able to withstand it," Putin said about the missile during his state-of-the-nation speech in early March.

The test-launch also comes after Putin’s recent re-election and a congratulatory phone call from President Trump -- in which Trump reportedly also warned his Russian counterpart, "if you want to have an arms race we can do that, but I'll win," according to two officials that spoke to NBC News. Days before the launch, the U.S. Navy test-fired its own ICMB from a ballistic missile submarine off the coast of Southern California.

Russia has been working for years to develop a new ICBM to replace the Soviet-designed Voyevoda, the world's heaviest ICBM and known as "Satan" in the West. That ICBM carries 10 nuclear warheads, the Associated Press reported. Putin announced during his March speech the Sarmat missile was undergoing tests and debuted a video purportedly showing its first test launch, which he said happened in December.

Putin said Sarmat weighs 220 tons and has a higher range than "Satan," allowing it to fly over both poles of the Earth. He also said it accelerates faster than its predecessor, making it harder for an enemy to intercept it in its most vulnerable phase after the launch. Putin added Sarmat also carries more -- and more powerful -- nuclear warheads than the "Satan" ICBM.

Russia's intercontinental ballistic missile test Friday comes days after the US Navy test-fired an ICBM from USS Nebraska, a ballistic missile submarine, off the coast of Southern California (Photo: @USNavy)

Russian state-run news agency TASS has reported the Sarmat missile will go into mass production in 2020 and is expected to become operational the year after, according to EuroNews.

"No one has listened to us. You listen to us now,” Putin boasted during the March speech, when he revealed other weapons his country apparently has in the works, such as an underwater drone armed with a nuclear warhead powerful enough to sweep away coastal facilities and aircraft carriers, and a nuclear-powered cruise missile that's "invulnerable to any existing or prospective air and missile defense systems.”

The White House responded to Putin’s March 1 speech by saying he merely confirmed what the U.S. already knows: that Russia has been developing "destabilizing weapons systems for over a decade in direct violations of its treaty obligations."

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said President Trump understands the threats and that America is "moving forward to modernize our nuclear arsenal and ensure our capabilities are unmatched."

Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White also said the Defense Department wasn't surprised by Putin's bluster, adding the U.S. military is prepared to defend the nation.

"You will have to assess that new reality and become convinced that what I said today isn't a bluff," Putin had said. "It's not a bluff, trust me."

He said the creation of the new weapons has made NATO's U.S.-led missile defense "useless," putting an end to what he described as years of Western efforts to sidetrack and weaken Russia.

"I want to tell all those who have fueled the arms race over the last 15 years, sought to win unilateral advantages over Russia, introduced unlawful restrictions and sanctions aimed to contain our country's development: All what you wanted to impede with your policies has now happened," he said. "You have failed to contain Russia."

State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said it was "unfortunate" to watch animation depicting "a nuclear attack on the United States" that accompanied Putin's speech, calling the video "cheesy" and adding "we don't think it's responsible."

Another new weapon Putin unveiled during the state-of-the-nation speech, called Avangard, is an intercontinental hypersonic missile that would fly at 20 times the speed of sound and strike its targets "like a meteorite, like a fireball.”


Mar 30, 2018, 10:34:03 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
The only people afraid of pipsqueak Russia are you WhiteTrash, TrailerPark, BoogerEaters.


Mar 30, 2018, 10:34:24 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
 The US has nothing to fear.  We can nuke the shit out of them.  Russians are lazy soldiers and often their equipment is busted. 

Putin is a thug.


Mar 30, 2018, 10:40:22 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
But, it's important that we are all afraid, isn't it? Very afraid is even better...

I mean, the dems can't protect us - only the republicans know how to really protect us.



Mar 30, 2018, 10:49:19 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
Czar Putin the First is indeed just a street-corner thug. While Russia does have some outstanding forces, they aren't sufficient to withstand any major action -- as we saw in Syria. Russia is a pip-squeak and Putin knows it. He also knows American liberals mistake a paper tiger for a real one (I give you 1980 - 1991). Reagan knew better and kicked their ass (liberals and the USSR).


Mar 30, 2018, 11:15:12 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
I think only the Avengers can protect us...............From Thanos ;-)


Mar 30, 2018, 11:27:18 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
They should be called STALIN 2's


Mar 30, 2018, 11:30:29 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
Russians are lazy soldiers and often their equipment is busted.  

Almost verbatim of German notions at the onset of Operation Barbarossa.   Later the Soviet soldiers were described as "cast iron" and Guderian, the German tank general, proposed that Germany simply copy the Soviet T-34 tank, it was so much better than theirs.


Mar 30, 2018, 11:33:22 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
ah ... just admit it ... Putin scares the shit out of your elitist ass.


Mar 30, 2018, 11:33:49 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
My Brother worked with them in Bosnia and he told me they were often drunk and never got off their asses to do anything.


Mar 30, 2018, 11:34:48 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
The US has nothing to fear.  We can nuke the shit out of them.  Russians are lazy soldiers and often their equipment is busted.  

Putin is a thug.
says the son of a US soldier who was brainwashed at a very young age.
Find a deprogrammer asap.


Mar 30, 2018, 11:35:31 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
Says the ignorant hick who advocates violence as an answer for things.


Mar 30, 2018, 11:36:25 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
Reagan knew better and kicked their ass 
'I Can't Recall' Reagan was a corrupt pos who should have been removed from office and spent the rest of his life in prison.


Mar 30, 2018, 11:45:02 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
sounds like your brother was in good company doing what he was told to do.


Mar 30, 2018, 11:45:43 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
wrong ... that would be your subservient klan who does what they're told.


Mar 30, 2018, 11:57:42 AM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
Spouting off ignorance is not a virtue son.   Neither is wanting people to die and bleed.

My brother is not in the Army anymore. he is a good Capitalist and makes an excellent living.  The sort of living you know lots of money.


Mar 30, 2018, 12:02:32 PM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
My brother is not in the Army anymore.
sect 8?

 he is a good Capitalist and makes an excellent living.  The sort of living you know lots of money.
typical NYC Trump mentality ... anything condoned for money and thinks their success brings envy.

again ... find a deprogrammer asap.


Mar 30, 2018, 12:05:16 PM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
Not envy, but hatred for anyone that makes a lot of money.  You have shown disdain for people who make a good living.

My brother had a ROTC Scholarship which paid for his college. He served his time that is required. 

Now go stroke your guns while you drink your whiskey.


Mar 30, 2018, 12:10:41 PM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
Not envy, but hatred for anyone that makes a lot of money.
delusion noted.

  You have shown disdain for people who make a good living.
wrong .. I make a good living, but unlike some, I'm not an arrogant US capitalist elitist exceptionalist who thinks success makes one something special.

My brother had a ROTC Scholarship which paid for his college. He served his time that is required. 
ah ... educated by the government, eh? 

Now go stroke your guns while you drink your whiskey.
I don't take orders from anyone.


Mar 30, 2018, 12:15:48 PM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
Never said making a lot of money makes anyone special.  You simply demonize it.  It shows you are butt hurt you don't make enough.

The Army has helped take people out of poverty more than the so called LBJ programs. 

Your ignorance of the Military is always amusing hick.  You shoot a rifle at a deer and think you are cool.  You would be the first to shit your pants in an actual fire fight.


Mar 30, 2018, 12:24:50 PM3/30/18
 You simply demonize it.  It shows you are butt hurt you don't make enough.
wrong again ... your delusions are many.

The Army has helped take people out of poverty more than the so called LBJ programs. 
it's also gotten more needlessly killed for capitalists and warmongers.

Your ignorance of the Military is always amusing hick.
I've seen the military needlessly waste the lives of good men for the egos of capitalists and warmongers.

  You shoot a rifle at a deer and think you are cool.
delusion noted.

 You would be the first to shit your pants in an actual fire fight.
speculation noted.
if you think I'm a coward bring your favorite weapons and your will, you brainwashed army brat and we'll see who shits their pants first. 
Please find a Union uniform.


Mar 30, 2018, 12:28:36 PM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
Ah there is the knuckle dragger that we see all the time. Wants to settle disputes by violence.  The only warmonger is you bro.  Let us know when you evolve.

Your delusion on the Military is always like I said amusing.  Keep the palaver up.


Mar 30, 2018, 4:13:32 PM3/30/18


We're giving the military 60 billion ( that's right hon...with a B!)  more than we did last year. It 's large might say...bigley.lolol....


Mar 30, 2018, 8:52:06 PM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
$60 B can’t stop another 911.
Americans pay for US warmongering while the neocon and zionist weapons dealers profit.


Mar 30, 2018, 9:01:18 PM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
Not correct.  The US reignited the arms race in 2001 by withdrawing from the ABM Treaty, and THEN building ABM systems throughout the world, most aimed at Russia.  If all the pretend experts actually knew anything about Putin, they would know he has wanted to resume that treaty, but like the pretend experts, US politicians have treated him as irrelevant.  You can go to youtube and find many speeches by Putin where he discusses this and the fact that US politicians have put Russia in the position where they have to react in keeping with providing for their own national security.  

In other words, your politicians who have taught you that Putin is a joke, FUCKED UP MAJOR.  My ass they knew what Russia was doing. They didn't have a clue until Putin informed them he now has them by the balls and hopefully, they will reconsider that treaty.  


The White House responded to Putin’s March 1 speech by saying he merely confirmed what the U.S. already knows: that Russia has been developing "destabilizing weapons systems for over a decade in direct violations of its treaty obligations."

Bush Pulls Out of ABM Treaty; Putin Calls Move a Mistake



Mar 30, 2018, 9:31:50 PM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
Out of your ass again.  The US did not fly a plane in Syria without Russia's knowledge and approval because of busted up equipment like this.  

Image result for russian su=400

Can America Crush Russia's A2/AD 'Bubbles'?

The United States has the right tools to take on Russian anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) zones in the European theatre, but it does not have enough capacity to take on Moscow’s new bastions head-on. Moreover, the U.S. military is overly reliant on air power to defeat those emerging threats.

“We have the tools, but we do not have nearly enough of them—and the speed that we would need to eliminate these A2/AD bubbles—to be able to deploy our forces is going to be controlled by the depth of the bench of how we can attack those A2/AD forces,” retired U.S Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove, former commander of U.S. European Command told an audience at theCenter for Strategic and International Studies on June 29. “Right now, we’re almost completely dependent on air forces and aviation assets in order to attack the A2/AD problem.”

But air power might not be enough. Breedlove suggests that U.S. ground forces should play a role in taking on the Russian A2/AD threat. “We need more long-range, survivable, precision strike capability from the ground,” Breedlove said. “We need dense capability—like the dense A2/AD networks that we face.”


Mar 30, 2018, 9:32:26 PM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
Gee. I listen to academicians who are experts on Russia who are more than irrationally scared.  Sure your pipsqueak politicians may not be scared but that does not mean they really are not or should not be.

How Washington Provoked—and Perhaps Lost—a New Nuclear-Arms Race

Putin declares that the long US attempt to gain nuclear superiority over Russia has failed and hopes Washington will “listen now.”

On Friday, March 30, 2018 at 9:34:03 AM UTC-5, Parsifal wrote:
The only people afraid of pipsqueak Russia are you WhiteTrash, TrailerPark, BoogerEaters.


Mar 30, 2018, 9:34:21 PM3/30/18
Excuse me.  Who won in Syria?  

Russia doesn't need forces to win a nuclear war, but doesn't matter. They now have China, no thanks to Obama and predecessors.  

China applauds Putin’s win, backs Russia on Skripal case, hails China’s ‘strategic partnership’ with Russia

If Putin is a thug, then so is your Gina Haspel. 

Reagan kicked the Russians asses?  REALLY????  Due you have a date of victory? 


Mar 30, 2018, 10:25:15 PM3/30/18
to Political Euwetopia
Get your wallet


Mar 31, 2018, 1:06:34 AM3/31/18
<<Czar Putin the First is indeed just a street-corner thug. While Russia does have some outstanding forces, they aren't sufficient to withstand any major action -- as we saw in Syria. Russia is a pip-squeak and Putin knows it.>>

That part of your post I agree with entirely. Putin IS a street-corner, murderous, KGB colonel thug. Russia has nuclear parity with us, but their conventional forces are a tiny fraction of ours, even without our allies. And even if Putin could do what he claims -- blow up our ground-based missiles without us even seeing them coming -- could he also take out the air and submarine legs of our triad before we retaliated? I doubt it. Those two legs alone would turn Russia into a radioactive charcoal (along with the planet generally). MAD might be madness, but it has worked for over half a century to keep Russia/USSR and ourselves from mutually destroying our mutual planet.

Not that we could even think about a direct conventional military confrontation with Russia, because it would inevitably escalate into WWIII, and that would literally mean The End Of The World. In fact, if either of us were to simply set off our own 7,000 +/- nukes where they sit, they would probably kick up enough dust and radioactivity to set off a nuclear winter. Nuclear threats between the two of us are madness.

<<He also knows American liberals mistake a paper tiger for a real one (I give you 1980 - 1991). Reagan knew better and kicked their ass (liberals and the USSR).>>

Unfortunately, that part of your post is as idiotic, and as filled with silly, puerile hero-worshipping nonsense, as the first half was right. Reagan didn't "kick" anyone's "asses". Not the Soviet Union's, and not American liberals'. The USSR was a rotten shell by the time he came into office. It didn't even require a kick, just a huff and a puff, to bring it crashing down. Its dissolution, and the fall of Soviet Communism -- which didn't even occur under Reagan, but under GHW Bush -- had nothing to do with either McRonald's "tough" talk or his throwing gazillions of dollars at the military/industrial complex (largely for crap like $500 toilet seats -- which, along with his trickle down tax cuts, tripled the national debt, while he simultaneously gave us the highest unemployment since the Great Depression). What brought down the USSR was a combination of people standing up to it, like Poland's Solidarity labor union, and a leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, who wisely chose to both institute sweeping political reforms, and not try to suppress the revolution that came.
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