Chumpski to end the DACA program.

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Minister Rebel

Sep 3, 2017, 9:11:16 PM9/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
President Trump has made the decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program with a six-month delay, Politico reported on Sunday.
Trump, who has been weighing whether or not to end the Obama-era program, discussed how to end DACA with top White House aides on Sunday, according to Politico.
The program temporarily blocked the deportation of undocumented immigrants who were brought to the country as minors and sought work permits.
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have called on the president not to end the program, with House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) telling a journalist he believes it's something "Congress has to fix."


Sep 3, 2017, 9:12:12 PM9/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
Crap.  This is cruel.

Minister Rebel

Sep 3, 2017, 9:18:58 PM9/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
It is disgusting, and we are supposed to be civilised, thgink what the future generation will think of us fools that had to endure this arsehole President.


Sep 3, 2017, 9:19:12 PM9/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
 This is cruel.
more cruel than allowing US businesses to continue exploiting immigrant labor?


Sep 3, 2017, 9:26:06 PM9/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
That's a discussion for another thread, and, right now, I don't see a reason to get into a pissing war.  Exploiting migrant laborers - and illegal immigrants who scramble for work at almost any price - is certainly cruel.

Forcing young people to leave the only country and culture they've ever known - expelling kids and young people who think of themselves as Americans and ARE Americans in everything save paper - and plunking them down among strangers, in a country they know little about and don't identify with?

That's cruel.

Even some Republican politicians realize this and have told trump not to expel these Americans.


Sep 3, 2017, 9:57:33 PM9/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
Forcing young people to leave the only country and culture they've ever known
Image result for US drug war mexicans border


Sep 4, 2017, 11:43:18 AM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
You're painting with a very broad brush Plainol.  there are two different issues involved here and you seem to be treating them as if they were the same.

DACA kids have green cards and they are allowed to go to school.  there's no reason to believe they are being mistreated in the workplace or at school.  so if your problems are with people who are working under the table, it's happening to migrants as well as American born people.

Obama also didn't go after DACA parents because he didn't want to break up families.

trump will be using the very papers these kids signed to get into the program in order to send them to a foreign country.  Many of them don't even know the language.


Sep 4, 2017, 11:45:09 AM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
and he couldn't even be nice about it.  when you intend to murder someone, it's less cruel to do it immediately.

he's given them 6 months to think it over.

he's a bastard and the people who support this insanity are murderers too.

so be careful which side you want to fall down over.


Sep 4, 2017, 11:45:16 AM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
Fake news.

ImStillMags Mags

Sep 4, 2017, 12:01:00 PM9/4/17
Former White House ethics chief Walter Shaub, who resigned earlier this year took to Twitter this evening to call out the President for even considering such an unnecessarily cruel decision.

A silver spoon-fed pleasure seeker has chosen a National Day of Prayer to destroy the dreams of 800,000 kids who only know this land as home

6:35 PM - 3 Sep 2017
733 replies17,171 retweets31,193 likes

President Trump declared this Sunday to be a “National Day Of Prayer” for the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Texas, but immediately revealed his declaration to be nothing but an insincere stunt for the so-called “religious” right-wing.

Nothing could make it more obvious that he has no concern for the American people than needlessly preparing to deport nearly a million people and waste millions of taxpayer dollars in order to prove to the racists of America that soft ethnic cleansing is still on the table.


Sep 4, 2017, 12:06:47 PM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
Thread title and initial post - FAKE NEWS.

ImStillMags Mags

Sep 4, 2017, 12:35:42 PM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia


Sep 4, 2017, 2:34:07 PM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
Kick a brain cell into gear, Mags.  See the thread title and the initial post:  Chumpski to end the DACA program. President Trump has made the decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program Now, see your link: 

His decision has not been announced yet.  And some are saying it will MODIFY DACA, not end it. 

On Monday, September 4, 2017 at 12:35:42 PM UTC-4, ImStillMags Mags wrote:


Sep 4, 2017, 4:09:47 PM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
Obama had the White House, the House of Representatives, and a Supermajority in the Senate.  Instead of ignoring the statute under the guise of presecutorial discretion, in effect stringing out the poor souls, he should have pushed through something worthwhile instead of taking over 17% of the economy with a failed healthcare law.  Who was cruel?

On Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 9:12:12 PM UTC-4, herman wrote:
Crap.  This is cruel.


Sep 4, 2017, 4:17:27 PM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
Today you're in favor of foreigners participating in our elections --- naked collusion.  We've spent millions in a failed attempt to pin collusion with foreigners on Trump.  Which way would you like it?


Sep 4, 2017, 4:20:49 PM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
Did anyone force foreigners to come here against their will since the Obama family quit the slave trading business?

On Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 9:19:12 PM UTC-4, plainolamerican wrote:


Sep 4, 2017, 4:26:31 PM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
Failed attempt?? LOL mitch, still dumb as a sack of hammers. Jr's already admitted to collusion and Mueller and team have compiled a lot more evidence from that meeting, while Manafort and Flynn are singing like birds to save their asses from hard time, and that's just from state charges.
You might want to go quadruple layer on the tin foil mitchy... just as a sleep aid ;)


Sep 4, 2017, 4:45:18 PM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
Mueller assembled the entire Killary campaign as prosecutors ,,, impaneled a grad jury in a place where Trump got 7% of the vote.  It was so obviously an attempt to destroy the man who's working for free ,,, and I have yet to see an indictment.  Post the link.


Sep 4, 2017, 4:50:09 PM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia


Sep 4, 2017, 5:24:56 PM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
LMAO in all the digging by Drumpf and his cronies they haven't come up with 'one' piece of dirt on Mueller. He's a Bush appointee who is universally respected on both sides of the aisle and has a spotless career. Unlike your filthy hero Donnie small hands.
It took over a year for the Watergate to deliver indictments, and that was a much less complex case. Meanwhile a mountain of evidence has piled up just since this investigation started in May, which has led to, among other things, Manafort being frog marched out of bed at 5 am and being raided like a common drug dealer. It's going to get ugly mitchy and you're going to have find some stronger prescription drugs and a fuckload more tin foil to get you through it. Couldn't happen to to more deserving moron :D

Minister Rebel

Sep 4, 2017, 6:37:31 PM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
Hey Bitch, why don't yopu think kids that have been here many years with good records deserve a place in our society. Do you hate kids that much that you see fit to shove them into another country that they know little about,

I thought DDT was a bitch,and a whore at that, but you take the cake. Do you not see the significance of this ? Its O.K. For illegal immigrants to fight for us in the wars your fool presidents make, but they cannot live here and work to make a happy family life, I am sick and tired of you ugly fucking Americans going around making a misery of folks lives. You have no responsibility at all for our friends and neighbors.

Minister Rebel

Sep 4, 2017, 6:39:30 PM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
You are off subject PlainO. Its about allowing children that were bought here without any choice in the matter. Everyone who works is a slave to the boss. Many white folks are under paidin their jobs.


Sep 4, 2017, 6:40:45 PM9/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
Indictment?  Where is it?  Mueller was given a search warrant that had nothing to do with his mission ,,, it didn't have a thing to do with Russian collusion ,,, there was no probable cause that Manafort colluded with the Russians or anyone.  It was a 4th Amendment violation that will likely be challenged all the way up to the Supremes and may have to be given the level of moron that hold a seat on a bench these days.

Sounds like alot of leaks to me.  If someone is interested in bringing a case, seems to me like poisoning the jury pool is not the way to do it.

Who hacked the DNC's servers?  Anyone investigating the original charge?  Where is Mueller on Imran Awan? 


Sep 5, 2017, 4:04:24 AM9/5/17
to Political Euwetopia
LMAO the "legal" opinion of an internet nutjob in his basement, you might qualify for Donnie's team though!
A "federal judge" granted that search warrant based on probable cause, and based on a ton of materials that no one outside of Mueller's team has seen. So sorry mitchy your unhinged fantasy is worthless. If you have verified dirt on Mueller go ahead and present it, of course you don't and I totally understand how someone like you with only a reputation as a crackpot would have no reference point for a man who has a spotless, stellar reputation acting on the evidence that Trump and his clown car have flat out handed to him.

Hilarious that a conspiracy kook like you is completely blind to the mountain of lies and obstruction that your heroes have been shoveling. Flynn himself said- if you're asking for immunity it's because you probably committed a crime, then he asked for immunity! to "tell his story" and Don Jr.- Russia?? absolutely no connections to Russia, disgusting to suggest it!... oh that meeting? well yeah, it was just about adoptions with the four of us... er I mean about dirt on Hillary with the five of us, but that's it 100%!... did I say five? I meant eight, including a couple more Russians.

Fucking A mitchy that has to be chromosome damage that makes someone dumb enough not to see the incredibly suspicious shit going on there.


Sep 5, 2017, 4:13:34 AM9/5/17
to Political Euwetopia
NBC reporting that sessions will pass out the bad news today -- and it's still believed that while he will end the program, DACA kids will be given 6 months reprieve while congress works on a fix.  If they are unable, then the kids will be deported.

It's the worst kind of torture - imagine if your life or death were in the hands of a majority republican congress.

Well, you don't have to imagine much -- look what they did to AMERICANS and healthcare.

And the republicans on this board are salivating waiting for blood and guts.  They just can't wait to see who he will torture and kill next.  Such a happy bunch of murderers.


Sep 5, 2017, 8:31:59 AM9/5/17
to Political Euwetopia
Consider the source...

Minister Rebel

Sep 5, 2017, 9:06:10 AM9/5/17
to Political Euwetopia
My thread weary, mind your own fucking business. Folks can write what they want, Its folks like you that turn other peoples threads into a bitch fight.


Sep 5, 2017, 9:11:34 AM9/5/17
to Political Euwetopia
LOL...all you do is get on here and drop your daily deuce..when asked for support of your whack a doodle claims you run like a little bitch.  Shit son, you make boo boo look informed.

Minister Rebel

Sep 5, 2017, 2:12:51 PM9/5/17
to Political Euwetopia
I have to work Weary, my time spent on here has to be straight and to the point, Sorry to disappoint ya son. You know why I have several cars. a big house and live on the Lake don't you.....and you live in a closet and hate us that have made the dream possible.....LOL


Sep 5, 2017, 2:34:46 PM9/5/17
to Political Euwetopia


Sep 5, 2017, 7:28:07 PM9/5/17
to Political Euwetopia
I am not asking for an immediate response, I am asking for you to revisit your claim and support it and some point, never do.  Your idea of "straight and to the point" equates to goofy claims that you never defend.  

As far as your "several cars" or "big house...on the lake" I'll have to laugh...You think I give a shit where your hovel is located or how many late 1980's rat traps you own.....?

Minister Rebel

Sep 5, 2017, 8:08:46 PM9/5/17
to Political Euwetopia
I think it does bother you Weary, you hate folks that have made it, especially foreigners. Living in a closet must be hard for you, But many folks do it, just grit your false teeth and bear it.


Sep 5, 2017, 8:19:40 PM9/5/17
to go with that, dipshit.

Here is a pic of my house....let's see that house of yours..."on the lake"......


Sep 5, 2017, 8:26:20 PM9/5/17
to Political Euwetopia
Damn Irie! I don't know where you live...but can I come visit??????


Sep 5, 2017, 8:37:26 PM9/5/17
to Political Euwetopia
I live in the peoples Republik of's flat, the liberals can't tax us enough, and the Chicagoans
love to shoot one another.... 
I'd rather come visit you....

: ))



Sep 5, 2017, 9:06:32 PM9/5/17
to Political Euwetopia
Any time Irie...Anytime. :)

Minister Rebel

Sep 6, 2017, 9:35:14 AM9/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
You believe that POS Navy, that is not his home, I can tell you now, He lives in a closet with his dog and cat as company.....

Minister Rebel

Sep 6, 2017, 9:37:20 AM9/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
Not your house liar. LOL..Weary is as dumb as shit. Did you forget you sent me your supposed address to my gmail account ? I still have it, I googled it and it was not that Weary, you been found out son.


Sep 6, 2017, 9:38:15 AM9/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
LOL....sure is, son.   
Oh, and it's 2 dogs and no cats.


Sep 6, 2017, 10:02:24 AM9/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
Yes I do Rebs...just like I know you have beautiful home. :)


Sep 6, 2017, 11:04:25 AM9/6/17
to Political Euwetopia

Here's my house... anonymous forums are the best!

Minister Rebel

Sep 6, 2017, 1:21:54 PM9/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
Nice house Bo.........


Sep 6, 2017, 2:01:25 PM9/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
lemme guess boo boo...i photo shopped my dog into the pic?


Sep 6, 2017, 2:04:04 PM9/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
Dude! just cut to the chase and settle this over penis size!

Minister Rebel

Sep 6, 2017, 3:41:33 PM9/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
Weary has no Penis, Its his head that is the organ.


Sep 6, 2017, 3:45:42 PM9/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
Image result for inappropriate memes

Minister Rebel

Sep 6, 2017, 5:17:11 PM9/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
Take your head out of your dogs arse weary, its against the law to mis treat animals.
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