Generalissimo Donald Trump: A Parade Of Insecurities

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Feb 11, 2018, 1:31:22 PM2/11/18

Opinion: A parade of insecurities

February 07, 2018

Cadet Donald Trump, second from left, marches in the uniform and plumed hat of the New York Military Academy in 1964.
By Jay Bookman

So now he wants a parade.

You know who throws huge military parades for no real purpose? Countries that are insecure about their power and identity do.

Also, dictators do.

Dictators who equate a nation’s power with their own. Dictators who need to be flattered and groomed. Dictators who demand applause and cheers, and who treat the failure to applaud and cheer as some kind of treason.  Kim Jong Un of North Korea, to cite one example, is planning to throw himself a humdinger of a military parade on Thursday in Pyongyang, and I guess if Rocket Man gets to have a parade, Donald Trump gets to have a parade too, only bigger and better.

We’re talking row after row of tanks rumbling down the avenues of Washington, followed by legions of howitzers and armored personnel carriers, rocket launchers, mortars and anti-aircraft guns. F-35 flyovers, a Stealth bomber -- no, a fleet of Stealth bombers -- and attack helicopters, not to mention HUGE missiles, so long you wouldn’t believe how long.

No date for this extravaganza has yet been set, but Veterans Day has been proposed. As White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders explained it, “President Trump is incredibly supportive of America’s great service members who risk their lives every day to keep our country safe. He has asked the Department of Defense to explore a celebration at which all Americans can show their appreciation.”

If that’s indeed the purpose -- if we want to honor veterans, those who fought for our country and sacrificed for our country -- then let’s do exactly that, and let’s do it in ways consistent with our civic culture. Instead of ostentatious shows of military armament, let’s take the many millions of dollars required to move all that equipment and active-duty personnel to Washington and then back to their posts and bases, and instead use it to transport tens of thousands of veterans to the nation’s capital. Let’s line the streets with their American fellow citizens and give them a rousing show of thanks. Maybe the president could even throw open the doors of the Trump Hotel to veterans needing a place to stay, as his own personal contribution. 

But as we all know, that’s not going to happen, because it’s not about them -- with Trump it’s never about them. This parade idea is about him. It’s about the ego stroking, the joy of watching all that military power parade by him, saluting him, celebrating him....

If we’re going to do this, though, let’s do it right.  And to do it right, Trump’s going to need a uniform. It will have to be a personalized commander-in-chief uniform, since I’m thinking that the uniform he wore back in the New York Military Academy might not fit so well these days. We’re also going to need yards and yards of gold braiding and lots of flair, what the military calls “fruit salad” or “chest candy.”

I’m thinking the Order of the Double Cross. A badge honoring Distinguished Service in the Conquest of Supermodels. The Combat Inaction medal, with Bone Spur Cluster and five Deferments. The Expert Sh**shooter badge. The Battle of Manhattan medal, marking his time as “a great and very brave soldier” in what he called his “personal Vietnam.”

As to the uniform itself, it has to be something special, made of a fabric created especially for this occasion. For that, I recommend reaching out to our friends in Denmark, one of our original NATO allies. As part of their contribution to the alliance, I’m sure they’ll be willing to provide the services of tailors with world-famous experience in this kind of thing.

Sean Hannity would find the presidential uniform utterly spectacular. Devin Nunes would draft a memo celebrating its manly beauty. The Trump Cabinet would convene a special meeting just to profess its admiration. Because if we as a nation are going to parade our insecurities for all the world to see, then so too should our president.


Feb 11, 2018, 1:49:50 PM2/11/18
to Political Euwetopia


Feb 11, 2018, 2:31:26 PM2/11/18
The AJC's Jay Bookman is good, isn't he?

BTW: Which uniform do you think Generalissimo Trump should choose for his big May Day/All Hail The Thief Parade...?

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Image result for general trump
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Image result for general trump

In a pinch, I suppose he could borrow the Trump Washington Hotel Doorman's uniform. (I like the epaulets and sash, but there aren't nearly enough medals..)

On Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 1:49:50 PM UTC-5, KCM7Alpha wrote:

Minister Rebel

Feb 11, 2018, 2:35:01 PM2/11/18
to Political Euwetopia
No need for medals when you have those stars and awards.


Feb 11, 2018, 3:00:02 PM2/11/18
to Political Euwetopia
As Mussolini.  It's HIM.


Feb 11, 2018, 4:25:56 PM2/11/18
to Political Euwetopia
<<As Mussolini.  It's HIM.>>

Agreed. But with a LOT more big shiny medals. And maybe a couple of Medals of Honor to go around the neck. (I do kind of like those gigantic hats North Korean generals wear, but even Donald Trump might realize he looks silly in two hats...)

Also, someone ought to give him a saber to wave around in the air. Just make sure it has a rubber tip, and that the edge has been ground off.

On Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 3:00:02 PM UTC-5, saint.bezark wrote:
As Mussolini.  It's HIM.


Feb 11, 2018, 4:28:09 PM2/11/18
to Political Euwetopia
 those gigantic hats North Korean generals wear,

I laugh every time I see them.


Feb 11, 2018, 4:29:26 PM2/11/18
to Political Euwetopia
As Commander In Chief, he ought to promote himself to at least 10-star general.


Feb 11, 2018, 4:30:49 PM2/11/18
to Political Euwetopia
Image result for north korean general uniform

ImStillMags Mags

Feb 11, 2018, 4:31:10 PM2/11/18
to Political Euwetopia

Our illustrious leader! Yes! The world really respects us now. 
Peter Brookes’ cartoon in today’s edition of The Times of London:

Image may contain: one or more people

Minister Rebel

Feb 11, 2018, 4:32:35 PM2/11/18
to Political Euwetopia
Yep, respect is all gone now Lobo.


Feb 11, 2018, 4:36:28 PM2/11/18
to Political Euwetopia
<<Image result for north korean general uniform>>

I think the scarf over the face means that he just got demoted for accidentally breaking wind during a speech by Kim Jong Un, and is about to be escorted to the execution room...


Feb 11, 2018, 4:45:47 PM2/11/18
to Political Euwetopia
<<Yep, respect is all gone now Lobo.>>

If there were any shreds of dignity left to the presidency after the last year, they'll be gone with the Great Parade.

This will be the last float in the parade, to follow the tanks, missile launchers, and whatnot...


Feb 11, 2018, 4:56:25 PM2/11/18
to Political Euwetopia

But I would never compare Trump to Napoleon, who really did do great things for Europe (along with a few not so great ones). The strutting Mussolini comparison is much more apt; though even there at least Il Duce believed in something in addition to his own "Greatness", even if what it was he believed in was horrifying. And at least Benito did get the trains running on time...
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