God I Hate Liberals

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Feb 4, 2018, 9:47:30 PM2/4/18
to Political Euwetopia
Do they realize what is at stake? An ultra right-wing Supreme Court. Ultraconservative judges at every judicial level. Roe vs. Wade will be repealed. Gay marriage will be repealed. Environmental damage will be bad. Yet the DNC is merely focused on DACA, abortion rights, abolishing the death penalty, empowering women (it's not the government's job to empower to empower anyone. It's the parents responsibility). Liberals are selfish. Sorry, but it's not all about you. It's not all about your marijuana. It's not all about your uterus. It's not all about gay rights. Why am I angry? Because when I noticed that they were only focused on issues like DACA, abortion rights, abolishing the death penalty, etc...I cringed. I cringed big time. I thought WTH? Well, America responded...the Democratic lead over the GOP is just at 2% and the GOP is feeling relieved that it won't be a Democratic tidal wave. I warned all the people I could about the well known fact that identity politics and fringe politics will almost always cause a political candidate lose. What does the DNC do? Same exact losing stragedy of 2016. You know why we are in this position? I am so sick and tired of liberals endorsing a person to a political position solely because of their race. I heard so many times liberals saying, "Tom Perez would be a good choice for the DNC because he is Hispanic or Keith Ellison because he is Muslim. JC! Nominate the person who is the most qualified. Wake up liberals, we are losing.


Feb 4, 2018, 10:16:06 PM2/4/18
to Political Euwetopia
In the age of Trump, a 2% lead is a major red flag and only a reflection of incompetence within the Democratic Party. Remember the pedophile who BARELY lost to the Democrat Doug Jones. The Democrats, once again have turned their backs on middle-America and white males. I feel like I'm watching my best friend drowning but I can't do anything about it.


Feb 4, 2018, 10:29:04 PM2/4/18
to Political Euwetopia
Why in the hell were the Democrats heavily focused on DACA when there are major problems in our country like an opoid addiction epidemic and people working 2 jobs to make ends meet. Everyday American issues.


Feb 4, 2018, 10:39:21 PM2/4/18
to Political Euwetopia
In a word....votes......


Feb 4, 2018, 11:20:23 PM2/4/18
to Political Euwetopia
Yea, like Mexicans vote. They don't.


Feb 4, 2018, 11:23:03 PM2/4/18
to Political Euwetopia
Not until we grant amnesty......


Feb 4, 2018, 11:27:30 PM2/4/18
to Political Euwetopia
I know you have talked about being of Cuban descent and wondered; have you had the opportunity to visit?  
My wife and I love to travel and I would love to go.  Any input?

10:20 PM (6 minutes ago)
 rivcuban Yea, like Mexicans vote. They don't.


Feb 4, 2018, 11:38:12 PM2/4/18
to Political Euwetopia
My parents went back to visit in 2010. Same old decrepit, run down Cuba (but many, as myself, find beauty in that). The communist regression has eased up in the past decade but it is surely no democracy. On the positive side...Cubans are warm, friendly people. In Cuba, tourists are treated like gold. And it is very safe.


Feb 4, 2018, 11:43:59 PM2/4/18
to Political Euwetopia
<<Not until we grant amnesty......>>

"Amnesty" and "citizenship" are two very different things. Only citizens can vote. When Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens, he did not confer citizenship or the right to vote on them, and neither would any modern amnesty.

On Sunday, February 4, 2018 at 11:23:03 PM UTC-5, Irie wrote:
Not until we grant amnesty......


Feb 5, 2018, 12:01:08 AM2/5/18
to political...@googlegroups.com
I agree Democrats need to stop being just a collection of identity groups, concentrate on more bread and butter issues (like getting wages up, protecting health care, protecting the environment, modernizing infrastructure, etc), and get back those white working class voters who went for Bill Clinton and Barack Obama (but leave the bigots to Trump). But that's not the only political problem Democrats have. The economy IS good, thanks to 8 years of hard work by Obama, but Trump is taking the credit fort it, and largely being given the credit by the media. He hasn't "turned around" anything (unless you count creating FEWER jobs in his first year than Obama did in his last), but you wouldn't know that watching TV news.


Feb 5, 2018, 1:10:10 AM2/5/18
to Political Euwetopia
Absolutely, Lobo.


Feb 5, 2018, 9:26:08 AM2/5/18
to political...@googlegroups.com

A little over a month after the Trump administration warned Americans not to visit Cuba because of mysterious sonic attacks, the Treasury on Wednesday published new restrictions on American travel to the island and placed dozens of military-owned hotels and shops off-limits.

As in any country, crime is a concern in Cuba. Thankfully, violent crime is rare, but thieves won’t hesitate to steal your belongings, especially cameras. When on the beach or walking through Havana, don’t set your stuff down. Always keep your cameras, wallets, purses, passports, and other valuables close to your body. More than a few travelers have lost thousands of dollars worth of property this way. 

Under the new rules, Americans will no longer be permitted to visit Cuba on individual “people-to-people” trips, a popular mode of travel that has fueled a boom in home rentals and family-run restaurants since President Barack Obama loosened restrictions on travel to Cuba two years ago.

They will also be barred from “direct financial transactions” with a long list ofrestaurants, shops and hotels that form part of the Cuban military’s extensive business empire.

there are many ways to travel legally to Cuba. People-to-people trips will still be legal, but visitors must travel as part of an organized group, which will make travel more expensive. The rules, announced in June, come into force on Nov. 9, but do not affect travel plans already in process.

Americans should continue to visit, but they must pay close attention to the rules, travel experts said. Here are answers to some questions you may have if you are planning a trip.

Can Americans still visit Cuba? Yes, but it will be harder to go as an independent traveler. People-to-people trips must be undertaken with an organization that puts together full-time programs for travelers, including Cuba Educational TravelCuba Cultural Travel and the Center for Cuban Studies.

According to a fact sheet published on Nov. 8 by the Treasury Department, individual travel will still be allowed within 12 categories, including humanitarian and religious travel; family visits; journalistic activity; professional research; and participation in public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions.

Those traveling in these categories will still be able to book a flight and reserve a room online and they will not be required to apply for a specific license. However, they should pursue the activity in Cuba for which their license is granted, whether it be helping a religious group or bringing humanitarian aid, and keep records of their visit for the requisite five years.

What was the State Department’s travel advisory? The State Department in September warned Americans not to travel to Cuba after an alleged series of sonic attacks against United States personnel. Those hurt by the attacks had suffered a variety of symptoms, including hearing loss, brain injury and headaches.

The State Department has said that, because of a reduction in personnel in Havana, it will be able to help Americans only in emergencies. The government provides emergency telephone numbers and information here.

Tourists would be better off worrying not about personal safety but about punitive exchange rates, hotels with negligible water pressure, and 50-year-old air conditioning systems. There’s also a real danger of going into a bathroom and finding that there is no toilet paper or toilet seat. 
Cuba remains committed to its socialist ideals and weary of what it deems U.S. imperialism. Billboards with pro-socialism and anti-imperialism messages dot highways across the entire island. One in Havana calls the U.S. embargo “history’s longest genocide.” During ongoing talks since restoring diplomatic ties last year, Cuba has repeatedly warned the United States not to meddle in Cuba’s internal affairs. Cuba’s government is also adamant that the embargo must be lifted and the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay must be closed and returned to Cuba before relations can fully normalize.


Feb 5, 2018, 9:33:08 AM2/5/18
to Political Euwetopia
Dems can lose big time...but I don't believe your worries are going to pan out. I really don't.

I don't blame you for being pissed. I have at times been so pissed at the Repubs that I think about becoming an independent. So far , I'm resisting...but it could happen.


Feb 5, 2018, 2:41:59 PM2/5/18
to Political Euwetopia
Thanks Navy.  I have noticed that the Democratic fundraising e-mails I am getting now are about the economy and working Americans and not DACA or fringe issues.  I think they are finally getting it but it might be too late.  First impressions are huge and the Dems totally messed up with their first impression.
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