Neo-Nazi Posting Targets Jewish Residents in Wyoming

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Dec 20, 2016, 9:50:56 PM12/20/16
to Political Euwetopia

The police in Whitefish, Mont., said Tuesday that they have stepped up patrols and are working with the F.B.I. after a neo-Nazi and white supremacist website listed the names and contacts of local Jews, calling on readers to “take action” against them.

Lt. Bridger Kelch of the Police Department in the town in northwestern Montana said that the force was taking the measures after the website, The Daily Stormer, on Friday published phone numbers, work locations, email addresses, and photographs of six Flathead County residents. Several of those targeted were from Whitefish where Sherry Spencer, the mother of the white nationalist leader Richard B. Spencer, lives and owns a building that has been the subject of protests.

The white nationalist Richard Spencer in Whitefish, Mont., in June. Credit Tim Goessman for The New York Times

The matter has been the topic of national news media articles after a local report in The Missoulian drew widespread attention on social media.

Reached by telephone, Lt. Kelch said Tuesday morning that the department was reviewing social media posts and emails directed at the six people, but that none had risen to death threats. He said the department was conducting patrols, but there had been no reported confrontations in person or by telephone. “We have been looking at any communications,” he said.

He added that some of the material had been shared with the F.B.I.

Sandra Barker, the spokeswoman for the agency’s Salt Lake City office, whose jurisdiction includes Montana, said in an emailed statement on Tuesday: “The F.B.I. is aware of the issue and is reviewing to determine if there is a violation of federal law.”

The Daily Stormer article was written by Andrew Anglin, who has been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a neo-Nazi. The post was filled with anti-Semitic slurs, and yellow stars reminiscent of the ones Jews were forced to wear by the Nazis were superimposed on photographs of the six: a lawyer, a real estate agent, a boy identified as their child, two rabbis, and an activist.

Andrew Anglin, of The Daily Stormer, in an image from a YouTube video. Credit Azzmador, via YouTube

“So Then — Let’s Hit Em Up. Are y’all ready for an old fashioned Troll Storm?” he wrote. While he also said he was not advocating “violence or threats of violence or anything even close to that,” it was not clear what form of “action” he meant. His past writings have urged readers to scream at Muslims and instill fear in them. In a follow-up on Monday, he wrote that the “lying Jew media” had mischaracterized his original post as advocating violence.

This is the latest stir in Whitefish involving Mr. Spencer, a part-time resident who is the president of the National Policy Institute and leader of the alt-right movement, a racist, far-right fringe group that has promoted a white nationalist ideology and anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic and anti-feminist views.

Mr. Spencer has quoted Nazi propaganda and railed against Jews, including at a conference sponsored by the institute in Washington last month where members exulted in Donald J. Trump’s presidential victory with Nazi-era salutes. Mr. Spencer told the audience of more than 200 people that America belonged to white people and said, “Hail Trump” and “Hail victory!” Mr. Trump has disavowed their support.

Mr. Spencer’s rise on the national stage has brought scrutiny to Whitefish, which has a population of about 6,000, and is in a popular ski area in a county next to the Canadian border. Mr. Spencer, whom the local Daily Inter Lake described as a recent “part-time resident” of Whitefish, has suggested on Twitter that he would run for the congressional seat of Representative Ryan Zinke if Mr. Zinke is confirmed as Mr. Trump’s interior secretary.

The Stormer article was published after Mr. Spencer’s mother wrote in a post on Medium last week that she had been receiving “terrible threats” because of her son. Ms. Spencer claimed that a realtor with links to local Jewish organizations had said that there would be protests at the building and that its property value would decline.

The realtor was one of the people subsequently named in Mr. Anglin’s article. Repeated efforts to reach those targetted by the article were unsuccessful. One of them, a rabbi, declined to comment through an intermediary.

Some of them were supporters or members of the Montana Human Rights Network and its local affiliate, Love Lives Here. Rachel Carroll-Rivas, a co-director of the rights network, said in a telephone interview they have received threatening messages by telephone, through website forms and on social media accounts.

She quoted one message as saying: “All of you deserve a bullet through your skull. Choke on a shotgun and die. All of you would be of greater worth to society as human fertilizer than citizens.”

Ms. Carroll-Rivas denied there had been harrassment of the Spencers, but she added that rights activists in the Whitefish area had written online about their opposition to the building and its affiliation with Mr. Spencer.

ABC Fox Montana reported last week that tenants at the building, which houses vacation rentals and commercial space in the downtown area, had said their customers were staying away and had threatened to move out.

Mr. Spencer’s parents have tried to distance themselves from their son’s views, with Ms. Spencer telling ABC in an email that she did not agree with his “extreme positions.”

On Saturday, Mr. Spencer’s father joined her in writing an op-ed article in The Daily Inter Lake stating that their son and the National Policy Institute “have never had, do not have and will not in the future have” activities at the downtown building.

“We do not endorse the idea of white nationalism,” they wrote.


Dec 21, 2016, 6:42:22 PM12/21/16
to Political Euwetopia
This, of course, is what his website is named after:


Dec 21, 2016, 6:46:02 PM12/21/16
to Political Euwetopia

Deplorable Mark

Dec 21, 2016, 7:04:38 PM12/21/16
to Political Euwetopia
You tards need to keep your fellow nazis in line.


Dec 21, 2016, 7:06:08 PM12/21/16
to Political Euwetopia
Those are your peeps bud.  Your hate has made your heart weak.  Look for 2017 for more bypass surgery.


Dec 21, 2016, 7:06:49 PM12/21/16
to Political Euwetopia
Well, this post is an example of why posters here mock you, mark.

You know as well as I do that the white supremacists/neo-Nazis are trump followers.

That means they're your fellow gropers.


Dec 21, 2016, 7:08:11 PM12/21/16
to Political Euwetopia
Mark is nothing but an self loathing hateful person who blames his ills on others and never takes responsiblity for his actions.


Dec 21, 2016, 7:13:44 PM12/21/16
to Political Euwetopia
Dork is an inbred welfare receiving white right wing trailer trash piece of shit with 3 teeth and an IQ of 2. 


Dec 21, 2016, 7:42:05 PM12/21/16
to Political Euwetopia
Plainol is a Trump follower?  Biggest Nazi on the board.


Dec 21, 2016, 7:53:38 PM12/21/16
to Political Euwetopia
Plainol isn't a "Nazi".

Back to the topic:  Your boy trump's white supremacists' targeting JEWS - including a CHILD.

Your party has become anti-Semitic, chirp.


Dec 21, 2016, 8:07:27 PM12/21/16
to Political Euwetopia
Plainol is practically a liberal jew.

Culturally that is!  that whole god thing that the Nazis adored just wouldn't be cool with Plainol.


Dec 21, 2016, 8:07:53 PM12/21/16
to Political Euwetopia
If you want to know who the nazi is -- that would be DDT.


Dec 21, 2016, 8:37:11 PM12/21/16
to Political Euwetopia
Yeah, right.  Sorry, but no one else on this board is as stupid as you and hermie.  Everyone knows what plainol is.  As anti-Jewish as they come.


Dec 21, 2016, 8:39:48 PM12/21/16
to Political Euwetopia
Everyone knows what btdt is, chirp.

She's not only one of you - a putin-loving groper - she's also virulently anti-Semitic.  

Oh, yeah, she denies the Holocaust.


Dec 21, 2016, 9:26:13 PM12/21/16
A list of Jews.

An exhortation to anti-Semitic right-wingers to "take action" against the Jews.

Not 1930's Nazis in Germany, but 2016 Republicans in America.


Dec 22, 2016, 3:14:34 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
Plainol is practically a liberal jew.
Culturally that is!
only to say that liberal jews also want to protect civil rights.

 that whole god thing that the Nazis adored just wouldn't be cool with Plainol
neither is what the xians are doing to lgbtq's and Americans with different beliefs.



Dec 22, 2016, 3:15:35 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
Everyone knows what plainol is.  As anti-Jewish as they come.
you've just been proven wrong, again.
don't confuse warmongering zionists with jews ... the jews don't like it.


Dec 22, 2016, 3:18:51 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
Your anti-Semitic posts on this board EVERY DAY prove me right.


Dec 22, 2016, 3:21:38 PM12/22/16
Plainol decries Zionism and Zionists, who insist the USA must support Israel unequivocally, without question, without exception, and who would have the USA start wars with Israel's enemies, such as Iran.


Dec 22, 2016, 3:24:44 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
Your party has become anti-Semitic, chirp.
an interesting conclusion.
what they have become is aligned with pro-war zionists and have developed a hatred for those with different beliefs.
Warmongering US neocons and zionists have been a collective since 1948 and have been waging war on the middle east ever since.

and Trump's their new leader ...

Image result for trump israel parade


Dec 22, 2016, 3:27:55 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
Your anti-Semitic posts on this board EVERY DAY prove me right.
criticizing zionists or israel is not being anti-semitic.
you're welcome to think otherwise and remain an ignorant fool.

fwiw ... jews aren't the only semites on the planet, you know.


Dec 22, 2016, 3:30:48 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
So in your book what is a 'good' jew?


Dec 22, 2016, 3:32:18 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
Plainol decries Zionism and Zionists, who insist the USA must support Israel unequivocally
they not only insist on US support ... they extort our politicians for weapons and tax dollars, vet our presidents, and promote islamophobia ... and hide behind their 'jewishness' like cowards.

they should not be allowed to feel safe in America.


Dec 22, 2016, 3:35:52 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
So in your book what is a 'good' jew?
one like most jews ... those who stand up for the civil rights of everyone and do not promote religious persecution.
that can't be said of zionists.

yes ... there are many flavors of jews, just like xians and muzzies.


Dec 22, 2016, 3:37:17 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
What if they support Israel?


Dec 22, 2016, 4:03:30 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
What if they support Israel?
are you asking what the repercussion should be for their support or my opinion of them?
some jews do and some jews don't support zionnist israel ... those who support israel are something other than American and should fund their own struggle to maintain a jewish state.

zionism is a political theology that lays claim to israel, promotes it as a religious state, and extorts weapons and tax dollars from zionist xians in the US via sympathy because of their jewishness, just as they do to every nation that allows their extortion.
It's a racket that's been working since 1948.


Dec 22, 2016, 4:07:00 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
Ninety-four percent of respondents said that if Israel “no longer existed tomorrow,” they would feel that was a tragedy, with nearly one in four saying they would consider such an event to be the “biggest tragedy of my lifetime.”

Eighty-five percent said that Israel is “right to take threats to its existence seriously,” and that Israel’s concerns are not irrational or overstated.

Based  number of this survey, you dislike a great deal of Jews.


Dec 22, 2016, 4:34:59 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
Based  number of this survey, you dislike a great deal of Jews.
only those who approve of extorting America for weapons and funding to maintain a jewish state.
their war is not an American concern regardless of what some zionist xians and jews think.


Dec 22, 2016, 4:41:35 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
Seems like most jews support aid and the jewish state. 


Dec 22, 2016, 5:15:10 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
like with everything else -- it all depends upon the way the question is asked.


Dec 22, 2016, 5:19:46 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
I am Jewish and I do not support aid or the Isreal. 


Dec 22, 2016, 5:31:32 PM12/22/16
I am not Jewish and I support Israel...but I think we've given enough money. But I want us to stay allies. They have top of the line in everything defense.
They have a very good vetting immigration policy.  I think they can take care of themselves ...but should push come to shove and someone attacks them in a way that will destroy them...I want our support militarily sent immediately.


Dec 22, 2016, 5:56:22 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
Seems like most jews support aid and the jewish state.  
suspicion noted.

despite their connection to the Jewish state, Israeli Jews and American Jews have very different perspectives on a number of issues. And these differences are, at times, accentuated by political ideology and degree of religiosity.

They differ, for example, on the impact of Jewish settlements in the West Bank. A plurality of Jews in Israel (42 percent) say the continued building of these settlements helps the security of Israel. Only 17 percent of U.S. Jews agree. By contrast, in the United States, a plurality of Jews (44 percent) says the settlements hurt Israel’s own security interests; fewer Israeli Jews (30 percent) take this position.

Jewish Americans (38 percent) are also considerably less likely than Israeli Jews (56 percent) to say the Israeli government is making a sincere effort to achieve peace with the Palestinians. But, as with Israeli Jews, relatively few American Jews believe the Palestinian leadership is sincere in its peace efforts.

Meanwhile, Israeli Jews complain about a lack of support by Washington. About half (52 percent) feel their country should be getting more backing from the U.S. government, while roughly one-third (34 percent) say the amount of support the United States gives Israel is about right. Among Jewish Americans, these figures are flipped: Roughly three in 10 (31 percent) say the United States does not support Israel enough, while more than half (54 percent) say support for Israel is about right (as of 2013).

Notably, the ideological divide on these issues among Jews in Israel and in the United States only further complicates U.S.-Israeli relations around the peace process. About six in 10 self-identified politically conservative Israeli Jews (62 percent) believe that the United States is not supportive enough of Israel. Only 33 percent on the Israeli left agree. Among American Jews, a majority of conservatives (55 percent) say Washington is not doing enough, but just 17 percent of liberal Jews agree.

This division also exists along religious lines. Orthodox Jews in both countries are about equally likely to say the Israeli government is making a sincere effort to bring about a peace settlement. But non-Orthodox Jews in America are considerably less likely than their Jewish counterparts to say the Israeli government genuinely seeks a peace settlement (36 percent vs. 55 percent).

And, in a demographic finding that may portend U.S.-Israeli friction in the future, younger American Jews (those between the ages of 18 and 29) are more likely than their elders to take a more liberal stance on political issues involving Israel: They are more likely to say that a two-state solution is possible and that the United States is too supportive of Israel.

Recent events — Secretary of State John Kerry’s failed effort to restart the peace process and recent deadly attacks by Palestinians on Jews and Israeli security forces’ shootings of Palestinians — may have created a dispiriting sense of progress. American Jews surveyed in 2013, before the 2014 Gaza war and waves of violence in recent months, were more optimistic about the prospects for a two-state solution than Israelis surveyed in 2014-15. Most U.S. Jews (61 percent) said they believe a way can be found for Israel and an independent Palestinian state to coexist peacefully. Fewer Israeli Jews (43 percent) take this view, while 45 percent say a two-state solution is not possible and 10 percent volunteer that it depends on the situation.

The United States and Israel are home to an estimated 80 percent of the world’s Jews. But their faith does not mean they share a common perspective on the peace process. On the issue of the continued building of Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the prevailing view among Israeli Jews is that settlements help the security of Israel. By contrast, American Jews are more likely to say the settlements hurt Israel’s own security. And the most common view among Israeli Jews is that the United States is not supportive enough of Israel, while the most common opinion among American Jews is that the level of U.S. support for Israel is about right.

The recent contretemps between Washington and Tel Aviv may fade, as other disagreements have in the past. But differences in public sentiment between Jews in Israel and Jews in the United States suggest a divide regarding the peace process between Israeli Jews and their American counterparts. T


Dec 22, 2016, 5:58:56 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
They have top of the line in everything defense.
thanks to US tax dollars.

They have a very good vetting immigration policy.
yeah ... if you're jewish you're in ... if you're muslim, black, xian or other stay away.

  I think they can take care of themselves ...but should push come to shove and someone attacks them in a way that will destroy them...I want our support militarily sent immediately.
like a good xian zionist would.
fund and arm your own charities ... Americans owe them nothing.


Dec 22, 2016, 6:00:20 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia
maybe you can explain better to pirate and the others without being labeled an anti-semite ... but then, they'll probably call you a self-hating jew.


Dec 22, 2016, 6:09:15 PM12/22/16
to Political Euwetopia

On Thursday, December 22, 2016 at 3:58:56 PM UTC-7, plainolamerican wrote:
They have top of the line in everything defense.
thanks to US tax dollars.
 yes....I thought I implied that
They have a very good vetting immigration policy.
---We need one as good.
yeah ... if you're jewish you're in ... if you're muslim, black, xian or other stay away.
I'd settle for just the muslims

  I think they can take care of themselves ...but should push come to shove and someone attacks them in a way that will destroy them...I want our support militarily sent immediately.
like a good xian zionist would.
fund and arm your own charities ... Americans owe them nothing.
 I'm sure Trump would send help...I know Obama wouldn't have.
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