Jinja2: compiled templates as modules

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Rodrigo Moraes

Jun 21, 2009, 10:39:02 AM6/21/09
to pocoo...@googlegroups.com
I ran some Jinja2 benchmarks using the precompiled templates vs.
non-compiled vs. using bytecode cache. This was the average time to
render a simple template (some blocks, a few includes, 5 template
files in total, Environment was created on each iteration):

Non-compiled: 0.0679 sec
Precompiled: 0.0052 sec
BytecodeCache: 0.0018 sec

While precompiled templates are 13 times faster than non-compiled
ones, they are still 3 times slower than when we use bytecode cache
(take these number as illustrations, the benchmark was not
scientific). This is due to the exec used to run the generated code, I

So I experimented loading the precompiled templates as a module, and
(surprise!), they were consistently 3 times faster than using bytecode

templates as modules: 0.0006 sec

This is blazing fast. However, I had to hack how Jinja2 generates the
Python code, so that a precompiled template could be imported. The
generated functions expect environment to be present in the module,
and environment is defined in the namespace during exec in
Template.from_code(). Now my lack of Python knowledge strikes, as I
could not import the generated code while inserting the required
environment variable (I asked in #python, and they said it is not
possible :P). So I added a "lazy" environment variable to the
generated code (hacking jinja2.compiler).

So, what you think about wrapping the generated code by a function,
and call the function passing environment and whatever other
parameters are needed in Template.from_code()? Or whatever other
method to make the environment variable 'injectable' without exec
(allowing the code to be imported)? Do you think 'templates as
modules' make sense and can be supported?

I hope this makes sense and I am not missing anything. :-)

-- rodrigo

Rodrigo Moraes

Jun 21, 2009, 3:50:52 PM6/21/09
to pocoo...@googlegroups.com
Here's a proof of concept of what I described, as a diff:


Generated code is wrapped by a run(environment, template) function,
which is executed in Template.from_code() to get the template
variables. The generated code is now importable, and we can load a
template "as module". No compile(), no exec.

Let me know what you think.

-- rodrigo

Rodrigo Moraes

Jun 21, 2009, 6:11:33 PM6/21/09
to pocoo...@googlegroups.com
And hi again.

Some notes about the previous proof of concept:

1) existing cache becomes obsolete (cached bytecodes need to be cleaned).

2) it doesn't affect performance of normal loading or bytecode cache loading.

3) a new loading method can be used - precompiled code as modules
(quick and dirty ModuleLoader example is here [1]).

4) loading from modules is several times faster than using bytecode
cache (from 3 to 5 times in the templates I tested). This will shine
in App Engine and kick a** of everything else, but also can be used
outside of App Engine for those that want extra performance for the
cost of precompiling the templates.

Ok, now I'm definitely flooding pocoo-libs. :-/ Sorry about this. :-)

-- rodrigo

[1] http://paste.pocoo.org/show/124400/

Alexander Trakhimenok

Mar 15, 2013, 6:23:39 PM3/15/13
to pocoo...@googlegroups.com
Rodrigo, has this got any traction?

We are looking to move our project from Django to Jinja2 and such a feature as loading templates as Python modules would be really cook on Google AppEngine.

Your old link to paste.pocoo.org are not working any more, any change to get latest version of this?


Jamie Niemasik

May 26, 2013, 10:05:32 AM5/26/13
to pocoo...@googlegroups.com
Bumping this again. Rodrigo, I'd love to precompile my jinja2 templates on app engine, and it would be wonderful if you could share your code again.

Many thanks,


Feb 17, 2014, 1:51:51 PM2/17/14
to pocoo...@googlegroups.com
I have created a gist of my own Jinja module loader and pre-compiler for App Engine Python 2.7 NDB, based on Rodrigo's work:
You can use it to load modules from a zip archive in your project directory or from the datastore.

See: https://gist.github.com/voscausa/9055838

Op zondag 26 mei 2013 16:05:32 UTC+2 schreef Jamie Niemasik:

Jamie Niemasik

Feb 19, 2014, 8:24:16 AM2/19/14
to pocoo...@googlegroups.com
Terrific, thanks!
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