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May 31, 2013, 12:14:04 AM5/31/13
to pla...@googlegroups.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: green <green...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, May 31, 2013 at 11:12 AM
Subject: Status update
To: rythm...@googlegroups.com

Hi Guys,

I've released rythm-1.0-b9 to maven central repository and just pushed out the first rythm-1.0-b10-SNAPSHOT.

1. The new feature of the new SNAPSHOT version is you can enable dynamic expression in template source by set "feature.dynamic_exp.eanbled" to true, and then you can write something like:

@user.name (@user.email)

while previously you have to write:

@user.getName() (@user.getEmail())

The corresponding play-rythm version is play-rythm 1.0-b9a. checkout it from https://gist.github.com/greenlaw110/2868365

Note when this dynamic expr feature is enabled, the template performance will be downgrade for about 20%, but it's still faster then velocity and a lot faster then freemarker.

2. Also the directive reference is basically done, you can view at at http://rythmengine.org/doc/directive.md

3. A very big security hole at sandbox mode is fixed. Previously you can read my "/etc/passwd" file via http://fiddle.rythmengine.org, and yes it scares me. I am happen that my system hasn't been not broken by someone ^_^

I am now working on rythm integration with other frameworks. The one currently undergoing is JFinal. The next one could be Spring and Struts. Let me know if you want Rythm to integrate with other stuff and I will see when I can organize that.


Raphael André Bauer

Jun 2, 2013, 7:44:57 AM6/2/13
to pla...@googlegroups.com
Hi Green,

awesome work. A statically typed and compiled templating engine for
Java is great!
What about integration with Ninja? The best starting point would be:

Basically you can simply implement the interface, put it on the
classpath and it will replace the built-in Freemarker engine.

I am not 100% sure how to integrate the compilation of rythm templates
with the compile and reload cycles when developing Ninja apps with an
IDE and and jetty. But I am sure you already have plenty of ideas -
you'll need them with any other Java framework (except Play) anyway :)

Keep up the great work!


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