Firebase multi-tenancy with play framework depends on header value of HTTP request

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Al-Mothafar Al-Hasan

Jun 20, 2017, 10:22:11 PM6/20/17
to Play Framework
Hi, I hope you good, may I ask for a little help please with my issue here, I have a play framework project that provides APIs that shared between multiple front-ends, currently, I'm working on single front-end but I want to create a multi-tenant backend, each front-end got its own Firebase account.

My problem that I have to consider which firebase project to access depends on the request header value, that came with different values depends on the front end.

What I have now:

public class FirebaseAppProvider implements Provider<FirebaseApp> {

    private final Logger.ALogger logger;
    private final Environment environment;
    private final Configuration configuration;

    public FirebaseAppProvider(Environment environment, Configuration configuration) {
        this.logger = Logger.of(this.getClass());
        this.environment = environment;
        this.configuration = configuration;

    public FirebaseApp get() {
        HashMap<String, String> firebaseProjects = (HashMap<String, String>) configuration.getObject("firebase");
        firebaseProjects.forEach((websiteId, projectId) -> {
            FileInputStream serviceAccount = null;
            try {
                serviceAccount = new FileInputStream(environment.classLoader().getResource(String.format("firebase/%s.json", projectId)).getPath());
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

            FirebaseOptions options = new FirebaseOptions.Builder().setCredential(FirebaseCredentials.fromCertificate(serviceAccount))
                    .setDatabaseUrl(String.format("", projectId))

            FirebaseApp firebaseApp = FirebaseApp.initializeApp(options, projectId);

  "FirebaseApp initialized");

        return FirebaseApp.getInstance();

Also for Database:
public class FirebaseDatabaseProvider implements Provider<FirebaseDatabase> {

    private final FirebaseApp firebaseApp;
    public static List<TaxItem> TAXES = new ArrayList<>();

    public FirebaseDatabaseProvider(FirebaseApp firebaseApp) {
        this.firebaseApp = firebaseApp;

    public FirebaseDatabase get() {
        return FirebaseDatabase.getInstance(firebaseApp);

    public DatabaseReference getUserDataReference() {
        return this.get().getReference("/usersData");

    public DatabaseReference getTaxesConfigurationReference() {
        return this.get().getReference("/appData/taxConfiguration");
    private void fetchTaxes() {
        DatabaseReference bundlesRef = getTaxesConfigurationReference().child("taxes");
        bundlesRef.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
            public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
                dataSnapshot.getChildren().forEach(tax -> TAXES.add(tax.getValue(TaxItem.class)));
      "==> %d taxes records loaded", TAXES.size()));

            public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
                Logger.warn("The read failed: " + databaseError.getCode());

So I bind them as well from

public class Module extends AbstractModule {

    public void configure() {        bind(FirebaseApp.class).toProvider(FirebaseAppProvider.class).asEagerSingleton();


my ActionCreator:

public class ActionCreator implements play.http.ActionCreator {

    public ActionCreator() {

    public Action createAction(Http.Request request, Method actionMethod) {
        return new Action.Simple() {
            public CompletionStage<Result> call(Http.Context ctx) {

    private void switchTenancyId(Http.RequestHeader request) {
        // DO something here

    private Optional<String> getTenancyId(Http.RequestHeader request) {
        String websiteId = request.getHeader("Website-ID");
        return null;

What I want is when I use Database service, or auth service, I read the website id and decide which firebase project to access, I really tried the solution like this answer here:

Please note I'm willing to use differents projects, not the same firebase project for each front-end.

But kinda lost, especially the request can be only accessed from controller or ActionCreator, so what I got from the question above is load providers by key into `ThreadLocal` and switch them for each request depends on the annotation, but I was unable to do this because of the lack of knowledge.


The minimized version of my project can be found here: 

Also, I uploaded `taxes-data-export.json` file to import inside firebase project for a test.
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