Error compiling 5.1.x on CL5 with Ruby 2.0.0p648

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Trane Francks

23. dec. 2016, 22:20:3723. 12. 16
do Phusion Passenger Discussions

The last successful Passenger gem install on our CloudLinux 5 (based on CentOS) / Apache 2.4.23 server was with 5.0.30. Both Passenger 5.1 and 5.1.1 fail the 'passenger-install-apache2-module' compile with the following output:

rake aborted!
Command failed with status (1): [c++ -o buildout/support-binaries/CoreMain.o  -Isrc/agent -Isrc/cxx_supportlib -Isrc/cxx_supportlib/vendor-copy -Isrc/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified -Isrc/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/libev -Isrc/cxx_supportlib/vendor-copy/libuv/include -D_REENTRANT -I/usr/local/include -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-parentheses -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wno-long-long -Wno-missing-field-initializers -feliminate-unused-debug-symbols -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fvisibility=hidden -DVISIBILITY_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORTED -Wno-attributes -ggdb -DHAS_ALLOCA_H -DHAS_SFENCE -DHAS_LFENCE -DPASSENGER_DEBUG -DBOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS -DHASH_NAMESPACE="__gnu_cxx" -DHASH_MAP_HEADER="<ext/hash_map>" -DHASH_MAP_CLASS="hash_map" -DHASH_FUN_H="<ext/hash_fun.h>" -c src/agent/Core/CoreMain.cpp]

Tasks: TOP => apache2 => buildout/support-binaries/PassengerAgent => buildout/support-binaries/CoreMain.o
(See full trace by running task with --trace)


It looks like something went wrong

The server's Ruby and Apache configuration has not changed since 5.0.30. What should I be looking at to fix this?



24. dec. 2016, 14:16:4624. 12. 16
do Phusion Passenger Discussions
Its odd that you did not get some messages from the compler.  I guess, as the output suggests, try it again with --trace.  There should be some error coming from either c++ or the linker.

Daniel Knoppel

2. jan. 2017, 06:36:392. 1. 17
do Phusion Passenger Discussions
@Trane: The output you pasted is incomplete, the real error is earlier, please paste the entire output you get.

- Daniel
Sporočilo je izbrisano

Trane Francks

5. jan. 2017, 21:25:445. 1. 17
do Phusion Passenger Discussions
Deleted my earlier reply as the output was truncated. Attaching it as a text file here. Seems to be a CURL problem.



Camden Narzt

6. jan. 2017, 15:50:316. 1. 17
do Phusion Passenger Discussions
You should not use curl 7.15.5 it is very old and very vulnerable

Trane Francks

6. jan. 2017, 19:49:216. 1. 17
do Phusion Passenger Discussions
Be that as it may, the installer considers the version in place to be usable. As such, I would not expect compile errors.


Daniel Knoppel

9. jan. 2017, 04:47:339. 1. 17
do Phusion Passenger Discussions
src/agent/Core/SecurityUpdateChecker.h:113: error: ‘CURLE_PEER_FAILED_VERIFICATION’ was not declared in this scope
src/agent/Core/SecurityUpdateChecker.h:119: error: ‘CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE’ was not declared in this scope

These errors are due to curl being too old (these variables were introduced more than 10 years ago).

- Daniel

Daniel Knoppel

9. jan. 2017, 05:16:579. 1. 17
do Phusion Passenger Discussions
Regarding the installer, it just lists the curl version for troubleshooting purposes, but it doesn't enforce any particular version. I've added a patch to fail the check in your case:

But you'll have to upgrade your curl to actually fix the problem.

- Daniel

Trane Francks

9. jan. 2017, 21:24:399. 1. 17
do Phusion Passenger Discussions
Thanks for the clarification. The CURL in place is the official version that ships with CentOS 5. As this server is due to be retired in the next couple of months, I'll just leave Passenger on 5.0.30 and be done with it.

Thanks very much for the help, folks.
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