Video player Youtube without being webview/iframe

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Marcos Rodrigo Ladeia

Jul 5, 2015, 11:10:59 AM7/5/15

This is my first post in the group. I'm starting with Cordova and am very happy with what he provides ease of development.

But I'm a difficulty in relation to Youtube videos, I have to run them efficiently and easily to the User. I do not have experience developing in Cordova I have no knowledge to create such an advanced plugins.

Navigating GitHub, I found a very interesting project of Glitchbone, CordovaYoutubeVideoPlayer that runs on Android and iOS. Efetuei tests and found it incredibly light, unlike embed native video.

My question is this, is there any native of Cordova function that performs a video with such efficiency equal to the GitHub project?

Another issue is, I can edit the CordovaYoutubeVideoPlayer plugin? Edit the player and all functions? Someone shows me a material for study?

Sorry my English. :(

Thank you!
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