Correct way to reference a helper function

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craig buchanan

Mar 19, 2018, 6:25:25 PM3/19/18
to Pester
I'm hoping to refactor code to create into a helper function.

So, this:

Describe "Send-SmsMessage" -Tag 'unit' {

Context "Invalid From number supplied" {

Mock Invoke-WebRequest {
= '{"code": 21212, "message": "The ''From'' number is not a valid phone number, shortcode, or alphanumeric sender ID.", "more_info": "", "status": 400}'
= 400

= New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage $statusCode
= New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException "$statusCode ($($response.ReasonPhrase))", $response
= [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation
= 'WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand'
= $null
= New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorID, $errorCategory, $targetObject
.ErrorDetails = $errorDetails

Throw $errorRecord
} -ModuleName "PsTwilio"

It "throws 'Invalid 'From' Number [21212]'" {
{ Send-SmsMessage -From 'FROM' -To $to -Message $message -Credential $credential -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw "Invalid 'From' number [21212]"

Assert-MockCalled "Invoke-WebRequest" -ModuleName "PsTwilio" -Exactly 1
} # /Context


} # /Describe

becomes this:

 Context "Invalid From number supplied" {

Mock Invoke-WebRequest {
= '{"code": 21212, "message": "The ''From'' number is not a valid phone number, shortcode, or alphanumeric sender ID.", "more_info": "", "status": 400}'
= New-ErrorRecord 400 $message
Throw $errorRecord
} -ModuleName "PsTwilio"

It "throws 'Invalid 'From' Number [21212]'" {
{ Send-SmsMessage -From 'FROM' -To $to -Message $message -Credential $credential -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw "Invalid 'From' number [21212]"

Assert-MockCalled "Invoke-WebRequest" -ModuleName "PsTwilio" -Exactly 1
} # /Context

I've refactored the code to create a New-ErrorRecord into a separate file (Tests\Helpers.ps1):

function New-ErrorRecord
) ....


and dot sourced it at the beginning of the test:

$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
= Split-Path -Parent $here

Import-Module "$projectRoot/PsTwilio.psm1" -Force -ErrorAction Stop

. "$here/Helpers.ps1"

Unfortunately, when I run the tests:
PS> Invoke-Pester -tag unit

I get an error that suggests that it's not finding the helper file:

 Context Invalid From number supplied
[-] throws 'Invalid 'From' Number [21212]' 185ms
Expected: the expression to throw an exception with message {Invalid 'From' number [21212]}, an exception was raised, message was {Exception of type 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException' was thrown.}

Oddly enough, if I open the testing script in VSCode and press F5, the tests work fine.

What's the recommended way to using and including helper files?

Dave Wyatt

Mar 19, 2018, 10:39:26 PM3/19/18
to craig buchanan, Pester
Your helper functions were dot-sourced into the test script, but your mock exists in the psTwillo module, which can't see that scope.  I generally don't use Mock's -ModuleName parameter at all; I use InModuleScope instead.  Then I would put the statement that dot-sources the helper functions inside the InModuleScope block, so they'd be visible from any mocks defined there.

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