JOTR in the crosshairs again

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Rick Smith

Apr 29, 2016, 10:44:06 AM4/29/16
to parklandswatch


Desert Sun (Palm Springs, CA)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016 7:14 pm


Joshua Tree can't stop Eagle Mountain hydropower plant

Sammy Roth, The Desert Sun


Joshua Tree National Park is working to annex more than 25,000 acres of important wildlife habitat to protect it from potential development, even as it appears increasingly likely those lands will surround a massive hydropower plant.

Park officials and conservation groups still oppose the 1,300-megawatt power plant proposed for the Eagle Mountain area, which they say would diminish an underground water supply critical to the national park and harm several at-risk species, including desert tortoises and bighorn sheep. But the project's developer has overcome most of the legal barriers to construction, forcing park officials to mull a future in which the facility gets built.

The National Park Service began studying the possibility of adding lands in the Eagle Mountain area to Joshua Tree last year. The park service has completed its study, and it's holding four public meetings this week and next to solicit feedback. The study's conclusion: The park should annex 25,070 acres immediately surrounding the hydropower project site, most of which are already controlled by the federal Bureau of Land Management.

If everything goes as planned, the bureau could transfer 22,515 acres of public land to the National Park Service this summer, Joshua Tree Superintendent David Smith said. Those lands would immediately become part of the park.

"It's a step in the right direction — protecting these areas from future development," Smith said. "The character of the area will definitely change when the (hydropower) project moves forward, but by not protecting those areas — by not protecting those public lands that are adjacent — those areas become an opportunity to do further development."

Congress carved the Eagle Mountain area out of Joshua Tree National Monument — the predecessor to the national park — more than 60 years ago, so that the industrialist Henry Kaiser could build an iron mine. The mine shut down in the early 1980s as steel production waned, leaving a mostly intact ghost town in its wake. The crumbling ruins have been rented out for film shoots, including scenes for the "Terminator" franchise.

For years, the Kaiser subsidiary that still owned the site wanted to sell it to the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, which would have turned it into a massive garbage dump. But that plan got tied up in court, and in 2013 the sanitation districts backed out. Last year, Kaiser agreed to sell the land to the Santa Monica-based Eagle Crest Energy Company, which had been pushing its hydropower proposal for more than two decades.


In some ways, the Eagle Mountain saga appears to be nearing its conclusion. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved Eagle Crest's hydropower proposal in June 2014, and last October it rejected appeals  from the National Park Service and the Desert Protection Society, a local conservation group. Park officials now believe there's little they can do to stop the energy project from moving forward.

Still, Eagle Crest has yet to secure a contract to sell the electricity its project would generate to Southern California Edison or another utility. The energy regulatory commission agreed last month to push back the company's construction start deadline from June 2016 to June 2018. If and when Eagle Crest secures a utility contract, environmental groups could file a lawsuit to block the project's construction.

A lawsuit is "very much on the table for us, and there are a lot of other folks who feel similarly," said David Lamfrom, California desert program director for the nonprofit National Parks Conservation Association.

Proponents say the project would help California meet its 50 percent clean energy target, a key component of the state's efforts to fight climate change. Right now the state gets about a quarter of its electricity from zero-carbon sources like solar and wind, but getting to 50 percent will be increasingly difficult without new strategies, because the sun doesn't always shine and the wind doesn't always blow.

The Eagle Crest project could help California boost its clean energy supplies by "storing" excess electricity generated by solar and wind farms when supply exceeds demand. The "pumped storage" hydropower plant would use that excess energy to move water from a lower reservoir to a higher reservoir. When demand exceeds supply, the water would be allowed to flow back down to the lower reservoir, generating electricity.

"As Riverside County continues to increase its role in delivering renewable power to the rest of California, we need to find ways to store energy for use at times when solar and wind are not generating power," county Supervisor John Benoit said in a statement last year. "This project helps make renewable energy sources more viable, and in an environmentally sensitive manner."

Opponents, though, say the project would be anything but.

The hydropower plant's reservoirs would be filled with 9 billion gallons of groundwater pumped from the underground aquifer beneath the Chuckwalla Valley. Factoring in evaporation, the project's developer says it would use about 32.6 billion gallons over 50 years — enough to supply 4,000 typical Coachella Valley households over that time period. The aquifer in question is connected to groundwater basins beneath Joshua Tree National Park, and park officials fear that tapping that aquifer would harm ecosystems in the park, diminishing springs that are oases for wildlife.

The Eagle Mountain area is also prime habitat for bighorn sheep, golden eagles and desert tortoises, all of which have seen their habitats fractured and destroyed as human civilization has crept deeper into previously untouched desert. Critics say the Eagle Crest project would continue that destruction. On top of that, they say, the large reservoirs could attract predators like ravens, which would feed on young desert tortoises.

"After decades of fighting the landfill, this project would (cause) many of the very same impacts," said Lamfrom, from the National Parks Conservation Association.

Over the last few months, a group of conservation-minded Palm Springs residents have rallied against the Eagle Crest project. That group includes Nate Otto, who founded the local solar installer Hot Purple Energy. Otto criticized Eagle Crest for pitching its hydropower plant as a renewable energy project, saying there are other, less environmentally damaging ways to integrate more solar and wind into California's energy supplies.

"They're using a bunch of water in an area that's water-starved. There's nothing renewable about that," Otto said. "To me, for a for-profit company to go in and use our natural resources for their gain is a sin."

Palm Springs residents opposed to the project have met with Rep. Raul Ruiz, D-Palm Desert, as well as Mayor Rob Moon and Councilmember Geoff Kors, Otto said. Kors plans to bring the issue before the rest of the City Council at its May 18 meeting, in hopes that the council will approve a letter or resolution opposing the project.

Kors criticized Eagle Crest's proposal, saying it would waste precious groundwater. Like many of the project's opponents, he wants to see the entire Eagle Mountain area — including the historic mining town — added to the national park, which he believes would boost tourism. More than 2 million people visited Joshua Tree last year, spending nearly $100 million in and around the park. Both numbers were records.

Palm Springs "is increasingly moving to be a model city for sustainability," Kors said. "We have to be really conscious about our groundwater, as well as protecting the desert environment surrounding where we live."

In its recently completed boundary study, the National Park Service considered the possibility of adding the whole Eagle Mountain area — all 31,500 acres of it — to Joshua Tree. But park officials say that probably won't be possible, since the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved the pumped storage project and Eagle Crest isn't willing to sell. The park service instead hopes to pursue a more limited 25,070-acre plan, which doesn't include the lands owned by Eagle Crest. Smith, Joshua Tree's superintendent, called that option "the most reasonable and realistic approach."


Still, Smith reiterated his concerns with the hydropower project, saying park officials "will continue to work with Eagle Crest Energy to protect the park as much as possible." He didn't criticize Eagle Crest explicitly, but he indicated the company refused to grant the park service access to the project site while it was conducting its boundary study.

"We hoped that was something we would be able to do, but it hasn’t come to pass," Smith said.

Asked why he wouldn't give the park service access, Eagle Crest President Steve Lowe said in an email that his company is "eager to reach an agreement with (the National Park Service) that outlines how we work together going forward including access to the site for members of the Park Service and the possibility of donating non-project lands that we own to NPS."

A Joshua tree at Joshua Tree National Park, seen onBuy Photo

A Joshua tree at Joshua Tree National Park, seen on July 22, 2011. (Photo: Jay Calderon/The Desert Sun)

Eagle Crest needs one more legal approval before its project can go forward: a right-of-way from the Bureau of Land Management to build power lines and water pipelines. The power lines would carry electricity to Southern California Edison's nearby Red Bluff substation, which was built to accompany the 550-megawatt Desert Sunlight solar farm. The pipelines would carry groundwater, pumped from wells, to the power plant's reservoirs.

Having failed to block the project at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, conservationists hope to convince the Bureau of Land Management not to grant the right-of-way. But that strategy seems unlikely to succeed. Bureau officials say they're only analyzing the environmental impacts of the proposed power lines and pipelines, not the potential impacts of the larger pumped storage facility.

The bureau's California Desert District solicited public comments on the project infrastructure in December and is now preparing an environmental assessment, Deputy District Manager Greg Miller said. The agency does not plan to hold any public meetings once the environmental assessment is finished, Miller added, although it will ask for public comments before finalizing the document.

Lamfrom slammed the agency for not considering the project's larger implications in its environmental analysis. That decision is especially puzzling, Lamfrom said, given that the Bureau of Land Management is part of the Interior Department — the same department that vocally opposed the hydropower project at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, on behalf of one of its other agencies, the National Park Service.

Transmission lines funnel energy from the Desert SunlightBuy Photo

Transmission lines funnel energy from the Desert Sunlight solar farm to the Red Bluff substation near Desert Center, about an hour east of the Coachella Valley, on Aug. 20, 2014. (Photo: Crystal Chatham/The Desert Sun)

At the energy regulatory commission, Interior officials said the hydropower project would "adversely impact park resources" and criticized the commission's environmental impact statement as relying on "stale data." Conservation groups have described the environmental analysis as basically meaningless, since Kaiser — which owned the project site at the time — opposed the hydropower project and never let commission staff onto its property. As a result, the analysis was based almost entirely on aerial surveys and publicly available information.

Now, the Bureau of Land Management is relying on that same environmental analysis as it evaluates the project's proposed power lines and water pipelines.

"Think about the double standard, for them to go on the record and say the science is bad, and then to use that science," Lamfrom said. "We are, as always, yelling at the BLM and saying, ' Hey, what are you guys doing?' You guys are (Interior) as well, and (Interior) has said this is stale data."

Asked why the bureau is using the allegedly flawed data, Miller noted that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved the environmental analysis over Interior's objections.

"It survived its process and we’re moving forward," he said.

It'll be at least a few months before the bureau makes a final decision on the Eagle Crest infrastructure. That's because the agency's state office still hasn't issued a "record of decision" on the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan, which would designate lands surrounding the Eagle Crest project site — where the power lines and water pipelines would be built — as part of an "area of critical environmental concern," or ACEC.

READ MORE: After 7 years, desert renewable energy plan finalized

The Bureau of Land Management is accepting public comments on proposed ACECs through May 10, although agency spokesperson Martha Maciel said she isn't sure how soon after that the designations will take effect. Miller said his office is waiting for the ACECs to become official before deciding what types of environmental mitigation measures to require of Eagle Crest, should it approve the project infrastructure.

While the bureau doesn't plan to hold public meetings on Eagle Mountain, the National Park Service is hosting an online meeting this Friday to get feedback on its plan to expand Joshua Tree, as well as three in-person meetings next week (in Desert Center and Palm Desert on Tuesday, and in the town of Joshua Tree on Wednesday). The park service is soliciting comments through May 27.

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell will ultimately decide whether to transfer 22,515 acres from the Bureau of Land Management to the National Park Service, Smith said. The park service would also work to acquire 2,230 acres of privately owned land west of the hydropower project site, including some lands that Eagle Crest has indicated a willingness to donate after construction is finished, according to the boundary study. Another 325 acres would need to be acquired from the California State Lands Commission.



Rick Smith

5264 N. Fort Yuma Trail

Tucson, AZ 85750

Tel: 520-529-7336

Cell: 505-259-7161


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