How to include package dependencies that are not available via PyPi?

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Jul 7, 2015, 1:40:33 AM7/7/15
Is there a way to include dependencies that are not published PyPi in a pantsbuid BUILD file? Is there an option like dependency_links in setuptools?

Patrick Lawson

Jul 7, 2015, 11:22:36 AM7/7/15
to laali, pants-devel
One example, which mimics the `--find-links` behavior of pip when pex is doing resolution, from our pants.ini:

repos: [

`.wheelhouse` is a directory that our bootstrapping scripts maintain which contains a bunch of (potentially platform specific) wheels that define the universe of third party python dependencies available to pants for resolution.

John Sirois

Jul 7, 2015, 4:52:07 PM7/7/15
to Patrick Lawson, laali, pants-devel
Laalitha's question is likely in re:

I have a fully worked example of Patrick's reccomendation, although the set of prebuilts is kept minimal to highlight exactly which of Laalitha's deps is broken with respect to naive auto-install  via pip/pex/pants:
The issues here center around numpy-ecosystem distributions which have been problematic to install in my experience over at least the last 4 years if not over their entire history.  Though problematic to install these are highly useful/used libs so hopefully the example repo pulls it's weight over time as an example of what to do if you want to use pants and numpy-foo.
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