America’s Epitaph: The U.S. Will Soon Stand Alone vs. the Nations of the World , plus 7 more

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Dr. Paul

Dec 10, 2014, 7:59:33 AM12/10/14

America’s Epitaph: The U.S. Will Soon Stand Alone vs. the Nations of the World , plus 7 more

Link to Pakalert Press

America’s Epitaph: The U.S. Will Soon Stand Alone vs. the Nations of the World

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 03:46 AM PST

This article represents the beginning of the end of the United States. Many who will read this article will find themselves in agreement, at least initially, because the developments which serve to threaten the future existence of the United States because the events are well-documented. However, many will reach a saturation point and will close their computer screen and write an angry response and accuse the author of “fearmongering”. I would rather be labeled a fearmonger than be correct about the developments contained in this article. Americans need to deal realistically with the real reasons why America is about to be run over, both economically and militarily by Putin and his new found friends across the globe. I cannot shake the feeling that this is America’s epitaph and no amount of my own personal cognitive dissonance will convince me otherwise

WWIII Is Guaranteed! “One Step Closer” To “All Out War” Says Russia

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 03:37 AM PST

Russian President Vladimir Putin is issuing a warning, one Americans need to pay attention to before US politicians take us past the point of no return, if they haven’t done so already.

Israel Bombs Syria … Again: Hits Ag Centers, Warehouses

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 03:12 AM PST

On Sunday December 7, Israel reportedly launched airstrikes inside Syria yet again, this time very close to Damascus in the area near Damascus International airport. Israeli airstrikes also took place in the town of Dimas which is located close to the Lebanese border. At this time, Israel has yet to comment on the airstrikes.

Stop believing the lies: America tortured more than ‘some folks’ – and covered it up

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 03:05 AM PST

It wasn’t that bad, we’ve been told, over and over again, for more than a decade. “We only waterboarded three people” goes the line American officials have been force-feeding the world for years. “We tortured some folks,” Barack Obama admitted recently, still downplaying war crimes committed in America’s name. But we now know those statements do not even begin to do justice to the horrific activities carried out by the CIA for years – atrocities that now have been exposed by the US Senate’s historic report on the CIA’s torture program, finally released on Tuesday after years of delay

Cheney: CIA torture program ‘absolutely, totally justified’

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 02:54 AM PST

Former US vice president Dick Cheney has defended the use of torture by the Central Intelligence Agency ahead of the release of a new Senate report on the agency’s controversial program. In a phone interview with the New York Times on Monday, he said the program was “the right thing to do, and if I had to do it over again, I would do it."

CIA torture report: 11 ways in which the CIA was worse than it ever admitted

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 02:46 AM PST

Now we know how bad things were, and how out of control the CIA was as it leapt into action in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. The CIA’s “brutal” programme of so-called enhanced interrogation techniques, which the CIA still refuses to acknowledge as torture, was far harsher than the agency previously admitted or politicians and officials were told. Moreover, the programme was much less effective than the CIA claimed. While the agency said its interrogation techniques had repeatedly “saved lives”, congressional investigators found no evidence of any specific incidents. Often, detainees subjected to the techniques provided false and misleading information

Gruber: Killing ‘marginal’ babies ‘saved the government over $14 billion’

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 02:37 AM PST

Gruber and the co-authors of the study, entitled “Abortion Legalization and Child Living Circumstances: Who is the ‘Marginal Child?,” were apparently attempting to gauge the success of the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case, which legalized abortion in many cases, in terms of how likely an aborted child was to live off the government dole. The ultimate results of the study? In essence, that the welfare system was better off after abortion was legalized because it “saved the government over $14 billion in welfare payments through the year 1994:”

The Strati: a 3D-printed electric car that could be built in 24 hours

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 02:29 AM PST

When Jay Rogers drove away from the International Manufacturing Technology Show in September and toured around Chicago in a two-seater, you could be forgiven for not paying much attention. Unless, of course, you’d watched it rise up out of a 3D printer the size of a shipping container over the past 44 hours. Meet the world’s first 3D-printed electric car

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