Implemented fixes and my speed score is worse?

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Nat M

no llegida,
18 de gen. 2017, 5:20:1718/1/17
a pagespeed-insights-discuss
After testing my site and getting a full report of recommendations, I implemented most of the suggested fixes and my new score is worse than the original! I went from a 59 to a 52 on desktop. 
The changes have registered on the Google PageSpeed test site so I only have one critical recommendation left (instead of 4 that I started with.)
Has anyone else come across this/ know what's going wrong?

Emmanuel Galván

no llegida,
18 de gen. 2017, 20:06:2618/1/17
a pagespeed-insights-discuss
We'll be able to help you better if you tell us what was your optimization settings before, what changed, and how are you optimizing (via mod, htaccess, cdn, etc.)

Kenneth H

no llegida,
31 de gen. 2017, 13:01:3231/1/17
a pagespeed-insights-discuss
please provide additional information if you would like assistance.
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