Why setting Jenkins is more convenient than simply uploading indexes through ssh?

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Victor Shcherb

2012年1月6日 09:29:242012/1/6
收件人 osmand
Hi All,

I'm still trying to explaing benefits of using Jenkins rather than generating locally indexes and uploading to the server. 

Setup Jenkins not so difficult (I tried 2 minutes if you know, if you don't know it is interesting to play with that cool tool).
If you upload indexes you can see something like that : http://new.osmand.net:8080/job/UploadIndexes/266/console.

1) Upload task is failed because you upload wrong indexes. But local UploadIndex job can do upload & verification in one step. So you will check in advance and see it immediately. 
2) Upload task will do upload automatically as soon as you get result! Imagine :
Person A : generated yesterday map B and upload yesterday
Person B : generated week ago map B and upload today.
Person B will override better results of Person A.

I hope now we will not need to wait 1 month to get newer indexes as I see on new server it takes only 3 days maximum. Anyway distributing help is welcome :)

Best Regards,


2012年1月6日 16:22:302012/1/6
收件人 Osmand
I want to set up Jenkins, but never used git before, never heard of
jenkins and ant before, but want to switch some of my tiles@home
machines to osmand machines :D
You say it's easy and takes 2 minutes if you know, I don't know, and
don't have time to play with it.
If it takes you 2 minutes you could share step by step manual for it.
Someting like tiles@home has:

"sudo apt-get install xyz..."


Victor Shcherb

2012年1月6日 17:45:492012/1/6
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
I think that's not so difficult to run :
sudo apt-get install jenkins
sudo apt-get install ant
sudo apt-get install java

But with job configuration it's tricky enough because it require UI configuration. I think I can share XML job configuration but is not so relevant.

Just follow the guide and use live system as example for job configuration http://new.osmand.net:8080/. You also need to provide ssh-key in order to upload your maps to the server. 

Best Regards,

2012/1/6 hbogner <hbo...@gmail.com>

Nicolas Croiset (Campus Grenoble 90,8)

2012年1月7日 01:47:232012/1/7
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com

I currently try to install jenkins on one machine but it seems quiet
difficult. Is there any possibility to use an incoming FTP server where
we can put the files generated manually for automatic checking and
upload on the official server ?

In the news server I don't see any POI .odb files is it normal ?



2012年1月7日 09:00:112012/1/7
收件人 Osmand
> sudo apt-get install jenkins
> sudo apt-get install ant
> sudo apt-get install java
instaled 64bit java
conected to http://localhost:8080/
manage jenkins-> manage plugins-> Jenkins GIT plugin
Create new job->GenerateIndexes
Source Code Management->SCM (source control) : git://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand.git
and Branch Specifier origin/master.

now it gets blurry:
Steps :

ant clean compile jar . Advanced DataExtractionOSM/build.xml.
Shell script

mkdir ~/indexes && mkdir ~/indexes/uploaded

rm -rf .work && mkdir .work && mkdir .work/osm

if [ -z $INDEXES_FILE ]; then INDEXES_FILE="build- scripts/regions/
indexes.xml"; echo "$INDEXES_FILE"; fi

java -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xmx2048M -Xmn256M -
Djava.util.logging.config.file=build-scripts/batch-logging.properties -
cp "DataExtractionOSM/OsmAndMapCreator.jar:DataExtractionOSM/lib/
*.jar" net.osmand.data.index.IndexBatchCreator build-scripts/indexes-
batch-generate.xml "$INDEXES_FILE"

You can point $INDEXES_FILE to any indexes.xml and leave only regions
you want to generate. Please also copy build-scripts/indexes-batch-
generate.xml and update it to your local settings and replace java
program parameter to your local file.

WTF are you talking about????
how do i pull from git? where do i paste that ant.... where do i enter
that shell script????
Not so easy as you say.
Why didnt you use sometnihg BOINC like for this :D


2012年1月7日 09:02:472012/1/7
收件人 Osmand
Git Polling Log

Started on Jan 7, 2012 3:00:51 PM
No workspace is available, so can't check for updates.
Awaiting build to get a workspace.
Done. Took 2 ms
No changes

I cant have workspace withoput the build, i have nothing to build
without git pulling source, git wont pull without workspace... magic

Victor Shcherb

2012年1月7日 20:34:192012/1/7
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
That's I think the issue with Jenkins. First you run build and it will fail however the files will be checkout. 
You should see Workspace in your Job configuration.

So probably you didn't get Jenkins configuration there are 3 main concepts :
1. SCM. Workspace checkout (that you configured as git).
2. Trigger build/generation. Nothing to select because you can run manually.
3. Builds steps. Add as many build steps as you need. Ant step, shell step, or others...

To be honest I didn't know about BOINC and actually the smallest point that can be contributed is 1 region. However some regions are too big.

Best Regards,

2012/1/7 hbogner <hbo...@gmail.com>


2012年1月11日 12:45:382012/1/11
收件人 Osmand
ok generating indexes, but cant upload

java -cp "DataExtractionOSM/OsmAndMapCreator.jar:DataExtractionOSM/lib/
*.jar" net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader /home/.../indexes /home/.../
indexes/uploaded -ssh --url=ssh://... --user=jenkins --privKey=/
home/.../.ssh/id_rsa --path=/var/lib/jenkins/indexes/

changed to

java -cp "DataExtractionOSM/OsmAndMapCreator.jar:DataExtractionOSM/lib/
*.jar" net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader ~/indexes ~/indexes/
uploaded -ssh --url=ssh://jenkins.osmand.net --user=jenkins --privKey=/
home/hbogner/.ssh/id_rsa --path=/var/lib/jenkins/indexes/

get this error
Jan 11, 2012 6:42:46 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader run
INFO: Process file Andorra_europe_1.obf.zip
Jan 11, 2012 6:42:46 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader unzip
INFO: Unzipping file: Andorra_europe_1.obf.zip
Jan 11, 2012 6:42:46 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader zip
INFO: Zipping to file: Andorra_europe_1.obf.zip
file:Andorra_europe_1.obf with desc:Map, POI, Transport, Address index
for Andorra europe
Jan 11, 2012 6:42:46 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader zip
INFO: Zipping to file: Andorra_europe_1.obf.zip
file:Andorra_europe_1.obf.gen.log with desc:Map, POI, Transport,
Address index for Andorra europe
Jan 11, 2012 6:42:46 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader
INFO: Upload index Andorra_europe_1.obf.zip
Jan 11, 2012 6:42:46 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader
INFO: Uploading file Andorra_europe_1.obf.zip 0.3 MB 11.01.2012 of
Map, POI, Transport, Address index for Andorra europe
Jan 11, 2012 6:42:46 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader
SEVERE: Input/output exception uploading Andorra_europe_1.obf.zip
com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/
hbogner/.ssh/id_rsa (Permission denied)
at com.jcraft.jsch.IdentityFile.newInstance(IdentityFile.java:98)
at com.jcraft.jsch.JSch.addIdentity(JSch.java:209)
at com.jcraft.jsch.JSch.addIdentity(JSch.java:195)
at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader.uploadToSSH(IndexUploader.java:
at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader.uploadIndex(IndexUploader.java:
at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader.run(IndexUploader.java:163)
at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader.main(IndexUploader.java:103)
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/hbogner/.ssh/id_rsa
(Permission denied)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:137)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:96)
at com.jcraft.jsch.IdentityFile.newInstance(IdentityFile.java:83)
... 7 more

What now?

Victor Shcherb

2012年1月11日 12:55:412012/1/11
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
Did you send me public key? Yes I see it.

Private key should be  /home/hbogner/.ssh/id_rsa  in folder here and it seems it is not specified there. 
 --privKey=/home/hbogner/.ssh/id_rsa . Probably your public key mismatches with a private?

2012/1/11 hbogner <hbo...@gmail.com>


2012年1月11日 13:01:192012/1/11
收件人 Osmand
-ssh --url=ssh://jenkins.osmand.net --user=jenkins --privKey=/home/

it is set but

Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/hbogner/.ssh/id_rsa
(Permission denied)

i I change access rigts i can't login via ssh normaly

On Jan 11, 6:55 pm, Victor Shcherb <victor.shch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Did you send me public key? Yes I see it.
> Private key should be  /home/hbogner/.ssh/id_rsa  in folder here and it
> seems it is not specified there.
>  --privKey=/home/hbogner/.ssh/id_rsa . Probably your public key mismatches
> with a private?
> 2012/1/11 hbogner <hbog...@gmail.com>


2012年1月11日 13:17:002012/1/11
收件人 Osmand
jenkins couldn access my home folder, fixed, now there is next error:

INFO: Process file Andorra_europe_1.obf.zip
Jan 11, 2012 7:12:22 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader unzip
INFO: Unzipping file: Andorra_europe_1.obf.zip
Jan 11, 2012 7:12:22 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader zip
INFO: Zipping to file: Andorra_europe_1.obf.zip
file:Andorra_europe_1.obf with desc:Map, POI, Transport, Address index
for Andorra europe
Jan 11, 2012 7:12:22 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader zip
INFO: Zipping to file: Andorra_europe_1.obf.zip
file:Andorra_europe_1.obf.gen.log with desc:Map, POI, Transport,
Address index for Andorra europe
Jan 11, 2012 7:12:22 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader
INFO: Upload index Andorra_europe_1.obf.zip
Jan 11, 2012 7:12:22 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader
INFO: Uploading file Andorra_europe_1.obf.zip 0.3 MB 11.01.2012 of
Map, POI, Transport, Address index for Andorra europe
Jan 11, 2012 7:12:23 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader
SEVERE: Input/output exception uploading Andorra_europe_1.obf.zip
com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail
at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(Session.java:464)
at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(Session.java:158)
at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader.uploadToSSH(IndexUploader.java:
at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader.uploadIndex(IndexUploader.java:
at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader.run(IndexUploader.java:163)
at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader.main(IndexUploader.java:103)

Do I create ssh keys for jenkins user and send you those or how????

Victor Shcherb

2012年1月11日 14:05:232012/1/11
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
Try to login simply with ssh. I have one of your public key

...................bKyqAHSzS+ecE0rjpImVMZuJJsPMms9tCXt6QuYZGc+Wrs8t271tyAyK0dClNfJjCaQBkESctNNhHoAtEinV3aIpoC8ryUiuZOJcG3jlmnjGMyU6Qa47IIl2yNqZXGQ9Taur2sJ/DGl8BGl1TDCi7Sf65DCG1kcMqut/IIGNJIw2x5frydvJUlixn9a7 hbogner@komp03

If that doesn't pass we need to update it.


2012/1/11 hbogner <hbo...@gmail.com>


2012年1月11日 14:27:332012/1/11
收件人 Osmand
I can log in normally over ssh with that key and upload over ssh, but
cant upload over jenkins:

Jan 11, 2012 8:16:50 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader run INFO:
Process file Belgium_europe_1.obf.zip Jan 11, 2012 8:16:50 PM
net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader unzip INFO: Unzipping file:
Jan 11, 2012 8:16:54 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader zip INFO:
Zipping to file: Belgium_europe_1.obf.zip file:Belgium_europe_1.obf
with desc:Map, POI, Transport, Address index for Belgium europe
Jan 11, 2012 8:17:08 PM net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader zip INFO:
Zipping to file: Belgium_europe_1.obf.zip
file:Belgium_europe_1.obf.gen.log with desc:Map, POI, Transport,
Address index for Belgium europe Jan 11, 2012 8:17:08 PM
net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader uploadIndex INFO: Upload index
Belgium_europe_1.obf.zip Jan 11, 2012 8:17:08 PM
net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader uploadToSSH INFO: Uploading file
Belgium_europe_1.obf.zip 76.9 MB 11.01.2012 of Map, POI, Transport,
Address index for Belgium europe Jan 11, 2012 8:17:08 PM
net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader uploadFileToServer SEVERE: Input/
output exception uploading Belgium_europe_1.obf.zip
com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail at
com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(Session.java:464) at
com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(Session.java:158) at
491) at
436) at
320) at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader.run(IndexUploader.java:
163) at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader.main(IndexUploader.java:
103) Finished: SUCCESS

Here is my setup again:
java -cp "DataExtractionOSM/OsmAndMapCreator.jar:DataExtractionOSM/lib/
*.jar" net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader /var/lib/jenkins/indexes /
var/lib/jenkins/indexes/uploaded -ssh --url=ssh://new.osmand.net --
user=jenkins --privKey=/var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa --path=/var/lib/

Victor Shcherb

2012年1月11日 14:31:482012/1/11
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
--url=ssh://new.osmand.net ???
You are not able to upload to osmand.net.
You need to upload to jenkins.osmand.net.

2012/1/11 hbogner <hbo...@gmail.com>


2012年1月11日 14:37:022012/1/11
收件人 Osmand
i tested jenkins.osmand.net and new.osmand.net both work over ssh but
none over jenkins


2012年1月11日 14:52:392012/1/11
收件人 Osmand
sent new key

Victor Shcherb

2012年1月11日 16:01:162012/1/11
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
Don't know how do you managed to connect to new.osmand.net? What user did you use? You are not authorized as osm...@new.osmand.net

New key applied to jen...@new.osmand.net.

A! Sorry! This is my fault jenkins.osmand.net=new.osmand.net, you are using proper user jenkins, that's simply my fault.
Can you run "scp" for one of the file? Because what the step simply does (runs scp ....)

It can be blocked because first time you need to press (yes - I know fingerprint of the server) after that it should work.

Best Regards,

2012/1/11 hbogner <hbo...@gmail.com>


2012年1月12日 11:50:502012/1/12
收件人 Osmand

My mistake, mea culpa, moja greška, mein fehler, ...

It was all on my side, mess with private keys, stupid me set a phrase
to the keys, and forgot that if i set it i'll need to type it in every
Latest key was generated without the phrase, and now upload works.
Started whole planet as a test on one machine. Do i send you the keys
for other machines that will run it?
I'll split the regions between those machines.

Thanks for your patience with jenkins beginner :D

Victor Shcherb

2012年1月12日 14:08:452012/1/12
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
Good to hear!

2012/1/12 hbogner <hbo...@gmail.com>


2012年1月12日 15:03:202012/1/12
收件人 Osmand
Next week I'll setup jenkins on 2 more machines and try to divide the
regions between the 3 of them. I'll send you the keys next week for
new machines. For now won't be able to make one a central machine
which would upload to osmand because they are all dual boot and can't
guarantee one will always be up, and it is faster to upload directly.

Happy :D

On Jan 12, 8:08 pm, Victor Shcherb <victor.shch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good to hear!

Victor Shcherb

2012年1月12日 16:43:302012/1/12
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
Thanks, hbogner.

Just a small suggestion will be to not setup everyday upload :) We should have updates only once per week in order to reduce download usage of the server. So if we can schedule it on Mondays it would be good.

I think for now we have overpowered our data builds :) 


2012/1/12 hbogner <hbo...@gmail.com>

Pavol Zibrita

2012年1月12日 16:54:422012/1/12
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com

 Probably, if there are also people out there willing to host some particular maps for download, we could update our scripts so that
we will include their location and redirect downloads for these maps. If someone is willing to update some maps everyday, and can host
the map also for download, we could do at least this. What do you think Victor?
However, firstly, is there anyone who wants something like this?

Best regards,


2012年1月12日 17:03:502012/1/12
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com

2012/1/12 Pavol Zibrita <pavol....@gmail.com>


 Probably, if there are also people out there willing to host some particular maps for download, we could update our scripts so that
we will include their location and redirect downloads for these maps. If someone is willing to update some maps everyday, and can host
the map also for download, we could do at least this. What do you think Victor?
However, firstly, is there anyone who wants something like this?

Best regards,

I suggested to Gfoss association to host also Osmand version of Italian regions (here's the italian files updated once a week http://download.gfoss.it/osm/), last time a person was trying to understand batch.xml file, I don't know how it progressed :)


2012年1月15日 09:37:302012/1/15
收件人 Osmand
OK, should not upload daily, but now still testing with part of europe
daily. I'll stop the daily generation this week, tomorrow is monday,
it's ok to do it tomorrow :D
How should we divide regarding the regions? Who generates what?
When? ...

I'm testing with europe, esize smaller than 50 for now.

<region name="albania" esize="6" />
<region name="andorra" esize="1" />
<region name="belarus" esize="45" />
<region name="bosnia-herzegovina" esize="5" />
<region name="bulgaria" esize="15" />
<region name="croatia" esize="15" />
<region name="cyprus" esize="6" />
<region name="estonia" esize="38" />
<region name="faroe_islands" esize="2" />
<region name="greece" esize="25" />
<region name="hungary" esize="20" />
<region name="iceland" esize="10" />
<region name="ireland" esize="30" />
<region name="isle_of_man" esize="1" />
<region name="kosovo" esize="10" />
<region name="latvia" esize="10" />
<region name="liechtenstein" esize="1" />
<region name="lithuania" esize="10" />
<region name="luxembourg" esize="10" />
<region name="macedonia" esize="10" />
<region name="malta" esize="1" />
<region name="moldova" esize="5" />
<region name="monaco" esize="1" />
<region name="montenegro" esize="2" />
<region name="portugal" esize="15" />
<region name="romania" esize="30" />
<region name="serbia" esize="15" />
<region name="slovenia" esize="15" />
<region name="turkey" esize="20" />
<region name="ukraine" esize="25" />

As I see how it goes after a week i'll add other regions.
I could host some regions for download and could generate them daily,
but first need to run some more tests.


Victor Shcherb

2012年1月15日 09:42:402012/1/15
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
Feel free to take the part whatever you want ;) Current server implementation can actually run whole world in 3-4 days taking into account base week generation it's ok to use only it. However it is good to keep alive map distribution network.

So choose your prefferable regions and generate them. I hope you setup Jenkins with code checkout what means if we do some bugfixes in the code then map generation on your side will get and apply these changes.

Best Regards,

2012/1/15 hbogner <hbo...@gmail.com>


2012年1月15日 09:50:052012/1/15
收件人 Osmand
OK, we'll see what regions my machines can take & handle.
I set it up so first thing is to "Poll SCM" 10 minutes before the
"Build periodically"
That way i get daily updated map generation tools, if i run it daily.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

On Jan 15, 3:42 pm, Victor Shcherb <victor.shch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Feel free to take the part whatever you want ;) Current server
> implementation can actually run whole world in 3-4 days taking into account
> base week generation it's ok to use only it. However it is good to keep
> alive map distribution network.
> So choose your prefferable regions and generate them. I hope you setup
> IJenkins with code checkout what means if we do some bugfixes in the code
> then map generation on your side will get and apply these changes.
> Best Regards,
> Victor
> 2012/1/15 hbogner <hbog...@gmail.com>


2012年1月16日 13:57:072012/1/16
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
Somebody said (I think it was in this thread) that there could be a way
to link to download.osmad.net to another server.
If this is the case, feel free to link to
http://www.pistes-nordiques.org/download/world-ski.obf.zip, the file is
updated daily (these days, it's worth it in Europe !).
I still promise to have a look at Jenkins ...



2012年1月16日 14:33:002012/1/16
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
It could be really great because there is a lot of maps (the biggest is about Hungary) at http://openmaps.eu/letoltes especially http://openmaps.eu/rdl.php?id=HU-osm-zip , this is updated daily. Now I have little time to try the new upload mechanism :( And I'm not sure that I can install jenkinks in the generating server (I'm not the admin:( )

Victor Shcherb

2012年1月16日 19:02:352012/1/16
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
It is very easy. As first step you can try simply schedule daily upload however it is recommended to have weekly uploads.
Upload can be automated by scp command and cron. That will work as a first good step. The maps will be verified on server and will be available at download.osmand.net 

2012/1/16 szimszon <szim...@gmail.com>


2012年1月17日 16:49:422012/1/17
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
Sorry Viktor, it's not clear to me.
scp to where, as who, how can I add my public key?


2012年1月17日 17:28:552012/1/17
收件人 Osmand
It was not clear to me first 10 tries :D
But now I can do it in few minutes as victor said.
I'll write you a complete guide step by step how to configure it
tomorrow or the day after.
Have some patience :D

Victor Shcherb

2012年1月17日 18:53:122012/1/17
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
Anyone who wants to upload files to download.osmand.net should have at least ssh access to jenkins.osmand.net (registration there is not enough).

Currently I see 4 users has access henry@holly (that's new). Any registered user can add new user in authorized_keys file. So you can post public key in open mode (I doubt anyone can hack it) here. So we can register you and provide ssh access.

Without ssh access you can't upload files! Probably it is good to have FTP server but it requires configuration/enviromental issues I doubt it is needed.

If someone finds my wiki page unclear please update it and keep fresh when you install and has some misunderstandings. http://code.google.com/p/osmand/wiki/OsmandMapUpdates


2012/1/17 yvecai <yve...@gmail.com>

Jindřich Makovička

2012年1月18日 05:12:192012/1/18
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
henry@holly is my login id, but if there are four keys marked as
henry@holly, then there is something fishy going on. I sent you just
one public key, and added no other keys to .ssh/authorized_keys.

holly is now down, I can check it when I get home.

Jindřich Makovička

Jindřich Makovička

2012年1月18日 14:50:112012/1/18
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
Ok, I probably misunderstood the sentence, there is only one key
marked as mine, which is correct.

Regarding new index generation, I noticed that DownloadFileHelper now
marks the last extracted file (which is .gen.log), but the download
activity checks the timestamps on .obf, which means the green/blue
marking for out-of-date/up-to-date indexes doesn't work anymore.

2012/1/18 Jindřich Makovička <mako...@gmail.com>:

Jindřich Makovička


2012年2月20日 15:57:012012/2/20
收件人 Osmand
Hi again :D

You said I shouldn't upload to osmand server on the daily basis, so I
setup few countries daily updates and we host them on our server, so
feel free to link to them. It's been few weeks now and no errors.
Jenkins setup checks for code updates so they are all created with
latest builds.
We could even include few more small countries on demand, just ask,
and we'll see what can be done.

Regards, Hrvoje

On Jan 12, 10:54 pm, Pavol Zibrita <pavol.zibr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
>  Probably, if there are also people out there willing to host some
> particular maps for download, we could update our scripts so that
> we will include their location and redirect downloads for these maps. If
> someone is willing to update some maps everyday, and can host
> the map also for download, we could do at least this. What do you think
> Victor?
> However, firstly, is there anyone who wants something like this?
> Best regards,
> Pavol
> On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 10:43 PM, Victor Shcherb
> <victor.shch...@gmail.com>wrote:


2012年2月28日 16:02:492012/2/28
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
I have generated maps from openmaps.eu I can share legally. And I think I'll have a time to set up the upload process.  Here I send my public key. But I have no account in jenkins :(


2012年10月13日 17:18:572012/10/13
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
Hello! I set up my jenkins, can u add my key?

 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCwPVafGGqpFrzkUpxZS9S4euQR3ls7mRSd3E9Fpd20BM4t4+fWMv5riOHf9AwtfPDdkrIeFFwrj3m5ReUkqA6V1vOgApWFb238tlhCfEyNmHdbg2DUNL69Mz49IuWq5Whgyd3zRypVedCYDBNOyU/mF60rrYGc9STCeogOl0r/e2SOCDzVpzs0V026kBz9jjlG9RyW12UP6asCOVtBIZTBHFgjer9oa0NfBIth0AqGiTcfL7CoR/Y+dFCpN2CW4V82GHJYrlqr5LAfbKAokpleSmFhc7G7I8rmTIdb7tw8r9BjAM2+t5nyZHE7mGk187qqM9Gx8UfozcNcLOBCk/nJ ilya@ubuntu

Victor Shcherb

2012年10月13日 18:06:222012/10/13
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com

Could you let me know what are you going to do (upload) and what frequency?


2012/10/13 bloodmage <ivpet...@gmail.com>


2013年2月3日 04:46:142013/2/3
收件人 osm...@googlegroups.com
Hello There!

Log time not been here.

I wonder if someone could help me.

I was uploading openmaps maps to download server but some times ago it is stopped working. Auth error.

Is something changed? I use parameters "-ssh --url=ssh://download.osmand.net --user=jenkins --privKey=id_rsa_osmand --path=/var/lib/jenkins/indexes/" and I got:

febr. 03, 2013 10:33:54 DE net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader uploadToSSH
INFO: Uploading file Slovakia_openmaps_eu_europe_2.obf.zip 15.1 MB 03.02.2013 of
 Map, Roads, POI, Transport, Address index for Slovakia openmaps eu europe
febr. 03, 2013 10:33:55 DE net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader uploadFileToServe
SEVERE: Input/output exception uploading Slovakia_openmaps_eu_europe_2.obf.zip

com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail
        at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(Session.java:464)
        at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(Session.java:158)
        at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader.uploadToSSH(IndexUploader.java:80
        at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader$UploadSSHCredentials.upload(Index
        at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader.uploadFileToServer(IndexUploader.
        at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader.uploadIndex(IndexUploader.java:52
        at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader.run(IndexUploader.java:315)
        at net.osmand.data.index.IndexUploader.main(IndexUploader.java:135)

Can somebody help me with that? Tnx!
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