To go or not to go?

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Oct 19, 2014, 11:45:31 AM10/19/14
I have the opportunity to go and see Asia in London 2014, it's a no brainer for me as I've followed them for the last 30 years, although sadly never seen them live! I would love to take my kids to see them but am unsure this would be suitable with them only aged 14 & 15 anyone out there able to share similar experience? 


Oct 20, 2014, 8:11:02 AM10/20/14
Sure as a good responsible father that´s the way to go...

On Sunday, October 19, 2014 10:45:31 AM UTC-5, sc00byd00 wrote:
I have the opportunity to go and see Asia in London 2014, it's a no brainer for me as I've followed them for the last 30 years, although sadly never seen them live! I would love to take my kids to see them but am unsure this would be suitable with them only aged 14 & 15 anyone out there able to share similar experience? 

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