Daughter and I saw Asia at the Keswick in Philly! Thanks guys!

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John Tischler

Oct 21, 2012, 6:10:04 AM10/21/12
to origin...@googlegroups.com
Asia was just as awesome today as they were 30 years ago.  If anything, the musicianship has improved...if that's even possible!

My daughter and I waited after to show to see if we could see the band as they left.  3 of the guys quickly ducked into a van and took off.  But Steve Howe took the time to say hello to fans and sign autographs!  He signed by daughters jacket and my ticket.  It was awesome!  It's not that I believe that there are no young musicians around with the potential to be THAT good, I just think that the music does not give them the opportunity to reach those levels.

Check out these classic bands while you can.  Take your children.  We may never see their like again in our lifetimes!

Thomas Davidson

Aug 5, 2013, 3:02:29 PM8/5/13
to origin...@googlegroups.com
I was at that concert.  It was no less than amazing.  I spent the extra money to get the meet & greet.  It was worth every penny.  Usually 3 of the 4 members come down for that, HOWEever, Steve Howe invited the whole lot of us backstage for pictures and autographs after we had already met with Geoff, Carl, and John.  Amazing unforgettable experience.
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