Concert Netherlands

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Apr 13, 2014, 1:39:16 PM4/13/14
Hello fooks,

I just saw the lastest video of Asia, the one where U were performing live and I got chills all over.

I allways listend to your music ( among other bands ofcourse and to be honest ), but I got overwhelmed by the song "Heat of the Moment".

Are there any plans to tour through Europe , especially the Netherlands.....than for sure U can count me in.....
I'd rather skip a World Champion Soccer Match of my country if U were planning to come and play on a matchday....I care less, cause I really wanna see U play and enjoy the music that I used to sing with in my old rockcafe.
Going out of my mind every fridaynight with Rock.....

Hope U will come this way....

I wish U and all the members the best of luck and hope U continue writing these fabulous songs.

Greetings from the Netherlands,

Marcel Lebis
Breda, The Netherlands
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