Increase the amount of data per entry on Azure webpage

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Kyle Kelly

Apr 18, 2017, 5:27:17 PM4/18/17
to OpenXC
I am transmitting raw CAN data from a vehicle through the C5 Cellular to an instance of an Azure web server. A typical entry in the data table will look something like the attached photo. This displays about 60 CAN messages from the vehicle, and I receive a transmission from the C5 Cellular every 2-4 seconds.

However, most entries seems to have cut off JSON strings at the beginning or end. Additionally the web page will never display data from bus 2. The passthrough file does allow for raw data from both buses. 

I saw this post about limiting transmission rate. But I would also like to be able to display more data per entry, specifically so that I display a mix of bus 1 and bus 2 data. Am I correct to assume this is done on the web app side? I don't have much experience in web development so any help pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated.

The constant 
const int MaxLoggedDataEntries = 1000;
does not appear to be what I'm looking for. 


Screen Shot 2017-04-18 at 4.40.10 PM.png

Eric Marsman

Apr 19, 2017, 11:11:44 AM4/19/17
to OpenXC
Hey Kyle,

For CAN2, the default OBD-II to DB9 cable with the C5 Cellular does NOT connect to CAN2 on Ford vehicles. Did you modify it? If you did, it is also possible that this is related to this issue that we just discovered on C5 BLE, but I think that's specific to sending diagnostic commands, not reading CAN data. I have not confirmed that yet though.

For the data being split, all data should be there. It's just filling up the buffer (SEND_BUFFER_SIZE and then sending. The remaining portion of your JSON should be at the beginning of the next record. e.g. "value" is split below. If you are seeing packets that aren't complete, then that's a different issue. 


Kyle Kelly

Apr 19, 2017, 11:48:15 AM4/19/17
to OpenXC
Thanks Eric.

No, I didn't realize that the cable didn't connect to CAN2. I'll modify it and get back to you if I'm still having issues, but this will probably resolve things.

I completely misdiagnosed the buffer issue. Do you know off the top of your head how tight memory is in the hardware? I'd like to increase the buffer size without causing an overflow. Also, do you know if this would cause a problem on the network side?


Eric Marsman

Apr 20, 2017, 1:06:38 PM4/20/17
to OpenXC
Memory is a little tight. But increasing the buffer size won't change what you get really. It'll just put more data in the transmissions and increase the delay between receiving records. You will still have breaks and have to piece them back together.

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