Fwd: Problem with downsampling and filling policy returning empty datapoints array

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Александр Н

2018年3月1日 07:03:152018/3/1
收件人 open...@googlegroups.com

Hello. I have got an issue with downsampling when using null filling policy:
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"start":1411193000, "queries":[{"aggregator":"sum", "metric":"pool.stats.hashrate", "tags": {"pool": 14}, "downsample":"17391s-avg-null"}]}'
This query returns an empty array of datapoints but same query without filling policy:
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"start":1411193000, "queries":[{"aggregator":"sum", "metric":"pool.stats.hashrate", "tags": {"pool": 14}, "downsample":"17391s-avg"}]}' returns lots of results.
I found out that query with policy works up to 90 minutes including but when i try 91 minute or 5460s or 5460000ms i get same result(no datapoints) but if i specify period in hours it works(as example 17391 seconds is 4,830833333 hours and when i try 5 hours datapoints are being returned correctly). I use stable version of Opentsdb 2.3.0. I am not sure if this is some kind of bug but logs saying this:
мар 01 15:52:42 archlinux opentsdb[32568]: 15:52:42.338 [AsyncHBase I/O Worker #7] DEBUG n.opentsdb.core.AggregationIterator - No DP in range for #0: 1410700354000 < 1411023600000
мар 01 15:52:42 archlinux opentsdb[32568]: 15:52:42.338 [AsyncHBase I/O Worker #7] DEBUG n.opentsdb.core.AggregationIterator - No DP in range for #1: 1410700354000 < 1411023600000


2018年5月22日 13:50:432018/5/22
收件人 OpenTSDB
^^ yeah that's the issue, computing the interval. I filed https://github.com/OpenTSDB/opentsdb/issues/1216 to track this.
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