Does OpenRules facilitate Language Manipulation on Data ?

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2014年2月17日 中午12:16:142014/2/17


I ran into this forum while searching for a rules engine that facilitates language manipulation effectively. Here is my business problem - I have a health benefits database with 5000 different plans.
For each benefits service (like PCP, or Chiropractor or Inpatient Admissions etc) I need to be able to state the same benefit the plan provides in 5 -10 different ways. For example if the PCP costshare/benefit of a plan "XYZ Care Elect Saver" is "$50 copayment after deductible. Copayment waived for first two visits". I need to state this language in several different ways depending on the several different reports I output it into.

So report 1 will need to say "$50 copay. after deductible" 
Report 2 will need to say "$50 copayment and then "deductible applies first" in another field. 
Report 3 will say "$50 copayment after Ded."
Report 4 will say "Once deductible applies, its $50 copay."
Report 5 will say "$50 copayment"
Report 6 will say "$50 copay. after ded."
Report 7 will say "$50 copay after deductible. Copayment waived for first two visits"
Report 8 will say "$50 copayment"
and so on. So as you can notice, it is the same language but just manipulated a different way based on the requirement of the report or customer.

My database source is excel/oracle DB/Acess/CSV file. How can OpenRules help me with this or is there any other tools you recommend to use for such manipulation ? Ideally the rules engine or software should be able to intake/ understand the source data and based on a  formatting/manipulation rule you specify for the different report types, it should be able to create the algorithm, and apply that algorithm for a particular benefits service (like PCP, or Chiropractor or Inpatient Admissions etc) across all the other rows/ source data, let you set or dictate the algorithm for each benefit service, specify exceptions and accordingly output the data in the format you want.

Any opinions or advice is greatly appreciated!

OpenRules Support

2014年2月17日 下午2:09:272014/2/17
It seems what you call "algorithm" may be quite easy presented as a set of decision tables with such decision variables as "Plan", "Benefit Service",  "Report Type", etc. Your decision tables will consider different combinations of these (and probably other) variables and will produce output like "Report Statement". You need to clearly separate the business logic producing the decision output from your data. We recommend you to start with the definition of various decisions your system has to make, and then define the logic using decision tables. The decision will have input and output parameter hat will contain objects that you will get from your database and transform to Java objects. Then you will execute your decision that will produce an output, and you may save it back to your database. We provide a simple JDBC interface but you may use any standard API to communicate with your data source. Start with one simple decision and try to close the development loop ASAP.Yo wold be able to add more complex logic later on ad additional Excel-based decision tables. You may use this tutorial as a prototype. f you have any problem building your own OpenRules project contact us at
Good luck,

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