asynchronous lua-resty-exec/lua-resty-shell

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Nelson, Erik - 2

Jan 12, 2017, 2:10:28 PM1/12/17

I'm trying to asynchronously execute programs in openresty, and lua-resty-exec and lua-resty shell have nice nonblocking interfaces along the lines of


local exec = require'resty.exec'

local prog ='/tmp/exec.sock')

local res, err = prog('uname')


I know that prog() in this case doesn’t block the web werver, but it does block progression the request.


I’m hoping to do something along the lines of this pseudocode.


location /run_program {
    content_by_lua_block {
        local prog = require'resty.exec'.new('/tmp/exec.sock')
        local handle = async_prog(‘long_running_program')  -- I don’t want to wait until the subprocess exits here
        ngx.say(‘started a long running program at handle ’ .. handle)


location /check_program_status {
    content_by_lua_block {
        local handle = ngx.req.get_uri_args().handle
         local res, err = async_prog_wait(handle)  -- also don’t block here, just status like waitpid() with WNOHANG
        ngx.say(‘long running program status is ’ .. res)


Anyone have any ideas?  Or a suggestion for a better way to do it?





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John Regan

Jun 22, 2017, 12:35:39 PM6/22/17
to openresty-en,
Hi there! Author of lua-resty-exec here, long-running processes are tricky, but do-able.

lua-resty-exec keeps a connection open while a program is running, and you can't pass connections to different contexts (you'll get a "attempt yield across c boundary" error).

So, in my init_worker_by_lua_block, I fire up a "process manager" in an nginx timer - this basically spawns a background thread, like

init_worker_by_lua_block {
= require('process_manager').new()

That "process manager"'s run function connects to some notification system - in my case, I use redis. Any other pub/sub type of system could work, like, or maybe the process manager just continuously polls for new jobs from some queue system, whatever.

Then when I want to fire up some long-running, background program, I fire off a notification with details on what program to run.

The background "process manager" picks up the notification, and it calls the "prog" function in an nginx thread, like

local handle = ngx.thread.spawn(function()
local res = prog('long_running_program')

and then stores that handle in a table, and said table is keyed to something based on the program arguments or some other property (ie, maybe you're keeping track of users so you key off of that).

There's a few ways to check the status - I *think* you can call "coroutine.status" on the thread handle, or that might not work, I'm not really sure. Everything I do is event-based, so when my program exits, I broadcast a notification that it's done and things react appropriately. Some other ideas:

Have your ngx.thread.spawn function set/unset something in shared memory, like:

local handle = ngx.thread.spawn(function()
local res = prog('long_running_program')

Then you can call "ngx.shared.progs.get('some-
key')" to check if the process is still running or not.

Hope that helps!

Nelson, Erik - 2

Jun 22, 2017, 12:52:30 PM6/22/17
to John Regan, openresty-en

Those are some useful ideas, I appreciate the response!  In the meantime I hacked together an asynchronous version using luvit, which was a bit of fun.


But I’ll review and see if your suggestion is more appropriate, I’d rather not maintain my one-off code if I don’t have to.

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