[Ask]Can the openrefine linked to database directly ?

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febri dwiandriani

Oct 14, 2016, 12:03:50 AM10/14/16
to OpenRefine
I get a task from my lecture,
Can the openrefine linked to database (hadoop/mysql) directly ?

I can't find the way :/ or clear tutorial, i need help.
thank you.

Owen Stephens

Oct 14, 2016, 5:27:58 AM10/14/16
to OpenRefine
The basic software doesn't link to any database directly, but....

1) It may depend on what purpose you want to 'link'  - e.g. you could layer a generic API or OR Reconciliation service over the top of the database to be able to use data from the database to enhance data you already have in  OR
2) There have been several suggestions/discussions about doing this and I think some proof-of-concept connections - you should be able to find some discussions using search terms like 'mysql', 'database' or 'hadoop' etc on this forum - e.g. see https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/openrefine/mysql%7Csort:relevance/openrefine/TOgkfvI4ZV4/qxBGSW-ccFgJ
3) At least one OpenRefine extension I know of uses OpenRefine to upload data directly to a database and draws information down from the database to help data manipulation in OR - have a look at the OR forks and extensions listed on http://openrefine.org/download.html - some of these may have database integration (the one I know of is the GOKb extension)

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