Installing Stomp on cPanel and getting feed.

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May 11, 2015, 1:39:24 AM5/11/15
Hi All,

I am extremely new to these data feeds, however have been using PHP and mySQL for some time now.

I have a web hosting package which uses cPanel. I am unable to install STOMP etc.

I have looked at all the various documentation and cannot seem to get it working.

First of all is it possible to download STOMP locally then upload it to my domain?
or does it need installed as such?

Apologies if these seem silly or trivial questions.



Mike Flynn

May 11, 2015, 2:56:11 AM5/11/15
You're maybe aware, there's lots of posts on this subject.  Some think it can be easy getting STOMP to work and/or receive the feeds.  Others, including myself, have found it not so simple.  First I'd say do a search on this forum.  As I say, there's a lot of information.  

Your current situation, using PHP and MySQL on cPanel, was similar to my starting position.  In a summary I'd say you first want to get access to, if you don't have already, a linux shell.  Then install stomp  as a PHP extension (can be difficult depending on flavour of linux and version of PHP).  Once connected I'd recommend sending data to your db and do any further processing independantly.  On windows, I wasn't able to find any STOMP PHP dll (though I've also heard there is one out there somewhere).  I was also eventually able to connect to the feed using Java with the Gozirra extension and this on Windows and Linux.

There's many to skin a cat, as they say, and this is the case reading these feeds.  Depending on which methodology you go with You might do well and be up and running in a few hours.  My experience and knowing your starting position, unfortunately I'd say you'll be looking at quite a few more hours at least.  

And then when you do get a connection it apparently (I've not done much testing myself and don't yet use the feed) cuts out every so often and with limited access to the other end you're back in a kind of guessing game again.  As I say above though, others have found the process straightforward.  It will be interesting to hear back how you get on. Have fun :)
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