Why is the code in my post navigation feed if it has publications in it?

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Dennis Van Acker

Mar 6, 2018, 8:45:58 AM3/6/18
to Open Publication Distribution System
In the Feedbooks catalog (http://www.feedbooks.com/catalog.atom), 
the third entry has the "kind=navigation" attribute in its link

Why is this navigation feed instead of acquisition feed?
When checking out the href, you can see that entries are publications

In the feedbook primer, they say this:
  1. Catalog links, pointing to another feed and used in Navigation feeds
  2. Publications, listing various metadata and providing an acquisition link in an Acquisition feed --> WHY THE KIND = "NAVIGATION" THEN?"
Is this a development mistake or am i overlooking something? 

I'm new to OPDS, could really use some help since it already confuses me after the first 10 min...

Thanks in advance

Hadrien Gardeur

Mar 6, 2018, 8:52:16 AM3/6/18
to ope...@googlegroups.com
Hell Dennis,

This is indeed a mistake, this link used to point to a navigation feed before but that's no longer the case.

In general though, only treat this information as a hint, not something that you use to define the behaviour of your app/parser.

Modern parsers (take a look at: https://github.com/readium/readium-opds-swift) work with an abstract model that does not need such hints at all. The next revision of OPDS (2.0) will also move to a multi-collection model that will allow a feed to contain both navigation and acquisition, as well as multiple groups of publications.


Dennis Van Acker

Mar 6, 2018, 9:25:01 AM3/6/18
to Open Publication Distribution System

Op dinsdag 6 maart 2018 14:52:16 UTC+1 schreef Hadrien Gardeur:
Thank you very much for the information! 
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