[Off-topic] Ireland - semi-commercial engineering

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Mar 22, 2012, 6:20:00 PM3/22/12
to Open Manufacturing
Hi all,

I'm an engineering student and want to find others in Ireland who
1. are interested in non-commercial culture, and
2. are interested in open-source software/hardware.
I am hoping to help establish a hub for "semi-commercial" initiatives
in Dublin in the near future.

Specifically, there are two things I'd like to do:
1. help to set up a "sharespace" somewhere in the greater Dublin area
( http://sharewiki.org/en/Sharespace ), and
2. help to set up a partly-commercial engineering initiative.
I say "partly-" or "semi-" commercial because - although this would be
a genuine and concrete effort at bringing about non-commercial
alternatives - we obviously need a certain amount of money for various
reasons in the medium-term. So we need to figure out some sort of
compromise - and this probably means engaging in commerce to a certain

The first project I have in mind is Repraps - i.e. building, selling
and sharing them - but we could look into a lot of other projects as
time advances. E.g., in due course we could explore designs such as
Elphel cameras, USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripherals), DSO Nano
(open-source digital oscilloscope), SLS wax printers (followed by lost-
wax casting) etc..

Technically, we would probably be declaring ourselves legally as a
business of some sort - but a significant amount of the work done
would be done on a non-commercial basis. What portion of the work done
would be commercial and what portion non-commercial would probably
vary over time - and is something we could figure out as we go along.

The general maxim would be this: if we have the time and wherewithal
to help people outside a commercial context - and if we have some sort
of assurance as to the trustworthiness of their character - we do so.
Whenever we fear that these practices might compromise our commercial
viability, we stand back and reevaluate. So we try to focus first-and-
foremost on the intrinsic value of the work we are doing - but we also
make allowances for the "way of the world".

I raised this issue on the Reprap Ireland forums recently:
Finally, I am involved with an informal group called "Sharing
Ireland": http://www.facebook.com/groups/SharingIreland/ . Anyone is
welcome to get involved in that also (as of yet it is solely an online

If anyone is interested, don't hesitate to contact me. And forward
this to anyone you think might be interested.


Giovanni Lostumbo

Mar 23, 2012, 8:15:06 AM3/23/12
to openmanu...@googlegroups.com
You're familiar with Cathal Garvey? He made the Dremelfuge on Thingiverse and is largely involved in Do-it-yourself Biology open tech and software in Ireland: http://www.indiebiotech.com/


Mar 24, 2012, 5:26:13 AM3/24/12
to Open Manufacturing
Hi Giovanni,

I am indeed aware of Cathal's work, and am subscribed to both the
global and local diybio newsgroups. Regarding this particular
proposal, however, I would prefer to leave the ball in other people's
court. Contacting people individually might seem somewhat over-
zealous. (Cathal or anyone else involved in this sort of thing is more
than welcome to contact me at any stage.)

Also - on a separate note (regarding commercial vs. non-commercial
activity) ...
There wouldn't be an onus on anyone to get involved in the commercial
aspect of things. Ideally people could choose the nature and extent of
their involvement.


On Mar 23, 12:15 pm, Giovanni Lostumbo <giovanni.lostu...@gmail.com>
> You're familiar with Cathal Garvey? He made the Dremelfuge on Thingiverse
> and is largely involved in Do-it-yourself Biology open tech and software in
> Ireland:http://www.indiebiotech.com/
> On Thursday, March 22, 2012 6:20:00 PM UTC-4, davidc wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm an engineering student and want to find others in Ireland who
> >         1. are interested in non-commercial culture, and
> >         2. are interested in open-source software/hardware.
> > I am hoping to help establish a hub for "semi-commercial" initiatives
> > in Dublin in the near future.
> > Specifically, there are two things I'd like to do:
> >         1. help to set up a "sharespace" somewhere in the greater Dublin
> > area
> > (http://sharewiki.org/en/​Sharespace <http://sharewiki.org/en/Sharespace>), and
> >http://forums.reprap.org/read.​php?201,121971<http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?201,121971>
> > Finally, I am involved with an informal group called "Sharing
> > Ireland":http://www.facebook.com/​groups/SharingIreland/<http://www.facebook.com/groups/SharingIreland/>. Anyone is

Giovanni Lostumbo

Mar 24, 2012, 8:29:46 AM3/24/12
to openmanu...@googlegroups.com
Hi David,
 One of my recent interests is in looking to develop printable water ultrafilters w/RepRap. The resolution of the printheads are likely still a bit thick for nanometer width, but nonetheless interesting using a polyester bioplastic membrane. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultrafiltration#Membrane_geometries


On Thursday, March 22, 2012 6:20:00 PM UTC-4, davidc wrote:
On Thursday, March 22, 2012 6:20:00 PM UTC-4, davidc wrote:
On Thursday, March 22, 2012 6:20:00 PM UTC-4, davidc wrote:
On Thursday, March 22, 2012 6:20:00 PM UTC-4, davidc wrote:
On Thursday, March 22, 2012 6:20:00 PM UTC-4, davidc wrote:


Apr 5, 2012, 9:34:34 AM4/5/12
to Open Manufacturing
Hi Giovanni,

I know very little about filtration, but the idea sounds promising.
Have you inquired about this on the Reprap forums? Someone there might
be able to offer criticism or guidelines.

On a separate note, I have published a formal invitation to anyone
interested in the afore-mentioned concept at http://indigo.uk.to/~david/notice.html
. A brief summary can be found on the Sharing Ireland website:
http://sharingireland.net/node/4 .

I am officially looking for co-workers / partners to start this with.
If it's not to be I can live with that, but I intend to at the very
least try.

Even if you're not in Ireland I'm intersted in hearing from you.


Giovanni Lostumbo

Apr 5, 2012, 10:34:47 AM4/5/12
to openmanu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Dante ,sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. I saw the ecovillage website and wondered if it would be compatible with Open Source Ecology's GVCS: http://opensourceecology.org/gvcs.php


I have looked into the forums and the topic was mentioned back in 2008. I figure it is best to keep reading and searching for new hardware developments, peripheral or integral to platforms that I might want to work on. I don't have programming experience, but would learn certain skills if I seem like the most likely person to complete it.

I wonder if it would be a bit redundant to think outside of printing hardware, as in designing computer cases, such as ATX and mini-ITX cases, which could be printed with plastic, and could serve as modified chasses for very specific RepRap/RepStrap hardware, which would be addressing more of a cosmetic issue, similar to the mod for the Raspberry Pi:  http://liliputing.com/2012/03/modmypi-case-covers-the-35-raspberry-pi-pc-for-about-13.html but also, using hardware that is fully GPL-compliant such as the Mele A1000, by Rhombus Tech.

Thus I can research the "workstation" components that would aid in developing a semi-commercial open engineering project.



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Giovanni Lostumbo

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